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How Not To Use The Bus In Russia

How Not To Use The Bus In Russia

How Not To Use The Bus In Russia

One lucky truck driver

spawnflagger says...

it's for this situation that truckers in USA who are hauling pipes get a much higher "hazard" pay than those hauling regular loads. Of course they also have reinforced steel in front of the pipes, but its effectiveness depends on the speed of the impact.

he's lucky he didn't die, and could walk/hobble away from the accident, but unlucky otherwise.

dilo83 (Member Profile)

Russia's new semi-public transportaion

Russia's new semi-public transportaion

siftbot says...

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Russia's new semi-public transportaion

Top 10 Actors Who Haven't Won an Oscar

ChaosEngine says...

Oldman was robbed for Tinker Tailor... he's always been great at big scenery chewing roles, but Tinker Tailor (fantastic movie, btw) showed he could do quiet and subtle as well.

As for Peter O'Toole, he is fantastic and was incredibly unlucky to come up against Gregory Pecks Atticus Finch (an equally worthy winner) when he was nominated for Laurence Of Arabia.

Brad Pitt is ok, but he's just not in the same class.

Cops using unexpected level of force to arrest girl

Trancecoach says...

Competing private security or insurance would be far cheaper and much more efficient and effective than the state-imposed police force that we have now. Chief among the many reasons that it would be an improvement is the fact that it wouldn't be a monopoly (which are invariably rife with corruption and abuse). Of course, this doesn't include the millions of others who are willing and able to defend themselves on top of that.

Do you think police services are "free?" Even if you happen to be a nonproductive tax consumer, you still pay for it in other ways (especially if you're a minority or unlucky enough to be born into the wrong "class").

Here is a link to lengthy PDF essay on how a stateless society would deal with law enforcement, courts, prisons and such. Because a fundamental truth about life is that it cannot be fully predicted (a truth, I might add, that seems to elude the central planners and government bureaucrats much to our horror and detriment), we cannot know 100% as to how law enforcement would work in the absence of the current state-imposed police force. But imagination and logic help guide us into trusting a free society.

The author uses his own knowledge, logic, and imagination to posit, for example, that prisons would actually need to compete to attract prisoners, as clients. The author sees that as both making prisons more secure and preventing prisoner abuse -- a far cry from the prisoners-as-chattal, state-contracted, crony-"semi-private" prisons that we have today.

An interesting read.

messenger said:

Fair point abut the felonies; my mistake about you being a crazy person.

Do you have an alternative to the police? Simply to remove them would be a disaster.

How Steve Irwin Reacts to the Deadliest Snake in America

yellowc says...

I upvoted, I'm not hating on the joke.

Being on land and in control of the environment and approach is a calculated risk, where his expertise negates a lot of the danger. If you listen and watch his body language, Irwin is actually very very focused on not dying, as you'd imagine he would be. He was good at hiding that behind the entertainment.

He died because he was in water, with no mobility and no control of the environment, trying to interact with creatures who can move in an instant. To me it feels like TV got in the way here, a small lapse of judgement on a "peaceful" creature, it was really just unfortunate. Not to mention piercing his heart, even that was unlucky, a hit in the leg may have had him live.

Chairman_woo said:

Yup, it's a genuine mystery how he managed to get himself killed....

Russell Brand on Why The Conservative Government Exist

gorillaman says...

We're reverting to a semi-feudal state the world over, with dynastic land barons extracting rents from serfs who were unlucky enough to be born without that rarest and ever-dwindling commodity, property.

Everyone has a right to own their own home. There should be strict limits on private and corporate land ownership to prevent hoarding, and prospective parents should be required to ensure their children will have somewhere to live when they're grown, or remain barren.

Responsible governments would implement population control to reverse this constantly growing pressure that's crushing the life out of our children, and solve so many other problems besides.

Unlucky Soccer Player

Lymphoma and Death Instead of Red Flaky Skin? Sign Me Up!

lucky760 says...

Fatal infections, lymphoma, and other types of cancer, problems with blood, liver, and nervous system, as well as serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure all probably didn't happen to just 1 really unlucky person in 100.

I know you're just throwing numbers out there, but that's also misleading. The truth is that regardless of test results, if you take the drug you have some unknown chance of suffering any or all of a long list of severe or even fatal side effects depending solely on your personal health and biology.

If you want to take that chance, go for it, especially if the risks are worth the potential reward to you.

To me, though, it's like swinging an axe to remove a mole from your forehead.

mxxcon said:

This is a bit misleading.
Those side effects could have had happened in 0.01% of test cases, but by law they are required to list them all.
So it's not like 50/50...

Fighter Overestimates Himself and Pays For It

SFOGuy says...

Chin blow carries mechanical force from mandible directly to the skull with no soft tissue shock absorption along the way--and the direct mechanical force of the blow translates to fore-and-aft movement of the skull WITHOUT any rotation absorbing the energy---skull imparts blows force directly to soft tissue of the brain as the inertial mass of the brain leaves it standing in place, being sloshed through the normally cushioning layer of cerebral spinal fluid to make direct mechanical contact with the inside of the skull (albeit through the layers of the pia, mater and dura) ----forebrain and probably including midbrain structures---and then whipsaws backwards with a contra-coup impact on the back the brain as the head snaps back. (occiput/visual centers)

The mechanical impact of the brain tissue on the inside wall of the brain probably causes (now I'm guessing, but it's an informed guess) the neurons to respond to the blow with a mass ionic depolarization/electrical potential trigger---and concussion.

If he's only averagely unlucky, he'll also have a intra-cerebral/parenchymal micro bleeding---and if he's really unlucky, he'll keep getting in that ring and he'll end up like the NFL players with serial concussions or like Muhammed Ali. A demented, Parkinsonian cripple.

Don't get hit in the head.

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