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chingalera says...

Still amazes me how that nasty little Guyana- beverage became the toxic swill of choice for so many-I imagine a lot of folks who drink Red Bullpiss and tout the poison have never taken any real drugs, save the last leeegal ones.

Am I the only one who thinks the shit tastes like shit ??

How to Make an Emergency Crisco Candle

chingalera says...

I want one of those bars of liposuction fat soap from Fight Club.
Hmmmm, snake oil-Someone should market some novelty soap touting human adipose as superior to other rendered fats-The revenue is all n the labeling:))

New Rules 1/18/13

chingalera says...

Whenever I hear someone quote some Harvard Law prof or someone touting the idea that framers of the constitution did not mean for folks to own guns for anything but a militia, I have to simply laugh. It's obvious what they meant and if you brought back a group of school children from the Revolutionary war period and let them have look at the state of affairs of this little experiment, they'd wonder what has been put into the water supply to render seemingly intelligent people of today, hopelessly confused and gullible.

A well-regulated militia: The 18th-century equivalent to the U.S. Armed Forces perhaps??

DC v. Heller (2008)
U.S. v. Miller (1939)
U.S. v. Cruikshank (1875)

A few Supreme court rulings above to peruse and lest we forget, in order to change the document, you do so by amendment. the 18th made alcohol illegal and the 22nd made it fine for adults to drink alcohol again....a right and privilege of people since the motherfucking beginning of civilization...HELLO!!???

Yeah, they can take our guns, O' America and the dark hour (if it comes in my lifetime) everyone signs off on it is the day I move to fucking Canada Mexico, Belize, Nicaragua, COSTA RICA??....Fuck, anywhere white people aren't retarded drunk on 21st Century Kool-Aid HIstory with a government years away from buggering them!

May have to tunnel into the earth's crust to find such a place as more insane the world becomes daily.

Someone doesn't want Big Brother watching over him anymore..

Sagemind says...

First of all, I am Canadian, not American.

1. Don't tout constitution. I don't care if some lawmaker wrote something down once or in this case, didn't write something down. I don't think government should have the right to film the people it serves.

2. It doesn't matter to me if some person films me in a public place. Or if I end up in the background of some photo snapped by someone else. That's not what I'm referring to. I don't think authority should engage in wholesale documentation of the populous whether through film, internet spying, mail scanning, phone tapping or otherwise.

3. I don't honestly expect that someone will charge me with something I did previously and unrelated. Use something to base a character judgement on? -Maybe. I don't put it past officials/government to use footage unjustly to make a case win in their favor.

4. Of course they can't store up all that footage. I know it's on a loop. And I know all about storage sizes. (don't insult me) BUT, some reels do go missing, get set aside, or get replaced. And many of them are reviewed. I've seen it done in retail stores time and again. (and I may ad that at one place I worked at, the owner would sit there for hours just spying on people and splicing out sections of girls on the film. If it can happen in the private sector, it can happen in the public sector.

5. The fact that people "Have No Right To Privacy" is bullshit. As I have stated, Just because some lawyer wrote something down, or didn't write something down doesn't give them any right over me and how I choose to live. Just the same as I don't have to respect someone higher up in a hierarchy just because they are higher up or make more money than I do. (Insert Grumpy Old Man Syndrome here). I don't trust lawyers, or at least the majority of them (especially corporate ones). I truly believe that they are the downfall of society.

That's all I'll say on the matter. Cheers!

shatterdrose said:

(Only applies to Americans)

Unfortunately you have very little understanding of the US legal system.

A) Under the Constitution you HAVE NO RIGHT to privacy... Period.

B) By US law, any previous offenses cannot be used against you...

C) They don't even store that video...

D) Most CCTV's aren't even monitored...


Two Westboro Douche Nozzles

rottenseed says...

Good points. Not that I agree wholeheartedly or at all, necessarily, but you seem congruent in quoting a text. Bibliography isn't stout enough for MLA standards, but I'll let it pass.

Here's what I don't get the most; out of all things you are not supposed to do according to the bible, it seems like homosexuality gets an "unfair" mention. Being that it's only condemned a few times. Now, I know if it's condemned once it might as well be condemned a thousand times, but I just feel that it's slightly coincidental that homosexuality—an act that can actually be repulsive to a non-homosexual or to a homosexual that's ashamed of his/her own feelings—that it is the one touted as the downfall of humanity. I mean there are plenty of ways to sin, why is so much emphasis placed on homosexuality. It just doesn't seem to be congruent with the amount of mentions it has.

Also, as a straight male, I've never had to make a decision in my sexuality. In fact, if anything I'd say it seems out of my control (not my actions but my tastes). So really, anecdotally, I'd say that sexuality is far from being within our conscious control. The problem, it seem, the religious have with that, is it seems to undermine parts of the bible. This, to me, is why it has become such a lynch-pin issue. To admit homosexuality is naturally occurring and against our control, would prove a part, even a small part, of the bible fallacious.

Instead of attacking homosexuality, however, I'd think that Christians would be better off focusing as much on homosexuality as is in the bible—which is very little.>> ^shinyblurry:

>> ^VoodooV:
I do have to give the WBC credit for just showing up and credit to Brand for controlling his audience enough to give them a chance to speak.
Anytime you have that chance to at least have a dialog is a win and how one learns.
This just reinforces the absurdity of believing in a god or at the very least having any immutable doctrine of god.
Even if you're at the very least a deist, this idea that you can know precisely what god wants (on BOTH sides of the issue). You don't know that god wants you to hate fags, for that matter you don't know that god wants you to love either.
Even amongst people of the same faith, you can't get anyone to agree on exactly what god is/wants. There is no authoritative source, and that includes the bible and it's multiple versions. There is no empirical evidence either way.
even if you do believe in a god, saying "I don't know" sets you free from any religion or cult like this.
Even if a god does exist and does in fact hate homosexuality and does not want you to be/practice it. He's got an undeniably shitty way of communicating this guideline and why it should be adhered to.
God may be all powerful, but he's shite at communication and education.

That may be true of the various religions, but in Christianity you have near universal agreement on the foundational tenants of the faith, both today and going back to the early church. How you get saved and what God expects you is very well understood and agreed upon by nearly all Christians. Yes, there are differences..some people think baptism is really important, some not so much. Some people think speaking in tongues is important, others not so much. These are all peripheral issues to the heart of the fatih, which is the suffering death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. There is no confusion in the church as a whole as to how you get saved.
It's also not that God is a bad communicator, it is people are hard of hearing because they suppress the truth:
Romans 1:18-21
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them.
For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.
He gives everyone more than a clue that He is there and what He expects of them, but they harden their hearts to God because of sin.
And far be it from me to defend the WBC, but they have a point about sin. This nation (world) glorifies sin, but sin is what leads people to destruction. If you glorify sin to someone, it is like hating them. Where the WBC goes wrong, and that's to put it mildly, is the negative and judgmental way they present the gospel. This is what scripture says about sharing the faith:
2 Timothy 2:24-26 And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will.
I think they skipped over these verses when they put together their ministry. They've probably done more in recent times to turn people away from Christ than all the televangelists put together.

Ben Stein Stuns Fox & Friends By Disagreeing With Party Line

shinyblurry says...

What your analysis is missing is any kind of cultural context. These things don't just happen in a vacuum, and nor are all ideas created equal. In many cases you are just trading one type of chain for another. Yes, mass media certainly has the ability to create and shape the prevailing social norms, and this can inspire counter cultural movements within a society. That's what happened in the 1960s with the sexual revolution, which is a root cause for the sexual immorality we see in society today. But it didn't just happen because people 'gained more knowledge', it happened because there was already a fundamental shift in the cultural ethos. An idea does not begin to grow unless its seed lands on fertile ground. The social mores of this nation were always decidedly Christian, but were steadily eroding by the beginning of the 20th century (for various reasons). The deeper truth is that people rejected traditional morality because they wanted to be free to indulge their carnal desires without restriction. Transcendent moral values were being replaced with moral relativism, fueled by the notion that man was a higher primate and had no moral responsibilities to a creator, leaving people free to invent whatever style of living pleased them. It was only the world wars that temporarily reversed this trend and brought the nation back together under the banner of an American moral imperative. But the foundation, weakened as it was by radical liberal ideology, was thoroughly rotten. America snapped back like a rubber band, bursting open the flood gates during the 60's, and changing the cultural landscape forever. Now traditional values are viewed as archaic, a throwback to a bygone era, and it is the "new" thing which is touted as "enlightenment".

Yet, this new thing is simply what is old in different packaging. The behavior of human beings today isn't noticeably different from anything that hasn't been tried in countless failed civilizations in the past. The song remains the same, despite the shiny new backdrops. Bible prophecy predicts that knowledge will increase in the last times, but it mentions nothing about wisdom. The human condition hasn't changed; men are ruled by their passions, and no matter how much knowledge they gain, the same mistakes are repeated endlessly. Look at the world today and tell me that isn't true. If humans are learning anything it is something they've always known and loved; rebellion. This is certainly the age of self-glorification, but history will tell you that is nothing new either. You're right in that "the church", ie, the catholic religion, tried to impose (a caricature of) Christian morality on the masses, with horrific results. That is a nightmare any decent person should be awoken from. However, as it pertains to describing the essential human condition, it was entirely correct. Sin is increasing in the world, not decreasing. Human nature is inherently sinful.

Everyone has a different way of describing the problem. Most look to place the blame and hand wave everything on to a particular condition. They say it's because of overpopulation. They say it's because of religion (an atheist favorite). They say it's because of ignorance. They say it's because (insert your favorite reason here). The reality is, it's because human beings are corrupt sinners, and always will be corrupt sinners until the end of time; that's why Jesus Christ came. He came to restore us to right relationship with our Creator. Don't place your faith and trust in man, because man cannot save himself, and all men are headed for a day of judgment. As scripture predicts, there will be a one world government headed by the antichrist, a seven year tribulation where all the world will become deluded and follow after the beast. Those who refuse to love the truth will believe the lie that the antichrist will be selling. At the end of the tribulation, Jesus Christ will return as the Lord and judge of all the earth. No amount of knowledge will prepare for you that day; only a saving faith in Jesus Christ.

>> ^Sagemind:

In the past era, we hit a communications Boom.

America: Land of Socialism - Thomas Peterffy

packo says...


socialism doesn't destroy incentive... it creates a solid base from which to operate

fire departments, police departments, public education... these are all social (ie socialist) services

the people who tout socialism as evil fall into two categories

people who are high enough in the income bracket to realize certain laws, and systems set in place, prevent them from making even more money... AT OTHER PEOPLE'S EXPENSE... so they demonize socialsm

the other are brainwashed idiots who aren't in that income bracket, but just tow the party line because (in all likelihood) they don't like a colored president... are easily swayed by low information fear tactics... are more concerned with what is on Honey Boo Boo this week than what is actually going on with their country... who come out against socialism, but most likely partake of some socialist system, or even depend on one... who don't realize that the Bible is the most SOCIALIST piece of literature out there...

ie, morons

The Rumble 2012 - Jon Stewart vs. Bill O'Reilly

shagen454 says...

Ok yeah took me a while to finish that one as well. Bill O flip flops on his ideas all of the time.I mean Bill O was one of the main people fighting on the airwaves to go to war in Iraq... how soon people forget. Now he thinks it was a bad idea..

He has the audacity to say capitalism is the problem with discourse saying it creates fakes and he was the one saying that we should not pay for NPR, why? Because NPR does not tout the same temporary quote issues unquote as the FOX agenda? It really seems to me that Bill O doesnt have any sort of real opinions that have not been bought and paid for, which is another reference he kept making.

Banned iphone 5 Promo

yellowc says...

Sorry, perhaps I should of worded that point differently, I meant that a ppi that allows for retina (android equiv) is sufficient, after this point we need to compare screens on more noticeable differences. The S3 and the iPhone5 are both at 306ppi, the differences is screen size/resolution, colour, rendering algorithms and screen tech (pentile vs IPS). Which is a preference, I have no problem with you liking larger phones, this is just not a point of advantage or disadvantage you can target as a phone fault, it is a user choice. Some people also prefer looking at over-saturated colours, they find them more "real" or "vivid" etc, that's all fine.

The other points I think we can leave as is.

Yes iTunes is a heaping pile of shit, I'm not about to defend it, I got my N7 with Jellybean and saw how refined the Play experience is, switching accounts on the fly, loads content for that account etc. It was simply put, light years ahead of the syncing bullshit that Apple puts me through. In fact the N7 is really the first Android device I've been actively recommending to people, it is undeniably a solid good product, I can not fault it (other than lacklustre 3rd party support but I won't be blaming Android for that).

But really, these days, you can ignore iTunes and I'm guessing a lot of people do or are content with what it does. To stick with my mum, her iPad has never plugged in to a PC (except when she couldn't do OTA updates but she didn't have to deal with that), she does everything on the device. In fact, she wouldn't go near a computer, Apple or otherwise, she has absolutely no interest in them fullstop. My mother-in-law is the same, it took me about a year to convince her to pick-up an iPad, now she does her shopping online, uses email etc but she has no desire to touch anything else and still won't step out of the apps she knows. These two weren't a market just a few years ago, you wouldn't even dream of bothering with them.

I don't know what it is that makes it so appealing but Apple seems to and they focus all their attention on it. I know also this is anecdotal (but you don't have to look far to see more). Everything you see isn't aimed at us, I find most Apple's marketing over the top and cheesy, this is why I can find this video funny even if I do prefer Apple products, it just isn't for us. The "lens...cover" line had me in tears.

I know we like to think we can understand how non-tech people work but we simply don't, I have been teaching the basics to people for a long time and I'll still freely admit I'm still bewildered by how little people actually understand. They're not stupid people, we just take it all for granted, it is a different mindset entirely and is why the tech world has such a hard time understanding Apple. For instance, do you know how useful iOS is to the accessibly challenged? It is light years ahead of Android or any body else, it isn't even a choice for this market, no matter what the other phones offer. iOS is the only realistic option.

I've probably gone a tangent here but it all comes back to why Apple is what it is and why I try to defend against attacks that compare it at a tech race level. I don't want the world to go back to what it was, there is room in the market for the needs of everyone to be met.

>> ^spoco2:

@yellowc A fine rebuttal sir, except lacking in a great deal of thinking things through.
First you say the screen on the phone is the best due to colour, ppi and fonts, and then say that ppi doesn't matter. (Higher resolution in a smaller screen = higher ppi) Personally? I think this pixel density bullshit is some finely crafted bullshit by Apple to create a metric that no-one cared about before, and really kind of shouldn't, but they tout it because they like to make sure they win it... so, their 4" screen with its weird 1136 x 640 resolution is apparently better than a 4.64" screen with 1280x720 (so native 720p HD)? I too wasn't sold on larger screens. My last phone was 3.5" just like the current iPhone, and I thought I wouldn't want a phone with a larger screen as then it wouldn't fit in my pocket, and would be a pain in the butt. Then I tried on the Galaxy Nexus in store and found it fit in my pocket better (by being thinner) and was soooo much nicer for viewing content on than 3.5"
I said myself that I'd only ever used NFC once, don't much care about it. Can see that it could be cool having stickers/pads in your car and on your bedside table to automatically put your phone into various modes based on what you're doing, but I've cared so little I haven't ordered the tags to try it.
Video calling... who actually uses it? As I said, we've had it here in Australia for 9 years. Most feature and smart phones have supported it. I've been able to do it for years. Have I once felt the need? Nope.
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with iOS as an operating system, what I'm saying is that it LOOKS amazingly old, feels really quite antiquated. I look forward to Apple redesigning it and making it fresh again. Without being an Android fanboy, I find the look and design of ICS and Jellybean Android to be so much more fresh than iOS. This is nothing to do with functionality, just look, something which Apple could change so easily, it's odd that they are letting it get so stale.
In terms of Apple 'understanding' the regular Joe... what I don't get is how such a large number of my friends have ended up completely wiping their entire iTunes library because of the insanely stupid way in which iTunes handles moving your device between computers and how it handles syncing them. That is not user friendly, has been going on for years, and yet never addressed.
Horses for courses. Look, there are plenty of reasons to go with an iDevice... but the ever burgeoning market share of Android (now more than Apple) demonstrates that not everyone wants to be locked into the Apple ecosphere.

Banned iphone 5 Promo

spoco2 says...

@yellowc A fine rebuttal sir, except lacking in a great deal of thinking things through.

First you say the screen on the phone is the best due to colour, ppi and fonts, and then say that ppi doesn't matter. (Higher resolution in a smaller screen = higher ppi) Personally? I think this pixel density bullshit is some finely crafted bullshit by Apple to create a metric that no-one cared about before, and really kind of shouldn't, but they tout it because they like to make sure they win it... so, their 4" screen with its weird 1136 x 640 resolution is apparently better than a 4.64" screen with 1280x720 (so native 720p HD)? I too wasn't sold on larger screens. My last phone was 3.5" just like the current iPhone, and I thought I wouldn't want a phone with a larger screen as then it wouldn't fit in my pocket, and would be a pain in the butt. Then I tried on the Galaxy Nexus in store and found it fit in my pocket better (by being thinner) and was soooo much nicer for viewing content on than 3.5"

I said myself that I'd only ever used NFC once, don't much care about it. Can see that it could be cool having stickers/pads in your car and on your bedside table to automatically put your phone into various modes based on what you're doing, but I've cared so little I haven't ordered the tags to try it.

Video calling... who actually uses it? As I said, we've had it here in Australia for 9 years. Most feature and smart phones have supported it. I've been able to do it for years. Have I once felt the need? Nope.

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with iOS as an operating system, what I'm saying is that it LOOKS amazingly old, feels really quite antiquated. I look forward to Apple redesigning it and making it fresh again. Without being an Android fanboy, I find the look and design of ICS and Jellybean Android to be so much more fresh than iOS. This is nothing to do with functionality, just look, something which Apple could change so easily, it's odd that they are letting it get so stale.

In terms of Apple 'understanding' the regular Joe... what I don't get is how such a large number of my friends have ended up completely wiping their entire iTunes library because of the insanely stupid way in which iTunes handles moving your device between computers and how it handles syncing them. That is not user friendly, has been going on for years, and yet never addressed.

Horses for courses. Look, there are plenty of reasons to go with an iDevice... but the ever burgeoning market share of Android (now more than Apple) demonstrates that not everyone wants to be locked into the Apple ecosphere.

55. Delete Facebook

chingalera says...

>> ^Deano:

Oh and isn't it hilarious to see Facebook's share price plunge?

May it take the final plunge into oblivion.....

As choggie, didn't we tout this from the treetops about 4 years ago when we saw the beast for what it is and what it could become???

Die, Facebook!

Texas Siftup Imminent? (Sift Talk Post)

chingalera says...

The Texas Renaissance Festival in in Montgomery county just north of Magnolia, Tx. in Todd Mission,Tx. (mapfart) -It's touted by organizers to be the biggest such event in the country...Lotta fun, great place for the whole family, plenty to do and see and EAT!

3 sifters are in Dallas, the only other I know besides myself lives not too far from Houston, where I'm at...

Anywhere we hold it it's gonna mean some driving.

I suggested this place:

Thursday through Sunday before the first Monday of every month in Canton, Texas this massive outdoor flea market and trade fair rocks about 10 acres of all kinds of coolness.....Bring a couple hundred bucks and come home with plenty of great stuff!!

Or just pay admission and stroll and check out everything, food vendors galore, stuff to do....

Renfest rocks and you can stay all day and night, and there's massive brews, music, dancing, staged-events...great costumes, plenty of comic-con-type costumes, some extremely elaborate and well-made. Always a winner, Renfest.

Or we could do one of those trough buffets like a Golden Corral and crash the place and build a drunken mountain outta mac n cheese and chicken tendorz.....$12.95 to get thrown out of a Golden Corral??? Priceless.

Reid Hitting Romney Hard Over (Possibly) Unpaid Taxes

shagen454 says...

I don't understand when people who are republicans or democrats say we need a new direction because of Obama? To me Obama is a perfect Republican. Bush was God awful. Why do you guys consider Dempublicans leftist when they are apart of the same foul corrupt/conservative system that you tout as being the best, #1, 'merica fuck ya!!?

Obama is way better than Bush whilst simultaneously enforcing most of Bushes policies. It's hilarious that republicans dislike him. I keep hearing, "this is the most important election". THAT IS BULLSHIT. We haven't had an important election in a long time because the system has been bought and sold a long time ago. Even though I'm not a huge fan of Obama - the two party system or most skewed mainstream beliefs - he is way better than McCain would have been. He is way better than Romney on just about everything and yet Obama still pretty much sucks - he has to suck. He is apart of a ridiculous system that is controlled by a bunch of shitty corporations.

Until everyone in this dumbass country begins reading up on political theory or at least watches Democracy Now! ... we're all doomed.

Wende - Au Suivant

calvados says...

Tout nu dans ma serviette qui me servait de pagne
J'avais le rouge au front et le savon à la main
Au suivant au suivant
J'avais juste vingt ans et nous étions cent vingt
A être le suivant de celui qu'on suivait
Au suivant au suivant
J'avais juste vingt ans et je me déniaisais
Au bordel ambulant d'une armée en campagne
Au suivant au suivant

Moi j'aurais bien aimé un peu plus de tendresse
Ou alors un sourire ou bien avoir le temps
Mais au suivant au suivant
Ce ne fut pas Waterloo mais ce ne fut pas Arcole
Ce fut l'heure où l'on regrette d'avoir manqué l'école
Au suivant au suivant
Mais je jure que d'entendre cet adjudant de mes fesses
C'est des coups à vous faire des armées d'impuissants
Au suivant au suivant

Je jure sur la tête de ma première vérole
Que cette voix depuis je l'entends tout le temps
Au suivant au suivant
Cette voix qui sentait l'ail et le mauvais alcool
C'est la voix des nations et c'est la voix du sang
Au suivant au suivant
Et depuis chaque femme à l'heure de succomber
Entre mes bras trop maigres semble me murmurer
Au suivant au suivant

Tous les suivants du monde devraient se donner la main
Voilà ce que la nuit je crie dans mon délire
Au suivant au suivant
Et quand je ne délire pas j'en arrive à me dire
Qu'il est plus humiliant d'être suivi que suivant
Au suivant au suivant
Un jour je me ferai cul-de-jatte ou bonne sœur ou pendu
Enfin un de ces machins où je ne serai jamais plus
Le suivant le suivant...

Fun Day at the Boat Launch

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