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Member Since: January 3, 2011
Favorite Sift: Barking Cat Trolls Dogs From Window
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Last Power Points used: March 8, 2017
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If you are looking for a video to upvote, try this search for my pqueue'd videos or look in my to promote playlist for ones I'd like to see sifted.
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Avatar image middle layer from the late fotopedia - http://www.fotopedia.com/users/andrefranchini
Top and bottom layers from videosift
My recently posted vids.
Member Since: January 3, 2011
Favorite Sift: Barking Cat Trolls Dogs From Window
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Last Power Points used: March 8, 2017
Available: now
Power Points at Recharge: 1 Get More Power Points Now!
Cheers brother!
ty soooooo much
Welcome back, and happy new year.
Holy shit! Thank you so much!
too kind that is so nice
Happy New Year to you to man
Happy new year.
I'll second that, congrats on the shiny silver star
Happy Holidays!
You just received a gift of 5 Power Points from member @Mordhaus. What a generous meatbag.
Thought you might want to see the craziest looking pile up https://youtu.be/Y1n8F4uClUU
double thanks!
*related=https://videosift.com/video/Evo-Devo-Despacito-Biology-Parody-A-Capella-Science (about the atoms, molecules, and cells making up creatures or people)
Cheers. It was unexpected, and I'm actually happier about it than I thought I would be. Now to decide what to do with all this power
Congrats on the shiny bronze star
Why, thank you
Congrats on the shiny silver star
Hi @lucky760, I don't know if you've seen this too, but over the last few days I've been seeing the following error sometimes on video pages:
A reload fixes it, it just seems to be an intermittent problem.
triple thanks!
*quality *doublepromote
Good one, but to be fair, Jim and his lackeys had plenty of guns, and they almost certainly used them to force many to drink, and definitely used them to murder congressman Ryan and his group.
November 18, 1978.
Ok, I'll take once every 40 years.
November 18, 1978.
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