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not_blankfist (Member Profile)

Glenn Greenwald - Why do they hate us?

Kofi says...

Because he has principles that trump national pride. To be proud of something you not only have to have done something to be proud of but also proven why you deserve to share in that pride other than exiting the right vagina at the right time and place. If, on the other hand, you take pride without due participation you must also accept the shame. Can anyone honestly say that the US has objectively done nothing to be ashamed of? At best more to be proud of than ashamed of but that does on abrogate responsibility for the latter.

lantern53 said:

Why does Glenn Greenwald hate America?

Why Stupid YouTube Comments are Older than the Internet

The Jon Dore Television Show - Jon & The Cowboy

BMW Gina

Jinx says...

Two explanations. The designer has a dirty mind and a wicked sense of humour


The designer has never seen a vagina before and this was all quite accidental.

I'm not sure which I like better.

raverman said:


It's called Gina and it's bonnet is split down the middle like a vagina?

with a BMW logo is positioned in the gash in a specific location?

BMW Gina

Little Girl Explains Childbirth in 4 Seconds

Little Girl Explains Childbirth in 4 Seconds

grinter says...

Nothing remarkable about what the kid said...
..but it's awesome that the parent's used this to announce they were 'expecting'.. have a baby pop out of one of their vaginas, that is.

Little Girl Explains Childbirth in 4 Seconds

Female Supremacy

Yogi jokingly says...

How dare you! These men are saints! Fighting the good fight for us my brother, against the scourge of women and their vaginas destroying us!

ChaosEngine said:

I just watched the first 5 minutes. In the interest of fairness, I'm going to try to watch the rest, but frankly, right now it comes across as petty whinging.

Electric Disco Clam

How a Face Changes Depending on the Lighting

Mobius says...

I wonder what this would look like if it was a rotating light around a woman in medical stirrups. with a spread eagle style motif.

pretty vagina
ugly vagina
young vagina
old vagina
happy vagina
sad vagina

One Woman Screwing Up North Dakota’s Plan to End Abortion

Stu says...

I work in a hospital. I've seen a baby born at 22 weeks. That's been my line since I've actually seen the baby survive. Will all babies survive at 22 weeks? Probably not. Most don't, but as I said it's what I've actually seen. Seeing is believing.

Either way I don't have a vagina and won't be needing her services anytime soon. Shit tho 39%, I need to watch my back.

kulpims (Member Profile)

Female Ninja Deadliest Trick - Vagina Bubbles

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