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Clueless Old Guy says Clueless Crap

chingalera says...

No real problem with having a woman as president as long as it's not the criminal and whore of Babylon Hillary Clinton. Her crimes whether documented, rumored, implied or perpetrated in her career in politics should they be listed in one place would take hours to include here...

...doesn't even qualify as human much less as a woman. If she runs, best you equality-touters do some extra-curricular investigative work on her background and history, and not the horseshit reported by the complicit media whores.

If anyone cares here, I'll provide a short list of her crimes against humanity. She and her boy Bill have left a 30+year swath of human misery and corruption in their wake. Nightmares the both of 'em.

Ellen Page Announces She's Gay At Las Vegas H.R. Conference.

VoodooV says...

Wow...calling Dr. Freud. You just keep digging yourself into a deeper hole.

first you're obsessed with your lesbian friend, now you're fantasizing about being raped in prison. I can't believe you went there. I mean the whole being raped is one thing...but is going to prison a real possibility for you to think about yourself in that scenario???

nevermind the whole hyper-inflated ego that seems to make insecure people such as yourself think that gay people just won't be able to resist themselves and rape you the first chance they get.

You just seem to be thinking about the activities of homosexuals...

...a lot.

I think you've got some serious soul searching to do.

I knew a guy like you. constantly defensive. most often heard words out of his mouth were gay jokes, Constantly bringing up what the gay people at work were doing even though no one cared. constantly accusing them of being attention whores..yet he was the one who made the biggest fuss about it...He was constantly talking about this other guy who had quit years ago as someone found out that he had a sex change. No one cared. Or if they did, they kept it to themselves for the most part. Except for this guy...

All I can say is that you have to be honest with yourself dude.

For someone who doesn't care, you're having a real hard time walking away.

lantern53 said:

I'm not afraid of homosexuals unless I'm in a prison where I can't defend myself from being raped by one.

I'm more irritated by homosexuals who apparently can't function unless they are featured on the front page of every newspaper.

They seem to be attention whores, always the first ones to get married if the state/city makes it legal.

Whenever it becomes thoroughly accepted, they'll have to think of something else to draw everyone's attention.

Ellen Page Announces She's Gay At Las Vegas H.R. Conference.

lantern53 says...

I'm not afraid of homosexuals unless I'm in a prison where I can't defend myself from being raped by one.

I'm more irritated by homosexuals who apparently can't function unless they are featured on the front page of every newspaper.

They seem to be attention whores, always the first ones to get married if the state/city makes it legal.

Whenever it becomes thoroughly accepted, they'll have to think of something else to draw everyone's attention.

Panic! at the Disco - I Write Sins Not Tragedies

Zawash says...


Well imagine,
As I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor,
And I can't help but to hear,
No, I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words:
"What a beautiful wedding! What a beautiful wedding!" says a bridesmaid to a waiter,
"And, yes, but what a shame, what a shame the poor groom's bride is a whore."

I chime in with a
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of poise and rationality.
I chime in,
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of...

Well in fact,
Well I'll look at it this way,
I mean technically our marriage is saved
Well this calls for a toast
So, pour the champagne
Oh! Well in fact,
Well I'll look at it this way,
I mean technically our marriage is saved
Well this calls for a toast,
So, pour the champagne, pour the champagne

I chime in with a
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of poise and rationality.
I chime in,
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of poise and rationality again.

I chime in,
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of poise and rationality.
I chime in,
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of poise and rationality again.

Ellen Page Announces She's Gay At Las Vegas H.R. Conference.

chingalera says...

Ones' the kind of asshole that reserves the right to refuse service to someone for any reason whatsoever and the other is a type of asshole that reserves the right to sick the laws on you, sue you because the law is so fucked-up that it will let those assholes do that...I don't get your point.

Uncreative, self-centered pricks are everywhere, regardless of race, creed, color, sexual orientation, or fucking intelligence as a whore with their fractured egos in the personality's driver's seat.

'Spoiled 14-year-old girls scream, stamp feet, tweet it, and get their way, news at fucking eleven."

Maybe someone needs to move to planet douchebag??
Just saying.

Did YOU see what I did there? I called bullshit when it screamed at me in the fucking face.

JustSaying said:

So you're ok with atheist bakers not making your wedding cake for religious reasons?
Can a jewish mayor refuse you your business licenses because your "Everything Bacon!" store is against his beliefs?
Is it ok if I ask your mother to cover up her shame with a burka for religious reasons?
Can a doctor become a christian scientist and start prescribing exclusively prayer as cancer treatment for little children too? You know, for religious reasons.

You see what I did there?
Nobody gives a crap what you do to yourself in the name of your religion but don't expect us to play by your imaginary rules. You don't want to bake gay wedding cakes? Maybe the wedding cake business just isn't for you. Or maybe you should move to Iran, no gay weddings there and people are very religious as well. You might like it there.

Ellen Page Announces She's Gay At Las Vegas H.R. Conference.

JustSaying says...

What? Nazis? Really?
Are the homos spraypainting yellow crosses on doors in your town again?

Stop acting like you're a victim here. If the gay community could ruin anybodys livelyhood they'd start with the republican party or foxnews (both are doing fine) and not some shitty baker. What might ruin these businesses is not knowing their countries laws (you can't refuse service to select individuals and you can't sell whiskey to 10 year olds no matter what your gods have to say about it) and alienating customers with their douchebaggery. People don't want cake from a homophobe the same way they don't want drinks served by white supremacists or drycleaning from somebody who thinks rape is a crime made up by ungrateful sluts who should've dressed less like whores.

If your community thinks you're an antisocial idiot, it will shun you. They only thing that has changed is why people consider you unworthy of their business.

As I said, the wedding cake business isn't something everybody is cut out to stomach.

Chaucer said:

What? Now you are just making what I said up because you have a weak argument and you need to try to fuel the fire. Nobody says to keep it a secret. Honestly, nobody cares if you are gay or not (only mainstream media likes to sensationalize it). I'm just saying, dont tell me what I should believe or shouldnt believe. And if I dont believe what you believe, you should just fuck off. Dont try to ruin peoples livelihood because they dont believe the same things. The gay community tends to do this a lot and to me that makes them no better than the Nazi's.

Again, I'm separating what normal religious people think and the extremist.

Ellen Page Announces She's Gay At Las Vegas H.R. Conference.

JustSaying says...

And yet here you are a demand homosexuals to keep their sexuality a secret, keep it away from the public eye because it upsets you with your faith.
Nobody makes you go kiss a boy (assuming you're male yourself here) but nobody stops you from holding your girlfriends hand in public either. Nobody tells you you can't get married in the legal sense because you're straight and no kid gets bullied in school because they're into the other gender.
You talk about beliefs and lifestyles and in that you disrespect gay people, force your belief onto them. It's not a lifestyle, it is who they are, at the very core of their existence, like being straight is not a lifestyle for you. Your refusal to acknowledge this is nothing but deminishing their very identity.
If homosexuality was a lifestyle, so would be heterosexuality. Lifestyles are not natural attributes given by the gods, lifestyle is choice. Do us a favour, choose neither of them, become asexual. It's the best proof, the Pope will agree.

In the end you won't be able to let go of this because christianity has always been obsessed with sexuality, especially that of other people. So eager to control masturbationary habits (Don't be Onan, fight the urge!), women's sexual freedom (Contraception is for whores!) and the queer (Worse abominations than seafood!) and therefore blind to see that this nonsense crusade against everybodys desires drives the masses away from their oh-so-important message of salvation. That's why you loose the fight, mankind is becoming more tolerant and we refuse to beat down the minorities for you any longer.
You can't have it both ways, you can't preach god is love and then hand us a list of people we're supposed to hate and expect us to nod in silent obedience. Times have changed, the minorities get more and more allies.
Honestly, that's what I admire about the Westboro Baptist Church, they're idiotic haters but at least they're consistent with their ideologies and brave enough to stand up for them.

Chaucer said:

Yes I'm fine with that. Its their belief. People should not be able to force their beliefs or lifestyles onto somebody else.

Reginald D Hunter and Women's Morality

chingalera says...

That's an odd statement (in the form of a couple of words connected with meaningless ellipsis) coming from a place with a tendency to avoid listening to someone without intellect rather, with their feelings... "and secondly...Why are you getting upset with something that has nothing to do with you...or does it?"-R. Hunter

We agree chiccho, this cat is brilliant and some people can be a total dick when cornered with inane, hind-brained attacks prompted by intellect playing the part of a whore.

chicchorea said:


Facebook Fraud?

Christian Mistress - Home in the Sun - Love This Band

Mitt Romney Weighs In on President Obama's Second Term

chingalera says...

So are you 'glad' about the current president, whose rap sheet of abject failures trumps more than that of 2 dozen administrations in history? Not saying any other would have done more for the elite who put all presidents in place but seriously....What the FUCK has the not-black president done worth a fiddler's fuck bareboards? Your comment sounds like the same2 rhetoric taught the masses from years of programming and fantastic confabulation.

Gitmo? Name-Calling and cry-racism at any opportunity? Appointing complete cunts to czar posts? Expanding surveillance and promulgating police-state? Debt to $4.939 Trillion since taking office (not that we'd pay back any debt anyhow, another confabulate issue, completely meaningless)?
Nobel peace prize (meaningless)?
Cult of personality antics that would make any dictator green and covetous?
Media-whore first-lady?
Blah, blah, blah green energy after the BP spill?

A real piece of work, but so's frikkin' Mitt Mormonite

Jesus man, get a grip on that shit!?

bareboards2 said:

His lip smacking smugness makes my skin crawl.

I'm so very glad he isn't our president.

Tracey Spicer on society's expectations of women

chingalera says...

First of all, I'd like to point-out that once the lovely Ms. Spicer here took of that hideously frumpy dress, got rid of her patina of shellac and wet her hair, she suddenly became much comelier and glamorous and down-to-earth sexy for me personally, as I have ALWAYS gravitated towards women who shun make-up who looked like they just threw-on their favorite comfortable clothes, and could give a fuck about what anyone thinks about how they should look or act.

Any man who thinks otherwise is most-likely, a superficial and abusive fucking douchebag who will invariably seek-out the female form of douchbag, and have lots of power, money, and influence in either politics, banking, sales/insurance, or some other form of criminal activity which does nothing for the planet except create more douchebag children who will turn into bigger douchebag adults than their sheit-scumbag parents ever dreamed. This is a huge phenom in the current planetary paradigm and has been going-on for centuries to create the dysfunctional western civilization we enjoy today, cascading into insanity and oblivion, a world controlled by completely evil pieces of shit.

Here's the real-deal Trancecoach and it's in-line with Bill Burr's idea of an 'epidemic of gold-digging whores' routine so popular here among sift-voters, because it's all true. Assholes and douchebags wield enormous power and control over the rest of us honest and capable peeps on the planet because people in-general, don't know who they are or why they think and act the way they do, because as victims of abuse both physical and psychological, they give their own energy and power over to these cunts who are ass-raping the planet with their lies and egos, their narcissism and toxic personalities.

These hopelessly evil humans have been very successful in programming the herd-mokeys as well to aspire to become cunts, douchbags, and assholes just like themselves, as evidenced in the inordinate amount of these gullible mini-versions running loose on the globe and breeding like fruit flies.

This phenomenon is endemic in the west, the Middle East, China and South America, and it will get way worse before it gets any better.

Kevin O'Leary on global inequality: "It's fantastic!"

MichaelL says...

A few years ago this guy was a nobody insofar as the media was concerned. Then he started playing the 'baddie' on Shark Tank and the Canadian version of Dragons' Den.
I think this guy is borrowing a page from the likes of Ann Coulter and other right-wing talking heads. Essentially, they are media whores who know that controversy helps to sell their books, programs, lecture circuit, investments... their 'celebrity-ness'. So they say outrageous stuff because they know it gets them face time in our dumbed down media. How do you think it ended up here on Videosift?
Whether they actually believe their own shit... who knows?

Bill Maher interviews Glenn Greenwald

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