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Aussies Are Hardnuts

spoco2 says...

>> ^EvilDeathBee:

>> ^spoco2:
Whitetail spiders (These give nasty fricken bites)

Turns out this is untrue

No, it's untrue that the bite gives you gang green, which is widely believed. But they still give nasty fricken bites.

And they don't keep themselves to webs, the little fuckers, they wander around everywhere. I think they're my most disliked spider. I kill them and redbacks on sight.

Huntsmans, funnelwebs, other spiders I just catch and release outside (not that I've had a funnelweb inside mind you).

I'm trying to get myself to be fine with handling huntsmans just in my hands, but my issue with them is they're fricken quick and I hate it when they run into my clothing or other part of my body I don't want them.

If they were slower I'd have no issue picking them up.

Shelving System to Hide your Valuables, Guns & More Guns

colt45 says...

I'm amused at two assertions: guns are designed to kill people, and that kids think guns are fun to play with.

Children who are not taught properly about firearms are, generally, viewing them as toys to play with. Children who are properly taught about firearm safety, use, etc., are much more likely to view them properly; as very dangerous tools.

SOME firearms—guns—are, indeed, designed to kill people. I would suggest that the projectile is the part that has seen more development for human lethality than the firearm itself. There are parts of the country where carrying a firearm is distinctly in the realm of protection of self and family. No, not from acts of violence by other people, but by animal predators. Lots of places have bears and such wander across the porches of people's houses. Regularly.

I will, however, strongly agree that the lack of obvious gun lockout devices (I only saw one on the first watch of the video) is concerning, but if he doesn't have children himself, and none come to visit, that leaves children accessing his house without his knowledge…

As far as the number of firearms, do we know if he has a wife? Are they all HIS guns, or is that collection of guns owned by multiple people?

Second Life (Geek Talk Post)

jimnms says...

I created an account a long time ago. The first time I got on I wandered around for the whole day. I met a few people and found some cool stuff. NASA had a second life exhibit where you could get a space suit and space ship. I think I burned myself out because I didn't get on it again for a while. It must have been a year or more later when I realized I still had it installed. I updated it and got on again. Once again I spent the whole day exploring. I found some bar type place that at first it seemed cool and fun, they had music and dancing and a lot of chatting. Then I got invited to the basement where they had a virtual bondage thing going on, complete with torture devices and stuff. People would actually pay you in the game currency to smack them around, talk dirty to them and shit. There is pretty much something for everyone in Second Life. I don't think I've played it again since that 2nd time.

Zero Punctuation: Borderlands 2

Jinx says...

>> ^00Scud00:

Not thinking too hard is key for this one, like not thinking about how futile it must be to kill someone and then have them just re-spawn again. Hyperion even runs the network that allows this to happen, and Jack never once seems to consider wandering into the server room and just quietly erasing your latest backup so that the next time you die it's permanent.
>> ^Jinx:
He's right on exactly everything...but I still kind of like the game. It expanded on the only thing people gave a fuck about in the original - guns. Its not a complex game and its pretty shallow but I still find it enjoyable if I don't think too hard...much like watching a crappy action movie with friends.

I didnt think of that...probably because I wasn't thinking. But hey, there is a quest at one point where Jack actually asks you to kill yourself. Like you throw yourself off a cliff, respawn and collect the reward from Jack. Lets just assume that all Hyperion cares about is profits. Killing me permanently would close off a potential revenue stream from that guy that hoovers cash out of toilets.

Zero Punctuation: Borderlands 2

00Scud00 says...

Not thinking too hard is key for this one, like not thinking about how futile it must be to kill someone and then have them just re-spawn again. Hyperion even runs the network that allows this to happen, and Jack never once seems to consider wandering into the server room and just quietly erasing your latest backup so that the next time you die it's permanent.
>> ^Jinx:

He's right on exactly everything...but I still kind of like the game. It expanded on the only thing people gave a fuck about in the original - guns. Its not a complex game and its pretty shallow but I still find it enjoyable if I don't think too hard...much like watching a crappy action movie with friends.

Milford Graves & Toshi Tsuchitori [live in Tokyo, 1993]

Zero Punctuation: Guild Wars 2

jmzero says...

1. Basing any game on an hours play is stupid.

So, what, I'm going to play every game out there for 6 hours? What if it only gets good in hour 12? Maybe I should put a few years into every religion too, just to make sure? Of course not. There's plenty of games I like, and I can't think of any of them that weren't fun in hour 1. If you're regularly putting more than an hour into a game you don't like, I think you're crazy. Most games put their best foot forward.

2. You talk about how you loved GW1s story, yet you ignored the story in GW2 which said wait for the NPC

Sorry, when I said I liked the campaign in the first one I didn't mean the story per se - it was generic tripe. But playing through that narrative (skipping whatever dialog might have popped up) worked really well and was pretty fun. You could explore it at your leisure, by yourself, and (as before) it made a nice tutorial for the game.

The GW1 system was powerful, but impossible to balance.

It was fine. And other game designers somehow manage to balance games with more real skills and far, far, far, far (far) more variety and power to those skills (again, thinking of DotA here, where characters actually do different, powerful things). I think they could have made it work again.

All this information was in the manuel linked right from the launcher.

Somehow I manage to play every other game I've bought in the last 10 years without ever consulting Manuel (I assume he's Spanish?) - including purposefully crazy games like Dark Souls. Oh, and Guild Wars I. Seriously, though, do you really read the manuals for games?

Anyways, it's a credit to their ingenuity that they found a place to hide this from me.

Of course, they also almost killed me in the tutorial because I couldn't figure out how to do a basic attack. Turns out I was holding something that I accidentally picked up while trying to talk to the quest person (who looked just like the 900 dudes wandering around the tutorial zone) and holding something apparently disables auto-attacks. When I checked the "hints" to see why I wasn't attacking, it helpfully told me about the "downed status".

You dont grind equipment and levels

Again, you're forgetting that I actually did play the game. I pulled Zombies out the ground and killed them until a meter filled up telling me I'd killed 10 (or 20 or whatever). Then I poisoned some bugs or crap. Those things happened. Or was I playing a different game? Maybe you're playing a different game? Are you going to tell me that killing 10 zombies is not generic RPG grind (ie. exactly what I don't want, and exactly what you're saying you don't do)?

Maybe the first hour of the game is completely opposite to the rest of the experience. Maybe at minute 61 they pull back the curtain and say "Hey, that's the last of the stupid filler crap in the game". Maybe there's a code in the manual that you can enter to play something entirely different that doesn't suck balls.

I'll never know, as I spent minute 61 uninstalling.

Ant Death Circles Explained

Ant Death Circles Explained

Ant Death Circles Explained

Family Guy: Peter spends two weeks narrating his own life.

ReverendTed says...

If it didn't seem so inevitable, I would have been disappointed to see the place having fallen into such disrepair. It had been @critical_d who had boarded the place up, of course; this kind of thing seemed to be his passion. (Only one other person seemed to relish it more.)

I did what I could. Wouldn't say I was proud of the final result, shaky as it was, but at least the place was back in business. I tucked a few extra supplies into the corner, in case the place was boarded up again the next time I wandered through.

On my way out, I rapped a finger against the neon sign above the door. Apparently that was all it needed to spring back to life.

Manatee in a Florida Backyard

mintbbb says...

Cute, however according to a YT comment:

'Manatees visit my backyard just like this every summer and it makes me so happy, they've been my favorite animal since I was a kid. Unfortunately, I just found out that it is illegal to do this and to feed them, because it encourages them to wander towards docks and in shallow waters where it isn't always safe for them. Its sad that we can't interact with them but it is for the better.'

Police officer deals with open carry activist

oOPonyOo says...

It would be hard to say what their intent was if you saw someone carrying such a ridiculously looking powerful gun. Kudos for the professional stop, and what a bunch of time wasting douches. What reason would they have to be carrying a semi-automatic firearm, without a case, and slung over the shoulder anyways? I think they could intimidate other citizens, and that would be reason enough to say wtf, please desist.

>> ^kymbos:

If I was wandering down the street and happened upon a man or two walking with those fucking guns I would shit my pants! Are you serious? The idea that this is ok to do is fucking perverted. Insane.

VoodooV (Member Profile)

MarineGunrock says...

Yeah, but the instant you start talk of repealing or restricting the right to own weapons, you put forth an image that you want them unarmed for your own gain.

Oops, meant to reply in the video. Oh well.
In reply to this comment by VoodooV:
>> ^kymbos:

If I was wandering down the street and happened upon a man or two walking with those fucking guns I would shit my pants! Are you serious? The idea that this is ok to do is fucking perverted. Insane.

I'd be ok with armed open carry civilians..if crime really was that rampant. But it's not! We're just not fighting for our lives on a daily basis here. We have a gov't that allows for peaceful change and we vote for a president every four years. These people who casually throw around the idea of "2nd amendment remedies" just haven't really experienced a truly oppressive gov't Oh crap, the price of a latte went up. Time to lock and load fellas!! First world problems.

If I'm just walking along and I see these kids openly carrying, How am I supposed to know that they're going to protect me if some armed robber magically jumps out from the bushes? How do I know these kids aren't the robbers themselves? I'm sorry, we don't live in a world where we can easily identify our protectors with their shining auras and perfect teeth and the bad guys can be identified with their black top hat and their furled mustache.

I'm ok with an armed citizenry. Just not to this degree. It just shows how insecure and paranoid we are.

I just feel the 2nd amendment serves more of a symbolic function than an actual practical one. All it really says is that you have a duty to do something if your gov't truly becomes oppressive. By who's judgement? Again, we have people throwing around the idea of "2nd amendment remedies" whenever a vote doesn't go their way. That's not oppressive gov't people. Come back to me when we actually can't vote anymore. Any successful revolt is going to need large popular support. If you don't have that, then maybe your revolt wasn't meant to succeed.

Here's the thing though, when has the lack of a 2nd amendment ever stopped anyone from overthrowing their gov't if enough people thought it was oppressive throughout history? if an oppressive gov't revokes your right to firearms. Do you just go home and twiddle your thumbs? No, you revolt anyway. Oppressive gov'ts don't just sit around and wait to be overthrown. If they make you an outlaw for having a gun and what? being labeled an outlaw never stopped a successful revolt. If they take away your steal them back. To me it just doesn't seem to make a difference if we have a 2nd amendment or not. A modern military is not going to be deterred by dad's old shotgun. so even if you were allowed only home defense weapons and you needed to revolt. The first thing you do is that you steal some military weapons and/or you find sympathetic members of the military to side with you. if the gov't really has gotten that bad, you'll find entire outfits willing to defect I'd be willing to bet. You're going to need military training for your revolt in any case. 2nd amendment just tells you that you aught to revolt if gov't gets bad. Doesn't say anything about whether or not revolt would be easy. 2nd Amendment or no, ANY revolt is going to be massively bloody.

So hey..maybe we should put down the guns and solve our problems like adults in the 21st century. No one wants a revolution on their hands.

Police officer deals with open carry activist

VoodooV says...

>> ^kymbos:

If I was wandering down the street and happened upon a man or two walking with those fucking guns I would shit my pants! Are you serious? The idea that this is ok to do is fucking perverted. Insane.

I'd be ok with armed open carry civilians..if crime really was that rampant. But it's not! We're just not fighting for our lives on a daily basis here. We have a gov't that allows for peaceful change and we vote for a president every four years. These people who casually throw around the idea of "2nd amendment remedies" just haven't really experienced a truly oppressive gov't Oh crap, the price of a latte went up. Time to lock and load fellas!! First world problems.

If I'm just walking along and I see these kids openly carrying, How am I supposed to know that they're going to protect me if some armed robber magically jumps out from the bushes? How do I know these kids aren't the robbers themselves? I'm sorry, we don't live in a world where we can easily identify our protectors with their shining auras and perfect teeth and the bad guys can be identified with their black top hat and their furled mustache.

I'm ok with an armed citizenry. Just not to this degree. It just shows how insecure and paranoid we are.

I just feel the 2nd amendment serves more of a symbolic function than an actual practical one. All it really says is that you have a duty to do something if your gov't truly becomes oppressive. By who's judgement? Again, we have people throwing around the idea of "2nd amendment remedies" whenever a vote doesn't go their way. That's not oppressive gov't people. Come back to me when we actually can't vote anymore. Any successful revolt is going to need large popular support. If you don't have that, then maybe your revolt wasn't meant to succeed.

Here's the thing though, when has the lack of a 2nd amendment ever stopped anyone from overthrowing their gov't if enough people thought it was oppressive throughout history? if an oppressive gov't revokes your right to firearms. Do you just go home and twiddle your thumbs? No, you revolt anyway. Oppressive gov'ts don't just sit around and wait to be overthrown. If they make you an outlaw for having a gun and what? being labeled an outlaw never stopped a successful revolt. If they take away your steal them back. To me it just doesn't seem to make a difference if we have a 2nd amendment or not. A modern military is not going to be deterred by dad's old shotgun. so even if you were allowed only home defense weapons and you needed to revolt. The first thing you do is that you steal some military weapons and/or you find sympathetic members of the military to side with you. if the gov't really has gotten that bad, you'll find entire outfits willing to defect I'd be willing to bet. You're going to need military training for your revolt in any case. 2nd amendment just tells you that you aught to revolt if gov't gets bad. Doesn't say anything about whether or not revolt would be easy. 2nd Amendment or no, ANY revolt is going to be massively bloody.

So hey..maybe we should put down the guns and solve our problems like adults in the 21st century. No one wants a revolution on their hands.

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