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Pi Day Is Round

messenger (Member Profile)

RFlagg (Member Profile)

Rational, Irrational.. So Many Numbers: Transcendental Darts

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'rational, irrational, number, defined, algebra, algebraic' to 'rational, irrational, number, defined, algebra, algebraic, Vi Hart' - edited by Trancecoach

Doodling in Math Class: Dragon Dungeons

Doodling in Math Class: Dragon Dungeons

Science Vlogger reads her comments

Vi Hart - How To Toothpaste

bareboards2 says...

As I watched this, I thought -- FUCK, the sexualization of Vi Hart. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK.

Thanks for proving my distress.


(Is this really her? Maybe somebody stole her voice? PLEASE oh please oh please oh please, let this not be Vi Hart's work.)

nanrod said:

I would never have guessed that Vi Hart would have such a nice ass.

blahpook (Member Profile)

Vi Hart - How To Toothpaste

messenger (Member Profile)

Vi Hart: Reel

Dragon Curve - Numberphile

Doodling in Math Class: Snakes + Graphs

Pachelbel's Music Box Canon in D

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Beggar's Canyon