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Submarine Exploring Titanic Wreckage Goes Missing;

newtboy says...

Absolutely…if the choice is extremely slow death suffocating in the frozen dark with your son/father or insta death so fast you never knew it was happening, it’s not really a choice, is it?

BSR said:

I can only imagine what it would have been like being alive in that sub waiting for rescue for 5 days. Hopefully they would have had a deck of cards to help pass the time. The outcome seems like a blessing rather than having to survive the circumstances which would have seemed like forever for them.

Orlando Police Believe They’re Above The Law

newtboy says...

I really would agree….but only if that goes for everyone. No need to ever do a high speed chase or felony stop if you have the license and a photo of the driver….but that’s not how they operate.

Guaranteed if that wasn’t a cop, gun would be drawn, hands would go on, cuffs would go on, and in most cases feet would go into belly too for disrespecting their authority and trying to run. In no world would they be as calm and non confrontational with the public. I got all but the foot in the belly because a cop read my license plate wrong once, couldn’t tell a “5” from an “S”, then threatened me with unspecified retaliation if I complained…he said remember he had my address now if I cause him any trouble over this.

My point is the “good cop” gave the bad criminal cop treatment he never would give a citizen…if he did he would lose his job. It’s the preferential treatment I’m upset about. Criminal cops should be treated like the worst, most violent and vile criminal, because they are. Instead, they’re treated with kid gloves, given every benefit of a doubt and then some, and are given free vacation time on those few occasions they have anything at all happen for violating the law and the public trust. It’s an incredibly rare thing when the entire department doesn’t stand behind, and in front of shielding blatantly abusive criminal cops and attacking/harassing any accusers, which is chilling for any that might want to be “good cops”.

Why wouldn’t it be the right thing to do to let a violent aggressive and reckless speeder (in this case he was guilty of reckless evading, a felony) who is armed just scream at the cop and drive away? Because that’s shirking their duty to enforce the law. Have you ever heard of them doing any such thing (when it wasn’t one of their own)?

BSR said:

I think he handled it right. He had all evidence on camera that he needed to avoid a situation getting out of hand. No reason to start creating a more dangerous situation

Tire Remounts Itself

BSR says...

HA! I remember when that happened. That tire was really "attached" to that car in more ways than one

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Stewart Rhodes, the founder and leader of the Oath Keepers, was sentenced to 18 years in prison for leading a far-reaching plot to keep then-President Donald Trump in power after he lost the 2020 election.

Remember, that violent Jan6 attack against America by BLM/ANTIFA…I mean that totally normal tour of the capitol by civicly minded upright citizens calling to hang their VP like happens every day/nothingburger?
Odd how so many MAGA people are getting convicted for domestic terrorism and sedition that you claim never happened.
Sure is looking like your ever changing takes aren’t convincing judges, even Trump appointed totally unqualified “judges”.
Not looking good for Trump’s multiple cases. Firing squad is NOT off the table. His family should suffer the same fate….including Barron.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Biden has cut the deficit in half, by over $1.5 TRILLION PER YEAR since 2020. Trump raised it every year, more than tripling it in 2020! You clearly haven’t thought your position through.

So that’s a “yes”…you support the terroristic taking the economy hostage and murdering it if the right isn’t capitulated too like a kidnapper with his knife to your children’s throats. You think the right thing to do is give the terrorist kidnapper anything they want and let them walk away to do it again next week. Sinking ever lower, Gary.

America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists, that only emboldens them….if you were an American and not a terrorist you would know that.

You support terroristic legislating by blackmail because you know your party is incapable of Democratic legislating and has no love for America or its citizens. You support economy destroying threats because your party only knows how to destroy economies but you hope they can blame Biden if he signs off on any “deal”.

1) you were more than fine with spending like a drunken sailor on things that hurt America when Trump added 1/3 of the total debt in one term, crashed the economy, blew up the debt and deficit, killed 1 million Americans and disabled 2 million, and created 15% unemployment…you actually want to go back. Biden has spent exponentially less, and boosted revenue massively, both help the debt.
2) you moron, paying the bills you already racked up isn’t spending more. Not paying them is WASTING TRILLIONS for absolutely nothing…clearly what the right prefers. You want to max out the credit card on nonsense for 4 years then tell Democrats they can’t spend a dime except on Republican corporate welfare programs or you’ll just not pay the bill and get the card cancelled, knowing it will make the entire family homeless, handing the family farm over to China who holds our debt and can forclose. 🤦‍♂️

Estimates are near 8 million jobs lost and over $10 TRILLION in private stock losses expected in just the short term, far worse if it’s a long term problem…TRILLIONS in government losses and TRILLIONS MORE EVERY YEAR in higher interest rates…a complete government shutdown as government employees go unpaid so stop working (but continue to rack up salaries that will be paid eventually, for not working)…and a global depression worse than the Republican caused deregulation recession of ‘08.

I dare you to claim evaporating $10 trillion somehow SAVES money….I double dog dare you.

You are prepared to get poorer for nothing at all while STILL having the debt grow thanks to Trump’s outrageous spending spree, but are insistent that Republican spending not lose a dime.
Every Republican program should be cancelled first, all those contracts/bills to build the wall defaulted, all those military programs making equipment we no longer use cancelled, million dollar fake “investigations” that have only exposed the criminal hypocrisy of the right and not corroborated a single accusation cancelled, the tax breaks for billionaires and corporations that did NOT create a boom they caused a crash cancelled, any and all federal payments to red states cancelled because it only makes them reliant on the federal government which is like slavery…then not only would no loss of the societal safety net (guaranteeing a wave of homelessness never seen), 1 million vets would not be made homeless, etc AND the debt would actually be lowered.

You love the idea of getting poorer for spite and nothing more, dumbshit. If you just stop paying your credit card, the debt isn’t forgiven, it raises exponentially with higher interest and fees and lowers your ability to borrow more, that’s what’s already happened and will be so much worse in the depression by choice the right wants to cause. The money will still be spent, it will just cost exponentially more to borrow it.

Republicans have left the Capitol for their 5 day weekend to return Tuesday to restart “negotiations” they are pretending to be involved in, meaning default is now guaranteed without some legal wrangling by Biden to end run them. He should have done so in February.

The damage this is going to cause the economy is ten fold what it claims to be trying to save. It is clearly not about saving money, it’s 100% about blocking any democratic legislation by usurping the president is control of the purse strings. You would never accept this from the left. You know it too.

I know anyone not a brain dead cultist slug knows this, this fight isn’t over the debt, it’s about control…control from the minority by terrorism. We need a second amendment solution…only 20 representatives need to miss the vote for sanity to return.

bobknight33 said:

So Government should just spending there is not tomorrow.
This inflation id due to excessive government spending.

If you like getting poorer be for biden and team.

750th Episode Opening Credits | Couch Gag | The Simpsons

newtboy jokingly says...

Or they could have left out Hans Moleman because something bad happened to him….like it always does.

I think it would have been hilarious to sneak Akbar and Jeff, or Bongo in there somewhere.
(I’ve been a Groening fan since the “Life In Hell” series)

noims said:

I haven't gone through looking, but it would be great if they left out Grimey, just to annoy his fictional corpse.

edit: aaaw, here's there beside Mindy 25 seconds in. Could they have left out Gill so he doesn't get appearance fees?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Giuliani’s just been sued for another $2 million for his false assault accusation he filed against the man who tapped his shoulder lightly in a grocery store.
His only lawyer quit last week citing non payment.
He is no longer allowed to practice law.
Giuliani has claimed poverty, saying he can’t even afford to travel for court. That’s what 6 years of shilling for Trump earned him….bankruptcy, criminal cases, civil cases, utterly disgraced and completely forfeited his reputation, gone from America’s mayor to America’s most despised mayor.
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving douche bag. I hope he dies slowly and painfully in the gutter begging for change and being harassed by police.

Bonus- Trump’s White House lawyers with direct knowledge of the facts say to expect conviction and prison for Trump. 😂

Also, since you erased it before like the cowardly snowflake you’ve become,
Trump- “I was allowed to keep all the classified documents I stole.”
Parlitore - “I quit… Hey Jack Smith, you might want to investigate Trump’s lawyer Epstein for obstruction because among many other instances of lying and obstructing, he obstructed us from searching for classified documents at Bedminster.” ROTFLMFAHS!!

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

newtboy says...

Yes, yes you have been proven wrong again. You might reconsider taking the word of the Russian military as a given. They only lie.

What happened was ONE line in the city advanced for the Russians about 500 yards, while multiple, nearly all others retreated the same distance or more, some by kilometers. Russians have abandoned the outskirts, concentrating their forces in the rubble of the city, but are nearly completely surrounded by the Ukrainian army, and Ukrainians still hold the 15% they’ve held for weeks. Wagner just declared that part unimportant and declared they had the city, without actually taking more of the city. You bought it, like you always buy anti democracy propaganda…Every. Single. Time.

Yes, you have been proven wrong again. It clearly triggered you, enough to try the idiotic ploy of just repeating Russian propaganda as fact. 😂
Everything from you in this thread, and the video itself, are direct regurgitation of pure Russian propaganda.

Such a silly boy. You have again failed current events class.

Also unconfirmed, but these reports have almost always been eventually confirmed by multiple reputable sources, while Wagner reports have nearly all been quickly debunked as pure propaganda and misinformation.

bobknight33 said:

Proven wrong again.

Debt Ceiling Talks Cancelled

newtboy says...

Incorrect, sir.

First, I think it’s a typo, because Republicans ARE the party of defrauding and that’s incontrovertible and undeniable by anyone but bob.

There’s enough Republicans in office that put their politics above country that default is a real possibility. Fortunately they now PLAN to resume talks (but only if no Republican gets upset and balks).
Democrats aren’t playing any game. They should be absolutely refusing to even discuss negotiating over paying our bills and refusing to bankrupt America, but instead are accepting the blackmail scheme and are negotiating away rights and programs to the terrorists holding a gun to the economy’s head.
This only guarantees they will do the exact same thing every year. Any compromise at all is capitulation to economic terrorism, which invites more.

We have NEVER been anywhere near this position. We have “negotiations” over the debt ceiling, but have never gone more than a few days until the responsible limit for delay. We are now at the point where, if we don’t get a plan both sides agree on, get it out of committee, get a full house vote scheduled and taken, move it to the senate for debate, get it approved (hopefully with no changes at all or it returns to the house), get a senate vote scheduled and taken and passed, send it to Biden for a signature, then implement it….all by next Wednesday or we default. (Edit: now consider part of the Republican demands are their as yet unwritten NEW spending cut bill be passed BEFORE that entire process even starts).
We have never been within four months of this point, and there’s been some amazing money juggling and many projects “postponed” (cancelled) that had won hard fought congressional approval and funding just to stretch our ability to pay debts this far.

We hit our borrowing/debt limit in January, what’s normally considered the “due date”. In the past, negotiations have never come closer than in 2011 when it got to only two days until the debt limit was reached, and it cost well over a billion dollars in higher interest rates alone. We are now over 4 months past that point today, with absolutely no plan on how to move forwards.

This is not normal, has not happened every 4 years, and in fact has never once happened in our history. I expect our national “credit rating” to slip even if we pull off a Hail Mary, which is looking less likely daily. We’ve already lost hundreds of millions in lost international investments because who wants to invest in a country trying to bankrupt itself?

oblio70 said:

Republicans- they will NOT defraud as they say they will ($-interests).
Democrats- playing same Republican game; won’t call them out.
Media- supporting lie of threat of defraud.
Biden- words worthless; Republican in deeds .
The people- blind acceptance

We have been here every 4 years since the 90’s, and its always the same story. So old!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

MAGA Republicans called off debt ceiling talks.
Now moving full force to create a depression because their blackmail scheme failed.
This means, even if talks resume, it’s nearly impossible to get the bill voted through the house and senate before default. They knew that when they called off negotiations. They knew this would happen when they came up with this scheme to hold the economy hostage to their extremist anti American ideals and ideas.

Utterly destroys any shred of “fiscal responsibility” anyone ever might claim for Republicans.
You fucking morons just cost America trillions and got absolutely nothing for it but scorn.

Man Rips Up His Cash Over Seat Belt Ticket

BicycleRepairMan says...

Dude was probably having a really bad day/week/year. It looks awfully stupid and irrational to an observer.. but there might be reasons we can't see. The sad part is thinking what would have happened if a black guy acted like this.

Durham Report, Finds bias and no collusion with Russia.

newtboy says...

Bwaaahahahaha. The hilarious failure that is the Durham report, another repugnantican sham investigation that started with a conclusion and tried to work backwards to prove it but that failed to find any crime or wrongdoing but that the right is still trying to put forth as proof of something…they aren’t sure what or by who but you should be outraged and distracted from the last 7 times this happened. ROTFLMFAHS!!! 😂

No Bobby, Republicans commissioned and paid for the Steele dossier and sold it to Clinton when Trump locked the nomination. Nice try at rewriting history, but it requires the listener to be as ignorant of history as you to be effective. Very few people are that ignorant.

Russian collusion with the Trump campaign has been proven time and time again with dozens of officials convicted of operating as unregistered foreign agents who hid their ties with Russia. One bit of info used for one warrant application against someone who later became employed by the campaign was exaggerated, not even materially…and fortunately because it eventually uncovered the dozens of Russian agents working at the top levels of the Trump administration like Flynn and Manafort and got them convicted. Not to mention all the illegal campaign contributions from Russia the convicts laundered like Giuliani’s Russian/Ukrainian donors. Another failed attempt to white wash history. Try again loser.

No smoking gun, no convictions, no crimes found, no recommendations made to change policies.

The only thing fake is the right’s fervent patriotism, which is 100% fake and discarded at the first change in the wind.

More whining and sour grapes and rehashing the last 6 years by treasonous traitors that actually called for the repeal of the constitution and tried a violent coup because they lost an election. Dark Brandon make Twumpy cwy hurt? 😂

Loving those MAGA tears, keep ‘em coming snowflake. I thought you no longer watched cable news or Fox. I guess you forgot?

NATO supplied ammunition facility attacked

newtboy says...

Odd how you only post videos that are pro Russia since you claim to not be choosing sides….as if anyone not Russian hasn’t chosen the side of freedom and democracy over attempted expansionist genocide.

Everything you post about the war is pure Russian propaganda, every single thing you post tries to make the case that Russia has a legitimate reason for the war and is winning the war and will crush Ukraine soon….hasn’t changed since day one. It’s never been true, which has been obvious since week 1. Your claims to not be taking sides are as transparent as your claims to not be racist.

Like mentioned before, if you feel like going toe to toe on videos of military action, there’s 4 advanced aircraft filmed shot down over Russia, two oil refineries (one in Crimea, one in Russia), a command depot, and dozens of videos the Russian retreat from Bakhmut in just the last few days.
I could provide new videos daily of Russian tank columns being destroyed, trenches bombed, hideouts shelled, territory recaptured, and lately Russia burning…but why? The only one who doesn’t know what’s happening there is you, and you just ignore any evidence you don’t like.
Edit: My bad, it’s now 5 advanced aircraft over Russia….3 Mi-8 helicopters, 1 su 34 and one su 35. All crew died.

Russia hit an ammo depot, I’m assuming they got lucky with a missile/drone.
Ok. Cheer if you like.

Ukraine has hit so many ammo dumps Russians are out of ammunition on many fronts, Ukraine has more ammo than ever in their ramp up for the counter offensive. More, better weapons and ammo than ever, and more trained troops, while Russia is using WW2 weapons and is losing all their advanced equipment rapidly.

Again, you only post pro Russia videos by choice, there’s more than enough pro Ukraine videos to post, especially since Ukraine is crushing it at rates of 5-1 casualties and retaking territory fast before the awaited counter offensive, how do you convince yourself you aren’t on Russia’s side? You have to try really hard to even find propaganda indicating Russia isn’t failing miserably at every turn.

Looks to me like Tele Truth, where you got this pro Russia propaganda, is nothing but Russian propaganda, every video there is pro Russia propaganda from claimed successful military conflicts to Putin’s speeches in their entirety…couldn’t be more pro Russian. Is that who told you Russia held 85% of Bakhmut and wasn’t going to stop? 😂

BTW, 17 of 21 drones were shot down. The other 4 managed to injure 30, sending 2 to the hospital. No deaths. Edit: A bit odd if that was an active ammo dump don’t you think?

bobknight33 said:

A massive explosion this morning at an alleged ammunition depot in Khmelnytsky, Ukraine.

Cops Attack Another Man For Walking While Black

newtboy says...

Every single person who’s read your posts knows for a 100% certainty that is a pure lie.

You only see black and white or Blue and Red. Always. You see nothing BUT color.

In your mind everything is “us vs them”, never “WE”. You think Black and White are the same thing as Wrong and Right. If a white woman in a red hat was leaving the hospital in this video and nothing else changed you would be outraged at the “abusive liberal police attacking innocent people”, you know it’s true as much as we do. Ashley Babbitt is proof of your undeniable racism, that’s why you absolutely refuse to discuss your blatantly racist and hypocritical stance on her vs black men peacefully walking (which is she’s an innocent victim of police brutality despite being the tip of a violent destructive murderous mob trying to overthrow the elected government by force, but unarmed unthreatening black men peacefully and legally walking should immediately submit/comply and let their rights be violated daily and violence is justified if they don’t).

Maybe you can twist your own mind enough to convince yourself you aren’t racist, but that just goes perfectly with all the other reality denying theories you believe like….
The 2020 election was stolen
Covid isn’t dangerous
There’s no racism in America
Banning travel by Chinese, but not banning travel from China isn’t a racist policy and will stop Covid
Trump is fighting election fraud
Lockdowns don’t work
Russia didn’t help Trump get elected
The Trump economy was great
H Clinton is going to prison
Police aren’t racist
Forest fires are getting worse because the forests aren’t raked, not because of climate change
Climate change isn’t real
Jan 6 was BLM
Pelosi wasn’t attacked by a MAGgot terrorist, but had a lovers spat
Dominion stole the election
Soros stole the election
Cesar Chaves stole the election
Smartmatic stole the election
Italian space lasers stole the election
Hunter Biden stole the election
It’s not a crime to steal top secret classified documents, keep them unsecured, refuse to return them, lie about returning them, copy them, try to trade them, and to lie about it all to the FBI on sworn documents
Jewish space lasers are responsible for forest fires
Pizza gate is real, democrats are really pedophilic cannibalistic Illuminati lizard people that gain magic power from murdering children
Joe Biden raped a woman in the open halls of congress
Trump never raped a woman
Hunter Biden has well over $3 BILLION dollars from China
Jared personally EARNED $3 billion from the Saudi prince by selling them a classified enemies list our national intelligence community developed, nothing wrong with that
Trump didn’t abuse the office for personal/familial gains in excess of $3 billion
BLM murdered police, not the Boogaloo boys who were caught in the act

You never say the “should have complied with police, totally justified” bullshit when the victim is white (a rarity but it happens) and you nearly always excuse abusive police when they attack black people for “not complying”. You never care that “complying” means waiving their constitutional rights…unless it’s a MAGgot that’s “not complying”, which you always see as heroic patriotic bravery even when it’s paired with anti government terrorism and violence.

bobknight33 said:

Your statement is pure bull shit.

I don't see color. Just right and wrong

Cops Attack Another Man For Walking While Black

newtboy says...

Funny you only say that when it’s a black man or woman beaten for not waiving their rights, but absolutely never against white murderous pedophilic terrorists like Ashley Babbitt. When MAGgots are being violent, destructive, and murderous you defend them to the bitter end, call any prosecution a political witch hunt, and simply refuse to discuss facts.

Non compliance with illegal orders.…because they had zero reason to ask him a thing, no reasonable suspicion of any crime but released the dog anyway.

Why is it you don’t think these non white citizens have CONSTITUTIONAL CIVIL RIGHTS? Why do you believe this one group should always cheerfully waive those RIGHTS and comply or it invites a violent attack from police, but you NEVER say that about white people (unless they’re obviously far left whites)? Never mind….it’s obvious why.

Maybe you should carefully examine your own true motives, because what you claim are your motives don’t match what you say and do.

Babbitt was an active violent destructive terrorist trying to murder US representatives with a murderous mob that had killed or tried to kill hundreds of police…like every MAGgot there. They all deserved at a minimum a good tooth breaking beating and assault and battery on a police officer and resisting arrest and interfering with police duties charges, right? They didn’t comply…have some consistency.

The law and courts ALL disagree that this is in any way acceptable, that’s why these victims get multi million dollar settlements. I say bankrupt Galveston so bad they change their police policies to match the law. Give this man $250 million. You say arrest him and put him in prison for resisting arrest (but not anyone white who did the same on Jan 6, they were exorcising their rights).

Clearly you think this is fine…but only against non MAGA. That destroys your pretend stance that you want financial responsibility, because you know every time this happens it costs taxpayers millions.

Eat a bag of baby dicks Gary.

bobknight33 said:

Yet another video of what happens due to non compliance.

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