
Member Profile

A little about me...
I downvote people deliberately harming animals, or causing them to be harmed. So setting up one creature to kill another for some "cool" video will get my downvote pretty much everytime. It doesnt mean we cant be friends! :o)

Member Since: June 13, 2007
Last Power Points used: July 15, 2015
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Comments to moodonia

Fusionaut says...

please do! The more viddies in there the merrier!

In reply to this comment by moodonia:
Thank you sir! I made the change, its good to have some unparliamentary language now and then!


Congratulations on the Celtic channel! You must have gotten the diamond recently? I only noticed that now, I'm a bit slow these days lol I will have to start slapping that tag on a few things I've sifted.

In reply to this comment by Fusionaut:
pssst: is dead/

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by moodonia:
I enjoyed what you had to say about violence being the narcotic of the mentally stunted. Very very true. I live in a semi-dodgy area, not particularly awful but theres enough stunted people around that having to deal with that all the time, gets tiresome, so its nice to see fellow humans not down with the whole inflicting suffering thing

In reply to this comment by enoch:
like my poppa used to always say 'don't let your alligator mouth try to write checks your hummingbird ass can't cash".
while the dude was just being stupid and runnin at the mouth it was the girls with the camera that were instigating that dumb ass.first they feign horror at the dude getting pummeled and then basically laughed at him.
why is it there is always some stupid girl crying "kick his ass" and then when it goes south for their supposed "champion" they get indignant?
it is just idiocy.
now the dude is bleeding over everything and trying to regain some semblance of dignity by continuing to talk trash and the girls just laugh at him.
violence is the narcotic of the mentally stunted.

thanks man.
it is sad to watch is it not?
i truly believe that the more saturated our society becomes with media wrought by consumerism.
the less value many people seem to put on human life,freedom and dignity.
respect and honesty are pushed aside for self-indulgence and instant gratification.
mike judge created the movie "idiocracy" as a is becoming apparent that it may have been more prophetic than comedy.

Fusionaut says...

You have a Zappa playlist???!!? awesome... hmmm, I kind of remember it I think. Zappa is awesome

In reply to this comment by moodonia:
Thanks again for the promote! I am right now going through your playlist too and thanks for the invitation, I had no idea invites could be made so I will will have to send you one to the Zappa playlist I made. Sorry my response time has been slow, we have two inches of snow here so naturally the entire country has ground to a halt (including my metabolism), I've only briefly broken out of hibernation to catch up online

In reply to this comment by Fusionaut:

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