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YouTuber tracking down guy who stole his stuff

eric3579 says...

I'd guess that this particular guy would happily trade the legal ramifications, which he may still receive, instead of the shit i imagine he is getting now from every corner of his world. Seems to me there is ample evidence, without the victims desire to prosecute him, and I assume there may be plenty of pressure to do so. He went and stole from a highly prolific internet star hugely popular within the thief's sphere of peoples, i'd imagine. EVERYONE in his community (neighbors,friends,work,church,the social media world, etc.) know of this video and surly he will feel the wrath of his choices for a long long time. Wouldn't be surprised if he loses any job he might have. Maybe even need to move from being completely ostracized from his community. I could easily see it happening in an especially yee-haw area like Rutherford county, Tennessee. He will forever be infamous with this video following him for eternity. I don't wish that shit on anyone, but you know what they say about the bed you've made.

newtboy said:

It’s sad that thieves caught red handed are allowed to get away with these blatantly false excuses and half apologies so often.

newtboy (Member Profile)

surfingyt says...

over $6T in coronavirus stimulus and also the fed bought $9T+ in wall street assets from late 2019 and into 2020. and trump started (and lost) a trade war with china. total loser trump

newtboy said:

Mea culpa.
>$4.5 trillion last year alone, and Trump’s insistence that he could spend as much as he liked and just print more for 4 years guarantees high inflation as long as the economy grows…there was a delay thanks to the 2020 economic stagnation but we’re seeing the effects now.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You said that already, it’s not an answer it’s the basis of the question, are you having a stroke? More likely trying to dodge because you have no answer.

Try answering the question asked for once….if you can (I have my doubts).

I asked you what Republicans plan to do to return to this imaginary time when border crossing was under demonstrably better control (which is different from when there were fewer people trying to cross), when we didn’t import oil (never happened ), when gas was a buck less (absolutely not true here, but admittedly it was cheaper…because crude oil was free due to zero demand and gas was cheap because no one was driving, compare it to 2019 and it’s not true anywhere) and yes, inflation was under 2%, but gdp was down 33% in one quarter and unemployment through the roof, with fed interest rates at zero (or less)….really shitty trade off.

Were or getting under control. ROTFLMFAHS!! He had 4 years, he added 1/3 of the debt and increased the deficit exponentially with nothing to show for it but division.

He spent tens of billions on a border fence/wall that UNQUESTIONABLY hasn’t slowed, much less stopped illegal border crossings but has caused ecological damage and/or just fallen down in many places.
Energy independence my ass. Such bullshit lies.
Gas, compared to pre pandemic rates the price rise is not excessive, you want to compare pandemic shutdown/recession price to now like a liar.
Inflation is 4.2%, a bit high not crazy (remember 14% in 1980? Stop whining and crying), so time to raise interest rates from zero. Easy fix, something we could agree on. Biden would say you’re welcome, getting the economy working creates inflation. It also creates demand for gasoline, raising the depressed Covid/Trump recession prices. You’re welcome. He also just secured funding for thousands of electric vehicle charging stations, making it easier to own a Tesla, raising your stock value. You’re welcome.

This energy independence bullshit is based on totally unrealistic pie in the sky predictions even if every project green lighted produces the top estimates without hiccups or failures….we do not and never have produced all the oil America uses, if we did, OPEC wouldn’t matter to us. (BTW, oil/energy independence was a Jimmy Carter plan but the right liked cheap foreign oil and hated conservation.). America has 3% of the world’s oil reserves but uses 24% of world wide oil production, we will never be energy independent while using oil…if we ever miraculously managed it, we would be out of oil in years.

These weren’t under control under Trump, and Republicans have zero plans to get them “under control”, either because they see no problems or because they have no solutions, you choose. Can you name a Republican plan? McConnel can’t.

bobknight33 said:

Border crossing was under better control.
American finally had energy independence.
Gas was at least a buck less. Thanks Joe Biden
Inflation running between 4 and 6 %. Thanks Joe Biden
All of these were under or getting under control under Trump.

Taiwan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

You really are such a cowardly baby, Bob. You look stupid and weak being too cowardly to say what you mean and hiding behind this idiotic, two year old level insult and your sock puppets. Grow up, comrade. Get some balls.

Fuck you Tiananmen Trump. See, not hard for adults with a spine.
I see you’ve forgotten how much praise Trump lavished on China, how he supported Xi in everything he did, from exterminating Uyghurs to the crackdown on Hong Kong, the expansions in Tibet and the Western Pacific, Trump supported China 100% until his trade talks fell apart….and was paid handsomely by China.

If Biden is Beijing Biden, Trump’s real name must be Wang No Xi.

You just keep reminding us that Trumpists are so unintelligible and moronic that, to say “fuck you” to their president, they chant “let’s go Brendon” and think they’re clever.

TangledThorns said:

Beijing Biden loves CHINA! Let's go Brandon!

Taiwan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

There’s this thing about bribing people that I think you’re well aware of….they don’t stay bought. Just look at Trump. He and his family personally took tens-hundreds of millions from China, talked them up for years, then turned on them when his trade talks failed.
For Biden to be under their control, he would have to be fed a constant stream of illicit money….like the Trumps all were. There is absolutely zero evidence Biden has taken a dime from the Chinese, unlike every single Trump that were all bribed publicly with millions in “gifts” from the Chinese government.

Trump didn’t nod, he outright told China they could expand in every direction, and they did under Trump….not under Biden.

Worse for the anti democracy, domestic terrorist crowd, that’s a good thing for Americans, Bobski.

Not one of those things is worse under Biden.
Inflation, happened under Trump.
Backed up ports, a red herring, Oakland port has no backup at all and is asking those stuck in LA to go there. The backup is planned. The appearance of shortages lead to rushes on goods….it’s marketing, not logistics.
Green energy is cheaper, cleaner, and a path to PERMANENT energy independence…something we absolutely did not have under Trump, we imported SO much oil, and spilled plenty.
Cost me an extra $.50- $.75 to fill my car, which happens EVERY SINGLE SUMMER Bob. Last year it didn’t because no one could go anywhere thanks to moronic Covid response that made us the absolute worst per capita for developed nations….Australian territories only closed for 8 days and had 0 deaths….did you know that Bob? They had leadership from adults, not denial from an infant.
Not higher food prices here, must be a you thing….or maybe a failed red state problem.
Empty shelves. Now I know it’s a red state thing….you’re on the east coast, so you can’t blame it on the fake shipping backup….what happened to NC that it’s fallen to shit? You know the second major factor in the shipping issues in LA are due to a much better economy and more people buying goods than last year, don’t you?
Also, do you even remember last year? Probably not. Those were empty shelves, Bob. Shortages on EVERYTHING from cars to meat to TP, even water. Literally empty shelves, not just in your fantasy world.

California has none of your problems, sounds like a red state leadership issue.

Know what else we've lost? Pandemic misinformation that's led to over 1/2 million dead Americans that need not have died and untold trillions in economic losses that need not have happened. That alone vastly outweighs every whine you've cried even if they were real and Biden's fault....which they aren't.

Let’s go Brendon….you really are proud of that cowardly whining aren’t you. You don’t even have the balls to say fuck you Biden, which we all know is what you’re saying. Sad little coward, throwing tantrums like a two year old. Nothing ever changes with you. 4 year olds have more honesty and spine than your entire failing political party combined. Cowards.

Republicans do not want Democrats to succeed, they want them expelled, or burned to death, or shot en masse. You’re such a bare faced liar and coward. You want enforced mask and vaccine mandates, free school lunches, and access to legal safe abortions? No? Then you don’t want everyone to succeed.

My portfolio has gone up more under Biden in 6 months than it lost under 4 years of Trump. He made the nation a constant victim, Biden rescued us from an abusive brain damaged parent….the kind you like. The kind I fear you likely are.

bobknight33 said:

Biden isn't being bribed He is already bought.

Build back better is a nod to the Chinese CCP leaders to fully take back HK and Taiwan,

Bidens Build back better policies have only made America worse.

backed up ports,
loss of energy independence ,
the extra 15$ to fill up the car
Higher food prices ,
Empty shelfs.

Trump caused it?
Lets Go Brendon.

Republicans want everyone to succeed. Democrats want everyone to be a victim. And Biden and his party is making this true.

Time-lapse of clouds breaking on the land like waves

Gavin Newsom Wins Recall Election In Landslide

newtboy says...

Aaaaahahaha!!!!! You're really "bragging" about Trump getting Newsom's old sloppy seconds!? Aaaaaahahahahaha!!!
If he's like pops, there's no bigly or yuge, just a funky mushroom that's all cap, no stem.

Maybe Newsom prefers poised, intelligent, beautiful, caring, and sane over bat shit crazy, screaming, vitriolic stupidity from a distant shrieking harpy. (Her wiki photo looks like Caitlyn Jenner)

He traded up....WAY up, married two years later and ever since....she definitely traded down....eventually, after a decade plus she's finally got a "rich" boyfriend. See what happens if he goes to prison! She doesn't like him, she likes his money and political clout.

She's a power whore, her biggest claim to fame is the powerful public figures she's slept with.

Ms Newsom has a long and quite successful career away from her husband, and a long marriage with him.

ROTFLMFAHS!!!! Please, oh please. More MAGA tears. We're in a drought in California and you whiners are keeping the rivers flowing.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, New Zealand PSA - Trade School, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 580 Badge!

New Zealand PSA - Trade School

StukaFox says...

I wish we had this in the US:

1. At 18, you go into two years of national service, PERIOD. Unless you're in a coma, you're going. And you're going to go someplace you're not from and be on a team with people you're not used to so that your millimeter-wide view of America gets forced open to a mile.

You will be evaluated for mental and physical wellness. If you're suffering from mental illness, you will get help. If you're struggling with weight or other physical issues, you will get help.

You will be helping out in communities that you are not used to seeing: rural, inner-city, black, white, Latino. You will meet gay people, hard-core religious people, prisoners, entrepreneurs, carpenters and mechanics. You will get to know their world and help them understand yours.

2. After your two years, you have some choices:

- You can go into the military and strengthen those skills you've shown an aptitude for.

- If you want, you can attend a trade school, fully covered.

- If you want to go to college, your first two years will be covered if you get a AA/AS. Should you go for a four-year degree, your first three years will be covered.

Imagine what kind of nation we'd be living in right now has this been done in 1990.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

D’oh! Numbers are out….from Trump’s first to last month in office, GDP raised 1.6% per year, the worst since Hover in the Great Depression. So much for being an economic genius, he’s literally the worst on the economy in living history.

How many more ways will he be determined to have been literally the worst? Already judged the worst by lack of leadership, abundance of division, worst economically, worst at public health, worst at trade deals, worst on the environment, worst at telling the truth, worst at civility, worst/most criminal convictions of any administration, …..what’s left?

2020 Politics

newtboy says...

Stop projecting. 1/2 truths would be an improvement for any right wing "news" organization.

Let's see...Trump declared the entire media, tv to newspapers and everything in between the enemy of America, now you whine and cry that Trump wasn't treated fairly?! Bwaaaahahahaha! Poor little baby, he can dish it out but boy, can he not take 1/10 of it back!
90% negative isn't spin, Trump and his policies and criminal activities and criminal administration and his platform of white nationalism were 95% negative...the media handed him a 5% positivity boost.

Trump's highest approval rating ever...49% (averaging <41%), Biden's high so far is 63% (averaging >55%) which at the time was double Trump's low 30's thanks to his failed little coup.

What's a negative store? It's spelled story, Bob...not storè. Second graders can spell story, Bob.

Biden hasn't kissed Putin's ring on national tv, or taken his word over our intelligence community, nor has Hunter taken $35 million from China as a "gift" during trade negotiations his daddy then tanked, Biden hasn't supported white supremacists, or cuddled up to dictators while ostracizing our allies, or been dismissively divisive at every single opportunity. He doesn't take 10 hours a day of personal time to watch tv or over 300 days to play golf after promising not to, he doesn't retweet Nazis, he doesn't engage in self enrichment at every turn, he doesn't rage tweet 200+ times a day, he doesn't tell outright lies to the public an average of 20 times a day. There's not 3% of the negativity from Trump coming from Biden, yet right wing media is 100% negative...which you fully support.

Time magazine covers?! You want to compare them!?! Ok, do you mean the fake time covers Trump had made up and framed in his office to trick rubes into thinking he's an important businessman? Yes, those are fake news....from fake Trump.

bobknight33 said:

1/2 truths
Slanted stories.
Slanted stories just for the sake if to dump on trump.
CNN MSNBC and other outlets pushed 90%+ negative spin against Trump.

Biden in office negative stores , to few to count

Compare Time magazine of Trump covers VS Biden covers


Racing for $100

bobknight33 says...

Its not where you start in life its where you end up.

White privilege is a false statement. Its really middle class privilege. Its about education not skin color. There are plenty of poor whites as much as there are poor blacks.

Those in the back mostly without fathers.
All knowing Newt, What is the fix?

Economic hardship of those kids would be lesson if both parents were present.

Finally JOBS or lack of them are mostly due to government policies ( Fair trade / Free Trade) have decimated job opportunities for All Americans, especially low wage and entry jobs.

Make policies that bring jobs back to America. Passing bills that take tax dollars and make roads or such only create short term jobs.

Trump was right Lower business tax rates to compete on world stage stimulated economy and America started to flourish.

Sadly Biden/ Democrats want to move tax rate up which will slow down growth, if passed.

My dad started working at 14, His dad never got passed 8th grade.
My dad went bankrupt, had a chronically ill wife ( died in early 40s due to it) and 4 kids.

He never left. He worked his ass off.

Also he broke his back in 3 places and crushed his right hand. He left the hospital to sign a house mortgage, knowing he might never work again.
With a healing back and crippled hand he drove 50 miles each way in a stick shift car for 3 years like this just to keep a roof over our heads.

I paid my own way through college, Same for my sister.

My dad says If you want it bad enough you will find a way.

So don't tell be about white privilege bull shit.

What about Black lawyers, Drs, and ball players?
They make way more coin than most white people. Do they have white privilege?

The person making minimum wage likes it enough to stay, else he will find a better paying job.

Should fines, penalties be smaller for poor people , yes.

newtboy said:

@bobknight33 , you need to watch and learn.

Why should college be free

newtboy says...

Stossel is a far right propagandist these days.

My theory is they waste money by offering loans for the first two years at major private universities....knowing that the classes are designed to weed out >75% of students before their Jr year. Jr colleges aren't designed to fail or burn out most students, class sizes are exponentially smaller, and the teachers are often better, certainly more accessible to students.
By offering to loan the money they knowingly set up that 75% for failure and long term debt for nothing. By paying for those two years at Jr colleges they could let students figure out if they are capable of a full degree without the enormous expense. As long as the Jr colleges are qualified, 4 year universities will usually transfer credits already.

As to trades...yes perhaps professionals can, under some circumstances, make as much as some white collar professional, even lawyers, but that certification takes years of low paid apprenticeship to qualify for. I welded for years, I built bridges, water tanks, construction tools, industrial ovens, crash attenuatiors, race cars, boats, .... my average wage in that time was barely over $10 an hour, and never over $20. It takes a long time to start earning a real living wage in most cases.

spawnflagger said:

Don't know this Stossel guy (seems like a tool), but was always a fan of Mike Rowe, and also his initiative to get more workers in the trades.

I've seen plumbers (2-yr degree + certification) with higher hourly rates than lawyers (8-yr degree + bar exam). I also know a guy who makes more now as a general contractor than he did as a DBA (B.S. in Computer Science).
I think part of this is supply & demand- not as many tradespeople so the wages go up to hire those willing, and the cost of higher wages gets passed on to the customer.

But the point of this video isn't "should you go to college?", it's "the liberals want hard-working people to pay for college for all these liberal students", which is a false premise and why I can't upvote it.

I think community college should be taxpayer-funded for those students who want more than just high school. (but they should have to maintain certain GPA to remain free)
As far as other private Universities, they should be able to charge for it. Colleges that receive Federal or State money should have a cap on the rate that tuition can increase per year (maybe based on inflation). Over the past 20 years, most college tuition has gone up way more than inflation or wages.

Rather than student-loan forgiveness, I'd rather see a federal program that will help those students who couldn't finish school go back and get their degree (where it will pay for itself) or get a different degree. Most of this sub-$10k student debt they talk about is for students who never got their degree.

Why should college be free

spawnflagger says...

Don't know this Stossel guy (seems like a tool), but was always a fan of Mike Rowe, and also his initiative to get more workers in the trades.

I've seen plumbers (2-yr degree + certification) with higher hourly rates than lawyers (8-yr degree + bar exam). I also know a guy who makes more now as a general contractor than he did as a DBA (B.S. in Computer Science).
I think part of this is supply & demand- not as many tradespeople so the wages go up to hire those willing, and the cost of higher wages gets passed on to the customer.

But the point of this video isn't "should you go to college?", it's "the liberals want hard-working people to pay for college for all these liberal students", which is a false premise and why I can't upvote it.

I think community college should be taxpayer-funded for those students who want more than just high school. (but they should have to maintain certain GPA to remain free)
As far as other private Universities, they should be able to charge for it. Colleges that receive Federal or State money should have a cap on the rate that tuition can increase per year (maybe based on inflation). Over the past 20 years, most college tuition has gone up way more than inflation or wages.

Rather than student-loan forgiveness, I'd rather see a federal program that will help those students who couldn't finish school go back and get their degree (where it will pay for itself) or get a different degree. Most of this sub-$10k student debt they talk about is for students who never got their degree.

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