lucky760 says...

I have a lot to say about it, but I'm afraid I'll damage my keyboard from the vomiting fit that would result.

I'll just say the two words that kept popping into my head throughout the disaster (the movie, not the end of the world): Stew. Pid.

lucky760 says...

I'm not going to crap on every bit of the "film" just because it crapped on me for over 2 hours.

That said, I can honestly say the special effects were enjoyable and well done, but compared to the way the writing was apparently targeted strictly at the mentally defeated (those who were challenged but lost), I could not go so far as to say that the sfx make the pile "worth" watching.

Farhad2000 says...

Now wait a minute.

It was pretty evident from the trailers that this was going to be shit. I can't believe you people willingly paid money to see it especially when there are such good movies out now, like the fantastic mr fox, the messenger and something am dying to personally see... the collapse.

Personally I'd just hold it till Dec 17th and see Avatar in IMAX.

Farhad2000 says...

Now wait a minute.

It was pretty evident from the trailers that this was going to be shit. I can't believe you people willingly paid money to see it especially when there are such good movies out now, like the fantastic mr fox, the messenger and something am dying to personally see... the collapse.

Personally I'd just hold it till Dec 17th and see Avatar in IMAX.

Farhad2000 says...

Now wait a minute.

It was pretty evident from the trailers that this was going to be shit. I can't believe you people willingly paid money to see it especially when there are such good movies out now, like the fantastic mr fox, the messenger and something am dying to personally see... the collapse.

Personally I'd just hold it till Dec 17th and see Avatar in IMAX.

Farhad2000 says...

Now wait a minute.

It was pretty evident from the trailers that this was going to be shit. I can't believe you people willingly paid money to see it especially when there are such good movies out now, like the fantastic mr fox, the messenger and something am dying to personally see... the collapse.

Personally I'd just hold it till Dec 17th and see Avatar in IMAX.

Farhad2000 says...

Now wait a minute.

It was pretty evident from the trailers that this was going to be shit. I can't believe you people willingly paid money to see it especially when there are such good movies out now, like the fantastic mr fox, the messenger and something am dying to personally see... the collapse.

Personally I'd just hold it till Dec 17th and see Avatar in IMAX.

Farhad2000 says...

Now wait a minute.

It was pretty evident from the trailers that this was going to be shit. I can't believe you people willingly paid money to see it especially when there are such good movies out now, like the fantastic mr fox, the messenger and something am dying to personally see... the collapse.

Personally I'd just hold it till Dec 17th and see Avatar in IMAX.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I think the CGI was worth the price of entry. They really did take it to a new level.

But 2012 shouldn't be viewed as a piece of art. It's more of a Disney ride sponsored by Huggies.

I'm just saying - I will never be able to sell out to the level that they did for this flick. It's a money printing thrill-ride and that is all.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I actually enjoyed watching it just for the special effects. But more as just kind of a demo reel for state of the art CGI - not as a movie.

>> ^Throbbin:
>> ^dag:
It's a money printing thrill-ride and that is all.

Like, in a good way or a bad way?

Deano says...

I feel way too old to go see something as vapid as this. I'd just get bored too quickly. And the last film I enjoyed was Letters from Iwo Jima, soooo, I imagine 2012 is slightly different...

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