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Mordhaus (Member Profile)

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

Grab some coffee. More coffee. Maybe some soilent green, too. Now, may I direct your attention at this piece by the great Edward S. Herman, who basically wrote the book on propaganda together with Chomsky.

In this piece, he takes aim at the NYT's coverage of Russia. This, of course, includes the election. It's about 2/3 into the piece, beginning with:

"The Putin connection was given great impetus by the January 6, 2017 release of a report of the Office of Director of National Intelligence (DNI), on Background of Assessing Russian Activities and Intention in Recent US Elections."

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Stephen Reacts To Trump Calling Him 'A No-Talent Guy'

newtboy jokingly says...

Just to name a few.....
Colbert has won nine Primetime Emmy Awards, two Grammy Awards, and two Peabody Awards. Colbert was named one of Time's 100 Most Influential People in 2006 and 2012.[6][7] In 2006 the word he coined, truthiness, was the Merriam Webster word of the year. His book, I Am America (And So Can You!), was #1 on The New York Times Best Seller list in 2007

So talent, intelligence, morality, humor, inventiveness, and top rated accomplishments...he's doing better than our president by every measure that matters.

What have you done with your life?

SeesThruYou said:

Colbert is a celebrity, an entertainer, someone who makes a living by making jokes and disregarding everything as trivial. You know, like the court jesters of medieval times. He has no ability to solve any problems, so instead he mocks them. What "talent" does he really have that contributes to society? Stop worshipping this asshole and all other celebrities as if they're somehow better than anyone else. You know damn well that if famous people weren't famous, they'd be nothing at all.

How To Cook A Cheap Steak Vs. An Expensive Steak

RFlagg says...

I really dislike marinades. I want the steak. Pure. Simple.

I like Ribeye, but there ends up being so much thick fat cut to the side, that I feel I got ripped off, and my 12 oz steak is basically an 8 oz worth of edible meat, while the New York Strip gives more meat for the buck, and if done properly is normally good enough.

Millennial Home Buyer

Mordhaus says...

I live about 5 miles inside the city limits, just enough to get taxed good and proper. I told my wife that once she retires from UT we are moving out asap. I'd move now but the traffic is horrible and they keep trying to fix it by adding more buses and screwing around with light rail that only goes to a few places in the city. That and turning roads we already paid for into toll roads.

It's not on par with really bad traffic like in New York or LA, but for a town this size it is brutal. Traffic in Houston moves better than it does here.

newtboy said:

Ha! It's great when you foil a robbery by not noticing it! Good job.

Yikes! We're still taxed as if we were worth $125k, and at only 1%. We don't live in city or even town limits, so our tax rates are low. Willow says we're worth over $500k now, so I hope they don't catch on and reevaluate us any time soon. I can't afford for our taxes to quadruple.

Mother 'livid' over son's treatment by TSA at DFW Airport

New laser zaps mosquitoes out of the air.

MilkmanDan says...

Let's be extremely optimistic and figure that these things work in a 25 meter radius, with 100% kill rate to any mosquito inside that zone for 30 seconds+. That's plenty to put in or near a house and drastically reduce the mosquito population in (and a little bit around) that area. But just a short distance away, the mosquito population will be completely unaffected.

Animals that prey on mosquitoes will find a small dead zone and move on.

Lets say they worked extremely well, and we decided to cover an entire city with a grid of these things. Maybe New York (800 km^2). Would the local ecosystem be affected? Sure. Some species of birds, bats, etc. would move upstate -- but overall there would probably be way less impact on the ecosystem than simply having a gigantic city there in general.

It would probably be better to set them up covering small villages in area with high risk of malaria, in which case any affects on ecosystems would be very small and contained. But on the other hand, first world people like New Yorkers with high population density and more $$$ to burn might be plenty happy to chip in (tax dollars?) for these things if they never got any mosquito bites again. And that would probably help the economy of scale kick in and make it much cheaper to set them up in places that would really benefit...

Fairbs said:

I like the idea of giving them only enough juice to kill them prolonging their suffering

I don't like that there are tons of animals that use mosquitoes to help them survive

Killer Klowns from Outerspace - Official Music Video

Answer To "Most Muslims Are Peaceful".

newtboy says...

If 300000000 were dedicated to the destruction of western civilization, it would be destroyed today.

Her contention that the peaceful majority is irrelevant means we must be in fear of and at war with every group we could name, because they all have radicals. That's simply asinine.

She is really angry about this question.
There are MANY Islamic peace movements, contrary to their implications that this single woman is it. Just a few below.

Islamic Peace Movement UK, more widely known as Islamic Movement UK or IMUK, is the largest Islamic organisation in the UK.[1] It was formed in 1989 in Leeds by Mohammed Kilyam

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (Mir-za Mas-roor Ah-mad) is the fifth Khalifa (Caliph) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

Spearhead by the Muslim Peace Coalition, 100 New York Imams in the spring of 2011 stood together to issue an historic statement that established the link between wars at home and wars abroad.

Amazing Subway Performer Mike Yung - A Change Is Gonna Come

I cant wait to see my family

I cant wait to see my family

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

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