DerHasisttot DE

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Real Name: Andreas

Member Since: May 11, 2010
Favorite Sift: John Lennon - Working Class Hero (lyrics NSFW)
Last Power Points used: October 1, 2016
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Comments to DerHasisttot

BoneRemake says...

Chichorea got banned for doing this exact thing.

"And because you're such a *---------------------------* and call me a Nazi and then SS I would very much like to see you hobbled as I can't fly over to the USA and *-----------------* personally."

ad hominnm or whatever the hell its called.

siftbot says...

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oritteropo says...

How about Ladle Rat Rotten Hut?

Your point about the sounds shifting is interesting, I've noticed that if I watch a long enough (subtitled!) Dutch movie, by the end I can pick up a few words which are similar or the same as English once a few sounds are changed a little.
In reply to this comment by DerHasisttot:
I've onyl read ballads and such from these periods, I can read middle english Ok, old english: Not really, only if I really get into it and learn some symbols again. Reading frisian is far easier than understanding it by hearing, the same probably goes for swabian. Most of the times you just have to shift some different sounds to certain letters and you've got an approximation of a more standard german.
The northern german intonation (of their dialect) however is hell for me to understand, that's completely different, as you said. Swabian is spoken more softly and sonorant in the back of the throat, whereas northern german sounds 'headier' and nasal to me.

oritteropo says...

Have you ever read any old or middle English? I studied "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight", which is middle English, but old English should be a bit closer to Frisian... which as I read it would be about as far from swabian as you can get?

In reply to this comment by DerHasisttot:
Hehe. I had to think about it for a second before I knew what he meant with "gopfertamti." A northern german would have been unlikely to understand the phrase, but my dialect (swabian) and his dialect (high alemannic) are related: (It's funny to hear french people from the Alsace with a related dialect in a different language.)
That's also why you can't get a translation from the internet, it's more of a dialect than a variant.

oritteropo says...

Thanks for your reply. I suspect a field trip would help me understand more, particularly in Oktoberfest season Well, maybe one day.

Thanks also for posting the English translation of that Swiss German insult, google translate really had no idea (try it in yourself, but for me it passed it through unaltered and didn't even try to translate!).

oritteropo says...

I have an American/UK studies question for you, if you have a minute to spare.

In the Patriotic-Millionaires-TAX-ME video, your countryman luxury_pie put in a comment using the period as a thousands separator and the comma as the decimal radix... which I would expect as I have always been taught that much of continental Europe uses this convention. Then in later discussion an Englishman who has traveled widely in continental Europe and lived in Spain pointed out that in his travels, he has never seen this.

So, my question is how widely is each convention used in Germany in the parts an English speaking visitor would encounter? Should he have come across the period thousands separator and/or the comma decimal radix at all? Road signs? Menus?

The on-line (American!!!!) information just says that in Germany this is how it is, and never says "oh, but in shops the price might use a period".

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