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I think My house is burning down!!! (Wtf Talk Post)

mintbbb says...

Stay safe, and I hope your house is ok! I grew up in Finland, no wildfires there, but a condo near mine caught fire when I was a kid, and just that gave me bad dreams for a long time.. Fire is such a powerful element!

Just stay strong.. I am sure we all are thinking of you and hoping for the best!

That Iranian girl that was shot (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

vairetube says...

there's at least one post where the footage is put in context with a CNN report and doesnt have the 'more extreme' shots.

I consider it much more siftworthy than the uncut video, which you would be led to search for if it was your inclination...

I didn't discard because i thought it violated the rules per se... i just felt it was the better choice after thinking about it -- and i think duckmans video validates that.. its all good! my initial reaction was it needed to spread like wildfire... but i failed to think about how trying to get a sift off the footage i submitted.. was kinda fucked up. i dont feel awesome about it.

Support Duckman's post or any other ones that have actual info. thanks for blog links sage

Jim Lahey from Trailer Park Boys interviewed by Jim Nunn

evil_disco_man says...

Fuck this Nunn guy. He sounds like the Bill O'Reilly of Canada.

I only started watching Trailer Park Boys a couple of months ago and am not even halfway through it. A friend at work burned it onto DVD for me, as well as other co-workers, and it was spreading like wildfire amongst us. Everyone loved it, including me. The characters are one-of-a-kind, the setting is unique, the often impromptu acting is hilarious and the documentary-style directing tops it off.

This is the first time I heard that they were canceling the show, and you know, it breaks my cold, black, little heart. I've seen so many quality shows get canceled for stupid reasons - usually due to low ratings from the general (stupid) public. Kudos to Mr. Lahey for standing up and defending a classic, no-bullshit show.

Texas Declares Sovereignty from U.S.

volumptuous says...

Here's how much Gov. Perry just HATES that Federal Gov:

Five days ago: Governor Perry Calls FEMA To Assist With Wildfires

Last month: Governor Perry Calls For 1,000 Troops To Be Sent To Border

Five months ago: Governor Perry Requests 18 Month Extension Of Federal Aid For Ike Debris Removal

So, apparently the Governor just can't stand that big, nasty government, except when he needs its help.

timelord (Member Profile)

Tymbrwulf says...

Damn it messed up the embed, here is the code: <div style="font:x-small arial,sans-serif"><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" width="400" height="320" name="player" id="player"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="flashvars" value="config=;autostart=true&amp;type=video&amp;file=http://content.movies.mys;link=
8106031&gig_g=1" /></object><br/><a href="">Free Music Video Codes</a> - <a href="">40 Year Old Virgin Videos</a></div><img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="*xJmx*PTEyMzQyNzgxMDE1MTUmcHQ9MTIzNDI3ODEwNjAzMSZwPTI2NDMxMSZkPSZnPTEmdD*mbz1jZT
g1YTllNDVmODg*YzBiYWEwM2QzNTkxMmIzMTBiMQ==.gif" />

If that doesn't work, the embed is on this site: , just click "Share" and the embed code should be there

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

schmawy says...

No worries, Prozzy. I'll own up to anything I say to anyone, ever.

In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
I didn't want to get you involved with the dialogue; I figured you wanted to be kept out of it because when you said it to me, it was private.

I couldn't resist using it. If it makes it up to you at all, before I said it to her, I spread it around among my friends and family at our Christmas gathering. [I wonder if thepinky will cite that as Christians gathering together to hate Mormons?]

Also, I had a dream that you changed your name to 'Schmawry' and whenever anyone forgot to add the new r, you made an angry SiftTalk post about it. Weird, eh?

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Stealing my material without so much as a footnote! I suppose you were just being discreet, because it's sort of nasty. It's worth noting that I also invented the phrase "Bad Hair Day" in 1989 in Pittsburgh, Pa. I said it to (my roommate), and he loved it so much that he used it every day. It spread like wildfire because for a while, people were off the hook for having bad hair, I think.

In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
It's such a great line. Often things are most funny because they hint at the truth.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
That's my line, Pinky. I actually take credit [e: or blame} for authoring it.

>> ^thepinky:
UsesProzac, I think you accidentally made this private, or maybe you're just afraid that your friends might see you for the troll that you are? Stop trying to provoke me. I prefer that you leave me alone.
>> ^UsesProzac:
The second "m" in "mormon" is silent.
In reply to this comment by thepinky

schmawy (Member Profile)

UsesProzac says...

I didn't want to get you involved with the dialogue; I figured you wanted to be kept out of it because when you said it to me, it was private.

I couldn't resist using it. If it makes it up to you at all, before I said it to her, I spread it around among my friends and family at our Christmas gathering. [I wonder if thepinky will cite that as Christians gathering together to hate Mormons?]

Also, I had a dream that you changed your name to 'Schmawry' and whenever anyone forgot to add the new r, you made an angry SiftTalk post about it. Weird, eh?

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Stealing my material without so much as a footnote! I suppose you were just being discreet, because it's sort of nasty. It's worth noting that I also invented the phrase "Bad Hair Day" in 1989 in Pittsburgh, Pa. I said it to (my roommate), and he loved it so much that he used it every day. It spread like wildfire because for a while, people were off the hook for having bad hair, I think.

In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
It's such a great line. Often things are most funny because they hint at the truth.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
That's my line, Pinky. I actually take credit [e: or blame} for authoring it.

>> ^thepinky:
UsesProzac, I think you accidentally made this private, or maybe you're just afraid that your friends might see you for the troll that you are? Stop trying to provoke me. I prefer that you leave me alone.
>> ^UsesProzac:
The second "m" in "mormon" is silent.
In reply to this comment by thepinky

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

schmawy says...

Stealing my material without so much as a footnote! I suppose you were just being discreet, because it's sort of nasty. It's worth noting that I also invented the phrase "Bad Hair Day" in 1989 in Pittsburgh, Pa. I said it to (my roommate), and he loved it so much that he used it every day. It spread like wildfire because for a while, people were off the hook for having bad hair, I think.

In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
It's such a great line. Often things are most funny because they hint at the truth.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
That's my line, Pinky. I actually take credit [e: or blame} for authoring it.

>> ^thepinky:
UsesProzac, I think you accidentally made this private, or maybe you're just afraid that your friends might see you for the troll that you are? Stop trying to provoke me. I prefer that you leave me alone.
>> ^UsesProzac:
The second "m" in "mormon" is silent.
In reply to this comment by thepinky

Digg - US Military threatens to kill pet of StopLoss Soldier (Pets Talk Post)

MarineGunrock says...

As sad as it is, Iraq is not the cleanest place on Earth. When I was there, it was not uncommon for animals to be shot on sight. Marines were not allowed to have animals because they may be carrying any number of infectious disease. And with so many troops living right next to each other those diseases would spread like wildfire.

P.S. Shooting a dog in the head is not "Brutally murdering." Beating them to death with the butt stock of the rifle would be brutal. Not that just randomly shooting a dog isn't brutal, but if you have to kill a dog in Iraq, a shot to the head is the most humane way of doing so.

Second Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Gates Ad

volumptuous says...

>> ^Abducted:
>> ^Raigen:
>> ^lertad:
I hate it when people act like Apple's the leader in everything.

^ This. A hundred, thousand, gajillion times.

^Times infinity!

I've actually never heard someone say that Apple was the leader in everything.

Whether you're a PC or Mac user, it's pretty undeniable that Apple's attention to design of the hardware, and their advertising campaigns are a cut above the rest. The entire i___ (iPhone, iChat, ietc.) concept caught on like a wildfire across every spectrum of the computer industry, and even staplers and tape-dispensers started coming in an array of iMac like colors. Even many PC case manufacturers did it.

But "leader in everything" is not a claim I've ever heard anyone make.

Surrounded by Flames - Reporter Rides with Fire Crew

Zero 7 - In the Waiting Line

smibbo says...

better embed:

<div style="width:400px"><div><img border="0" src="" /></div><div style="height:315px;overflow:hidden;"><div></div></div></div><img width=1 height=1 src="
ive"/><img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="*xJmx*PTEyMTUyNzY3NDEyMDMmcHQ9MTIxNTI3NjgxNTc3MiZwPTIyMzYxJmQ9Jm49Jmc9MQ==.jpg" />

Popcorn popped by 4 cellphones

doogle says...

According to an article on Wired, a headset company has fessed up to creating this *viral video.

Bluetooth headset retailer Cardo Systems has claimed ownership of the hot viral videos that show people appearing to pop popcorn with their cellphones.

In a video posted to YouTube on Wednesday titled "Cellphone Popcorn Mystery Resolved," (embedded, right) an advert for the company's line of headsets follows the grainy footage of friends aiming phones at uncooked corn that's been tallying millions of views on YouTube.

"The videos are spreading like wildfire, and becoming something of an urban legend," said Kathryn Rhodes, the national marketing manager at Cardo Systems in a phone interview Thursday. "[The viral-marketing campaign] been really successful at capturing the attention of all different kinds of users."

We've been duped. Well, most. Some?

1,026,000,000,000,000 Calculations per Second Could Save the Planet (Blog Entry by Doc_M)

Doc_M says...

I'll quote myself: "uses will include wildfire prediction and modeling, biomolecular modeling, material behavior modeling, dark matter cosmology, and climate prediction models"

Nuclear bomb function was simply the first intended computational project... They bought the thing. It's theirs. If someone else wants one to do other things, they can build one themselves. Anyway, that is only one of the projects. Molecular folding IS one of the others... as I mentioned and as the sited website mentions... but honestly, that may be a waste since distributed computing is more ideally fit for those functions. Computational protein folding has not been considered as all that informative by the biological community anyway. Too many variables, no chaperones, no post-translational modifications... many of these computed folding patterns are likely bunk.

Anyone Up for Some Sudoku? (Blog Entry by lucky760)

rottenseed says...

I've honestly never played this game. I have the tendency to stay away from fads that spread like wildfire—it's a social dysfunction of sorts. I am kind of curious though, maybe I'll give it a shot.

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