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Bill Nye Realizes He Is Talking To A Moron

quantumushroom says...

So what your saying is no matter how much scientific evidence is given to you, you won't change your mind. Why?

Bring forth some genuine scientific evidence to match the claims.

Tweaked data, theories and worst-case scenario computer models that suggest a direct correlation between man-made warming activity and a rise in global temperature are not scientific evidence.

A consensus is also not scientific evidence. A consensus is a bunch of people sharing a certain idea. At one time the consensus was the earth is flat.

I've never disputed global warming (which was the original alarmist battle cry, now downgraded to "climate change") OR global cooling, as both occur in cycles over millions of years.

Because it doesn't fit your ideology. I don't automatically distrust science because some science is corporate sponsored, and some is gov't sponsored.

The burden of proof is always on the instigator of tyranny. You do have the wherewithal to see where the man-made global warming "religion" is going, don't you? Finally the global tyrants have a way to unite the world. Now they can regulate and micromanage all industry the world over, from which crops will be planted to how many houses may be built to what vehicles will be allowed on the roads. If they had an actual thermostat to regulate earth's temperature precisely I'd hardly trust them with that either.

A good experiment is a good experiment regardless of who sponsored it. What are you gonna do? Trust no science at all because every experiment has designers and participants with potential secondary motives?!

I keep waiting for an 'experiment' from the alarmists that doesn't have its conclusions already in place and loud voices declaring all debate over before the opposing side is even allowed to speak.

Science rarely proves something 100% of the time because it's so hard to account for every variable. If you did an experiment about gravity, you may inadvertently introduce other variables that alter the results, such as wind, or magnetism. So some conflicting evidence is expected. But the majority of the evidence suggests a human element to global warming, and global warming is real.

One-World socialist government based on a "suggested" link between a human element which cannot be quantified (how much human activity changes the earth's temperature and by how many degrees?) does not appeal to me.

BTW, how do alarmists promote their claims of decade-spanning climate predictions when weather patterns can't be accurately predicted beyond one week? Furthermore, how does the left know that global warming--man-made or otherwise--is not beneficial?

Per netrunner's hokum, if the left could prove that man-made global warming was dangerous, and there was a solution to be found to the global warming "problem", the solution wouldn't arrive via socialist edicts, the free market would find it.

There is no way any good liberal would entertain the notion that Saddam moved WMDs into Syria under the cover of a humanitarian mission. Yet the possibility exists and might undermine the narrative of the 'anti-war' left. Invincible ignorance in your court.

oritteropo (Member Profile)

hpqp says...

Thanks and thanks! Also, I am definitely still a newbie to most of the Sift tools

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As silver stars, we can add a thumbnail to any video which doesn't have one using the "update thumbnail" link above the embed. findthumb can help, since if it fails it can remove the thumb and let us add the thumbnail as above.

For our own videos, we can update the thumbnail of any embed using the modify video link... but for this one, your best bet is to put the link in a comment to bb2 with a "hey, please take my excellent thumbnail image for your video" note.

Of course, as a fellow newbie(edit, I take that back, you've been around a while even if you've only had a star for a short time), my understanding is probably only slightly ahead of yours.

Also, congrats on the silver
In reply to this comment by hpqp:

edit: bummer, I still don't get how the thumbing works

hpqp (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

As silver stars, we can add a thumbnail to any video which doesn't have one using the "update thumbnail" link above the embed. findthumb can help, since if it fails it can remove the thumb and let us add the thumbnail as above.

For our own videos, we can update the thumbnail of any embed using the modify video link... but for this one, your best bet is to put the link in a comment to bb2 with a "hey, please take my excellent thumbnail image for your video" note.

Of course, as a fellow newbie(edit, I take that back, you've been around a while even if you've only had a star for a short time), my understanding is probably only slightly ahead of yours.

Also, congrats on the silver
In reply to this comment by hpqp:

edit: bummer, I still don't get how the thumbing works

hpqp (Member Profile)


hpqp says...

>> ^WKB:

USA politics about now...
Case #1) Lie about WMD and kill tens/hundreds/tens-of-hundreds of thousands of innocents as a result? Proven to be a lie? Nah... fuck the proof, was an innocent mistake.
Case #2) Take a picture of your underwear? (or any of the other 'sex' scandals that is the only thing that get politicians in any real trouble these days.) BURN THE WITCH!!!#(I! FUCKING DIE!!#@L!
Totally rational responses in both cases I'm sure.
Not saying it was a great idea to make a junk shot. Even worse to lie about it. That is the only thing that REALLY damages my opinion of the man. But as if this was even close to the top 10000th lie in the last decade.... yeah.



WKB says...

USA politics about now...

Case #1) Lie about WMD and kill tens/hundreds/tens-of-hundreds of thousands of innocents as a result? Proven to be a lie? Nah... fuck the proof, was an innocent mistake.
Case #2) Take a picture of your underwear? (or any of the other 'sex' scandals that is the only thing that get politicians in any real trouble these days.) BURN THE WITCH!!!#(I! FUCKING DIE!!#@L!

Totally rational responses in both cases I'm sure.

Not saying it was a great idea to make a junk shot. Even worse to lie about it. That is the only thing that REALLY damages my opinion of the man. But as if this was even close to the top 10000th lie in the last decade.... yeah.

Troy McClure stars in MEAT & YOU

quantumushroom (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...


Jokes aside, I've always maintained the possibility that His Earness was hiding something with the birth certificate. There's still plenty he's hiding that reflects upon his true character and abilities, FAR too much for the presidency.

That Obama allowed opposing voices to escalate for this long is another sign of ineptitude.

Does this latest release change how those who oppose the course of Obama's disastrous presidency feel about the man personally? Imagine for a moment, my liberal friends, that it was proven--to your satisfaction--Iraq had WMD in 2003 (you won't entertain even the possibility, as this sift never made it out of the que).

Would you have still opposed the war and hated Bush? There's your answer.

Do those who oppose Obama hate him because he's (half) Black? Some do, but the left now likes to proclaim that being upset with corruption and incompetence from anyone but Whites is "racism". This is ridiculous in the extreme.

This latest stunt doesn't help high unemployment, high gas prices or the sinking dollar.
Two more years and Ears can take his long form to the unemployment office.

Saddam's WMD were moved to Syria

Judge Napolitano explains the history of taxation in the US

heropsycho says...

Couple of points in this that are absolutely laughable.

If the gov't can't borrow money, would it continue to function? Yes.
Would it require we immediately cut defense funding overnight, completely withdraw from Afghanistan and Iraq? Yes.
Would we have to become isolationist? Yes.
Would it destroy the US economy pretty quickly? Yes.

Look, even if you're a deficit hawk, if you actually understand economics, you'd know that even if you wanted to transition all gov't expenditure to pay as you go, you can't do it overnight. It's the economic equivalent of throwing someone suffering from hypothermia into a sauna to warm them back up.

The president has gone back on some of his promises like torture, etc. How in the hell is that of any relation to lowering the credit rating of the US gov't?! Yeah, Obama, just like every president in US history, lied, and that means that the national debt, which couldn't be paid back even in this decade, will never be paid back because of Obama, even though Obama would have been out of office for decades before those debts are paid. Why did creditors trust Bush after WMDs weren't found? Why did they trust Clinton after lying under oath about his affair? Why trust Bush Sr. after the "read my lips" gaffe? I think I know why. BECAUSE THEY WEREN'T RELEVANT TO THE US GOV'TS ABILITY TO PAY BACK DEBT!

The above clip is common sense? No, it's narrow minded partisan hackery with a large dose of absolute ignorance of economic policy, regardless of your ideology.

Saddam's WMD were moved to Syria

Saddam's WMD were moved to Syria

vaporlock (Member Profile)

Defector admits to WMD lies that triggered Iraq war

Defector admits to WMD lies that triggered Iraq war

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