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Member Since: March 15, 2006
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Comments to michie

dbot2006 says...

Hey! Congrats! Seems like the sports sift has become very popular, this can only mean good things for a sports clip junkie such as myself.
So...come get one in the yarbles, if thou hast any yarbles.

bamdrew says...

many thank michie... i'd like to thank all the hardworking gold farmers of Beijing, who toiled day and night finding new Chris Cunningham videos and crazy Scandinavian/Japanese band promos that barely made it out of the queue... they're the real heroes here, not me.

In reply to your comment:
congrats on your Gold !

wildmanBill says...

I'm going to be a typical American and admit to being a baseball junkie. Love that frakkin' game. Also, way to go building your collective. None of the other collecives have exploded quite as successfully as yours has. I give it less than a month and Sports Sift will be number 1.

obscenesimian says...

"Come check it out and join up if ya want

whats your sport?”

Sorry it took so Long,

I used to like American Football, but now it seems so pathetic after seeing all the aussie rules, rugby and the like here on the sift.

My favorite sports are:
Cycling, mountain and road
skiing and snowboarding
Rock climbing.

Oatmeal says...

Thanks for making me the feature member of the Sports Sift!
As for me, I'm from Canada, probably fairly obvious. The pic is of the British Columbia flag, the province I live in.
Favorite sport to watch is hockey, again pretty obvious. My teams are Vancuover(where I live), Ottawa and Pittsburgh.
I'm also a huge cycling fan, as my family owns a bike shop. Any cycling videos automatcally get an upvote from me.

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