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Member Since: June 17, 2007
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Comments to kitchenwench

MINK says...

Copyright is a limited period of time during which an author can exploit the market for his work without having to compete against someone else copying his work.

It was started in order to encourage diversity and creativity, and to help artists make money from their labour, it was not designed to confer "ownership" of a series of letters or images or sounds.

In no way was copyright envisaged as a way to stop people's dog videos being mashed up on YouTube.

I make videos professionally, and if someone made a million bucks out of an exact copy of my work, with his name on it, then yes i would be pissed off and sue him and win.

But that's different to someone getting a few upvotes for a dog video.

I find the words "intellectual property" disgusting. And if "someone downloaded it" then that means you uploaded it and took the risk.

kisses, MINK

In reply to your comment:
And my photographs are JUST pictures of food, yet their still my intellectual property. My problem with the video that was removed was that some person downloaded it and edited it without my consent - making it look as though Mr Woofy (my dog) was SCARED of the video, when in reality he was just super excited and trying to find the kitty to play with it.

Tell me that if you created a video, and someone 'creatively' cut bits out so that it changed the reality of the situation, then proceeded to post it all over the internet and claim it as his own original work as well as trying to profit from it, that you wouldn't be upset?

In reply to your comment:
"infringed my copyright TOC blah blah" jesus, it's a video of a dog watching youtube FFS.

choggie says...

I copied my comment, in case you ever look at yer own comment post again

Hey....copyright is a rules-oriented way to view transmission of information, based upon some desire for onesself...($$, fame, own-mind-legend-status)....the law should be, if it floats in the either, it belongs to ALL!!!

That goes for the Crack Spider's Bitch, as well.........remember his story???? True talent, needs no copyright....just fuel for creativity...
In reply to your comment:
This video is no longer viewable as it violated YouTube's TOC and infringed my copyright of the material. The original video which this user downloaded and edited without my consent can be viewed here -

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