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Dennis Kucinich on Iraq Lies, Govt Accountability & GMOs

MilkmanDan says...

I liked the content of the interview, so I'll upvote.

...However, if I could downvote the cameraman (who's last gig was apparently shaky-cam dude for MTV's The Real World), I would. Why on earth does a serious interview need a non-fixed camera that wanders around, tilts, and focuses on people's ears?

I Didn't Know That - Can You Survive Quicksand?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I remember a story about a drunk in Anchorage who wandered out on to the mud flats (like quick sand) in Anchorage - he got stuck like that and they called in a helicopter. The tied a line around his chest to pull him out with the chopper, unfortunately, only his top half came unstuck. His bottom half stayed in the mud. He ... did not survive.

Same flats, a lady on her honeymoon was slowly sinking in, rescue crew was all around her, and her husband too - she kept sinking, even with all of the rescue workers trying their best. As it got up to her face, they put a straw in her mouth. Her eyes were the last thing to go ... her husband got to say goodbye at least.

Not to be fucked with, this stuff.


Old man isn't afraid of anything

The 'Shandification' of Fallout

sheckey says...

A little off topic, but I ended up not wanting to choose any of the main story branches because none of them felt like me. So, after endless wandering and leveling I just sort of stopped. It was a great journey though with some good stories.

Ex-Cop At Large Amidst Vengeful Killing Spree

chingalera says...

Not sayin' I'm scared of the Chinese, their culture is richer and far more interesting than many. I'm talking about integration and transition of geographical locale as the result of en-mass economic growth coupled with NO sense of culture or history here because we're programmed to forget events leading up to the "NOW" by the criminals in charge.
Culture shock in a country already fucked 8-ways from Sunday socially, like the U.S. with the Hispanic population here being used as pawns in politics to craft agendas that best suit the 1% of the fucking world, whom commoners (landless peasants) seldom interact with anyhow.

I do fear the surveillance future, the privatized security future, and the pay-for-everything including air future, because I'll have to fucking live in it after having watched this slow-train-wreck for 45 years without having to wonder if I am wandering into the shit, that is the system.
Talk about shock, my kids are gonna be watched by drones with pinrods working for the government looking at the monitor. Not the world I envision for anyone, much less my kin.

Stop being so fucking scared....JEEEZ! How about, terrified for the future of civilization and at the same time not giving a fuck because it is what it is?

Yer right....Maybe I need to lay off the thinking and just get laid er sumpthin...maybe volunteer down at the children's hospital, get some real perspective on living in the now.

Yogi said:

I sense great fear in you. My nephews and nieces go to China school every Saturday and speak Mandarin almost fluently. China isn't going to be as much of a power player as people who are scared really believe, the way it's going to pan out is 3 blocks of economic power. China won't be a separate block it's lumped in with Asia, Europe is one and the US is another. The US is weaker but not significantly and the real threat from China is that they're not scared of us.

See when we tell Germany, or France to back off somewhere they do it, because they don't want to fuck with us. However China has been around for 3,000 years...they don't have this nervousness about them so they invest where they want and we complain about it.

Chingalera, quit being so fucking scared of everything and do your homework!

Celebrity Encounters (Blog Entry by lucky760)

chingalera says...

I've met a few heavyweight jazz musicians-Dizzy Gillespie, Marcus Roberts, Sonny Rollins, McCoy Tyner, Herbie Mann, uhhh...Met B.B. KIng after a show (all these are in passing after shows) Partied with Ike Willis a couple times in different states (guitar player for Zappa for years)
Played 3 holes of golf onna photo shoot with Nolan Ryan when he pitched for the Astros.
Met a few rock stars, Met and spoke with Roger Daltrey when I was 11 years old atta Mall record shop in Dallas(1976 NA Tour, last with Kieth Moon) , my mom was standing in line to get her albums autographed, and then when it was her turn, she grabbed Daltrey by his head and hi-jacked him with a wet one, got a picture of that one...Daltrey looked overwhelmed and looked over at me and asked, "That your mum?!"

Most impressive star-saturation came Labor Day weekend, 1975 in Atoka Oklahoma atta 3-day outdoor concert out-I was 10, found a backstage pass onna chain, and wandered around backstage and on buses with a fuckload of country stars.
Waylon Jennings, Jerry Jeff Walker, can't remember em all, I was a little kid but i remember a lotta musicians tripping on me running around backstage-Some thought I was just a roadie's kid.
Met Jerry Lee Lewis backstage there....

How to Unlock your Car in 10 Seconds

Retroboy says...

Uh, well you see Officer, I'm wearing one high-top sneaker and the other one's in the sidewalk there minus its shoelace because I'm... uh... late for my basketball game and was going to do it up along the way. Oh, jeez, forgot my registration too! Mind if I put my shoe back on and wander up to my apartment to get it? Okay? Great, thanks."


Conversation with a Mynah Bird

Asmo says...

Kill it with fire! (at least in Australia)

Myna's are responsible for serious displacement and disruption of local species. They're fucking air rats, and shit machines to boot. You can have years of native birds rarely even wandering on to your balconey or outdoor settings, but as soon as myna's show up, everything is covered in shit in a day or so...

If you catch them (adults or chicks), it takes no effort to snap their necks quickly and cleanly. And if you do handle them, you may want to wear gloves and/or fumigate yourself with bug spray afterwards because they're absolutely lousy with lice.

A flying ninja crocodile jumps at guy!

Beautiful Hyperlapse Video Of China

Fletch says...

Not exactly the same, but I've been to Hong Kong a couple times (Navy, pre-1997), and it's one of the most amazing, wonderful cities I've ever been to. The views of the city at night, the markets in Kowloon. I could just wander around happily for days. A friend from work went a few years ago and told of a similar experience. I'd love to visit China someday, but I wonder just how difficult it is do that. I guess I can just Google it.

Low Cost Solution To Landmine Clearance.

bmacs27 says...

>> ^Drachen_Jager:

I lived in a heavily mined area for six months, so I think I know how aware people are in those situations. However, I don't expect a five year old kid to have that same discipline, and quelle surprise, most of those who are injured or killed by old minefields are children. I don't think your point here is relevant.
When these things are done rolling around the desert, what is the certainty that desert is clear? If they don't clear spaces so they're actually safe, what's the point? Randomly detonate a few mines?
There's a reason it's expensive to clear mines properly, and comparing these things to proper mine clearance, and then comparing the pricetag is laughable.

I agree with you in part, but I think the strong form of your argument is a bit much. Certainly randomly detonating a few mines is helpful. If you can send some arbitrarily large number of these things (30 per mine you would have cleared in a sweep) rolling over the desert until you are ultimately detonating very few mines then it is also substantially less likely that a wayward 5 y.o. is going to stumble on one. It doesn't seem like an all or none proposition. I agree, before an area can be designated clear it should be properly swept. However, properly clearing the field is probably too expensive to be feasible. At least reducing the danger could save lives when those kids that don't know any better happen to wander after a stray ball in the still potentially dangerous mine field. Also, the number of mines that need to be safely disarmed could be reduced.

Low Cost Solution To Landmine Clearance.

Jinx says...

Seems like it might be a cool way to at least thin out landmines so there was somewhat less risk to people that happen to wander into the minefield. If you want to reclaim the land though I think you have to do a systematic sweep, and I can't really see how you'd reduce the expenditure on that.

Aussies Are Hardnuts

NaMeCaF says...

I dunno. I wouldn't quite rule out the necrosis thing as a 'myth' just yet.

While not all white tale bites will result in it, it may be just one particular species. Or it could be a reaction only certain members of the population experience. The only scientific study done that said the bites dont result in necrosis was of a rather small sub-sample of bites (130 according to wikipedia).

That's why I kill the fuckers on sight. I'm not going to risk that shit on the off-chance that it could result in some dead, infected flesh.

>> ^EvilDeathBee:

>> ^spoco2:
>> ^EvilDeathBee:
>> ^spoco2:
Whitetail spiders (These give nasty fricken bites)

Turns out this is untrue

No, it's untrue that the bite gives you gang green, which is widely believed. But they still give nasty fricken bites.
And they don't keep themselves to webs, the little fuckers, they wander around everywhere. I think they're my most disliked spider. I kill them and redbacks on sight.
Huntsmans, funnelwebs, other spiders I just catch and release outside (not that I've had a funnelweb inside mind you).
I'm trying to get myself to be fine with handling huntsmans just in my hands, but my issue with them is they're fricken quick and I hate it when they run into my clothing or other part of my body I don't want them.
If they were slower I'd have no issue picking them up.

Oh, i thought you were referring to the necrosis myth of White Tails. And yeah, those little bastards are everywhere.
Good luck trying to capture and release a male funnel web during mating season My recommendation: bird shot.

Aussies Are Hardnuts

EvilDeathBee says...

>> ^spoco2:

>> ^EvilDeathBee:
>> ^spoco2:
Whitetail spiders (These give nasty fricken bites)

Turns out this is untrue

No, it's untrue that the bite gives you gang green, which is widely believed. But they still give nasty fricken bites.
And they don't keep themselves to webs, the little fuckers, they wander around everywhere. I think they're my most disliked spider. I kill them and redbacks on sight.
Huntsmans, funnelwebs, other spiders I just catch and release outside (not that I've had a funnelweb inside mind you).
I'm trying to get myself to be fine with handling huntsmans just in my hands, but my issue with them is they're fricken quick and I hate it when they run into my clothing or other part of my body I don't want them.
If they were slower I'd have no issue picking them up.

Oh, i thought you were referring to the necrosis myth of White Tails. And yeah, those little bastards are everywhere.

Good luck trying to capture and release a male funnel web during mating season My recommendation: bird shot.

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