Cop Out
I saw the recent Kevin Smith directed, buddy cop comedy, Cop Out last night. Although it gave me a few chuckles in places- it was generally not that funny. Kevin Smith is a hell of a lot funnier just standing up in front of a crowd and riffing. Perhaps he should stick to that.
The movie was riddled with more cliches and stereotypes than bullet holes. Hey guess what - Bruce Willis plays a disgruntled cop with an angry ex-wife. Quite a stretch for him.
Tracy Morgan was funny in places - but plays such an over-the-top buffoon that it's unbelievable that his character would be able to hold down a job anywhere. Throw in the central casting tattooed mexican gangsters and you have a completely forgettable movie that tries to be a melding of Lethal Weapon and Bevery Hills Cop - but plays like a bad SNL skit.
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