Survey: How Often Do You Use VideoSift?

I was just thinking about all of our very long time members and that got me wondering... Is VideoSift part of your daily routine? I mean there are lots of sites out there that people check out from time to time and others you only go to when you're looking for something specific.

What is VideoSift to you? Is it your daily "I need to check out all the new videos" fix? How often do you visit on average? And when you do visit, how long do you stay?

Finally, how long have you been a member? More importantly how long do you foresee yourself continuing to be a member? There are a few oldies who, for various reasons, have up and quit in the past, but I can't imagine that I would ever have any reason to ever stop visiting VideoSift.

For me it's not just a fad or a phase, but a part of life. Even if I wasn't part of the administration, I imagine I'd always visit on a daily basis at the very least to watch great videos and at the most to partake in some random commentary. (No matter how busy I am with work and other things, I always have the itch to stop everything and take time out just so I can see what I've missed in the top 15.)
berticus says...

Part of daily routine. Usually visit 1 - 3 times a day. Length of each visit depends on what's new, or how bored I am Member Since: 2007-04-18, but I lurked for a long time before that. For me, VideoSift is a place I can go to to find interesting videos without a lot of the junk of other sites (e.g. youtube). The userbase here is simply better (even though it is constantly in flux, it is still drawing a better crowd). Only reason I can foresee 'quitting' is if some douchebag tips me over the edge and I pull a gluonium, or real life gets in the way.

swampgirl says...

Well, I don't sift as much anymore. There are a couple of reasons I suppose. I'm a little busier than I used to be, and well... I kinda miss the old days. Many of the people I "played" with aren't here anymore.

It's still home for me though, and I'm invested here. I check in daily if only to check the comments, blogs and talk posts. On the weekends I might post some old clips and kick some 80s and 90s sifts out of my channel

Aww, shucks folks I've grown attached to you all over the years.

gwiz665 says...

*hugs swampgirl*

I'm here every day. I use it as much for sift talk and comments as for videos. I think of it as talk/comments turn my brain on, while the videos turn it off, so I get a good balance going there ~ just enough brain activity to make a penis joke of some sort.

I was growing weary of the continued drama and contrived drama there was here recently, but I've since discovered the joys of [ignore] and I happy again.

I heavily invested in the community as well, I think, in that it feels like I know you people. Some I know better than others, but I know many of y'all. I love the whole format too, much better than forums, because the up/downvote buttons makes it much cleaner, because there isn't all the typical agree/disagree but say nothing posts.

I like that discussions, particularly with proper, intellectual grownups, with actual brains (unlike youtube).

darkrowan says...

Pretty much a part of my day, every day, two years and counting (Member Since: 2006-05-04). I've gotten to into the habit of using the RSS feeds to keep up: way too many posts to see otherwise. (even better: look up Better GReader Firefox extension. The Preview feature is very handy)

Yes there's drama. Yes there are types here *cough*billorielly*cough*cp420*cough* that might make it seem not worthwhile to stay, but I do. I've come to love this place as a home *hugs swampy*

jonny says...

Daily, some times for several hours. Occasionally, I take breaks away from it for weeks at a time (3 months in one case), usually b/c of meatspace stuff.

Visits are almost strictly for videos now, though. The commentary on current events vids started to turn me off enough that I actually turned on a few channel filters to deal with it. Basically, I come to videosift for entertainment, not to have the horrors of the world bashed into my brain anymore than they already are. That part of VS has just become too tiresome. I do get the commenting bug sometimes, though. In fact, I think I posted more comments today than in the entire previous week.

Been a member since 7/07, lurked for a couple months before that. (I think the desire to comment on this video is what finally caused me to register. Wow, I was pretty angry. ) No plans on leaving anytime soon, but who knows -- PornBumber may start taking up all my time.

[edit] oh I forgot to hug swampgirl. <hug><goose>

dgandhi says...

3-4 times daily, even though I don't really have time recently. It's usually that first thing I do if I sit down at my computer without a current objective, sort of my default activity. It does mean that if I want to get anything done I have to make sure I always have a task, or I'll just type "vid↓↵", and I'm right back here again.

Farhad2000 says...

Mostly here for the comments, check for discussions and then piss off. I don't really watch videos anymore.

Occasionally I have bouts of activity, due to recent events. I also sometimes see the need to post some music and vids but it never makes published status anymore because frankly you are all still philistines.

Large influx of stupidity recently.

gourmetemu says...

It depends on how much work I actually have to do at work (or if sound/headphones can or cannot be used) but it's no less than once a day and up to several throughout. Lately however I've been in a bit of a lull trying to spend time away from the internet.

NicoleBee says...

It's part of my daily thing. Sometimes dangerously so, as it has a tendancy to sap time I would otherwise be using to work on personal projects. But I'll find a balance eventually, I'm sure.

cdominus says...

I'm on here pretty much everyday. I was a lurker for over a year before joining 8/26/07. I've always liked the commentary here, much more intelligent than youtube and fewer trolls, too.

Krupo says...

Same as jonny, random disappearance - but then I'm back for long periods. Sometimes using the sift as an alternative winamp (Farhad's pqueue among other places are fun places to trawl through).

I remember the 9/11 conspiracy argument drama. These days I might skim through it but I generally don't have time to dive into the long running stuff.

Oh lookie, I'm less than 300 comments away from hitting 10,000. I know various people have already hit that mark and surged past it - and in shorter periods of time - but that's still a ridiculous number of comments. (Then again, probably not too many people nearing that milestone - I see Farhad, for example, is just 77 past that dubious distinction). (!)

rougy says...


Does Grand Marnier go with gin? Has anybody here had a gin and grapefruit juice, with a splash of Grand Marnier on the rocks? Hence forth, it is called the 'rougy' at least by me.

This is a special place. I still have to make a point of staying away from it sometimes or I'll waste seven hours if I waste one. And waste isn't the right word, because I'm a news junkie and...the info and different perspectives that I get from this place must surely be good for my soul.

I have to stay away from here sometimes, and I do miss some of the people who have faded away, but I am here daily between five minutes and ten hours.

I think...that a place like this has even more to offer than videos.

I see a hell of a lot of talent here, and it would be great if we could all conspire to save the world.

Krupo says...

Mmm... gin. Good idea to have that when realizing I've posted more comments than dag.

It's like Barney spending more time at Moe's than Moe... (which, again, makes Farhad the uber-Barney, of course).

joedirt says...

Yes, we've grown attached to people's avatars.

Anyways, since the biggest complain is "drama" what about a *nonsense invocation that can be used to filter out the meany name-calling threads. But that just empowers trolls. One other option is to auto-hide any > -5 comments or something like that, but then it makes the problem worse because then you get self-appointed comment police.. and the moderation wars escalate.

rougy says...

^ JD - I thought about that, too, with the -x downvotes equals -x stars, but...that just makes it all pissy.

I really hate some of the things that people say here, and I've ignored two people.

But you know what? Their idiocy is half of my fun and I usually look at what they said anyway.

I think the gestalt here now is pretty good.

No need for Mother Superior smacking the back of our hands with a ruler just because we gave the wrong answer.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

For me it's also a part of life. I like to think that I would be an active member here even if I hadn't started VideoSift. The only other online community I've ever been semi-active in was Metafilter - and this now fills that role for me nicely. (though I do still visit MeFi for their wonderful

rougy says...

I liked MeFi a lot, too, until I tried to post an FPP and all of these jerks came out of the woodwork with "Surely this...." and it pissed me off. I'll go back, but...there is a little group of fussy-butts there who rule what is seen and what is not seen and that really pissed me off. But there are quite a few bright people there, no doubt.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

^Yeah, posting on the main page of Metafilter is a scary thing. Abandon all hope - any who make factual or grammatical errors. That's why I stick to Ask.

blankfist says...

Checking VideoSift is more a regular occurrence than checking my email. Some days I can be on here for a scary amount of time. Let's just say if dag paid us hourly for being on the Sift, I'd be a very rich man. Now, if only Lucky would offer the same deal for pornbumper, my protein levels would be very, very low.

Eklek says...

I generally make a daily routine stop @ VideoSift to see/vote some videos (which I access in many different ways: tags, titles, members, queue, top 15s, channel, comments, advanced search, playlists, beggars canyon, blogs), add context, check SiftTalk..if only the amount of videos were smaller than the current 2000
sifted per month (and more unsifted?) - it would improve our combined (we can't all be here all day..) quality selection and the user management of the videos/comments.

rottenseed says...

I've never left videosift...since the day I logged in, I just stay on the site all day. I usually just fall asleep at my desk, cuddling my monitor at night time, the warm glow of videosifts classic theme lulling me to sleep. Sometimes I log in on my laptop. I hook up the aircard and videosift and I go out on a date. Sometimes we go on walks in the park or to a local cafe. We share a couple of laughs, we get into debates, we share a smoke and have a overall good time.

I want to take the relationship further, but videosift says we should keep it platonic.

Zifnab says...

Well I've had an account since 2006-06-30, but I was a lurker for a number of months before that. I'm usually on here several times a day; looking at the new sifts, looking to sifts some vid's myself, checking out Sift Talk and Blogs, and what-ever else catches my eye. It is siftcrack after all. I don't see myself going anywhere any-time soon, after all, it's not easy maintaining dark lord status...

Can't forget to *hug swampgirl*

alien_concept says...

Mostly every day with some breaks for sanity and exercise reasons. I submit sporadically, sometimes loads and I keep topping the queue up, sometimes a couple, sometimes nothing for weeks. I comment a lot then not at all and I seek out some of the great people i've met here in the lounge. I'm worried about the fact I was convinvced i'd get bored of my own accord, but I think that after just under a year, it might end up being a problem...

maatc says...

Here every day. Except some weekends when away from internet.

Usual stops are the Top 15, SiftTalk, Blogs, my own queue, the discussions around featured comments and sometimes the deadpool.

If the amount of time I spent here so far would be translated into a dollars per hour I´d have a small house by now.

When asked about addictions on medical forms I always put:

My wife thinks I am crazy for spending so much time here, but lets me anyway.
That´s why I married her.

volumptuous says...

Generally I have a Videosift tab open in Firefox all day long.

I only close it when I leave work, and when I go to sleep at night. It's basically just in the background 24/7.

Although I'm relatively new here, I find the commentary to be pretty damn awesome. There's some intelligent people who represent a diverse array of subjects, from economic, to artistic, to conspiratorial, and I appreciate all of it.

After meeting some of you, however, I'm having second thoughts on staying.

cheesemoo says...

I'm here usually daily, sometimes multiple times per day (depending on boredom/work levels). Check out the main page, top 15, follow a few suggested links, read talk posts linked at the top (like this one), etc...

budzos says...

I visit One to a dozen times most days. I pretty much leave it open in a tab as well, but I close and re-open my browsers compulsively throughout the day. It's one of my top three most visited sites for the past couple years. I come for the quality filtering, as well as the level of discourse, which I am guilty of dragging down occasionally.

kulpims says...

i come here daily for the past 2 and a half years, stay long enough to kill off a few dupes and check the sift talk. i watch a lot of videos, especially during my office hours... don't post as much as I used to. most of it ends up in my pq anyway

Kerotan says...

I visit videosift about 3-4 times a day, ever day, partly because when I get bored of being on videosift, my first thought is, "hmmm I wonder wants on videosift right now", I then click the bookmark (in easy reach), and find a whole host of new videos that I haven't seen, and this cycle can repeat itself a few times before I finally end by answering a sift talk post, before I go do something else.

See ya!

Sarzy says...

I used to check on the sift several times a day, though recently my Videosift time has been cut down considerably -- thanks to my WOW addiction coming back with a vengeance, and also because I'm in the middle of preparing to move to the other side of the world. I probably only check in once every couple of days now, though I'm sure I'll be back at some point soon.

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