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Cosmos: A Space Jam Odyssey

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Climate Change Debate

Taint says...

Yogi's right.

Either Trancecoach is a purposeless troll, or some kind of an idiot.

Assuming for a second that he actually believes himself, ChaosEngine provided my favorite response.

ChaosEngine said:

You completely missed the point.

The point is that most people think they are not the problem. I don't even know what you think because your attitude seems to be "there isn't really a problem but at least I'm doing something about it." I'm actually impressed that you can be both contrarian and sanctimonious simultaneously.

I do do heaps of things about it. I'm not bothered listing them again, and besides it comes off as preaching, but I know it's not enough. I recognise that my contributions on their own are meaningless, and that is why I advocate for more meaningful change on a larger scale.

Yeah, I could give up the things I love to help the planet and sit back patting myself on the back while we plunge further toward disaster. Or better yet, I could engage in some kind of wishful thinking that everyone will follow my example and we'll all return to some kind agrarian paradise. Unfortunately, I don't believe that will happen.

The problem is that it's a genuinely difficult issue to solve. There are political, economic and even environmental (is nuclear a viable solution?) issues that all have to balance.

But like anything, the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Climate Change Debate

Asmo says...

I responded to your specific quote dismissing the evidence provided because of who it was provided by, not because of what was provided. But you already know that... =)

And as previously noted, your stand is essentially unassailable because you believe you are correct and refuse to acknowledge anything that undermines that belief. As Yogi has noted, all you're doing now is acting the idiot to solicit more posts that you can randomly spray vitriol at.

ie. pretty much acting like stereotypical climate change deniers, conspiracy theorists or aggressive religious types.

Trancecoach said:

Or, like, you know, you can read what I posted... Or not. Seems like you're arguing with a strawman, and not against anything I posted.

Hard Not To Like WWE Wrestling After This

budzos says...

You're going to use an outlier like John Cena to make your general case? That doesn't seem intelligent.

What's more, anyone who makes a joke like "Only the WWE could get me to cheer for Cancer!" and then gets offended by what I've said can suck my dick. Fuck you Yogi. i'm serious. You sanctimonious cunt.

Yogi said:

Not always, Cena has done more Make a Wish granting thingies than anyone and they're not all known about or shown. They aren't featured on the shows barely at all, and most people don't even know that that is what Cena does.

So while marketing does have a purpose here and there's reasons for it, it's not like it isn't something nice to do and it's not like it's the sole reason.

Wrestling fans are a lot smarter than you think, for instance I'm a wrestling fan and I'm much, much smarter than you.

Slide on Over: Brace for Impact!

"Look Up" a poem about Social Media

yellowc says...

"Yes that's true and that's the point of this, to suggest that this isn't the way we should be interacting to one another." -Yogi

A suggestion in this pretentious form is intended as an imposition.

You don't know how people should be interacting, you want them to interact in the way that makes you happy. Fuck if that makes everyone else unhappy? Because you're right and this is the right way to live!


People live how they want.

Yogi said:

How is it imposing?

Drag Queen Gives Impassioned Speech About Homophobia

ChaosEngine says...

christ, the amount of work I'd get done if I was banned from the sift.

Doesn't bear* thinking about....

bear! geddit, yogi??? ha! I'm fucking hilarious

Yogi said:

Yeah I'd much more prefer that @ChaosEngine gets banned. Nothing he says isn't something I've already thought of so the constant redundancies are cunting annoying.

Craig Ferguson - Big Announcement

Yogi (Member Profile)

Huckabee is Not a Homophobe, but...

Hanover_Phist says...

Thanks Silvercord, I do believe you've articulated yourself here better than I have. I don't take much issue with anything you've said above and I think we agree more than we disagree.

You're right, I'm from Canada. I have a unique perspective of American culture at the same time as living in the most culturally diverse city in the world. Here, multiculturalism is enshrined in law. We see ourselves as a mosaic instead of a melting pot. Something I'm quite proud of. (but not all Canadians feel the same way) There are plenty of conflicts of culture to choose from around here.

But when I'm speaking about an individuals 'fundamental human rights', I'm not speaking as a Canadian, or Torontonian or North American, I'm speaking as a human. And when I stated that religious/cultural rights were trumped by physical ones I didn't mean to suggest they were non-existent. The Klu Klux Klan for example is a religious organization (or at least that's what they call them selves) as is the Westboro Baptist Church and it's because their rights "extend to the tips of their noses" that they can't impose their will over people they believe are lesser than themselves. They are free to carry hateful ideas around in their heads, (as is their "right") but if it causes them to commit hateful actions, they are breaking the law.

The same can be said of the baker and the photographer. Albeit of varying degrees. The reason the baker and photographer have a sacred idea of marriage being only between a man and a woman is because of an intolerance of homosexuality. You say they're not intolerant because they serve the gay community in every other aspect outside of marriage and I say if there is any way they treat the gay community differently than that is the very definition of discrimination. Again, it's just in varying degrees.

What if I held a religious belief that marriage was only between a white man and a white woman and refused to supply services to anyone outside of that definition? "Sorry we can't in good conscience go there. Oh, it's not you, it's me." I would be running my business in a discriminatory fashion and I would pay a fine. As it should be.

Might I suggest if you want to be selective as to who you will serve and who you won't based on the physical attributes someone was born with, that you keep those reasons to yourself and politely refuse service to those people citing a scheduling conflict or artistic differences. Because to stand up proudly saying you don't recognize gay marriage or mixed race coupling as your 'fundamental human right' is offensive. By all means, carry your intolerant ideas in your head, just don't carry out intolerant actions and think the rest of the community has to respect you for them.

"Let me ask you, have you ever seen a law change someone's heart? I haven't."

Um, no, you're right. It doesn't work that way. But laws do create culture if not for this generation, than for the next. As Yogi stated above; "Eventually these people will die, and the old husks and their followers left behind will spur further movements towards greater equality." A little harsh perhaps, but when you you think back to the '40s, '50s and '60s and the how attitudes and culture have changed for the Black community you can't deny that civil rights laws have made the world a better place, for equality and for everyone.

silvercord said:

Some disconnected thoughts:

I didn't mean to say what you weren't saying. Apologies. I do like what you said here, "for her to use her basic human right to not be discriminated against as a woman to leverage those men into a difficult position, sounds like a crappy thing to do." Yes, a crappy thing. I think we'd better get used to it; at least in the United States where people want to adhere to the letter of the law when it comes to asserting their rights.

Am I wrong in assuming you live outside of the States? If so that makes it easy for me to understand your stance on religious rights being unequal with other rights.

I am not insisting that discrimination be protected. Far from it. If you were being discriminated against you would want me in your corner. I detest discrimination. What I find interesting about all of the cases you mentioned, the only reason a gay couple has given for asking the state to enforce the anti-discrimination laws is over the issue of marriage and the issue of marriage alone. The photographer and bakers apparently served the gay community in other capacities from their storefronts without incident. No lawsuits, no nothing. I think we have to ask 'why?" What is it specifically about marriage that would cause a Christian (or a Muslim, or any number of religions for that matter), to say, "I can't participate in that?" I suspect that if the couple in question had been a man and two or three women getting married that the business owners response would have been the same - that is not our understanding of marriage, sorry we can't in good conscience go there." At the risk of repeating myself, their refusal isn't about the people they refused. It is specifically about the act of marriage.

As an aside, I find it ironic to the nth degree that the State of Oregon is trying to legally compel the bakery owners to participate in a ceremony that is illegal in the State of Oregon. Marriage among gays in Oregon is illegal. Sigh. This is why I wish religion, of any sort, would get out of the business of telling people what to do. I would like to see a withdrawal from the legislation of religious tenets that are not in line with the US Constitution. Then gays could marry freely in this country and this argument could be put away.

Many of the problems in this world could be resolved if the religionists didn't feel like they needed to make everyone outside of their religion believe and behave like they do. As I see it, in a free society, a religious belief should not be able compel those outside that belief to do anything.

You may be familiar with openly gay author/blogger Andrew Sullivan who has written about this subject. He says: I would never want to coerce any fundamentalist to provide services for my wedding – or anything else for that matter – if it made them in any way uncomfortable. The idea of suing these businesses to force them to provide services they are clearly uncomfortable providing is anathema to me. I think it should be repellent to the gay rights movement as well.

There is, of course, extensive writing on this issue by all sides and we may never be able to untangle it here but I have enjoyed getting your perspective.

“what is to stop the members of Westboro Baptist Church from showing up at a bakery run by gays and demand they cater an anti-gay event?” answer; Anti-discrimination laws.

I hope you're right. I hope we never have an opportunity to find out. But here is, in part, the text of Oregon's law:

Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, all persons within the jurisdiction of this state are entitled to the full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities and privileges of any place of public accommodation, without any distinction, discrimination or restriction on account of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status or age if the individual is 18 years of age or older.

"Religion" doesn't not have a special designation of 'unless' in there. I can see those Westboro Baptist a-holes notice that and will have some gay bakers baking a cake for them every day of the week.

All of this discussion is really a digression of my initial post which was to say: If our communities were stronger, if we'd risk more relationally, if we'd put down the electronics and get to know each other, it sure would be a lot easier to get along. We would have less use for the legal system to resolve our differences.

Let me ask you, have you ever seen a law change someone's heart? I haven't.

Molyneax on Bundy Ranch Standown of BLM

chingalera says...

Oh and Yogi, I'd hasten to guess if you ever had a chance to converse with SM whom you've so smugly dismissed and relegated to some corner of your mind behind a door you've never opened, that yer nutsack would shrivel as much and as fast conversely, as the Grinch who stole xmas' heart grew that day when he looked-down on Whoville...

Molyneax on Bundy Ranch Standown of BLM

chingalera says...

Videosift: All it takes is here to call-out the rabble is one video offering of current events that doesn't fit the retrograde paradigm of illusion and irony.

Yogi, that sir is more typing on a single video embed than I believe you have EVER taken the time to spew. Congratulations. You are hereby awarded the Choggie Kendall Long-Winded Inner-Direction Award For Self-Indulgence and Foment.

You sir join the ranks this month bringing the total of 5 who have been inducted into this hall of shame, including one of our newest and most loquacious of newer members, forgive us if we don't name any names, for it really ain't worth the key-strokes nor the wearing-down of ink delineating the alphabet on each cheap plastic button, to do so....

Something though tells us that we think y'all know who the FUCK y'all are....

(sarcasm not intended, nor be the poncy, little square box filled)

-SIncerely, little thing...

Molyneax on Bundy Ranch Standown of BLM

newtboy says...

There has been no assult on the rancher's property, it's all on Federal land.
This may be an example of why dumb americans want guns, but this is also an example of many people that SHOULDN'T be allowed to have guns. If you want a rifle to take on the federal government, you are an idiot. The feds have tanks and missiles, who wins EVERY TIME in that fight? Just ask (edit, I meant Koresh and the Waco people). His suggestions amount to telling children to go play in the freeway because it belongs to them as public land, and the fed has no right to reserve it for cars. I wish this guy walked his own talk and was standing right there in the front baiting the feds, he might be the first casualty.

This is not about 'defending freedom', it's about defending a criminal that believes federal land is his to use and damage as he sees fit, even after being told clearly and repeatedly that he has to pay for it, (which he refused to) and can only use it for certain purposes for a certain time period (which have ended long ago).

His example of allowed use, the solar company, is forced to follow environmental laws and not damage the land/environment, cattle don't follow laws and do damage the land badly. Solar and wind don't hurt turtles, cattle and vehicles (used to manage the cattle) do. Proven.
EDIT: I recall many 'ranchers' on federal land intentionally killing turtles because they burrow, making holes that cattle get hurt in.

I agree with Yogi, this guy is massively deluded and is attempting to spread his stupidity...suggesting that non-citizens take on the fed in this kind of action? WHAT?!? Also claiming that the fed managing it's land is 'facist'. Just DUH, dude. I might downvote this video for mis-information, lack of understanding, and just plain ridiculous ideas if I could.
I note this blowhard isn't standing with the rancher armed...maybe he doesn't WANT to be shot?

Huckabee is Not a Homophobe, but...

chingalera says...

Yeah, yeah, and I joke around with yogi as well. My jab at your manner is lost to you. On the contrary, don't need a clue, as your modus operendi is apparent from your response to an observation, vis-a-vis my calling you out here.

You accuse people of being confrontational? Check that mirror again, perhaps.
You're welcome to maintain and foster any opinion you wish.

Nothing here? Obviously am or your blood-pressure wouldn't have spiked like it did during what appears to be a rather sophomoric and infantile reply.

Admittedly, I am guilty of the same when cornered by haters....working on that.

Whether the comment in question was or wasn't directed at me is mute point. The fact that you've been directing foul energy in my direction on this site lately with a view to destroying my character and integrity is evident to all.

Not nit-picking sir, s..t-kicking....and trying to get it out of my way in order to walk unhindered by kak on my boots.

I'd be more than happy to talk to you in private or in real-time with a view to a mutual understanding because I'd rather not play this back-and fourth. Please...Name the venue of your choosing for a discussion.

BoneRemake said:

Grasping at air.

You comment about shit you have no clue or dealing with.

Yogi and I fuck around like that.... YA TWAT. Not like you are rightfully privledged for the friedly twat.. in this instance you are, like I said grasping at nothing saying nothing, meaning nothing and being nothing (here) .

Your little fart in the wind made me laugh up until the first ..say six/seven lines , depending on how your screen is formatted. You are nit picking at the first thing you see, you see but do not actually fully understand, you are lame. I mean , really just Lame.

picking for shit out of a friendly ribbing from a comment that was not even in any way directed at you.


nenner neener neener, this guy is a jack ass.

Huckabee is Not a Homophobe, but...

BoneRemake says...

Grasping at air.

You comment about shit you have no clue or dealing with.

Yogi and I fuck around like that.... YA TWAT. Not like you are rightfully privledged for the friedly twat.. in this instance you are, like I said grasping at nothing saying nothing, meaning nothing and being nothing (here) .

Your little fart in the wind made me laugh up until the first ..say six/seven lines , depending on how your screen is formatted. You are nit picking at the first thing you see, you see but do not actually fully understand, you are lame. I mean , really just Lame.

picking for shit out of a friendly ribbing from a comment that was not even in any way directed at you.


nenner neener neener, this guy is a jack ass.

chingalera said:

So the smiley-face is supposed to excuse ad-hom, bunny-man?? You could have called him a 'cunt' 'asshole', 'dipshit', any of these would be in violation of civil rules of kjs;lakjd;lfkjs df


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