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Rashida Jones coaches Stephen on how to be a Feminist

dannym3141 says...

Without wishing to bang on about it - that happens a LOT on the internet. I think it's less about tone of voice and more about people being so offended by inequality that they are over aggressive in their pursuit of equality. They attack the argument before fully understanding it or allowing it to be fully expressed.

It's a really tight line to walk and I know this because I have in the past offended respectful, honest people in my crusade which was against abuse of power and authority. I hated being mistreated by people in authority so much that I became prejudiced against people in authority. The reason I behaved like that is because of how I was treated by authority figures in my formative years and the defence mechanisms I developed because of it. And in the same way, some women who are very poorly treated by men may develop barriers, prejudices and coping mechanisms in response.

(... and that's why I make a dozen edits to my posts. Sometimes I get carried away and detract entirely from what I was trying to achieve.)

I'm not saying that's the underlying cause of the misunderstanding here, but the point I'm trying to make is that there may be good reasons why someone just said something you thought was sexist. Problems arise, I think, when we deal in absolutes; this person is definitely chauvinist because he's ignorant and rude, this person is definitely a man-hater because she is ignorant and rude - both may be unfair to the other.

bareboards2 said:


I just realized something. The internet doesn't come with a tone of voice. So the "tone" I gave you in this exchange is one that I have heard for 40 years on this topic.

I have no idea if your tone, if I heard your actual voice, matches what I have heard for 40 years.

So I apologize if I am burdening you with others' actions.

Bottom line doesn't change, though, regardless of tone.

I'm a feminist who cares about women's place in society. It is fruitless to try to talk me out of my proud self-label.

The Truth About Hymens And Sex

Jinx says...

1) Depends
2) WHY?!?
3) Dunno. It shrinks as girls age, possible it helps keep germs etc out before, you know, anything else might need to go there.
4) The same way as women prolly. Winky Face. I'd wager men have probably _seen_ about as much, or possibly more, hymen (Hang on, plural of hymen? Hymens?) than women given-
a) I don't imagine it's actually that easy for women to see their own hymen - feel free to correct me on this ladies.
b) Gynecology, as indeed almost all of the medical specialist areas, has been the domain of men until recently.

Oh, and I did google it and I don't regret it because of this entry on the wikipedia page:
"In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, medical researchers used the presence of the hymen, or lack thereof, as founding evidence of physical diseases such as "womb-fury", i.e. (female) hysteria. If not cured, womb-fury would, according to these early doctors, result in death."

One wonders what treatment they might have prescribed for WOOOMB-FURY!!!!

visionep said:

I liked the point of this one, but it seemed like they were squirmish and didn't want to give too much info.

Other questions that could have been answered and that I don't want to google:

1. What does it look like?
2. Do other animals have them?
3. Does it or did it serve some biological purpose?
4. How did men ever discover that it was there?

Last Week Tonight With John Oliver: Online Harassment

00Scud00 says...

I don't remember much about the Anthony Weiner story but if the pics he sent were unsolicited (which may have been the case) then that might put it into different territory than if she asked him to send her pictures of his cock.
Of course if could also be because Weiner was a guy, and we still live with the double standard that no matter what happens a guy's job is to suck it up and take it like a man. And men are probably worse with each other about it in the same way that women will engage in merciless slut shaming amongst each other.

sanderbos said:

I love "Last week tonight" and all, but this one is weird to me.

How was the initial publishing of Anthony Weiner's dickpics not revenge porn? He sent those privately (or at least intended to in some cases), and then they were published, with the goal of publicly shaming him.

You could argue that when he lied about it, that a public interest came into being. But then it still started as revenge porn.

"Hello I am John Oliver, let me tell you about this heinous thing called revenge porn, by the way I made a little dance to celebrate one instance of it."

Nobody is getting into these shorts

chingalera says...

This product is a non-utilitarian piece of over-priced garbage. The women they market this to that will actually BUY it are types that spend thousands of dollars on covetous bullshit, over-priced meals, housekeepers, etc. Privileged, paranoid, nigga-rich white bitches. How about a DIY belt with a fucking padlock onnit? Cheaper and more effective.

Krav Maga and utilization of pokey stuff: The two fastest and best ways for women to not only stop an attacker, but seriously fuck them up permanently.
Kung Fu or a pistol works fine, too.

Oh and ladies, please continue kicking your assailant in the genitals and soft tissue until police arrive?? Why send them back out on the street or even to trial, eh?? Embrace the mind of your attacker....with a heel to his temple after he lay bleeding on the ground. That'll learn 'em to practice unilaterally satisfying sex again.

Shelley Lubben On Abuse In The Porn Industry - (Very NSFW)

spoco2 says...

Yup, this is the sort of horrible shit that mainstream porn has become. It's horrendous.

It's not to say that abuse and horrible things haven't always been part of porn, but the way that women are degraded on screen in so much porn now is just dehumanizing. Guys who like watching porn will probably try to pretend that this is 'isolated' and doesn't happen with the porn they watch, but while I'm sure there is porn made that is woman friendly on set, and that is a pleasant environment, the VAST majority of it will be like this.

Sad, horrible, but true.

Patrice O'Neal - Men and Cheating

shinyblurry says...

This way of thinking is simply a misdirection from the original purpose of sex. It is designed for one man and one woman, who are married and committed for life. Sex in the marriage bed is sacred; everywhere else it is vulgar and leads to the aberrant behavior and thought life we see being espoused in this video.

Yes, as you have noted, it is systemic in all cultures, because this is a fallen world populated by fallen people. Satans version of sex is whenever, whereever, with whoever, and this is the mindset that men are programmed with from birth. Yes, it is natural for men to feel this way, because that is the way of the world. It is not the way of God. You have to learn the way of God because we are all born spiritually dead, with the flesh at war with the spirit at all times. It is natural for us to sin, and self-control is alien to this nature. No one knows how bad the human heart really is, but Hitler gave us a good demonstration.

I agree with you, religion is no cure for anything. That has nothing to do with Jesus. You either know Him or you don't, regardless of what you call yourself. Many people who claim to know Christ only have a religion, and no actual relationship with Him. You cannot overcome sin without the Holy Spirit. Those who don't know Christ only have the amount of self-control that God has graced them with.

Spiritually, the principle is garbage in, garbage out. There is a war in the mind, and when you open the door to something, it comes in, stakes out territory, and builds itself a stronghold. Unfortunately, there are many Christians living in sin and so they are spiritually compromised. The enemy has conquered them and exerts great influence over their lives. You can't wage an effective warfare when the front line of the battle is on your doorstep.

You are in a spiritual war whether you realize it or not. Every day a battle is being waged for your soul. You have been captured, and taken deep into enemy territory..and many soldiers have breeched enemy lines to come and set you free. They have set the key right in front of your cell, and have done everything they can to get your attention, but you refuse to leave; you prefer your slavery. You are satisified with a carrot on a stick. Always seeking, never finding. Temporary pleasure, no lasting peace. The oasis never being dispelled, despite the mouthful of sand. Bread and circuses. I pray for you, that you would see the bars my friend.

>> ^messenger:
"This degenerate culture?" You mean, every human culture? Men, in general, deep down, feel this way. And, like O'Neal points out, men and women are naturally programmed to think and feel differently about sex. It's in our nature -- or if you prefer, it's the way God intended. If men thought about sex the same way that women do, there wouldn't have been enough sex happening to propagate the species. And if women were as casual about sex as men are, then we wouldn't have secure enough families to raise a successful child. It's the balance of nature. We need both men's huge sex drive and women's preference for lifelong bonding for survival as a species. Men who don't want sex and women who don't want family stability didn't have children who survived, and that's why there's so few of either type around now.
You can't stop men's sex drive, not even with religion. Evidence? The more religious/conservative neighbourhoods of Istanbul (where I live) are the ones with the most sexual assaults on the street. In my liberal neighbourhood just 15 minutes away, a woman can go get bread at 2 am. Want something closer to home? The more conservative states are the ones where men consume the most porn per capita. Utah is #1! And in the extreme, among professions where sex is forbidden (meaning Catholic priests only), there's a massive problem with child rape. You, SB, may be a shining knight following the path of the Lord, but those around you pretending to be pious are getting fiddly -- either with themselves or with non-consenting victims -- when you're not looking.
Yet again, it makes more sense that nature is as nature is, which makes more sense than saying some things are your imaginary friend's will, and others are the result of our "degenerate" or "fallen" state.>> ^shinyblurry:
>> ^spoco2:
He had great delivery, I'll give him that. But things like this, and moreso his interview on WTF, show that he had a fucked up view of women and men's relationships to them. He really had a view of women that they were, at heart, out to get men, out to make us unhappy... he seemed like he was never really going to be comfortable to be in a proper relationship with a woman.
Which is/was sad.

This is an accurate portrayal of the way that men, who see women as means to an end, namely their own sexual gratification, do think. I think it's rather stereotypical of this degenerate culture, actually..

Patrice O'Neal - Men and Cheating

messenger says...

"This degenerate culture?" You mean, every human culture? Men, in general, deep down, feel this way. And, like O'Neal points out, men and women are naturally programmed to think and feel differently about sex. It's in our nature -- or if you prefer, it's the way God intended. If men thought about sex the same way that women do, there wouldn't have been enough sex happening to propagate the species. And if women were as casual about sex as men are, then we wouldn't have secure enough families to raise a successful child. It's the balance of nature. We need both men's huge sex drive and women's preference for lifelong bonding for survival as a species. Men who don't want sex and women who don't want family stability didn't have children who survived, and that's why there's so few of either type around now.

You can't stop men's sex drive, not even with religion. Evidence? The more religious/conservative neighbourhoods of Istanbul (where I live) are the ones with the most sexual assaults on the street. In my liberal neighbourhood just 15 minutes away, a woman can go get bread at 2 am. Want something closer to home? The more conservative states are the ones where men consume the most porn per capita. Utah is #1! And in the extreme, among professions where sex is forbidden (meaning Catholic priests only), there's a massive problem with child rape. You, SB, may be a shining knight following the path of the Lord, but those around you pretending to be pious are getting fiddly -- either with themselves or with non-consenting victims -- when you're not looking.

Yet again, it makes more sense that nature is as nature is, which makes more sense than saying some things are your imaginary friend's will, and others are the result of our "degenerate" or "fallen" state.>> ^shinyblurry:

>> ^spoco2:
He had great delivery, I'll give him that. But things like this, and moreso his interview on WTF, show that he had a fucked up view of women and men's relationships to them. He really had a view of women that they were, at heart, out to get men, out to make us unhappy... he seemed like he was never really going to be comfortable to be in a proper relationship with a woman.
Which is/was sad.

This is an accurate portrayal of the way that men, who see women as means to an end, namely their own sexual gratification, do think. I think it's rather stereotypical of this degenerate culture, actually..

How to Trick People into Thinking You're Jenna Marbles

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^hpqp:

>> ^ChaosEngine:
Remember when Hitchens got into trouble for saying that women aren't funny?
These two are not proving him wrong.

Crap in a hat, I upvoted your comment only to realise there was a "not" in it. I think Harto is pretty funny, and Jenna can be too. But there are way funnier women, that's for sure.

Agreed. I thought CommunityChannels response to racism was hilarious and as a general rule I find Tina Fey really funny.
But Jenna was just irritating and Harto just fell flat, even though I thought the concept had potential. It's the Saturday night live effect. The gulf between "almost funny" (most of their sketches) and truly funny (a few moments of genius, like Fey's Palin) is vast.

Controversial as it was, I do believe there's a grain of truth in Hitchens article.

How to Trick People into Thinking You're Jenna Marbles

Gamer Girl Manifesto

westy says...

>> ^SDGundamX:

I think having only women in a video explicitly directed at male gamers communicates that only male gamers have weird attitudes towards women gamers. Which, if you've gamed for as long as I think you have, you realize is true--you never come across female gamers asking other female gamers if they're hot or to send pics of themselves.
I can't speak for the video's creators, but the message I took away from it is that the behavior continues because the community as a whole allows it to continue and takes a kind of "boys will be boys" attitude towards it all. They're asking the community to think about the issue a bit more and take a stand against it rather than just mute people who are being offensive. I think what they're hoping for is that the community as a whole does a bit of self-reflection.
I do all my online multiplayer on the PC (mostly FPS and RTS) and I got sick of the language and attitudes on the public servers a long time ago (literally years ago). When I play (which is admittedly not often now that I have a family) I usually only play on family-friendly servers that have an admin monitoring 24-7 (homophobic comments, griefing, and other undesirable behavior results in insta-banning). The only people who stick around are mature players just looking to have a good match (and occasionally their kids, who often are just as polite as their parents and often better players than the adults).
One thing I find interesting is that now that I live in Asia and connect to Asian (Japanese, Korean, Hong Kong, etc.) servers, I almost never see any of that undesirable behavior even on the public servers. It seems like the homophobic, misogynistic gamer is a Western cultural product. On the other hand, you will occasionally find racists on the Asian servers trash-talking other Asian groups.

I have had female gamers "hit" on me more than once and the thing is women dont / wont ask for images because often they are less focused on those aspects of attraction , a woman will fancy a guy because of accent , authroity , how friendly they are or some other querke and place more importance on that than raw looks of a guy ( compared to how heavily men way up looks and hence why men want to see an image of a woman) ( in general)

I have played with lots of women and met women on public servers and you get lots of women that game the men and play the men off each other just as much as the men ask for tits or GFO or other stupid shit. you allso get many women that are 100% down to earth easy going and dont hit on people or just converse in a normal way, the same with men.

for example there are just as manny anoying twatty kids/men online as there are nice normal people this video is just stupid and offers nothing to help the issue of discimination which happens to everyone.

I would definitely agree that there is more descrimination against women in general with games becuse its a male dominated thing at this piont in time , but the way for women to deel with it is to tell the men that are bing dicks to fuck off or simply be above it , Its very easy for women to find allies online and alie with non twat men and then game with resnable people.

As for a productive video if a woman made a video that was amusing clever or just showed a compitent woman bieng a woman then that would do far more to counter the discrimination.

Falicea Day comes to mind as a woman that is womany and promotes the image of women gaming in a non retarded and nomal way. But then you have people like Frag Dolls which are the apitomy of retardation.

Wage disparity? (Equality Talk Post)

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^NetRunner:


Good, something with just full time jobs! Ted, I love you. Thanks for the Data Netrunner. I love you too

On a side note, and something I just noticed from reading this data, it seems that in certain jobs the gap is significantly lowered. By more than 50% in some cases! Holy shit! I wonder if this is due to the "type" of women who gravitate towards certain jobs? I.e., are the women in health and education services more inclined to put personal affairs (Like family, you know, the important stuff,) above work, while the construction workers actually put their jobs ahead?

I am in no way saying women are lazy or ineffective, if indeed what I speculate on is even true in the first place. I myself am forgoing promotions (I.e., $$$'s) BECAUSE I am putting my family first (It's also why I consulted my wife and she decided to become a stay-at-home mother.) Fuck you capitalism, I don't need your dirty money!

I wonder if women do the same as me, more so then most men, specifically in the more education-required jobs?

If any woman on the sift passed up a promotion for something more important I'd like to hear about it... Or if any women on the sift got passed up for some blatant sexist reasons? I would be interested in hearing about that too. Like I said, we learn through perspective (And Netrunner's links.)

The World's 1st and Hottest iPad DJ

westy says...

what a fucking mupit ,

there is actualy good potentail to use i pads as a decent music app ,

but this is just retarded , the vast majorty of D,Js should just be taken to a cattel shed and shot on the face .

Its such a shame that the word DJ is used for people that can actualy produce music as well as people that can only match the beets up on 2 tracks and then fade between them , ocisoinaly putting in sfx and changing the pitch.

allso the way the women talks about this as if its some cheep alternative ,

fucking using a laptop in live mode with USB devices has exsited for over a decade and has offerd the full dj exsperance with evan more controle than nomral hard ware for under £700.

Fastest woman on snow is also extremely hot!

beautifulmel says...

I really don't think she's all that hot-- I think she's a great athlete, and that's what should be focused on, not her shapely form, makeup-caked face, or overdone hair.

I disagree with the idea that a woman has to whore out pictures of her body to get ahead in a male-dominated field. That doesn't mean I don't think she should have done this-- I think the industry should work in a different way. And women shouldn't be objectified so much. But that's not gonna happen, I don't think, until we live in a society like the one in The Giver or Brave New World.

Sex Ed, side hugs and Christian perverts

westy says...

>> ^Drax:
d) she's smart

I dont think she is particualy smart , Not dence , but how manny guys out there have posted vids like this that we would probably ignore.

but yeah an attractive woman making agreeable sensible points in a way most women don't. is always good.

Bad Plastic Surgery

videosiftbannedme says...

>> ^elysse:
Gee... wonder where women POSSIBLY GOT the idea that youthful appearance and large breasts were keys to success and better self esteem?
..hmmm... Let's think hard on that one.

While I'll upvote your comment, let's not forget it is a two way street. Women are just as culpable for electing to pursue the youthful appearance and large breasts, etc, etc.

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