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Building Watson - A Brief Overview of the DeepQA Project

Jeopardy Fail - "What is Leg"

Jeopardy Fail - "What is Leg"

Jeopardy Fail - "What is Leg"

Building Watson - A Brief Overview of the DeepQA Project

Jeopardy Fail - "What is Leg"

Arg says...

Hang on. Did the host say that the correct answer (question?) was, "What is he's missing a leg?"

Surely that's just as much gibberish as the answer Watson gave.

Jeopardy Fail - "What is Leg"

Skeeve says...

Watson had some funny answers, including the Final Jeopardy question, but he blew both humans away - he won with $35,734 to Rutter's $10,000 and Jenning's $4800 (and that is after the humans effectively doubled their scores).

NOVA Episode: Smartest Machine on Earth

ant says...

>> ^dag:

Absolutely fascinating. I'm going to give this another promote as the Jeopardy Episodes start tonight! (February 14th)

Let's get Siftbot on it too for the next game event. Maybe he can beat IBM Watson!

NOVA Episode: Smartest Machine on Earth

RFlagg says...

While they mentioned Chess, there was no mention of the Computer Go problem, that is, getting a computer to be able to play Go beyond the level of studied amateur. Still a great episode of Nova as usual. I would love to see IBM tackle that next since that would solve a few more key issues like visual/spacial issues, then combine wherever they are with the Deep Blue and their goals of the Watson program with whatever they would call their Go computer and you would have a fairly nice AI system.
I wonder why they didn't plug in speech recognition so it could hear the answers... of course at the same time a real Jeopardy player may buzz in before he finishes so I guess it needs to be able to see the answer at the same time...

NOVA Episode: Smartest Machine on Earth

Harry Potter Pole Dance... seriously

Harry Potter Pole Dance... seriously

Smartest Machine on Earth: IBM Watson

Smartest Machine on Earth: IBM Watson

Sixty Symbols on Why Glass is Transparent

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