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HaricotVert (Member Profile)

Stupidest Guy on Earth Speaks Out

HaricotVert says...

Why do all the most deceitful and lying politicians have this strange, perpetual, self-satisfying smug smile on all the time? It's like a trademark. Cheney being a notable example.

Could it be they are actually aware of how much bullshit they are spewing? Nah... let's not give them that much credit.

Hillary Cannot Be Stopped!!

blankfist says...

Wow an anti-Hillary/pro-Obama video on the Sift. That's fresh.

[edit] I forgot to put up the trademark to signify I meant this comment without malice. I have to do this because there are soooooo many touchy indignant nerds on here who get their panties in a bunch whenever they think you're being the littlest bit aggressive. (but not you, uhoh, you're cool.

Hillary WASN'T LYING! Bosnia gunfire footage discovered...

Raigen says...

>> ^Oatmeal:
Hillary is currently suing Led Zeppelin, claiming Dazed and Confused are trademarked names for her left and right cerebral hemispheres.

You know something? If I were rich, and important, and owned a company... You, sir, would be hired.

Hillary WASN'T LYING! Bosnia gunfire footage discovered...

Hillary WASN'T LYING! Bosnia gunfire footage discovered...

jwray says...

When the Chuck Norris goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Hillary
Hillary is the reason why Waldo is hiding.
Hillary is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for her left and right legs.
Hillary doesn't read books. She stares them down until she gets the information she wants.
Hillary can lead a horse to water AND make it drink.

New Support System (Sift Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

Why don't you put a larger advertisement to become a chartered member on the sidebar? On the same level as the donation thing but listing reasons why one should charter.

Also merchandise as a viable revenue stream, the t-shirts were a great hit with folks that only fizzled with that lawsuit over trademark usage. This can be on a limited run basis to keep costs low, a limited 100 run or so.

Competitions offering small prizes for a video category which could be plastered on other sites, this is strictly for exposure.

People should be allowed to self post with a large penalty fee, this can be pushed to corporate entities, the stipulation should be that postings should adhere totally to VS rules judged by the community and scanned for self votes form the same company. Since the video is totally depended on the users votes I think its a good compromise, since it can be evaluated independently.

This website is great but unfortunately besides Bluesnews via Ant and occasionally Neatorama there is little exposure to newer users.

Really stupid boxer can't get in the ring.

Anonymous Scientology Protest - London

Scientology VS Chaser's Free Gullibility Test

bamdrew says...

One thing worth tossing out there is all of this stuff you guys are describing is really describing the Church of Scientology International, the corporation which oversees the "non-profit charitable organization" (along with the Religious Technology Center, a non-profit corporation created to register and guard the Church's trademarks).

The over-arching set of beliefs is not what riles MOST people's feathers (online, anyhow). Its the major proprietor's conduct.

For those unfamiliar with the distinction between the Church of Scientology and Scientology the faith, here's a wikipedia on the "free" Scientology groups -

Everyone's a Little Bit Racist (Sift Talk Post)

joedirt says...

I said "sound dumb" and it is pretty lame to tied NAACP to self-hating racism. It's not even on a level worth discussing. What is next? Discussing sales figures for KFC and time of the month?

Look up concern troll because that is exactly what this post is. And I cite an example in the very sentence following the word thoughtcrime.

I think off-putting is my trademark. It depends if someone sets me off by saying how NAACP is a racist term, also my general response to people who brag about their IQ. (Most people with a 135 IQ know better than to post it on internet forums)

Germany moves to ban Scientology (Religion Talk Post)

bamdrew says...

The Church of Scientology, Inc., is much of why countries have a problem accepting Scientology as a religion. The Church, which holds trademarks for Scientology's terminology and symbols, is by any reasonable measure a for-profit business. They run a spiritual consultancy service for individuals, and charge money to do this. They even require signed legal waivers before admission.

Think about that for a second and think about other systems of belief.

(as an aside, there are splinter groups that practice the religion divorced from the Church,... I doubt they're effected by governmental 'bans')

The Sifties!!! (Sift Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

I think that's a great idea, rottenseed. To spread the work around maybe one or several sifters can be assigned to research each proposed category for candidates.

How about these criteria for starters, and I'm totally open to suggestions:

- Each category gets fifteen candidates (as Top 15 is VideoSift's trademark)
- Have a one week voting period
- Upvoting only for your favorites, no downvoting
- Recognition in the form of gold, silver and bronze for the top three vote-getters
- Gold gets three stars, silver gets two, and bronze gets one, with no member being allowed to receive more than three stars for the whole competition.

And here are a few categories I can think of off hand:
1. Most votes per sift
2. Most comments per sift, which I think is often (but not always) a measure of quality.
3. Best comment
4. Best commenter
5. Best sifter

These are just a few ideas to help flesh this out, if it happens.

*Quality suggestion, rottenseed.

I know you can't drive like this!

looris says...

lol i know you didn't made it up, I wasn't angry at you

still nonsense, though. Well, actually "Windows" and "Apple" would like to be trademarks too, so I guess that's just hopeless.

Damn you, Arasaka!

I know you can't drive like this!

blutruth says...

Hey, I don't make this stuff up.

From Wikipedia:
quattro (four in Italian) is a registered trademark of Audi AG for all wheel drive (AWD) systems used on Audi brand automobiles. quattro was first introduced in 1980 on the permanent-AWD Audi Quattro and has since been applied to all AWD models that Audi sells. Due to the trademark, the name is always spelled with a lower case "q".

So technically, I misspelled it.

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