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Tu Vuo' Fa' L'Americano--Renato Carosone

RhesusMonk says...

From the Y/T:
You're wearing trousers with a tag on the back
and a cap with the visor turned up,
parading around Tuleto
like a lady's man trying to be seen

You're acting all american,
american, american,
listen here: who's asking you to?

You want to be all trendy,
but if you drink "whisky and soda"
you always end up sick!

You're dancing rock and roll,
and playing baseball,
but where'd you get the money
for the Camel cigarettes?
Mummy's handbag!

You're acting all american,
american, american,
but you're born in Italy, listen here:
there's nothing you can do,
ok napoletano?!
You're acting all american,
american, american,

How can your loved one understand
if you're speaking half american?
When you're out loving uder the moon,
where do you get a phrase like "I love you"?

You're acting all american,
american, american,
but you're born in Italy, listen here:
there's nothing you can do,
ok napoletano?!
You're acting all american,
american, american,
...whisky soda rock and roll

A Dissection of Doc_M (Parody Talk Post)

gorgonheap says...

Here is Doc_M's response to his roast questions. Use it for ammunition.

1. What do you do when you are not at the computer?
Work... usually in the lab. Otherwise, music, tae kwon do, golf, etc.

2. What is your favorite of your posted videos?
I think, either the HBO intro from the 80's for nostalgia or of course this for the shear "holy crap" effect.

3. How many avatars have you had since being a member? What were (are) they?
I might be the only one who can say this, but 1, you're looking at it.

4. What non-self-involved site do you visit most often? and I'm easily entertained... and a geek.

5. If you had a time machine, would you go to the future or the past? And why?
Past... very... as in millions of years.

6. What is your ratio of pairs of shoes to underwear?
3:30 or something like that.

7. Is that underwear boxer, brief, or birthday?
A little from column A, a little from column B.

8. Do you run a Mac OS, Windows, or Linux?
Vista. Oh, I'm gonna get grief for this one...

9. Would you most prefer to be involved in a monumental one-of-a-kind hiking expedition, working on a breakthrough cure for a debilitating illness , or presenting the discovery of a revolutionary new way to parse data?
How about finding a breakthrough cure for a debilitating illness while on a monumental one-of-a-kind hiking expedition? Heck, Ventnor is all about that kinda stuff... granted, he's kinda on the rich side.

10. What is your favorite ice cream topping?

Favorite (non-ice-cream-related) spice?
Rosemary or perhaps turmeric.

11. Are you a breast, butt, or legs man?
Face, but a perky rack is a nice bonus.

12. What kind of pet(s) do you have? Include name(s).
I used to have fish. They never told me their names.

13. What scares you most about Rosie O'donell?
The open threat of Kooshballs of mass destruction. That and she's nuckin' futs.

14. What is your favorite kind of soup?
French Onion... hands down.

15. What is your most frequented source of news?
Drudge hehe... I'm gonna suffer for that one too.

16. What is your beverage of choice?
Starbucks stuff when I'm feeling less poor, Coke when I'm feeling more poor, Rob Roys when I'm out on the town.

17. Have you ever been arrested?
Nay, but I once killed a man with my bare hands ... ok, that's not true, but if it were, that'd be far more interesting.

18. What’s your go-to move for making a good first impression?
Good old fashioned confidence is a powerful thing.

19. How would you describe your coif: bangs, balding or rug?
Mop on even months, spiky on odd months.

20. Is your face clean-shaven or do you have a beard, a goatee or a mustache?

21. List your five most cherished possessions.
I really don't value "stuff" too much, but I guess I could say the "stuff" I would not like to lose any time soon includes:
My Lancer
My crate of vinyl
My piano
My WoW character <.< >.> <.<
22. What religion, if any, did you practice as a child?

23. What about now?

24. What is your favorite memory?
Sitting in my dorm window after my last final in college. It was one of those perfect moments.

25. What was your favorite childhood television show?
Fraggle Rock!

26. How would you describe your personal style/sense of fashion/taste for life/artistic flair?
Hoodies, more or less trendy T-shirts, and jeans.

27. What is a reason not to go to Burning Man?
I was at Flaming Woman that day.

28. Who is your favorite Sift Hero?
QuantumMushroom. Isn't he everyone's hero?

29. Do you have any image(s) of yourself online that you're willing to share?

30. What goal to you have while a Videosift member?
Inform/entertain/rock the boat a bit.

31. Do you upvote comments more for their originality, sense of humor, or self-deprecation?
Humor for sure. Also information, insight, and stuff I particularly agree with.

You cheese people! (Wtf Talk Post)

Innovations in Cutlery

Crosswords says...

Oh wow, all through out my public school days I'd been eating with trendy cutlery and didn't even know, why we just called it a spork.

Other than the knork and the "ramen spoon" neat stuff.

Richard Thompson Ford: The Race Card

choggie says...

Jesus, what a diatribe-Stanford can crank them out, eh?? This guy's lisp is next to intolerable- he's almost as white as his sensibilities, mannerisms. Imagine the cloud of pseudo-intellectual gases that rises from a table with this cat, and some of his "politically correct" associates, sipping lattes or eating some vegan concoction at a trendy, upscale bistro in the fantasy-land near the campus, that cranks out flakes like this-
Ah, California!!

Pretentious and snooze-worthy, ineffectual, tenured, masturbatory, crappety-crap!

An idea for a new channel... (Sift Talk Post)

xxovercastxx says...

I feel that a Nonsense channel would do more of what the Terrible channel has done: increase the amount of crap that gets posted here.

I don't know why crap is so trendy lately, but it's certainly not hard to find, so creating an epicenter of crap (one stop for all your crap needs) seems pointless.

VideoSift 3.1 (Sift Talk Post)

karaidl says...

I think we should invest our time building up our strength so that we can invade Poland. I hear that's a pretty trendy thing to do.

And VS 3.1 needs to have more boobs.

Murray Gell-Mann: Truth and Beauty in Physics

Memorare says...

The simple elegant theory of a mechanical universe where the sun and planets revolve around the earth is wrong.

Is the good proessor willing to embrace the very simple and elegant theory that God made the earth and the heavens in 6 days and breathed life into a clump of dirt to produce Man?

A willingness to Believe does not a Proof make. (ooh ahh profound)

Simply believing really really hard that beauty and elegance are the indicators of correctness doesn't make it so.

And what happens when your definition of Simple and Elegant conflicts with mine? The loudest (or most trendy or most politically correct) voice wins?

ART OF SEDUCTION: Not Pretty, Really

scottishmartialarts says...

"Everyone has a cross to bear, some more readily visible than others. This does not mean that everyone is a victim, however. I'd downvote this if I could simply because sometime in the past decades it became socially encouraged to claim victim status as the solution to every problem."

I totally agree. To paraphrase Aeschylus: humanity is suffering. As you say, everyone in the world has a cross to bear, a source of suffering that they wish they could do without. Guess what? We're humans, not gods, and suffering is just part of the game we have to play.

That said, there are sources of real tragedy and there are sources of minor discomfort. Being too good looking would certainly fall into the latter category. Would any of these people interviewed trade in their good looks for a world in which the mortality rate for children was over 50%? Had they been born just 200 years ago, or in the developing world for that matter, the best looks in the world wouldn't save them from the experience of losing several children. As others have pointed out, the interviewees are all wearing trendy clothing and have absolutely perfect teeth. This suggests to me that none of them have had to experience the grinding desperation that is poverty. It is also highly unlikely that any of the men interviewed will be forced to fight in a war during their lifetime; in the ancient Greek world there was no such thing as a conscientious objector, warfare was incessant, and roughly half of all adult men would die on the battlefield as opposed to old age.

I could go on, but the point is that to live in the modern, industrialized world is to live as securely, prosperously and removed from suffering as human beings have ever been in our 150,000 year history as a species. Someone being "too good looking" is such a minor concern when put in the perspective of the developing world and the human past. If the greatest source of hardship in someone's life is that their good looks cause them some minor social discomfort, then they need to stop claiming victim status, wake up and get some perspective.

ART OF SEDUCTION: Not Pretty, Really

rychan says...

All but one of those people had teeth so ludicrously perfect that their dentist might as well be Michaelangelo. They all wore trendy clothes and had tastefully done makeup and hair. A lot of them would pass for pretty average if they just went "au naturale." They wouldn't turn too many heads and get too much negative attention.

Pixies - Velouria

Is this my 15 Internet minutes of fame?! (Sift Talk Post)

raven says...

I recommend picking up a trendy coke habit and going on a binge of club-hopping followed by an obligatory stop by the cops and arrest for a DUI, then, check yourself into a posh rehab 'clinic', find jesus, get out back into the spotlight and do it all over again! Seems to work for a lot of celebs anyway.

Team Fortress 2 Group! (Videogames Talk Post)

John Butler Trio - Ocean (Amazing acoustic guitar solo)

johnald128 says...

i'm just about to play a gig, this was some good inspiration. thanks. goes out of sync a bit though. choggie lay off the guy, i guess you're the type of guy that only likes music that's backed up by some trendy image. he obviously grows the nails to aid his playing, it doesnt look tidy but at least he's (obviously) dedicated. dime-a-dozen my arse

Danger Seekers!

choggie says...

....unless the description bothers one to the uncomfortable shuffling of feet.....

In no way does the desc. give it away, but, no doubt, it shall die in the queue, given the nature of trendy buzz words, and the abilities or not, of induvidual process...


this movie was a pre-rated "X" before the release....changed to R, cause there was no ....penetration, as it were....(There was a talking penis though)

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