doogle HK

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A little about me...
I was tied to the cross.

Member Since: July 7, 2007
Last Power Points used: August 17, 2014
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Comments to doogle

BoneRemake says...

That is a fantasticly ignorant comment. I hope you are as drunk as I am. To state the obvious, Firefighters do NOT sit on their ass all day waiting for calls. I do not know what hill billy town you are from, but in centers with populations worth mentioning, Firefighters fuck around productively.
In reply to this comment by doogle:
Disgusting. You're not hired by the state to turn against it. You don't like the retirement plan? Learn another trade where you can sit on your ass all day waiting for an incident.

Duckman33 says...

*whew!* You never know these days, thought that was out of character for you.

In reply to this comment by doogle:
>> ^Duckman33:

>> ^doogle:
Was the guy expecting to hear Mittens continue with: "Yeah, I'm against it, but don't you worry, punks like you can continue to get away with doping yourself while you leech off the system."

Are you fucking serious with this attitude? Punks like him leaching off the system? So you exoect him to go out and get a job then? Wow.

No, I'm not fucking serious. Take a breather, I had my Mittens hat on, wondering what he'd be saying. Keep up. And take note, I'm from CANADA. Medical MariJane is legal here, and we all have a system open to all, but no one's leeching. Grab your skis, come up and check it out. I hear you're in for a bumpy tide.

Fletch says...

Guess I did. Sorry. It was a friendly attempt at levity.

In reply to this comment by doogle:
>> ^Fletch:

>> ^doogle:
I'm less interested in hearing about wil Wheaton talking about the kardashains as I am interested in hearing a kardashian talk about wil.

I'm here to confiscate your Nerd Card. Wil Wheaton rules.

you read me wrong. I don't care sh*t about the Kardashians, so I don't care much about what Wil has to say about them. But I am interested in hearing what anyone has to say about Wil. Kardashian who?

siftbot says...

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 4 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

siftbot says...

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 3 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

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