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Doctor gets schooled

luxintenebris says...

well, maybe should have tempered it a bit, 'cause was a bit disturbed about some of the things I've been reading...

1) (some seriously sick stuff)

2) (loons being led by power lushing putz)

3) (the stupidity and pride in ignorance is stupefying. also being ass hurt that trans people like a (horrible) beer?! lord have mercy...ate at a steak house, at the same table 'W' used previously. didn't put me off enjoying the t-bone. or revisiting the place if'n was in the area again. *did make me think "G** D*** it! why did the waitress tell me that!*)

4) red flag af & TN will do nill

5) (MFL were more upset w/asscoation then the message. The lack of self-awareness & irony - unreal)

6) & too many women dying from the abortion ban(s). don't get killing the living for the unborn if the unborn are d.o.a. & take mom w/them. lunacy.

a couple of those are pushing the limit. the lack of benignancy being a value among the right - just - ain't - right.

bob the parrot's stormtrooper comment lit the fuse. my gawd. even people in the middle ages had a sense of genetics. greeks, 3k years ago, knew androgyny was a thing. so why can't bobo's buds not bone up on the idea of biology?

it's not a choice, but living well is.

surfingyt said:

check mate lil bewby boooy @bobknight33. this reply was one of your better beatdowns and youve had some doozies

@luxintenebris speaking of grooming apparently our lil resident homophobe went to penn state, with their great grooming-for-sex history lol the story keeps getting richer you cant make this up hahahaha

GOP Handmaid’s Tale

luxintenebris says...

“The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It’s almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe.

Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn."

- Pastor Dave Barnhart at Saint Junia United Methodist Church in Birmingham, Alabama

Definition of sanctimonious
1: hypocritically pious or devout

other considerations; or even

remember the cute "my body my choice" covid 19 zinger?,1%E2%80%933)

folks like yourself weren't against late, late term abortions. i.e. grandma/pa

also a DYK

bobknight33 said:

Edited so no one has to read that any/all of the above posted instead...i did

GOP Handmaid’s Tale

bobknight33 says...

I don't understand republicans. Trying to stop the killing of unborn children because the mom finds "it" inconvenient is nonsense .

Woman should be able to kill their child for any reason. Let the DR snip the limbs off, the spinal cord and puree the child in the womb. After all it just a blob isn't it?

Let's talk about Republican reaction to the SCOTUS leak....

newtboy says...

You don’t need to be a lawyer to know that if you lie or intentionally mislead under oath, even to congress, it’s perjury.
You also don’t need to be a lawyer to know that 99.9% of undeniably proven perjury isn’t prosecuted.
I’m not a lawyer, but I grew up surrounded by lawyers and judges in the immediate family. Grandfather, uncle, and 3 cousins were lawyers, 2 of them judges….all Republicans btw. I’m no stranger to the law, thanks.
Trump lied on every question he answered under oath and nothing….but justices are SUPPOSED to be above reproach, no longer true.

(Edit; it bears noting, the petitioners claimed “ The legislature (not scientists or doctors) then found that at five or six weeks’ gestational age an unborn human beings heart begins beating“. But reality and science say “ the heart has four clearly defined chambers in the eighth week of pregnancy, but does not have fully organized muscle tissue until the 20th week” meaning it’s not a heart until 20 weeks in, so can’t possibly be a heart beating 14 weeks before there’s a heart…it’s a muscle cluster pulse, not a heartbeat anymore than a spark plug test firing is a running car.)

Did every justice in that 1954 Supreme Court say in their confirmation hearings under oath that Plessy was settled, reaffirmed precedent they respected? Was Plessy repeatedly challenged and upheld by multiple supreme courts? If not, I call red herring.

Your intentional pedantry is tiresome and uninteresting. Enjoy your beliefs. Bye Felicia.

dogboy49 said:

Your opinion about perjury duly noted. I assume that you are a lawyer, and know exactly what you are talking about. Since all of their testimony is public record, shall I expect to see the appropriate prosecutor convening a grand jury to address this crime?

Your other opinion as to "how it works" is also duly noted. I guess SCOTUS should not have overruled Plessy vs Ferguson (decided in 1896) when they heard Brown vs Board of Education (1954).

Why I Give Abortions

bobknight33 says...

Abortion is eliminating a witnesses .

It is like robbing a bank in the middle of the night.

You pick the middle of the night so there wouldn't be anyone around. Weren’t planning on killing anyone.

A bystander passing by who stopped and looked because he heard something and comes in for a closer look.

He spots you in the act you and now you there is a witness to your deed.

Now you have to kill him so you can get away with your crime.

The unborn child is your evidence that ties you to your deed.
You kill it and hence know one knows this ever occurred.

TX law & tattoos

newtboy says...

Absolutely not, why are you lying? I stated that contraceptives aren't perfect, and fail at much higher rates than most think. There is no contraceptive that's 100% effective, and on average the most common are well over 8% failures according to the CDC, but there is abortion that's 100% effective. I never said anything approaching an implication that people are too stupid to use them, it's insanely stupid to think what I said was assigning blame to end users for not using other contraceptives.

They do use contraception, and still need secondary methods when contraceptives fail, which some do for over 1/4 of people who use them. No contraception is 100% effective....not even abstinence if you believe the bible.
BTW, the church has repeatedly tried to stop contraception from being available....Don't try to pretend you're still sticking to your religious arguments when you say that, the church/Christianity opposes contraception just like they oppose abortion, clearly because they like having power over others, not because we need more people.

Maybe she paid them, it's not clear nor is that relevant. The passage listed sentences for crimes done to her, but says if violent abortion was the totality of the "harm", then there was no harm and no crime. They couldn't be more clear that the unborn child wasn't capable of being murdered or harmed.

No, it hasn't been smashed. You claim it was, you look it up and prove your own position if you can. It's already been asserted successfully by people much smarter than you.

To kill something it first had to live. To live, it has to breath. No breath, no life, just a potential life.

Anom212325 said:

"please don't try to impose your ignorant misunderstandings on others." Your the one implying woman and men are to stupid to use other forms of contraceptives.

"power grab over reproduction rights." Lol again if the woman don't want a child use contraceptives. Its her choice... You are the one saying they for some reason are to dumb to do that.

Did the woman pay those men to beat her ? Was it her choice to take the life of her child ? That argument of yours have been smashed to pieces countless times by people much smarter than me and you. Look it up.

"thou shalt not kill"

TX law & tattoos

Anom212325 says...

"But you intentionally ignores the fact that the unborn aren't yet people." That is not a fact, that is a opinion. YOURS. Not those who are against abortions. YOU are telling them murder is ok. Think about that for a second...

"America has legalized abortions in every state by law because the majority wants it. Don't like it, fuck right off. " Finally you get it. Now fuck right off out of Texas. Was it that hard...

newtboy said:

No, but you must be.
Baby murder gets the death penalty in Texas. This law calls for civil penalties, not even a parking ticket. It's an infraction of a regulation other citizens can profit from enforcing, not murder in any way shape or form, by Texas law.

You gave me the definition!!! ROTFLMFAHS!!!!
" Definition
Murder: the unlawful premeditated killing of one HUMAN BEING by another"
But you intentionally ignores the fact that the unborn aren't yet people. You can't murder non people. I've pointed this out repeatedly. It seems you must have the illiteracy problem along with your reality problem.

It's true, I WOULD and HAVE defended infanticide, especially historically, but I absolutely have not mentioned it before now in this thread. Supporting abortion is not defending murder by any accepted definition of those words, you have to skew the definitions of human beings and the definition of murder before your position makes sense. Duh. I expect your verbal SAT score was awful, you have a tenuous grasp of English.

According to the bible, yep, not people. Sorry. Try reading it and interpreting what's actually there instead of having someone do it for you.

So, you are advocating Baptist Sharia law.

America has legalized abortions in every state by law because the majority wants it. Don't like it, fuck right off. As easy as that, but your ilk didn't fuck off, you prefer end runs around the constitution and the destruction of codified rights and using legal trickery and convolutions to enact laws that are knowingly unconstitutional but will effectively end abortions before the legal process can invalidate them by bankrupting providers. Anything BUT fucking right off. Take your own advice first, maybe.

Again, the majority in Texas don't want this, didn't vote for it, and absolutely don't want the consequences....which is an exodus of multi national corporations who won't support this nonsense with their wallets.

The majority of Americans are Christians, and a large majority want abortion to be legal and easy to access. Your logic is fatally flawed, being Christian doesn't mean you're anti abortion any more than it means you're anti murder, in fact it means you're more likely to support and defend murder, the bible prescribes it for almost any infraction from actual murder to mowing your lawn on Sunday. The bible says nearly nothing about abortion, what little it does say indicates it's not a crime. Holy fuck, learn your own religion before trying to impose it on others!

Texas was already teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, no doubt the backlash for this move will push them hard over the edge. I already cancelled my trip there, and won't be buying any Texas made products. I'm not alone.

TX law & tattoos

newtboy says...

No, but you must be.
Baby murder gets the death penalty in Texas. This law calls for civil penalties, not even a parking ticket. It's an infraction of a regulation other citizens can profit from enforcing, not murder in any way shape or form, by Texas law.

You gave me the definition!!! ROTFLMFAHS!!!!
" Definition
Murder: the unlawful premeditated killing of one HUMAN BEING by another"
But you intentionally ignore the fact that the unborn aren't yet people. You can't murder non people. I've pointed this out repeatedly. It seems you must have the illiteracy problem along with your reality problem.

It's true, I WOULD and HAVE defended infanticide, especially historically, but I absolutely have not mentioned it before now in this thread. Supporting abortion is not defending murder by any accepted definition of those words, you have to skew the definitions of human beings and the definition of murder before your position makes sense. Duh. I expect your verbal SAT score was awful, you have a tenuous grasp of English.

According to the bible, yep, not people. Sorry. Try reading it and interpreting what's actually there instead of having someone do it for you.

So, you are advocating Baptist Sharia law.

America has legalized abortions in every state by law because the majority wants it. Don't like it, fuck right off. As easy as that, but your ilk didn't fuck off, you prefer end runs around the constitution and the destruction of codified rights and using legal trickery and convolutions to enact laws that are knowingly unconstitutional but will effectively end abortions before the legal process can invalidate them by bankrupting providers. Anything BUT fucking right off. Take your own advice first, maybe.

Again, the majority in Texas don't want this, didn't vote for it, and absolutely don't want the consequences....which is an exodus of multi national corporations who won't support this nonsense with their wallets.

The majority of Americans are Christians, and a large majority want abortion to be legal and easy to access. Your logic is fatally flawed, being Christian doesn't mean you're anti abortion any more than it means you're anti murder, in fact it means you're more likely to support and defend murder, the bible prescribes it for almost any infraction from actual murder to mowing your lawn on Sunday. The bible says nearly nothing about abortion, what little it does say indicates it's not a crime. Holy fuck, learn your own religion before trying to impose it on others!

Texas was already teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, no doubt the backlash for this move will push them hard over the edge. I already cancelled my trip there, and won't be buying any Texas made products. I'm not alone.

Anom212325 said:

Are you really retarded or just pretending ? Making things up like I or Texans want them executed are not really helping your argument. It just makes you seem desperate and shows you have no moral issue on spreading fake info/news.

I gave you the definition. Your the one not recognizing it... I'll repeat it for you considering you lack the capability to read.

Murder: the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another

Regarding reality. Again your the one defending murder... Your the one ignoring it.

Regarding legality. Again your the one bitching about the legal re-precautions and calling for people to break it.

"The unborn are not human beings" Not according to Christians, you know, the majority in Texas. The ones supporting the law. So we are back to square on. Don't like it, fuck off. As easy as that.

TX law & tattoos

newtboy says...

Agreed, so learn the fundamentals, because you have them wrong.

The bible says if a group of men beat a woman so hard she has a miscarriage but otherwise don't hurt her, no crime or harm has been done, but if they harm HER an eye for an eye comes into play. That's as close to directly saying abortions are fine because the unborn aren't people under Christianity as you could possibly hope for 1800 years before the current procedure existed....but it should be noted that the practice began nearly 5000 years ago in China, and 3500 years ago in European culture. It was not unknown when the bible was written, but is unmentioned beyond this passage that indicated it's not a crime under Christianity.

All the nonsense you've been taught and are repeating is not in the bible, it's only coming from the church as a power grab over reproduction rights. If you don't know the fundamentals of your own religion, please don't try to impose your ignorant misunderstandings on others.

Anom212325 said:

"other christians?" ...

"perscribed opinions" ...

If you don't know very fundamentals of the religion please don't try and be "smart"

TX law & tattoos

Anom212325 says...

Are you really retarded or just pretending ? Making things up like I or Texans want them executed are not really helping your argument. It just makes you seem desperate and shows you have no moral issue on spreading fake info/news.

I gave you the definition. Your the one not recognizing it... I'll repeat it for you considering you lack the capability to read.

Murder: the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another

Regarding reality. Again your the one defending murder... Your the one ignoring it.

Regarding legality. Again your the one bitching about the legal re-precautions and calling for people to break it.

"The unborn are not human beings" Not according to Christians, you know, the majority in Texas. The ones supporting the law. So we are back to square on. Don't like it, fuck off. As easy as that.

newtboy said:

So, to paraphrase, Forget legality, forget definition, forget reality, I want to call it murder so I will.
What utter infantile nonsense.

Texas doesn't call it murder, so they can't execute anyone. In fact, if I read it right, they just fine you like a traffic ticket. The legal consequences prove you're alone in calling it murder, the fact that you don't think execution is the right outcome for every person involved from the doctors and nurses to the taxi drivers all the way to the mothers should be executed proves you don't think it's murder either, you just like to exaggerate.

The unborn are not human beings by definition or by law, not even by religious definition or law, so murder is impossible. That is by all definitions and by all laws. Get over it. You're simply wrong and have to fudge definitions, the law, religious teachings, and all logic and reason to make the arguments you're making.

It's clear you didn't read the article @noseeem linked for you. You really should.

TX law & tattoos

newtboy says...

So, to paraphrase, Forget legality, forget definition, forget reality, I want to call it murder so I will.
What utter infantile nonsense.

Texas doesn't call it murder, so they can't execute anyone. In fact, if I read it right, they just fine you like a traffic ticket. The legal consequences prove you're alone in calling it murder, the fact that you don't think execution is the right outcome for every person involved from the doctors and nurses to the taxi drivers all the way to the mothers should be executed proves you don't think it's murder either, you just like to exaggerate.

The unborn are not human beings by definition or by law, not even by religious definition or law, so murder is impossible. That is by all definitions and by all laws. Get over it. You're simply wrong and have to fudge definitions, the law, religious teachings, and all logic and reason to make the arguments you're making.

It's clear you didn't read the article @noseeem linked for you. You really should.

Anom212325 said:

Legally its not, you just have to look at the punishment to see that. legality aside, killing another innocent human being is murder. I'm just calling it for what it is and not hiding behind a legal term.

"TX can execute them. If the doctor and staff that performed the termination are known and enter TX they are murderers also. They can be killed by the state, too." When did I say that ? Your grasping at straws now. You know the legal consequences of those actions in Texas.

Murder: the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another

Undercover: EXPOSING MAGA Hypocrisy on Afghanistan

luxintenebris says...

Hypocrisy is thy name.

Or at least it is widespread in the ranks of the GOP poodles.

Shortlist of their duality...

- Worry about the Afghani women but shut down US women's access to LEGAL medical services.
- Want to bring education to Afghanistan but oppose school curriculum here in the US. (i.e. their head is their Allah)
- Want Small Government (less interference) but use their power as Big Government to override local LEGAL authority.
- As Ayn Rand-ites, say the individual is important, but any difference of opinion brings banishment.
- Say government doesn't work, they get elected, then don't work.
- Say the Unborn deserve the right to live, but health services for ALL Americans go for a premium. (bring them in but take no responsibility for them - and still believe they hold the moral high ground)

...and it goes on and on and on...they say one thing; do another.

Would guess BK33 and TT both are English Only types as one reads their posts, it would only be fitting.

Use of force incident at Walmart in East Syracuse NY

BSR says...

Totally could have turned out a lot worse than it was being that the cops were outnumbered. The female cop acted as if she was just there as a ride along. Looked really close to having guns drawn.

The pregnant woman sure didn't seem to care too much about protecting her unborn child either.

newtboy said:

When someone tries to bite you, you or they can absolutely slug them. Self defense is a legitimate defense. His taser was holstered and his help wasn't helping. Once she tried to do him physical harm, she invited them to do harm to her....proportional harm, which I think one punch definitely is, a human bite is incredibly dangerous. I think he'll be fine job wise, but harrassed publicly for hitting a woman because sexism.

I think the female might be in the most danger of reprimand if not firing. She not only didn't help either male, both having obvious serious trouble controlling their arrestees, but saw they also had trouble with the hostile crowd and instead of shielding them from it she hid behind them.

Valedictorian Gives Unapproved Speech on Abortion Rights

Valedictorian Gives Unapproved Speech on Abortion Rights

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