What the hell am I going to do with all these shirts?

 As you may remember- our recent batch of t-shirts got pulled from our fulfillment company.  I think we managed to violate the copyright of YouTube and the Buggles at the same time. ;-)

 So now we have all of these shirts laying around.

 If only I knew of some deserving people who would appreciate them ...


Untitled from dagmaggot on Vimeo.

So here's the deal.  We want to say thanks to the prominent Sifters who have made VideoSift what it is today.  I'll be sending shirts to everyone on the Top 15 as it reads at midnight December 1st. 

 The rest of the shirts will be used as awards for meritorious service to the Sift and prizes for upcoming community competitions.  

 We will have another go at t-shirts, but there will never be another set like these limited edition ones.  They've destroyed the screen and this is it.  (You might want to just wrap it in plastic an bequeath it to your grandchildren )

maatc says...

You are lucky to live in a climate where you can flash it for the next few months! Any chance of a VideoSift downjacket being released any time soon for the northern hemisphere? We are freezing up here! (I guess you could always win 20 competitions and go for the onion layer look)

Since I guess you can´t sell them for legal reasons, what about setting up a chritmas fundraiser thingy (to buy new servers of course!) and sending them out as a sign of appreciation for the received donations? Or at least a few of them and keep a few reserved for competitions?

swampgirl says...

Yay! Dag you are fab! I better start back to posting so no one bumps me off the list. ::::eyes Arvana:::

You know Dag just for fun, you should try and auction one on ebay just for fun. See what happens....

p.s. coffee mug

maatc says...

Good idea as well Fjnbk, but I´d love to see something as well where it is not so much based on sympathy, that way new sifters get a shot at them, too.

Some way to earn them, through a competition or a completed task.

And about the donation idea: I would happily empty my piggy bank for one of these fine garments...

Edit: I say reserve one shirt for the first person that creates a VideoSift mug!!!

smibbo says...

oh yeah, I forgot to mention; I make cloth diapers and my "schtick" is covering them with old t-shirts (I figure old 80s concert Ts are gonna be my biggest seller) so iffen you'd like, you could send me shirts and I will make them into pocket dipes. (A pocket diaper is equivalent to a disposable except it requires you to put a cloth insert inside it, hence the pocket) I can also make it into a regular fitted diaper for those who prefer to use their own waterproof covers but they will last longer as a pocket because they won't get waste fluids directly on them.

choggie says...

whoa.....smibbo can sew!!!....Take a lesson from someone with a practical skill, goils....I predict: the second will be 1/2 disposable, and the third will wear only Huggies!!!! (and when you get a batch a shirts, I have a 32 waist)

joedirt says...

Australian intelligence agency has decided to monitor anti-war posters in the US and share intelligence with their "legal" foreign internet monitoring program (aka VideoSift). Please send your address in exchange for a t-shirt.

*kisses to choogie*

Fedquip says...

My suggestion was to have the sifters pick an international charity (amnesty international for example) Then start a donation drive here on the sift, first 100 to donate get a free Tshirt.

Tis the season, I bet the community could raise quite a few bucks.

looris says...

both good ideas.

but, remember that VS needs money to run, so I think it might be inappropriate to collect money for others, even if totally worthy.

using shirts as monthly rewards for top sifters that did something, looks like a better idea to me.

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