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Study: False statements preceded war (Politics Talk Post)

MaxWilder says...

Some of us knew they were lies. Some of us knew he wanted war from the beginning. Some of us campaigned against war. We were ignored. We were marginalized. We were called unpatriotic. Now we are stuck. And the politicians cry, "Who knew?"

We knew.

Theodore Roosevelt on moderation and rule by the people

choggie says...

“To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.” -Theodore Roosevelt, 1918

Profound Incompetence

kingsblood says...

No I think they are very competent at keeping us in the dark.

No serial numbers on the guns so we can't find out that we sold them to our enemies. Barrels of oil don't have identification. And money doesn't have to be bills, we could've just shuffled out credit, the most untraceable form of currency yet.

And I hate it when people tell me that I'm unpatriotic for hating Bush.

Ron Paul Attacked by Hannity After 2nd GOP Debate

tomjohn says...

paul is refreshing and honest and real, that is why he is toast. it is surprising to me that sean had time gestapoize paul. it must have been hard to pry his nose out of bush's ass in time to get there. how long will he wave that unpatriotic flag at anyone who criticizes his god? i bet he is another draft dodger like our president. order another flight jacket. weasel size for sh(yawn).

Asch's Conformity Experiment

BBC reported WTC7 Collapse while it was still standing!!

Farhad2000 says...

Because there is a wall of invulnerability reached when discussing the failure of the intelligence community to pursue the operatives of Al Qaeda. Instantly personal feelings are raised and you become unpatriotic and against the war. That was in 2002. Now each mention is another conspiracy theory, sure Alex Jones and the PrisonPlanet folks are, I don't buy their angle on events.

But it is troubling that the only reason for intelligence failure that can be given is simply "they fucked up because it was Bush". That's just retarded and a low assessment of the abilities of the intelligence agencies and the people who work there. These are the same people who fought the Cold war against something called the KGB. It just doesn't seem to compute to me.

9/11: The Conspiracy Files

Farhad2000 says...

Theo, in the World Trade Center bombing (February 26, 1993) a car bomb was detonated by Arab Islamist terrorists in the underground parking garage below Tower One of the World Trade Center in New York City. The 1,500-lb (680Kg) urea nitrate-fuel oil device killed six and injured 1,042 people. It was intended to devastate the foundation of the North Tower, causing it to collapse onto its twin.

I don't remember going to War to Afghanistan (which prolly should have happened at least to capture Bin Laden), or war on terror or even to Iraq based off this attack.

Before 9/11 there was long term knowledge of attack, that amounts to criminal negligence, given the previous attacks in 1993, the Oklahoma City bombing and other terrorist acts the fact that this information was not acted on is shocking to say the least. The events of 9/11 created the perfect opportunity for the US to secure long-term oil and gas supplies from Central Asia and the Middle East. If you think that's conspiracy I think you should read US Military force deployments from

Read about the 17 FOBs in Iraq, the fact that the Pentagon is building a permanent military communications system in Iraq, in a you know sovereign nation that is 'not' going though civil war. What about the largest buttoned down military facility for an US embassy, the size of the Vatican?

But you know back in 2002, the American people got fooled into going to War in Iraq. Which had nothing to do with 9/11, yet was easily sold to the American public due to the fear created post 9/11. Questioning the war back them was unpatriotic, yet look at events now. Is the US goverment directly implicated? Probably NOT. Did they use the situation post 9/11 to implement their own imperialistic polices. DEFINITELY.

Am sorry I studied too much history to suddenly think that the most highly trained and specialized intelligence community in the world would fail due to sheer negligence and confusion as stated by the documentary, to defend it's country against threats foreign and domestic.

There is nothing George Bush or any person can tell me, to make me believe that Al Qadea is somehow better trained then the KGB. That's just stupidity.

"Jordanian intelligence (the GID) makes a communications intercept deemed so important that King Abdullah's men relay it to Washington. The message states that a major attack, code named “The Big Wedding,” is planned inside the US and that aircraft will be used. [International Herald Tribune, 5/21/02; Christian Science Monitor, 5/23/02]"

Fox News correspondant gets waterboarded

rickegee says...

I don't know what the point of this piece is. The President has said repeatedly that America doesn't torture. OK I'm relieved. . .the last 20 seconds of the story indicated that the waterboard is not so bad. We should just let local and county police do waterboarding - so quick and efficient. Once upon a time, torture was not televised entertainment. Damned Clinton.

But I think the demonstration of such "techniques" is unpatriotic. Now the infidel is just going to adapt.

Bill Clinton in major showdown with Fox News anchor.INTENSE!

BicycleRepairMan says...

Clinton got a blowjob, then he lied about it. How many puppies did your God kill because of this? None. so noone died, noone got hurt. the republicans then used that to raise hell over nothing just to get him impeached.

Bush, partially because of his complete incompetance, got a 9/11, then he lied about it, and used it as an excuse to attack a country and dictator who in bush's own words had NOTHING to do with 9/11. he lied about it all, and anyone with the slightest objection was an unpatriotic, terrorist-sympathising, anti-american piece of shit.

So far, 45000 people (possibly much, much more) and counting have died because of BushCo's pack of pure lies including 2700 americans, all for nothing, absolutely nothing.

Admit it, America, after 9/11 you thought it would be safe to pick up the soap while showering with the corporate-run administration, but as we expected, you got fucked.

Middle-Eastern reactions to 9/11

Farhad2000 says...

You know this left and right thing is fucking stupid. This world isn't black and white, you might be right wing on fiscal spending but left wing on education reform. This greater divide between the two parties is degrading american politics to the level of high school he said she said rubbish. You shouldn't simplify stances to being one direction or the other because your stances on a variety of topics will all be different. Labelling someone being one side or the other is generalization. Drawing lines between people only creates more problems. This was all created by the political process that has muddled and degraded the arguements to being attacks of being one side or the other. Of all people I thought the americans would not give in to it... what are we going to have a total collapse to the point someone like Joseph McCarthy comes along and ousts people for being unpatriotic? For asking questions about the actions of your leaders? For not, to quote O'Reilly "shutting up publically"?

Bush admits to Secret Prisons ...

tillsb says...

" then be blasted as unpatriotic/un-American (no big deal) and then thrown into a secret prison with out trial! (big deal) Good times!

Fear is such a powerful tool."

And you are letting yourself be controlled by it. Way to sit on the sidelines, do nothing and then bitch.

Edited for grammar

Bush admits to Secret Prisons ...

Apology to Americans.

Semiapies says...

"1. No, it's definitely a dig at Americans - the apologetic tone is sarcastic. Criticism of the government isn't unpatriotic, it's demanding that government lives up to its ideals."

Er, you did watch the whole thing, right? Also, try to keep in mind that a Canadian's criticism of any aspect of America is, by definition, neither patriotic nor unpatriotic.

Apology to Americans.

theo47 says...

1. No, it's definitely a dig at Americans - the apologetic tone is sarcastic. Criticism of the government isn't unpatriotic, it's demanding that government lives up to its ideals.
2. swampgirl, anyone who has to use invectives like "the Hate America Club" when referring to people on the other side of the political aisle are not showing the intelligence and depth of character which should accompany anyone who debates seriously about politics. Hence the not-serious crack about being unfit to vote.
It's a half-step away from the "Commie" and "hippie" labels that conservatives have used for decades to suggest the left is not as patriotic as the right. No one "hated America" during McCarthyism or the Civil Rights Era, and we don't now. Pardon my French, but I'm sick and fucking tired of the right's elite tone on things like patriotism and morals, when it's pretty clear after 6 years of Republican domination who cares more about the people of this country and the world, and who acts responsibly and morally. It ain't the Republican Party.
End rant.

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