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Venom Trailer 2

My_design (Member Profile)

RFlagg (Member Profile)

Venom - Official Full Trailer

moonsammy says...

Yeah, the trailer isn't particularly impressive. An origin story for Venom seems a necessary step towards what will hopefully be a really cool Spiderman / Venom flick.

ChaosEngine said:

That does not look good.

Man dives into a vat of oil

Massive python caught hiding inside living room wall

MilkmanDan says...

Never had a python inside my house here in Thailand, but have had a couple of ~1m tree snakes (non-venomous) sneak out from behind dressers, etc.

But I am kind of known as the crazy snake-loving foreigner in my area, so I got called in to a neighbors kitchen one time and discovered a young monocled cobra (also about 1m). I really wanted to try to hold it by hand, but decided it was probably better to use a broom handle and guide it into a box. Then released it into an empty lot. Later, I realized that I probably should have opted for some eye protection -- some of the local cobras are spitters.

Generally, Thais kill snakes and then fire up the grill. Nice to see they kept this one alive, for the time being -- although the older fella yanking on the head probably didn't do it any favors. Snakes are quite tough though. Also fun to hear the chatter in Thai.

VENOM Official Trailer (2018) Tom Hardy Superhero Movie HD

newtboy (Member Profile)

VENOM Official Trailer (2018) Tom Hardy Superhero Movie HD

AeroMechanical says...

So, is he going to be a good guy? Maybe my Venom: Lethal Protector #1 comic book (which is the only comic book I own, don't know where I got it), will become worth something if they use that storyline. It's been 20 years since I read it, but I think the plot was pretty much "Hm, I think I'll try being a good guy for no obvious reason" and then he did Spider Man stuff like punching muggers and that was about it. I'm probably remembering it wrong.

Redback Spider Catches a Snake

Senator Ernie Chambers The "N" Word at Omaha Public Schools

Jinx says...

When Maher used it and Ice Cube came on to tell him how wrong he was I did sort of feel like its divisive power was perpetuated by the double standard it seemed to represent - black people can use it, white people can't. Honestly I thought it was all a bit hysterical (not hilarious), not that I doubted the authenticity of people taking offence, just that there was an obsession over the word rather then Maher's intent that only furthered the divide between black and white.

Now I think I missed the point. Naively I believed the end goal was to sterilize the word through usage, that the fact a word can cause offence is a sort of aberration. Recently I was made to understand that the word is venomous for good reason. It should be offensive because it represents not just a terrible history of slavery, but also of the continued oppression, both overt and insidious, that blacks experience.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and often I think that is how us whites use it. Mostly our intentions are good, we want to be part of that group... but we never will be because we will never experience that word the way a black man or woman will. I don't think I was a racist (well, so far as any of us are free from bias) when I used it before but I think it was ignorant and wrong of me. To only care for your own intent and ignore a word's symbolism is lazy and self interested.

I'd like a future where the word truly does lose contemporary meaning, but I don't think we get there by ignoring what it still represents to others.


Toxicity Comparison (This little will KILL you)

yellowc says...

Interesting but not terribly useful without context (on the smaller scale, 1L of vodka is pretty easy to understand).

How much venom does a hornet typically release in one attack? Obviously not the lethal dose but still, it'd be more interesting to visualise how many hornet stings it takes to kill me.

How much caffeine in a typical cup of coffee? How much salt in an average wrap? etc

Toxicity Comparison (This little will KILL you)

Mordhaus says...

@Jinx @eric3579

According to the internet, which is never wrong, the animal/insect toxin that kills the most humans per year is the venom of the saw-scaled viper.

The microbial toxin that kills the most people per year, and that would appear to dwarf the death rate of any animal or insect, is Staphylococcus aureus toxin. The effects of it's multiple exotoxins create multiple conditions ranging from pimples all the way up to sepsis and toxic shock syndrome.

As an example, deaths related to Staphylococcus aureus are estimated to clock in at 50K per year in the USA alone.

Jinx said:

Hmm. I'm betting on toxin produced by bacteria. Something like Cholera.

or. you know, maybe you could say that humans create a pretty deadly cocktail of toxins

Toxicity Comparison (This little will KILL you)

A Conversation with Michael Eric Dyson

Jinx says...

Interesting that Ice Cube says that he hears venom when white people use it. Doesn't segregating language like that only grant it a degree of power when it is used subversively? Dunno if it should be as black and white (pun not intended) as that. but then who am I to say what should or shouldn't be.

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