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Evidence Of Election Fraud?

Jake Gyllenhaal - It's All In The Eyes

Why Death by Lava Is Much Worse Than in the Movies

Woven Bark Fiber

Do Negative-Calorie Foods Exist?

7 MYTHS You Still Believe About HISTORY

Smarter Every Day - How Helicopter Autorotation works

artician says...

I could be way off, but I had the impression he was pretty religious in the first place.

transmorpher said:

I noticed at the end of the video it briefly came up with Romans 14:19. I wonder if he'll do a "Smarter Every Day" on the absurdity of religion.

The funny thing about that passage is that, like most religious passages can mean almost anything you want it to. To me it ironically means to give up religion, yet to someone else it could justify a nuclear war.

Bending copper tubing with Ice

How to make cordage out of natural materials

How to make cordage out of natural materials

The Mystery of Mail Coifs - Not As Simple As They Seem

artician says...

Is it possible that, during his entire time exploring this topic, he's overlooked the existence of arrows?

Fascinating talk though. Nice history lesson and informed thoughts.

Bit by a Gila Monster

Could You Outrun A Fart?

9 Weird Ways Animals See the World

artician says...

I'd watch so much more of this show if I didn't have to worry about that guys stupid hair highlight burning an after-image onto one of my monitors.

How to survive a grenade blast

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