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Xbox SmartGlass - Actually really cool

sixshot says...

Caveat: 99% of any features or apps on the Xbox 360 requires Xbox Live Gold. That means you pay even more out of yer pocket to use those things.

Is there anything useful for the Xbox Live Silver/free users? Yes, that tiny 1% that MS gives you. Everything else requires Live Gold. IE requires Gold. YouTube requires Gold. ESPN requires Gold (although reasonable given the app design). DailyMotion requires Gold. Netflix requires Gold.

There is a major imbalance in how Silver is designed when compared to Gold. There's no "app" that you can use. All you're left is playing music/movies from the Xbox itself or streamed from the network.

Smartglass? Nice idea. But shitty if none of the Xbox apps work w/o a Live Gold subscription. Xbox Live isn't simply a service where there is free and paid. It's all about paying to use Xbox Live despite having a free model.

Official Halo 4 Launch Trailer 'Scanned' Long Form

Fletch says...

>> ^00Scud00:

It's a shame that Microsoft decided to stop bringing Halo to the PC after Halo 2, sure, it wasn't the greatest game series ever made but I still would not mind playing it anyhow.

Microsoft bought out Bungi in the first place and turned what would have been an incredible PC game into the shite that became an Xbox exclusive. Fuck Halo and Microsoft.

Official Halo 4 Launch Trailer 'Scanned' Long Form

Deano says...

>> ^00Scud00:

Oh I'm quite sure there's money to be made in PC games, but I guess Microsoft still thinks they can move more Xboxes with Halo as an exclusive, although I suspect that anyone who really wants to play Halo that badly already owns one by now. Or maybe they're just still mad that the same marketing strategy doesn't work as well with operating systems and that the majority of PC users called Microsoft on their bullshit.
>> ^Deano:
>> ^00Scud00:
It's a shame that Microsoft decided to stop bringing Halo to the PC after Halo 2, sure, it wasn't the greatest game series ever made but I still would not mind playing it anyhow.

No money in the PC game for them. You can't charge for map packs, Spartan Ops, skins etc.

I really think it's more about the DLC issue and secondly assuring the Xbox has at least one killer exclusive game.

They will push to sell way more DLC with Halo 4. Spartan Ops will be chargeable once it beds in.
I'm not sure that Microsoft gives a rats arse about PC gaming. They interest lies in owning the living room.

Official Halo 4 Launch Trailer 'Scanned' Long Form

00Scud00 says...

Oh I'm quite sure there's money to be made in PC games, but I guess Microsoft still thinks they can move more Xboxes with Halo as an exclusive, although I suspect that anyone who really wants to play Halo that badly already owns one by now. Or maybe they're just still mad that the same marketing strategy doesn't work as well with operating systems and that the majority of PC users called Microsoft on their bullshit.

>> ^Deano:

>> ^00Scud00:
It's a shame that Microsoft decided to stop bringing Halo to the PC after Halo 2, sure, it wasn't the greatest game series ever made but I still would not mind playing it anyhow.

No money in the PC game for them. You can't charge for map packs, Spartan Ops, skins etc.

Bill Burr Doesn't Believe The Steve Jobs Hype - CONAN

bmacs27 says...

Well, to be fair he was really exploiting the american consumer for big bucks. The chinese workers got paid the same if they were making iGadgets or xBoxes. It's the consumers that got raped.>> ^Yogi:

>> ^xxovercastxx:
dark comedy
Steve Jobs knew how to get the most out of people. He knew how to inspire people. He knew how to manage and utilize people for maximum benefit. He knew when to steal an idea and how to make it work. He was not an inventor; he was a cunning and ruthless business leader and people love and hate him for it.
Anyone who says Steve Jobs was "just" anything is a fool. You may hate what he did, but he was damn good at it.

Yep he sure knew how to exploit Chinese Workers for big bucks! Good for him!

Verizon Bills a Guy For Burned Cable Boxes

arekin says...

Homeowners or renters insurance. They can't recover the boxes, it is a loss to their company. The real problem here is (apparently based on his comments) Geico. They should be covering the cost of the cable boxes and paying him for the cost he was charged. Verizon is not the only company to do this, every major media provider will require you to cover the cost of damaged equipment, which seems fair to me, as they didn't damage it. If you borrow a friends Xbox and the fire burned it up, you would be fighting for his xbox to be covered or buying him a new one, you wouldn't be telling him "sorry dude, your loss." Was Your responsibility.

Liquid nitrogen + 1500 ping pong balls

Star Wars Tie Fighter Animated

Banned iphone 5 Promo

Microsoft Design Change

Psycho Girlfriend Destroys Xbox

Psycho Girlfriend Destroys Xbox

Psycho Girlfriend Destroys Xbox

EMPIRE says...

Do I even have to say it? FAKE as fuck!
And not because she's completely overreacting. Unfortunately there are people like that in the world.

It's fake, because she removes the console, and it seems to be a magic Xbox, since it needs no cables attached to play it.

CryEngine3 - Tech Trailer (Crysis 3)

deathcow says...

I run 2560x1600 graphics and like to pull as many fps as possible. Also I gotta disagree I have a hellacious goodtime playing todays visceral FPS shooters multiplayer online.>> ^Fletch:

At least the next dumbed-down piece of consolized crapola will look pretty. Unfortunately, it'll still play like a frickin' console port.
@deathcow Why do you need to upgrade anything? Like every other potentially decent PC game in the last 5 years, it's being designed for Xbox and PS3. If you can run other recent FPS's, this should be no problem. I'm still running Core2Duo (oc'd) and a 5870 (also oc'd). I have another, still brand new 5870 sitting on a shelf that I just haven't been bothered to Crossfire yet. Haven't needed it (been sitting there for about two years; but maybe this weekend...). This is a corridor shooter. It has to be in order to run on consoles without choking. Even the outdoor areas are claustrophobic.
It's sad that there is so much emphasis on graphics over substance nowadays. It's the only thing game developers have left to convince PC gamers that they aren't selling the PC version short, even though it isn't the lead platform... better graphics, more graphic options, higher resolutions. I don't give a shit about "Pixel Accurate Displacement Mapping" or "Tessellated Vegetation", and if the game is worth playing as a GAME, you won't even notice it. Doom2 is still more fun today than any of the consolized dross released for PC in the last 6-8 years.

CryEngine3 - Tech Trailer (Crysis 3)

Fletch says...

At least the next dumbed-down piece of consolized crapola will look pretty. Unfortunately, it'll still play like a frickin' console port.

@deathcow Why do you need to upgrade anything? Like every other potentially decent PC game in the last 5 years, it's being designed for Xbox and PS3. If you can run other recent FPS's, this should be no problem. I'm still running Core2Duo (oc'd) and a 5870 (also oc'd). I have another, still brand new 5870 sitting on a shelf that I just haven't been bothered to Crossfire yet. Haven't needed it (been sitting there for about two years; but maybe this weekend...). This is a corridor shooter. It has to be in order to run on consoles without choking. Even the outdoor areas are claustrophobic.

It's sad that there is so much emphasis on graphics over substance nowadays. It's the only thing game developers have left to convince PC gamers that they aren't selling the PC version short, even though it isn't the lead platform... better graphics, more graphic options, higher resolutions. I don't give a shit about "Pixel Accurate Displacement Mapping" or "Tessellated Vegetation", and if the game is worth playing as a GAME, you won't even notice it. Doom2 is still more fun today than any of the consolized dross released for PC in the last 6-8 years.

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