guess the song, know the person (a little bit) (Blog Post)

why not? You know you love this meme.

 Bear in mind this isn't all that representational of me; I skipped non-english songs, instrumentals and I only put ten because I'm lazy. Might do it again with ten more later.

1. Yeah, hey
When you wish upon a star
Dreams will take you very far, yeah
When you wish upon a dream
Life aint always what it seems, oh yeah

2. I've been thinking ‘bout things
For a long while
I'm feeling so calm
I've got a big smile
I have a view of the sun
Right over the sea
And now I can feel
Life is flowing through me


 3. [song title]  was everybodys sugar
She gave it all wherever it took her
They used her up before the sell-by date
To be so sweet was her only mistake
The only flower in a concrete garden

4.You set me up again
You make me lose my friends
I just don't know what I'm gonna do with you

Your feet are still on the ground
So you put me down
I just don't know what I'm gonna do with you

5. Come and listen you fellows, so young and so fine,
And seek not your fortune in the dark, dreary mines.
It will form as a habit and seep in your soul,
'Till the stream of your blood is as black as the coal.

6. Sweat baby sweat baby sex is a texas drought
Me and you do the kind of stuff that only prince would sing about
So put your hands down my pants and Ill bet youll feel nuts
Yes Im siskel, yes Im ebert and youre getting two thumbs up

7. Understand my mind
I know you'd like to find
The needs you hide inside
You'll see them if you try

8. (this is good for the blood!)
the percentage of us toe the line
the rest of us out of reach
everybody party time
some of us will never sleep again

9. Talk, it's only talk
Arguments, agreements, advice, answers,
Articulate announcements
It's only talk

 10.  Im not the one whos so far away
When I feel the snake bit enter my veins.
Never did I wanna be here again,
And I dont remember why I came

back from hospital (Blog Post)

I had viral meningitis for the fourth time. I do not recommend it to anyone, although the painkillers are top notch, its only because the pain sure is too. Coming down and sleeping off the rest of the virus. Lil Miss has decided to try to make up for lost nursing time so I'm kinda attached too.

I'm back, sorta (Blog Post)

now that I don't nurse 25/8, and when I do Lil Miss is not so nice about me typing on the keyboard, I am not online so much with things that need more than 30 seconds of attention. Yall wanna talk about our culture of attention deficit? Lemme tell you something.. it ain't television that's done that. It's babies.

I am allowed to be surprised (Blog Post)

because its been about eighteen months since I had menstrual cramps.

to self: do not watch a horror movie when cramps happen. Panic attacks
are not fun. So far I do not think the IUD has made any difference. But
holy shit not only did I forget how painful cramps are, I forgot how it
can radiate throughout the rest of my midsection.

Enchanted is a very sweet, fun, nice movie. Highly recommended.

apologies (Blog Post)

I got sucked into an addicting web browser game on facebook. Yes, facebook. A fellow SAHM turned me on to it and I am totally cracked out on it. It's called Packrat. I am NOT ashamed.


I'll be around more soon.... I got the bulk of my collections vaulted and soon will feel free to rejoin the sift as before....


Oh and Lil Miss is crawling now... that might have something to do with me not being around anywhere on teh web except doing that damend game (cuz I can play a little, walk away, play a little, walk away rinse repeat throughout the day and night)

wow! should I be ashamed that it makes me happy? (Blog Post)

four promotes because I can talk like Choggie... *beams*



In other news... I misread a bumper sticker today.... I thought it said "Exit Reality is Growing" and pondered the possible meanings of that for at least ten minutes before I realized it said "Exit Realty is growing" which is obviously an ad for a realtor. Darn.... I came up with many cool ideas for "Exit Reality is Growing"


the quest begins... (Blog Post)

we have a plan.... we have the materials.... we have the know-how.... we are determined... the two.... the sleep-deprived.... the gamers-in-withdrawal..... we will prevail.... tonight...for the first time ever..... SHE HATH STAYED ASLEEP FOR TWO HOURS!!!



Soupskin put radio static on. Will that prove to be the magic tether we needed so desperately before to keep her tied to sleep?

Her top tooth finally broke through. Will that prove to be the magic balm she was waiting on to keep her from tossing fitfully throughout the night?



If I seem to making entries and comments that have a lick of sense, then you'll knwo we were succesful in our quest.... for a baby that sleeps through the night.

*stumbles off to bed cheering quietly*

open question for discussion (Blog Post)

my movie review of NCFOM caused the question to be raised: what films were so repugnant to you that you believe they were a waste of celluloid?


Just off the top of my head, I'd say "Cannibal Holocaust" - besides everything/one in it being absolutely awful, the "message" was sloppily done and hammered far too hard AND insultingly shallow - "civilized man is a far darker evil than the so-called primitives" - chee thanks! THAT'S ORIGINAL THINKING THERE! Cuz, you know, the history of mankind normally leads one to believe that civilized people are nothing but pure unabashed love  and kindness personified. /sarcasm

"Cannibal Holocaust" was the most putrid, mysogynist piece of crap I've ever seen. And it was chock-full of gore, violence and animal snuff.


Soupskin has just reminded me of another waste of celluloid: "Cold Creek Manor"

I can't even begin to describe how pointless, boring and mind-numbingly stupid that film was. I saw it with two other couples and we all walked out of the theatre opening wishing we had spent our triple-date doing something, anything more pleasant, like  say creating a fight club at a biker bar. In fact, whenever we rate bad movies, we often give a rating in "CCMP" - Cold Creek Manor Points. (I saw "Cannibal Holocaust" long before I was subjected to CCM but I'd say "Cannibal Holocaust" probably rates a full 10 CCMP)


SO what's your dark memory of "cinema"?

My Valentine to me (Blog Post)

I decided I am allowed to do nothing productive today. I am even allowed to begin any number of projects and abandon them in the middle. I give this to myself for Valentine's day because the one thing I wish I could get the most is a guilt-free day!


So today I gave myself permission to do or not do ANYTHING (and harm ye none)

I am SO loving myself today!


Movie Review: No Country For Old Men (Blog Post) 

Okay. So in one way, I kind of agree with said reviewer; the movie, as a story, just doesn't really finish or SAY something. IN a way, the movie, as a story, really falls flat and has holes as well.
This is Coen Brothers. WHen Coen Brothers do a non-funny movie, they focus on character and little else. They become enamored with their characters and kinda let plotlines, message and moral-of-the-story fall to the wayside. The problem I personally have with that, despite my love of characterization, is that I happen to feel that without an adequate linear baseline (introduction, conflict, climax, conclusions) the character(s) feels off-kilter for me and the cinematic experience is left wanting.
Thus it was for NCFOM and me.
Yes, it was brilliant. THe perfection of the production is obvious. THe acting was astounding and the characterization was nothing short of amazing. But. The story was shoved aside in order to make room for characterization and country philosophy. Sorry, I'd rather have more story. I'm just funny that way.

I must say, however, that the "bad guy" in NCFOM was without a doubt the SCARIEST motherfucker I have ever seen, heard or read about. Every time he showed up on the screen I was filled with terror and dread. I was worried about having nightmares about the man. Javier Bardem deserves all the "best actor" awards, hands down. He was the scariest, creepiest, most abhorrant asshole I have ever dealt with. And I don't mean, grab the popcorn and shiver delightedly, I mean oh-my-fucking-god why doesn't someone BLOW HIM AWAY RIGHT NOW! PLEEEEEASE? *Whimper*
I don't remember EVER feeling full-on despair and dread from a character like that before. HOnestly.

I will say this about No Country For Old Men; the theme of the story is not a bad one. But it's very very depressing. The theme of the movie is pretty much summed up in the title.

It's a bad world. There's bad people in it. And you can't do much about it. The wild wild west is over with, and what you ahve left is fucking psychos.


So yeah, overall its a brilliant movie. It just left me kind of bummed out and feeling a little shortchanged.

hate to be right.... (Blog Post)

but choggie called it long before I did.... I am Way too behind the trends to be trying to sift anything. Here I thought it was funny as heck and turns out its such an old meme its already tired. dang, I'm sorry people.

Honestly... I give up.

please, i'm begging you people (Blog Post)

tell me "STFU!" when I start blathering under the influence of sleep dep. Good gawd I can't even use full sentances... or soem choggie-style crap comes out... or I am just blabbing about who-the-fuck-cares... I am embarrassing myself these days.... well at least I'm funny.... sort of?

ramblin entertainment (Blog Post)

sorry for whining last post (although I meant everything I said) last post.

The quest to make Lil Miss sleep on her own has been going well, actually. After feedins and snuggles and alla that, we put her in the co-sleeper on her back. She has her favorite blanky and a pacifier. The bed is slightly inclined so she's not flat on her back - which she hates. I rub her tummy and shake the sleeper back and forth. When she fusses I murmer to her in low tones.

THree nights so far and she's fallen asleep within an hour.

*victory dance*

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