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Vihart's Song - "No Real Solution" A tribute to vihart


Vihart - Thanksgiving Turduckenen-duckenen

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Tags for this video have been changed from 'vihart, Thanksgiving, Turkey, duck, hen, quail, binary tree, math' to 'vihart, Thanksgiving, Turkey, duck, hen, quail, binary tree, math, vi hart' - edited by messenger

Vi Hart: Snowflakes, Starflakes, and Swirlflakes

Vi Hart - Spherical Snowflakes!!

Vi Hart's origami demonstration of Pythagorean theorem

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'vi hart, mathematics, mathemagician, origami, squares' to 'vi hart, mathematics, mathemagician, origami, squares, Pythagorean theorem' - edited by lucky760

Vi Hart - Mathed Potatoes for Thanksgiving

FlowersInHisHair (Member Profile)

Vi Hart - Flex Mex!

Hexaflexagons 2

luxury_pie (Member Profile)

Doodling in Math Class (Vi Hart): Connecting Dots

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'math, class, doodle, vi hart, dots, parabola, cone, curve' to 'math, class, doodle, vi hart, dots, parabola, cone, curve, angry birds' - edited by messenger

Doodle Music, Vi Hart Style

ViHart - They Became What They Beheld

Vi Hart - Pythagoras was a Murdering Cult Leader

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