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Luxury Bentley Smashes into Pensioner's Car

notarobot jokingly says...

It's a bit of a cliche that many luxury cars don't have turn signals. Like at all.

It's also a bit of a cliche that some luxury car drivers will believe that they can escape consequences because the rules don't apply to them. They should try not to leave a trail of blood I guess.

That Bently probably would have been in better shape if the traffic island thing was behind the wheel. Maybe it is now?

oritteropo said:

I think few drivers would have the presence of mind to use their blinkers correctly while careening out of control after drunkenly hitting the wall.

I also don't think the traffic island played much part in the accident, if it hadn't been there it would've just moved the accident forward 5 metres.

Reps Jim Jordan & Trey Gowdy Question Rod Rosenstein

newtboy says...

Odd that the part where it's a pure product of the RNC is so easily and completely forgotten because it ended up in someone else's hands late in the game.

You mean like when anti Clinton agents actually leaked their biased "evidence" against Clinton repeatedly (like the emails that weren't new or evidence of a thing that those anti Clinton agents presented as evidence of wrongdoing days before the election) with text/email trails degrading her in a similar way, but who weren't removed from that investigation in stark contrast to this investigation....that bias? You relished it then and defended it vehemently.

Um...that label was directed at Mr Jordan who was feigning outrage throughout this video and is undeniably a useless partisan dumbass, but if the shoe fits.....

Edit: lol, fusion GPS, an investigative company hired by the RNC in an effort to save itself from Trump.....Faux News' newest red herring, following a long line of red herrings.....Vince Foster, Benghazi, email scandal, birther movement, secret Muslim, death panels, pizzagate, uranium many alleged scandals have to fall apart before you realize they're incapable of truth?

bobknight33 said:

True the RNC started it but the DNC pick it up finished it was used.

Nevermind that the FBI agent working n Clinton case and his wife working for Fusion GPS ,,, Yep this fact does not exist.

Never mind the absolute bias of these agents.

Nope nothing to see here. Nope not at all.

The fact that you called me "fucking usless partisan dumbass."
how blinded you are. Closed minded bigot you are.

The Legend of Roy Moore

TheFreak says...

This guy kept showing up on that horse and he is the shittiest rider possible. Really, it's painful to watch him. If he had an ounce of self awareness he'd understand how bad he looks.

If I was on a trail ride with this guy I'd make him get off the horse and walk it to an enclosed arena where he'd at least be a little safer.

And I feel bad for that horse, getting it's head yanked around with a tom thumb bit like that.

RC Dogfighting/Jousting

Stormsinger says...

Answer: you spend a -lot- of time repairing your models.

The longer answer: This kind of ribbon-cutting is virtually impossible. At many of our RC competitions, we used to try to cut a ribbon trailed by a balloon (so not even trying to dodge). Over the course of several years, I believe I saw a single successful cut.

Marvel Studio's Avengers: Infinity War Trailer

Civil Defense Film For Kids In Case Of Atomic Attack

StukaFox says...

I lived near a SAC base during the 80s, and when the wind was blowing the right direction, I could hear the alert klaxon from the base. Then a stream of B-52s would lumber skyward, engines trailing black smoke.

More than a few times when this happened I wondered if Reagan had pushed the button and I was now 15 minutes from being vaporized.

* flash *
* sizzle *

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

Going Down!

newtboy says...

It's a 4x4 trail, not pristine open space. Note the pre existing tire tracks. There are quite few of these now, and they are all older trails.
If this were off trail, you would have a point, but driving on trail should be applauded, not condemned.

entr0py said:

That's some beautiful landscape he's fucking up. What an asshole.

Ready Player One trailer 2018

lv_hunter says...

Some additional thoughts too, a lot of people either love or hate the book. Either they feel no nostalgia or dont care for all the pop culture references. Or just absolutely love it, which I love it.

Mostly it seems a lot people think because it has so many references that it has no original content. I view it this way, you mostly only ever get Wades side of the story. Stuff form his view point, Hallidays easter egg became his obsession stated several times in the book. How does someone obsessed with the very thing they deal with think?

Are the tons of references too much? At times possibly, but this is coming from the thoughts of Wade has hes thinking of ways to find clues or the next break into Hallidays trail.

At least thats how i think of the book.

Marvel’s The Defenders | Official Trailer 2 [HD] | Netflix

Marvel’s The Defenders | Official Trailer 2 [HD] | Netflix

Here's why the average millionaire's college GPA is 2.9

noims says...

Interesting stuff until the last line where I think he's mixing up cause and effect. He says that "not playing by the rules is advantageous once you get out of a closed system like education" using high earners as evidence. Instead he should be looking at people who exhibit those trails and seeing how successful they are relative to the high GPA crowd.

Is Trump Under Investigation? He and His Lawyers Disagree

Drachen_Jager says...

Why doesn't Trump talk about how much he's winning?

It seemed like that was all he could say on the campaign trail, but since he's taken office, he hasn't claimed many "wins" (and most of those he HAS claimed were actually things Obama did and Trump's just trying to take credit for).

@bobknight33 Your thoughts? On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the Golden State Warriors and 1 being the L.A. Clippers, how's Trump doing?

T28 Trailer by Imagi Entertainment

ant says...

*dead -- "'T28 Traile...' The YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement."

eric3579 (Member Profile)

ChaosEngine says...

I have mixed feelings about dogs on trails.

On one hand, I love dogs and seeing one running alongside his owner clearly enjoying themselves is awesome.

On the other hand, I've had several really close calls with trail dogs not under their owners' control, which nearly resulted in serious injury to me, the dog or both of us. Obviously, I don't want to get injured, but I'd feel REALLY bad if I ended up hurting or even killing a dog by hitting it at speed.

My general feeling is that they're fine on family tracks or on flat easy stuff, but they really shouldn't be on downhill trails.

Dogs in the snow, on the other hand, are just pure win.

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Beggar's Canyon