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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


This means 1) no appeals 2) SURPRISE! Trump lied about his assets and 3) the enforcement of the judgements can be enforced now because he just conceded he cannot pay the judgement or put up a bond, so seizure can begin now unless he gets an emergency stay….which was just DENIED…as was his offer to put up just $100 million.

I encourage his creditors to do whatever the hell they want with his money and since he won’t pay the state the state won’t come to help. 😂

He is barred from getting a loan against any NY holdings.
Hide and wait, wanna bet his stake in his properties isn’t as great as he’s claimed, maybe some with no ownership percentage at all just his name on the door (Trump Tower for instance, which is actually owned by GE and the condo owners and except for the lobby bathrooms, kitchen, and parking lot is just managed by the Trump org.).

So much for being a billionaire or great negotiator. He negotiated a $5 million debt into an $88 million and growing debt…good job! Now he owes near $540 million in judgements + nearly $140000 a DAY in interest between just the NY verdicts, money he doesn’t have. He’s the best ever at being the worst ever. 😂

As a bonus- total failure McConnel is quitting. Another red seat up for grabs with Republicans being historically unpopular after voting to keep open borders and broken immigration systems and once again perching on the brink of closing the government because they cannot govern.
Edit- my mistake, he’s only retiring as the head of the senate, not as a senator.

RC Rock Crawler Sumo

newtboy says...

I’ve had a few, from the ubiquitous grasshopper to a racing Kyoto 4wd. I remember the old speed controllers not being good at minimum power…a tiny bit of stick and you would hear the controller whine but no movement, a bit more it would shudder a bit but not move, a bit more and it would suddenly jump forward a few inches before I could pull power back to crawl. Tiny precise movement was difficult, at least for me. That was also over 30 years back.
Granted, I was known for only having two throttle positions in my RC driving repertoire…full off (and breaking) or full throttle. My full size off road racing style was similar.
I still think the transition from static to in motion is hard to control at those scales (maybe electronics can overcome that now), and it’s easy to overshoot the needed power, especially in the heat of battle.

cloudballoon said:

I don't remember the model my brothers & I had anymore, as it was like over 3 decades ago, but they were analog Tamiyas. In addition to being analog sticks, there were sliders that I can fine tune acceleration limits on every axis (can control helicopters too). And that was then. Can't imagine entering these competition without these type of advanced controls with if you have a in-it-to-win-it mentality.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Can you now comprehend the fact that you live in an echo chamber, so you only hear other MAGA Cons and convince yourself that, because the majority of people you talk to support Trump insanity, the majority of Americans do…but in fact your tight little group are the only ones left believing the lies but few outside the cult will stoop to talk to you anymore (it not a pleasant experience) so you rarely hear contradiction (except from me, I still tell you the truth despite your constant denials of it, you’re welcome).

Can you comprehend now that Americans aren’t buying what the Cons and Chump are selling….(loss of freedoms, loss of bodily autonomy, loss of social security and Medicare, an end to investments in America or Americans, loss of direction, and a likely loss of democracy)…and that was reflected in the vote? A vote that all precedent showed would be heavily red but was not because Trump’s candidates were horrific and insulting….Hershel Walker!?! WTF, man. Even you must see he’s just unacceptable….he’s literally criminally insane (diagnosed with multiple personalities and other impairments, and repeatedly tried to murder people including his own family) and has lost contact with reality.

bobknight33 said:

You pissing into the RED wave and it does not matter.

Americans are not buying what Democrats are selling and will be reflected in todays vote.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

What?!? How is that possible? You said he's lost it, rambles incoherently, and has no plan. Don't tell me you were W-w-w-w....w-w-w-w....wrong.

His message was vote for me because I'm not Trump. Exactly what people need. FTFY

It took Trump 3 to erase those gains and then some. Too fast.
Cut taxes and removed regulations and billionaires did great, but not average citizens who lost purchasing power and didn't see a tax cut they can notice but now owes $88000 and rising fast thanks to the exploded debt and deficit, and has seen insane cost of living increases and decreases in public services in that time....and now thanks to his failure handing the pandemic, we're teetering on great depression.

Just look at over 50000000 jobs lost, and how many businesses lost, and GDP the worst drop ever exponentially, and no investment in America but massive leveraging our assets....that's jobs lost and wages dropping.

Um...I don't want sniffy poo Trump. I guess you forget he does far more than sniff little girls with his best friend Epstein, including his underage daughter, pageant contestants, even random ten year olds he sees in public and dreams out loud of dating soon.

Every day you get more deluded, it's almost impressive you keep bringing up Trump's disgusting habits by accident....maybe it's not an accident?

He might, the fix is overwhelmingly in on uncountable fronts and I won't underestimate the stupidity of the American voter again. If he manages to steal enough votes through his many schemes, he just might win the electoral college again....he's never won an election in 4 tries.

bobknight33 said:

yep I did, Joe was alert and presented himself well.

His message was vote for me because I'm not Trump. Not exactly what people need.

it took 8 years for Biden/Obama to bring America back. Too slow. Trump came in cut taxes and slashed regulations and America took off.
Just look at the DOW Up some 12000 points. That growth, That Jobs Thats better wages in the making.

You can have the little girl sniffer. Americans will pick Trump.

Trump will whoop Ass Nov 3rd.

BSR (Member Profile)

EiquWuin (Member Profile)

irenetowns (Member Profile)

dowellreick (Member Profile)

Regrets ~ Baroness von Sketch Show

We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

newtboy jokingly says...

Ok then soyboy (you're here too), this soyboy is going to stop constantly standing up for you and confronting people who, like you just did, make ad hom attacks against you.
Clearly my efforts to keep others civil have kept you from becoming a man by coddling you into soyboy infancy, so sorry. You can grow up now, I'll stop.

bobknight33 said:

Nothing but Soyboys at the Sift.

Can I have my rims back?

bcglorf says...

I live 2 hours out of Winnipeg.

Without seeing anything about the location of the video, not even seeing it was in Canada, my first thought on seeing this was "Hey, that looks like Winnipeg"

Funny as the politeness is, this is just sad to me.

Winnipeg has a reputation for being one of the most racist places in Canada. As often as not when someone in the province hears about a crime near them, you'll hear them guess the description of the suspect will include "native in appearance". Sadder still, it's because as my instinct hit while watching the video, it too often ends up being the case.

Canada has a huge race relations problem. Our native population is grossly over represented in the prison system, which you can talk about now. The fact that stems from them being grossly over represented in committing crimes is NOT supposed to be talked about. Which means you nobody gets to talk about the roots of WHY that over representation exists, let alone talking about solutions to the awful conditions that aboriginal youth are disproportionately growing up in.

ChaosEngine said:

Canada, where even the criminals respond to a polite request.

Have We Lost the Common Good?

shinyblurry says...

You're not reading the verse correctly

Maybe this will is 3/4ths of the verse:

For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law,

Jesus is saying here that nothing in the law will be altered until Heaven and Earth pass away..which is basically a way of saying it won't ever happen. Its the same as saying that something won't happen until pigs fly. Now comes the exception:

till all be fulfilled

Jesus is saying here that the law can be done away with when all is fulfilled. You are putting the fulfillment together with Heaven and Earth passing away for some reason. It doesn't say Heaven and Earth passing away is when the law will be fulfilled, does it? He just said in the previous verse that He came to fulfill it!

Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil

So if the law can't pass away until all is fulfilled, and He fulfilled it, that means He can establish a New Covenant, which He did. God told us this would happen in the Old Testament:

Jeremiah 31:31-32

31"Behold, days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, 32not like the covenant which I made with their fathers in the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, although I was a husband to them," declares the LORD.

The bible tells us that Jesus followed the law perfectly. It doesn't mean that He killed anyone. When the Pharisees brought a women caught in Adultery and told Him to stone her..He confronted them with their sins and then forgave the woman. Jesus is the Lord and can forgive sins.

Now that I've answered your questions, could you answer mine?

Why do you think Aesop can bear the weight of objective morality?

newtboy said:

I didn't breeze over it, just pointed out that's not what it said at all.
However, you breeze over the part that contradicts you that I went in depth on...."till earth passes". That didn't happen. Law on. Ignore that at your peril, or do mental gymnastics to convince yourself that doesn't mean till earth passes, I think it's all nonsense so not my problem. said Jesus was perfectly moral, so he must have followed the Law, so how many heathens did Jesus stone? Even by your measure, he was obligated to murder infidels until he died or he would be immoral, so how many murders did Jesus perform?

Alex Jones Says Star Wars Is 'State-Funded' Propaganda

newtboy jokingly says...

Hilariously, he brings up Eric to say he's like Kylo Ren, a pasty faced, whining, backstabbing Sith on the dark side. This is a comparison I can get if he would just go ahead and murder his father.

CrushBug said:

- bitches about Carrie Fischer's appearance
- talks about a relationship that doesn't exist
- "but, my manhood!"
- Russians aren't our enemies
- brings up Eric Trump for some fucking reason
- complains about Twitter

Why Brutalism is the hottest trend in web design

MilkmanDan says...

I agree, there are definitely sites like the one you linked to that can get an idea across with visuals / media / flash / whatever that would be impossible or drastically less efficient with pure text.

To me, uBlock Origin or Adblock with Element Hiding Helper is capable of finding a happy medium around 90% of the time.

I like Dilbert. Up until about a year or so ago, there was a URL to go to a page that had the latest comic with simple links to back/forward navigation. No comments or other extraneous stuff. Then Scott Adams did a site redesign and added a fuckload of ads, a "blog" about Adams' political opinions that I don't give 2 shits about, social media links, tags, comments, a star rating, and a "BUY" button. If I'm not running my browser maximized, all that crap pushes the single bit of content that I actually DO want (the comic image) so far out of frame that I have to scroll down to see it. F that.

uBlock itself takes care of the ads. Everything else that annoys me is gone by using the "element picker", which filters out sections or bits of HTML that I can choose. So now, when I visit I get the 3 most recent comic images with a title/date line and *nothing* else.

Videosift isn't immune on my PC either. The "social panel" for each video? Gone. Facebook "likebox"? Gone.

I've run into a few pages that detect custom filtering in a way similar to ad blocking detection. Sometimes, I can just select those "warning" elements and hide them -- especially if they are in a floating frame that simply loads on top of the actual page content. Sometimes those warnings actually prevent the page content from loading. Something from wired did that recently. I haven't clicked through to a wired article since.

ChaosEngine said:

So to address the actual video/concept....

First up, brutalist architecture is fucking awful. There was a bunch of it in Christchurch and if the earthquake did one good thing, it was to get rid of most of those god-awful buildings.

Second, the web isn't about words; it's about information.
How that information is conveyed depends on the target audience and the information being presented.

Sometimes the information is simple and the target audience is actually a machine, in which case we have things like REST and SOAP.

Other times the information is complex, and best represented visually. Can anyone honestly tell me that a site like this ( would be better brutalised?

That's not to say there aren't problems with web bloat. Of course there are. But let's not throw the baby out with the bath water.

New Rule: The Lesser of Two Evils

newtboy says...

It's like the doctors have given you second and third opinions and told you your liver is failing, you have to stop drinking or you'll die. You won't die the next time you have a beer, but every beer takes you farther over the edge. You can say the bartender who knows this is blameless for serving you, because others gave you the alcohol that destroyed your liver and it took longer than one night, or you can work from now and realize that he's intentionally killing you in hopes of a tip before you stumble outside and keel over.
Working from today, our planet's liver is failing, there no transplant, and Trump just reopened the bar and is serving everclear. Chances are he can't accelerate things so much that Florida submerges in the next 3 1/2 years, that doesn't mean he can't make things be far worse, beyond the point of possible mitigation.

You may hold that theory, but climatologists disagree. We are past, but still near the tipping point, and every ton of CO2 takes us farther from a survivable rise. It's ridiculous to think that we're already past holding at 3.5 degrees global rise (edit: the maximum assumed to be survivable by civilization), so we might as well make it 5 degrees.

Island nations, people who live South of New Orleans, and millions of others are already being displaced. It only takes one high tide (edit: or one extended drought) to wipe out low lying farmland permanently, and erosion has become an unstoppable force.

Trump is moving towards raising the level of multiple greenhouse gases we produce, Obama had us lowering those levels. Time can only tell what that actually means in tonnage, but 180 degree turnaround is awful enough. I agree, we also didn't do enough under Obama.

? Reversible means it can be reversed, not that it's easy. I don't know where you get that idea. Irreversible in this context means sending the temperature trend the other way before civilization becomes unsustainable. Eventually the planet should normalize unless we really follow Trump's lead wholeheartedly, then we might go full Venus. There WAS a magic bullet, being responsible with our atmosphere, but we argued over climate change until it was useless.

If, before it reverses (which it may not do at all, btw) the planet becomes inhospitable to humans, then for humans, it's irreversible. In 4 years we can do enough damage to 1) make the effects longer and harsher enough to make long term survivability impossible and or 2) go beyond the next tipping point where feedback loops reinforce each other, leading to a Venus like runaway greenhouse effect. We're damn close to massive methane releases (already happening) and if we don't avoid that, nothing will save civilization.
All that said, Clinton probably wouldn't do enough to avoid disaster either, but at least she accepted the science and agreed we should make efforts to mitigate the coming damages.

I'm definitely a pessimist, mostly because I understand the systems and human nature, and so I think we're totally hosed as a species.

MilkmanDan said:

I appreciate your argument, but I don't share your alarm.

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