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Robots and drones examine Fukushima reactor buildings

Some guy engineers his own 9/11 experiments

jwray says...

Also crushed silicon dioxide or silicates in the wreckage (e.g. glass, granite, marble, concrete, and anything else consisting mostly of rock) could react violently with aluminum, in a very similar reaction to thermite. See

Edit: marble is carbonate, not silicate, but most rocks are silicates.

Some guy engineers his own 9/11 experiments

bcglorf says...

>> ^dannym3141:

>> ^jwray:
>> ^dannym3141:
>> ^jwray:
Also, the gravitational energy released by the collapse could put a shitload more heat into things that were already really hot.

I, for one, am very unsure on this idea that the gravitational potential energy of bricks falling a maximum of 800m (the very very top bricks only) are a source of major internal heating in a building collapse.
Random thought experiment - if i dropped 50 kg of wood from 800m, that's a lot of gravitational potential energy. Would it set on fire, then, on impact with the ground?

17.4 degrees C for iron dropped 800m in a vacuum. More or less for other things depending on their specific heat capacity and the exact configuration of the collapse. Things that get a lot of shit falling on top of them may get a 10-100 times larger share of the energy than the average depending on the parameters of all the materials (if you drop a hard thing onto mush, the mush absorbs most of the impact).
Also, imstellar, 99.9% of all legitimate scientists don't support the "WTC was an inside job done with thermite" hypothesis. For one, it violates occam's razor. The planes alone were enough. A lot of people actually DIED on those planes and were never heard from again. Plus there is VIDEO of the planes crashing into the buildings.

I find your answer lacking. 17.4 degrees C for what amount of iron dropped in a vacuum? Saying 17.4 degrees C "for iron" is tantamount to telling me you looked it up on wikipedia. As a statement of fact, it makes no sense! It depends on so many things - shape, the amount, what it lands on.. I have a suspicion you have an idea of what you're talking about, but you'll need to do better than that kind of comment.
And don't forget that only the very top bits are falling 800 m, it falls less and less the further down you go, and the fall is so complex, collisions taking place, things landing on other things, bouncing off things, slowed down, sped up, who knows what's going on in the middle?
It's still looking suspicious that your statement that the GPE of the falling shit will somehow shoot huge temperatures up to even huger temperatures.

You'll have troubles looking up temperature in any scientific literature because the real measure that matters in energy. Temperature is just a measure of how much energy a particular object is storing in the form of heat. Jwray's very valid point is simply that a skyscraper is storing an utterly enormous amount of energy in the form of gravity. If even a small portion of that energy is converted to heat, which a collapse is guaranteed to do, it will raise temperatures of whatever material absorbs that heat. If it is concentrated enough it could melt whatever is heated up. The point is simply that the collapse turned more than enough energy into the form of heat to melt a good mass of steel, the question is only how that energy was distributed through the wreckage. Odds are in a random collapse it will be distributed fairly broadly, meaning less temperature increase per mass, but the already very hot steel may not have needed that much either.

All said, it is absolutely hard to say. Meaning it's hard to rule out the collapse and simmering fires within the wreckage couldn't have melted some steel over time. Hard say that would be expected either. The more complex an event is the harder it is to predict.

Man designs, builds, pilots own fighter; hopes gov buys it

direpickle says...

Zapp: You see, Killbots have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at them, until they reached their limit and shutdown.


Zapp: Now, like all great plans, my strategy is so simple an idiot could have devised it. On my command all ships will line up and file directly into the alien death cannons, clogging them with wreckage.

Zero Punctuation: Borderlands

Shepppard says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:
I'm a bit shocked that he needs "another week" to finish ME2. I finished it last weekend. All of it. Side-quests too.
I played a little bit Thursday night, a few hours Friday night and, since my plans for the weekend fell through, pretty much all day Saturday and Sunday. I just checked my final saved game and it's 31 hours.
They really stripped the thing bare. Lots of features removed or simplified. Apparently nobody liked the driving in the first game so they completely removed that (unless you buy the driving DLC). The problem with the driving in ME1 was there was nothing on 90% of the planets besides a mineral deposit or two. That hasn't changed, but now you have to rub the planets with your mouse cursor in order to find mineral deposits instead of actually exploring them. It's like doing a 10' scratch-off ticket with a penny.

I actually just straight up hated the MAKO, to the point where when I Was exploring the normandy crash site, I smiled a bit when I saw its "Wreckage".

The controls were brutal, I can think of many times where the paths you were supposed to take in certain places (Liaras dig site in particular) weren't well laid out, and therefore I personally died almost every single time I got to the end because "Oh shit, I turn left theres a wall there, turn right!" and started barreling off the path into the lava, and by the time I went "Oh shit, lava!" and hit reverse, I was either too late and in the lava, or about to touch it. And for some reason, lava is an instant kill.

I did find some of it more simplified, but it took me ages to realise things from the first game were missing. I never had to worry about inventory because you never picked anything up unless it was usefull, and eventually realised I didn't have to sit there spamming clicks to sell all 150 items in my inventory, that I like. The cover system works out well, scanning works well, hacking and bypassing are 100x more fun then just the space frogger it used to be. The only true "Complaint" I have about the game, is that the biotic is borderline useless on a first playthrough, and only somewhat useful once you unlock "Reave" and can start a new game with it. Biotics don't do anything against armour, barrier, and shields. Other then that, I liked all the changes.

Many sifters are extremists when talking about religion (Religion Talk Post)

choggie says...

"What i hope for is to see less videos about religion and atheism and for people to loose interests in this retarded war. I got tired of all the video spam on these subjects long ago, but they seem to keep returning."

As long as there be unfulfilled, frustrated, bitter, and uncreative folk, there will be arguments "for" or "against" anything and everything.

Religions make Semolians....greenbacks...MONEY. Including the 21st Century religion of Atheism. Both sides will always profit in our current paradigm, where money reigns supreme. YES! Has not the choggie been spouting from day 1 here on the sift (with a chambered downvote shotgun at the ready) that the rabid, sophomoric, finger-pointing and name-calling by both sides is a circle jerk of mammoth proportions?

The sift has enough video wreckage-those who play here and show up to look, usually have a brain with a solid handle on a take on God. Personally???...If ya wholesale rule out a creative force in the uni/multiverse that may or may not be a benevolent omni-being or catalytic observer/initiator, well, you simply ain't had a third-eye opening experience, and ya need to have yer pineal gland fibrillated!

Praise Bejesus Mary Magdaloin!

Truck Fail Compilation

Psychologic says...

>> ^squeak:
Several people undoubtedly died.

Indeed. I know that the guy in the truck that drove down the hill between the two bridges died... the video here cut out before the huge fireball erupted from the wreckage.

If I remember correctly, he had a seizure or went unconscious because of a diabetic situation.

Another Reason Not to Run Red Lights, or Run From the Cops

Stingray says...

News link:

GARLAND — A pursuit that lasted 90 minutes and stretched through at least three cities ended with a violent collision at a Garland intersection Monday afternoon.

The chase began in Mesquite following a traffic stop by Dallas County Constables. It was not immediately clear what triggered the decision to pursue the driver, but there were indications that the man was wanted on felony warrants.

The Nissan's sedan eluded a phalanx of squad cars at speeds up to 100 mph on a back-and-forth route that included Interstate 30, LBJ Freeway and local streets. The suspect has been named as Shane Michel.

At one point, the he skidded out of control on a highway exit ramp and struck a highway sign head-on. The sign flipped over the car and shattered the car's rear window, but the driver kept going across a grassy median and resumed his flight.

Later, the car crashed through lowered gates at a DART light rail crossing in Garland.

A Dallas police helicopter and at least eight squad cars from several agencies were involved in the pursuit, which ended abruptly at the corner of Plano Road and Buckingham Road in Garland when Michel pulled in front of a pickup truck.

His sedan was struck on the driver's side door and skidded to a stop about half a block away. Paramedics used equipment to extricate him from the wreckage. He survived, but was injured. His condition at present is critical.

The driver of the pickup truck did not appear to be seriously hurt.

Caspian Airlines Plane Crash in Iran

vairetube says...

TEHERAN - AN IRANIAN airliner crashed into farmland in the north-west of the country on Wednesday, killing all 168 people on board, state media reported. Witnesses said the plane exploded after it dropped out of the sky, and state TV footage showed a deep crater littered with smoking wreckage and debris, including a large chunk of a wing.

The Caspian Airlines' Russian TU-154 plane crashed near the city of Qazvin, about 120km north-west of the capital, shortly after takeoff from Teheran's Imam Khomeini international airport.

Those on board
AMONG those on board the plane were about 25 Armenians, according to an airline representative in Yerevan, while Iranian officials said they included 10 members of Iran's junior national judo team.


Very very sad

Plane Crash at German Airshow

artician says...

I appreciated the slide-show after the video of the wreckage. Crazy everyone walked away.

I have pilots in my family, so I've been to my share of airshows: The downward spin (sorry, don't know the name) was an intentional stunt. The second poster is correct, his engine definitely cuts out 2/3rds of the way down. He was able to restart it but not in time (though that's probably what saved lives there).

Train vs. Tornado

2pornot2p says...

>> ^EndAll:
and then there was a timid silence, as the rain fell on the overturned masses of steel, sparks created by the force of friction fizzled out, and the smoke rose.. the conductor wiped his brow, exhaling a weary "phew" and stepped out onto the tracks, now littered with debris. he looked on the wreckage for a while, brow furrowed, considering all that would happen next. with another sigh, he walked with heavy steps down the line, over rubble and wreckage to find the nearest railway phone.

That was beautiful. Are you the author of this gem?

Train vs. Tornado

EndAll says...

and then there was a timid silence, as the rain fell on the overturned masses of steel, sparks created by the force of friction fizzled out, and the smoke rose.. the conductor wiped his brow, exhaling a weary "phew" and stepped out onto the tracks, now littered with debris. he looked on the wreckage for a while, brow furrowed, considering all that would happen next. with another sigh, he walked with heavy steps down the line, over rubble and wreckage to find the nearest railway phone.

The Scopes Monkey Trial, 1926

schmawy says...

Excerpt of Bryan's never-delivered closing argument...

Outmaneuvered by Clarence Darrow, William Jennings Bryan never got to deliver his closing argument in the Scopes trial. But soon after the trial -- and Bryan's subsequent death -- the entire text of Bryan's 15,000-word argument was published as Bryan's last speech. Here are a few excerpts:

Science is a magnificent force, but it is not a teacher of morals. It can perfect machinery, but it adds no moral restraints to protect society from the misuse of the machine. It can also build gigantic intellectual ships, but it constructs no moral rudders for the control of storm tossed human vessel. It not only fails to supply the spiritual element needed but some of its unproven hypotheses rob the ship of its compass and thus endangers its cargo. In war, science has proven itself an evil genius; it has made war more terrible than it ever was before. Man used to be content to slaughter his fellowmen on a single plane -- the earth's surface. Science has taught him to go down into the water and shoot up from below and to go up into the clouds and shoot down from above, thus making the battlefield three times a bloody as it was before; but science does not teach brotherly love. Science has made war so hellish that civilization was about to commit suicide; and now we are told that newly discovered instruments of destruction will make the cruelties of the late war seem trivial in comparison with the cruelties of wars that may come in the future. If civilization is to be saved from the wreckage threatened by intelligence not consecrated by love, it must be saved by the moral code of the meek and lowly Nazarene....

It is for the jury to determine whether this attack upon the Christian religion shall be permitted in the public schools of Tennessee by teachers employed by the state and paid out of the public treasury. This case is no longer local, the defendant ceases to play an important part. The case has assumed the proportions of a battle-royal between unbelief that attempts to speak through so-called science and the defenders of the Christian faith, speaking through the legislators of Tennessee. It is again a choice between God and Baal; it is also a renewal of the issue in Pilate's court....

...Your answer will be heard throughout the world; it is eagerly awaited by a praying multitude. If the law is nullified, there will be rejoicing wherever God is repudiated, the savior scoffed at and the Bible ridiculed. Every unbeliever of every kind and degree will be happy. If, on the other hand, the law is upheld and the religion of the school children protected, millions of Christians will call you blessed and, with hearts full of gratitude to God, will sing again that grand old song of triumph: "Faith of our fathers, living still, In spite of dungeon, fire and sword; O how our hearts beat high with joy, Whene'er we hear that glorious word -- Faith of our fathers -- Holy faith; We will be true to thee till death!

Excerpts from Bryan, William Jennings. Bryan's Last Speech: Undelivered Speech to the Jury in the Scopes Trial. Oklahoma City: Sunlight Publishing Society, 1925.


Fox News' Video Cropping Shenanigans

quantumushroom says...

You're a shitty human being with an equally shitty sense of decency, and America is much worse off now than it was eight years ago precisely because of people like you.

The last 8 years? Did anyone else notice that even with 9-11 and 2 wars, one of which is now won and done, things didn't really start taking a sht until the taxocrats took over Congress in 2006?

"America is for assholes." Know who wrote that, rougemeister? YOU did.

So I see no pressing need to justify sorting through the wreckage of bitterness and hatred that would spawn such a statement, but if you're going to accuse anyone else of "lying" when the left eats, drinks and shts lies and STILL can't compete in the marketplace of ideas, good luck.

I don't need Fox news. I just observe the mainstream media Obamaganda machine and conclude the opposite. Success or failure is all on the communist thugs running America now. I expect before Fraudbama is done, ALL 50 States will pass resolutions reaffirming their own statehood against the federal mafia.

Sorry you're going through tough times, but no one is owed a thing.

Cop arrests journalist and cameraman

Darkhand says...

Another important fact from the article brain linked:

"Darren Hunt, the ABC-7 reporter, said last night on the station's news broadcast that he was trying to interview soldiers who had actually pulled a man from the truck wreckage. The truck spilled across the westbound lanes of the freeway near Sunland Park, stopping traffic in that direction and slowing traffic in the other direction. Hunt was on the eastbound side of the highway."

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