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Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about

entr0py says...

Okay, now I'm a bit embarrassed that I started watching because of the thumbnail. She makes great points though.

I know most of you are well intentioned, but when you learn that a woman has been violated, I think the first response has always got to be sympathy; not to give her safety tips.

If her purse were stolen because she left it in an unlocked car, that might be an appropriate time to lead with safety tips. But not when a woman is humiliated or sexually assaulted. If you fail to condemn the crime but only criticize her level of caution, it comes off as misogynistic.


terminator genisys trailer

jmd says...

Kalle, you fail to grasp that that is what happens when you mess with time travel. If anything, we might see some answers to the fact that the past terminator movies (and tv show) should have created such a ripple that there should be paradoxes all over, and that the original movies time line would be long gone. If at the least, we can use it to show that the T3 timeline never existed in the first place since this happened before then.

Doubt - How Deniers Win

bcglorf says...

Then slow down with theories of our impending demise, the IPCC doesn't support it. You want to talk about not denying the science, then you don't get to preach gloom and doom. Don't claim a large percentage of farmland is going to be lost to sea level rise by 2100. Don't claim coastlines are going to be pushed back 10 miles by a worst case 1 foot rise of sea level by 2100.

We are talking about advancements solving problems like a maximum sea level rise of a foot in the next 100 years, with best guesses being lower than that. I think it's modest to suggest our children's children will have figured out how to raise the dikes around places like New Orleans by a foot in the next 100 years.
The concord and moon trips are no longer happening because they are expensive. We can do them if we needed to, and more easily than the first time around. Finding out people aren't willing to pay the premium to shave an hour off their flight doesn't mean the technology no longer exists. Just because America no longer needs to prove they can lift massive quantities of nuclear warheads into orbit doesn't mean we couldn't still go to the moon again if it was needed. There's just no reason to do it, the tech exists still none the less.
Yes, there are social problems that confound the use of new technology. You fail to notice that is also the problem with feeding everybody. Food production isn't the problem, but rather the men with guns that control distribution. Stalin's mass starvation of millions was a social problem, not climate change or technology. Mao's was the same. North Koreas the same. All over Africa is the same. We have more than enough food, and plenty of charities work hard to send food over to places like Africa. Once the food gets there though the men with guns take most of it and people still starve. The reason Africa has so many crop failures is the violent displacement of the farmers. Exactly the same problem that saw millions starve in Russia, China and North Korea.
You are right that a changing climate could compound Africa's ag industry a bit, but it's a small hit compared to the violent displacement problem. Also, don't neglect to consider to impact of meaningful CO2 emission restrictions around the globe. A large scale global economic downturn probably means a lot more war, bloodshed, and starvation. If you do not reduce emissions enough to trigger that downturn and instead just 'marginally', you get stuck with both because Africa is still going to see virtually the same climate changes through the next hundred years.

And if you are worried about losing the glaciers in the Himalayas by 2100 there is very good reason to believe that's gonna be alright:

newtboy said:

Slow down with the theories that our 'advancements' will solve all problems, not create more, because all the things you listed have been fairly disastrous in the long run, many being large parts of the issue at hand, climate change, and things like putting a man on the moon or traveling the globe in hours have gone backwards, meaning it was simpler to do either 35-45 years ago than it is today (we can't get to the moon with NASA today, or get on a concord). Assuming new tech will come along and solve the problems we can't solve today is wishful thinking, assuming they'll come with no strings attached means you aren't paying attention, all new tech is a double edged sword in one way or another.
IF humans could harness their tech, capital, and energy altruistically, yes, we could solve world hunger, disease, displacement, etc. Humans have never in history done that though.
We already can't feed a large percentage of the planet. If a large percentage of farmable land is lost to sea level rise (won't take much) and also a large population displaced by the same (a HUGE percentage of people live within 10 miles of a coast or estuary), we're screwed. It will mean less food, less land to grow food, more displaced people, less fresh water, fewer fisheries, etc. We can't solve a single one of these problems today. What evidence do you have we could solve it tomorrow, when conditions will be exponentially less favorable?
For instance, something like 1/3 of the population survives on glacial water. It's disappearing faster than predicted. There's simply no technology to solve that problem, even desalination doesn't work to get water into Nepal. People seem to like water and keeping their insides moist, how would you suggest we placate them?

Fuck #gamergate (Videogames Talk Post)

ChaosEngine says...

@VoodooV yeah, gamergate pissed me off. It should piss you off too, unless you like being lumped in with a bunch of misogynist neanderthals. They are making it an embarrassment to be called a gamer.

Here's a link (which I meant to post in my original rant.. apologies)

@speechless, this goes way beyond your average internet trolling. There have been specific threats made against people, including posting their addresses on twitter and then saying "I know where you live and I'm coming to get you" etc.

The worst part is that story from the link. This asshole threatened "the worst school shooting in American history" and he got what he wanted.

@gorillaman, you're either an idiot or you're trying to be funny. Either way, you fail.

Oh, and just in case anyone brings up the "ethics in games journalism" thing... even if gamergate ever was about that (which I don't believe for a second), it's certainly not now, and supporting it is akin to supporting the Nazis because of their stellar public transport....

CDC Whistleblower Admits MMR Vaccine Autism Link

chicchorea says...

You, sir, have issues...but then, is that not true of all of us.

About this video issue, which is obviously important to you as is seemingly everything else about which you have an opinion...who cares...certainly not I as you fail to grasp. I have no issue with you about it. With you, about you, none still. You do not matter...more and more or rather less and less. You have, indeed, taught me much...too much.

As to your assessment of FTF, about that I will finally and emphatically offer something. Your assessment could not be more erroneous as to progression of any such encounter or the outcome of same. My record is far more extensive than yours and...I will leave it at that and this wholly unsatisfying exchange as well, except for this in parting. You would do much better with Boneremake...but be warned...he secretly has been studying the deadly Bunny Style.

Till then then...but not soon. I'm done. You...have fun.

newtboy said:

If you approached others in person as you approach them online, you would be in the hospital constantly recovering from all the fist fights you get in. (edit: I might be too)
TOO FUNNY DUDE! Try reading your posts as if they were written TO you, I think you'll see my point.

Competition is for Losers: Natural Monopolies Aren't Forced

Yogi says...

Why yes it certainly does seem like hyperbole when you fail to read everything I said. I also said this "You do not get that kind of money without the help of others, exploiting others, doing illegal shit, or basically being a fucking thief." Bodies of course being hyperbolic (sometimes, not in the case of Oil Barons) and also metaphorical.

I don't think I have to address Zuckerbergs thievery it's pretty well documented that he had to pay people off to avoid lengthy court cases. It's pretty obvious he isn't Self Made in any way.

Bill Gates well a lot of people have plenty of stories about him stealing things and doing shit that's very sketchy but how about we ignore that. Let's go to the fact that he developed (stole) programs to run on something that was made from public funds by the military. Computers are completely anti-free market, they come from and were created by massive intervention in the market.

If you use a computer and the internet you're basically supporting socialism and betraying the free market.

lantern53 said:

You mean like Zuckerberg or Gates?

Where are the bodies?

hyperbole, agenda driven

Cop throws himself onto car and acts as if he were hit

newtboy says...

BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!! Your hilarious!
True, I don't need evidence to refute your ridiculous, flip flopping, inconsistent statements, but I offered some evidence anyway! You simply can't accept it, because it proves time and again that you're position flies in the face of logic, reason, and civility.
Most recently I provided evidence that most readers " have the capacity to read these comments and determine for themselves who has failed." and they determined YOU failed. Of course, you discount those that disagree with you (everyone here) in favor of the only one that agrees with you (yourself) and continue to claim backing from (and agreement with) phantoms, somehow 'proving' you're a 'good guy' here. LOL! Just hilarious!
Haters of criminal cops are more often than not thinking individuals, while cops are more often not. A max limit for cops of 110 IQ (and average of <95 IQ) proves that out easily. I'm not surprised that you once again move to insults and non-sequiturs when proven wrong....again and again and again. That is what infants do....throw tantrums and shout "NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO your a meanie and a doodie head" with eyes smashed shut and fingers in ears while thinking they're winning a debate.

lantern53 said:

You don't need evidence to refute a statement that flies in the face of logic. And I'm not surprised that the cop-haters on this site outnumber thinking individuals.

Cop throws himself onto car and acts as if he were hit

TYT - Israel's devastation of Gaza

Confucius says...

Both of you are so angry and whip-ready with media regurgitated points that you fail to see whats in front of you. Israel may be winning the ground war but Palestine has won the Media war (for once....).

It is pretty obvious that nobody blames innocent civilians so lets just ignore that.

Hamas....and Isreal are both equally to blame. Both of you are so busy trying to point fingers because of a lopsided body count that you fail to realize that its not the 'equivalency of an equation' that's wrong.....its the fact that the equation exists at all that is wrong....and it does exist. Saying that it doesn't exists equates past present and future Israeli deaths to nothing.

if there were equal deaths on both sides then it would be okay? Of course not. It's the morons on both sides that keep picking at each other that are to blame. By pointing your finger at one side and declaring "you're worse" you legitimize and by default PROMOTE the other side. Unless you qualify your statement, which you didn't.

All you said was "Pro-Israeli Propgandists...braaahhh." Oh hey you could have mentioned that Hamas probably uses urban casualties as their own method of propaganda.

And Asmo you said "I guarantee you...there would be more Israelis swinging."


Hang the responsible and move on. The moment you say...told you there were more Israelis responsible is the moment the Israelis pick up the fight again or vice versa.

So yeah..I stand by my statement that it is the epitome of ignorance to promote either side in this. They are both (Hamas and Israeli elites) bloodthirsty morons and it doesn't matter whose at just needs to stop.

What is NOT Random?

poolcleaner says...

Far from conclusive, but the idea of a designer-god (demiurge) was at one time a thought provoking perspective on existence.

However, your statement is best expressed as a belief made through faith; NOT a conclusive argument made through PROOF, the definition of which you're incorrectly ascribing your statement to.

Which makes it less thought provoking now that we have more advanced ways of reasoning and pondering the universe. i.e. the scientific method.

Admirable, perhaps, to still cling to said belief, but not convincing in the least, considering it is something that is neither deniable nor undeniably a possibility. Concluding science to be "proof" of God is merely a logical trap to be avoided.

"...therefore the inference to the best explanation is that which points to a mind, and therefore a designer."

Also, just because our theories of abiogenesis are not as sophisticated as our theories of evolution, does not suddenly mean that a designer is the final, undeniable conclusion. If that were the case with science we'd drop all of our theories in conclusion that it must be a god. We can't connect our theory of gravity to abiogenesis, therefore it is God. Laughable conclusion based in logical fallacy.

The only thing that infers such an explanation is your mind saying it is so. Similar to my inference that trees being phallic and in abundance, necessitate a giant penis god. You fail to see that science isn't merely based upon human logic and pattern recognition, it is based in mathematical observation -- which your logical leaps and bounds are not able to compete with, no matter how hard your brain tries to find a hidden pattern in anything you can grasp for, like a man drowning in an ocean of possibilities.

Anyone can infer anything from something of similar value, ergo inference without a scientific basis is silly.

shinyblurry said:

The information in DNA is conclusive proof of a designer, and a design means that nothing in the Universe is random. It means this Universe is on purpose for a purpose

A Hip-Hop Tale of Drunken Debauchery

Orz says...

Excuse me for trying to find videos to post that will get votes so I can have a gold star and be a useless piece of shit like you.

From Budzos profile: "The fuck happened to this site? Fuck you Yogi. How do I delete my fucking account?"
You think there is a problem on videosift but what you fail to realize is that it is people like you that are the problem. The only two videos I sifted this week and you made an effort to downvote them both. You haven't posted anything on here or used any of your points in over a year, but from the look of the subject of your videos, I can tell that you were doing the Videosift-community a favor by ignoring them thus far. You have a right to your opinions and I hope for your sake that you keep voicing them so that you end up pissing off the 'right people' who will do something about it.

budzos said:

Worst shit I ever heard.

Scripps Spelling Bee 2014 Fail

newtboy (Member Profile)

chingalera says...

No sir, what is happening is that YOU seem to misunderstand that YOU continually misinterpret and take PERSONALLY almost every comment I make and you emotionally respond with personal insult and with faulty profiling with a view to seeing what makes you feel insecure simply go the fuck away....a fucking asterix MEANS one of two two things here: either someone fucked-up while entering a comment and rather than re-writing they simply place a character to avoid a blank space (the system code's unintuitive design disallows simply deleting the entire comment) and some people are confuses when they see a blank space).

What is truly sad is the manner in which you and your cohort doing the same shit (cutting and pasting my comments on mine and their own profile continually) take everything I have to write as a personal fucking attack (WHEN IT IS NOT) as the result of their insecurities and inability to process information or intent. You know VERY little of my history here as it has been filtered through whomever you've talked to and the very limited exchanges you have had with me in which you fail to communicate rather, you fucking assume what you will of my character then validate those feelings with more of your own confabulation......It's social dysfunction....impolite, uncivil, and wholly subjective, and your motivated by your own ignorance of my intent and fueled by an unwillingess to process information that does not suit your particular brand of social dysfunction.

Experienced this's what makes YOU the hater, YOU the problem, and can either be an inroad to understanding or my demise, since I chose to engage certain problems or challenges rather than to simply ignore them.

Now as far as this particular exchange we are still in my estimation, having a conversation exchanging opinions, observations and ideas.....Should you once again try and turn it into some misinterpreted personal attack then justify a response similar to most of yours in the past, which quickly digress into personal attacks on my character and retarded assumptions well.....I'm going to either pound the admins until they respond appropriately or bring this shit out in the open forum in a sift talk post because quite frankly.....I will not have my account suspended because of someone's lack of
critical-thinking skills combined personal hatred for people, concepts, or opinions they find confusing or emotionally trying....

Comprehension is an issue for some my ass, you have a hard to see me fry and are willing to go the fucking distance to see it happen.....well fuck THAT and since you can;t seem to wrap your head around the concept, fuck privacy....The goddamn community-at-large needs to see what you are up to...

newtboy said:

I quoted you. Try reading what you wrote. I'll even copy it for you. Sure seemed directed at me, especially since you quoted my comment in the thread to tell me " * "...sure seemed like you needed me to read your comment, but then later thought better of what you wrote and tried to erase it (but couldn't make the contact go away completely).
It's funny and sad that the one who's been repeatedly banned and corrected with 'probations', and that get's in over the top verbal fights daily doesn't understand that they're the real problem. Comprehension is an issue for some.

chingalera said:


and then said

Popularity be damned and at pennies on the dollar, the site has once again been wrested by a cabal of regular back-and-forthers, none particularly clever or interesting, whose banal commentary could fill a modest tome printed on onion skins, bound with viscous expectorates, and disposed of at one's next convenient expurgate repose the lucky hoarder having been thankful to have kept it for a fresher feeling behind after schnapps.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Climate Change Debate

Trancecoach says...

Bottomline: who cares? None of the people who are attacking me here are going to do anything of any impact on the climate. It's just "talk, talk, talk" anyway. Do you buy plastic? If so, then who cares what you think about the environment?

These are not rhetorical or trivial questions! I expect answers! (not really)

Pragmatically, are you personally contributing to clean air or are you contributing to smog? I walk to work, I don't have children, I don't consume beef, and when I do use vehicles, I take public transportation and drive a hybrid. What do you do? What are your theoretical opinions contributing to anything of value? If you just want something more to freak out about (without actually contributing anything in any positive way), then you can enjoy your worry and stress and get your panties in a bunch on videosift. I have no interest in it.

And speaking of "geniuses:"

@9547bis said: "Denying basic physics is a bit harder, you see."

So, other than parroting something you read on a government website, can you in fact explain the "physics" you are so convinced of? What are the "physics" that "prove" man-made greenhouse gases are the reason for global warming? And why do the warming models invariably prove to be inaccurate (according to physics)?

So, you know which is "bigger" between 5 and 15. I'm not as impressed with yourself as you seem to be. But perhaps you can explain the "physics errors" in this report?

Or this one.

This section specifically deals with the "physical science." What is it that you know that the experts don't. Perhaps you can demonstrate the scientific errors with which you disagree, and point out where they're inaccurate?

Or perhaps you don't understand anything that you aren't repeating from what some government hack tells you...

Something you failed to recognize is that "data" requires a rationalist theory by which to interpret it. Many people have not been getting that kind of education (as Google's HR knows), so the "data" can then be interpreted any which way to suit pre-conditioned biases and vested interests. That's not "science." In fact, that's where so-called "authorities" come in: the propagandists and those paid to tell "the people" how to interpret the "data."

Who amongst those taking issue with my posts (@dannym3141) follows this epistemological "method" of reading the "data" and interpreting it, and who simply repeats what some "authority" tells them is the case?

(And lest you think "the people" are innocent victims, know that they seem more like willing participants; the extent to which they can be "victimized" depends on the extent of their own personal vices: anger, greed, pride, envy, laziness, etc. I'm looking at you @ChaosEngine.)

9547bis said:


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