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how is this a taunting penalty...

JiggaJonson says...

this is one of the primary reasons i don't care for sports in general.

Ever see anyone get penalized for being in the freethrow lane in basketball?

Section VI—Offensive Three-Second Rule

An offensive player shall not remain for more than three seconds in that part of his free throw lane between the endline and extended 4’ (imaginary) off the court and the farther edge of the free throw line while the ball is in control of his team.

me neither.

but back to this, the trouble is it's really just whatever the fuck the ref feels like, not what really happened

Bulldog Has Incredible Reaction To Actress In Trouble

noims says...

My guess is that the value of a few calories would depend on whether the dinosaurs were warm- or cold-blooded. A cold-blooded lizard or snake can last a lot longer on a small meal than a warm-blooded human.

The debate on whether or not actual dinosaurs were cold-blooded is still open, as far as I know. My favourite point in the argument is that all dinosaurs alive today (i.e. birds) are warm-blooded but perhaps it was exactly that adaptation that let them survive through the mas extinction.

Looking at the predatory dinosaurs in the film, there's no hint of feathers (so they're unlikely to be actual t-rexes), which to me points towards the idea that they're cold-blooded and so a small morsel would sustain them a while.

As for three of them getting involved, to me they're also being opportunistic at the chance of getting Kong. He seemed comfortable enough handling one, but it was definitely not a given. He acted very wary of two of them, so a third joining should really swing things in the dinosaurs' favour. However, it looks like Kong was holding back, and really let things fly when the odds were against him.

bareboards2 said:

So these giant lizards that require a great deal of calories to sustain themselves.... [...]

Bulldog Has Incredible Reaction To Actress In Trouble

McKayla Maroney blasts FBI over handling of Nassar case

newtboy says...

Wrong. He admitted it, and admitted knowing it was wrong.
They had him on tape telling the Russian ambassador to ignore the Obama sanctions because Trump would remove them asap, so he had no other option.
He also admitted to lying about it under oath to the fbi (tried to hide it because he knew it was illegal, possibly treason), then tried to backtrack when his deal didn't seem so good anymore.

Then he was pardoned by Trump, they didn't just drop the case you fucking liar.

Accepting the pardon is an admission of guilt, (edit: something Flynn has now done at least three separate times on these charges) and legally requires a dismissal which the judge granted, but specifically said he was still guilty.

bobknight33 said:

Remember Flynn,

FBI Fucked him over, knowing he did nothing wrong and everything right. When His new lawyer finally evidence that they were hiding The dropped the case.

But yet a hard left judge kept on trying to prosecute Flynn.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh....seems some of the traitors are claiming they acted on orders from the president, something they said that day, but these have evidence from weeks before saying the same thing, along with evidence of Trump's instigation, and messages in Dec telling others the plan is to storm the building and take out the trash right there.

Odd, since these claims and evidence don't excuse their actions one bit, but do implicate Bunker Baby directly.

Not looking so good for Trump's eventual defense. Felons can't be president. That should be modified to include frauds, thefts, and obstruction of justice, those crimes of moral turpitude should disqualify anyone guilty of them. Trump's an old hand at all three.

3 rules to live by

noims says...

At my age I also live by 3 rules, told to me at sea at the age of 40.

Never pass a toilet
Never waste an erection
Never trust a fart

It's a good day when you can satisfy two, or even all three rules in a single session.

The attempted US coup

newtboy says...

Exactly which part is fake, lie, or a half truth? The recordings of Trump's inner circle trying to change or decertify the certified votes in multiple states, asking election officials too "find" thousands of non existent votes, to just decertify the vote (not a thing) and leave fixing the election to Trump, or the recordings of Trump himself personally doing the same?

Keep being the fool and trusting a repeatedly convicted con man and charity fraud over literally everyone else besides a crack head nutjob.

What forensic audit? You mean the unofficial review Cyber Ninjas can't produce? The one that had you claim 75000 unregistered votes were cast because they were too incompetent to understand the numbers and counted in person votes as unregistered mail in votes?! The review that spent months scanning for bamboo fibers on ballots?! The review by a hyper biased company that spread the big lie before being chosen for this farce? They've smeared themselves.
It would have been more trustworthy if Hunter Biden did this review by himself with no oversight whatsoever.

There isn't a forensic audit, dummy. Cyber Ninjas did an unofficial ballot review, they're incapable of an audit, they have zero experience or training in doing one, and hired only stop the steal people to work for fact they've proven to be incapable of even a basic review, getting it horrendously wrong every time they tried to leak their "findings". If Democrats put on a farce like this, the party would die, because democratic voters aren't willing to ignore reality and support blatant lies like Republicans have made their only platform. Lie, lie often, lie big, lie until people believe your lie, then lie more.

What are Cyber Ninjas hiding? employees went out of their way to ensure that the observers saw as little as possible, at times intentionally blocking them from seeing computer screens and engaging them in “loud, pointless conversations” to prevent them from hearing other conversations.
What the observers could see did not inspire confidence....

They're weeks beyond their extended deadline that came months and months after the three weeks they said it would take to do their meaningless unprofessional unofficial review....and they've got NOTHING or it would have been released to the press the next day (like their "find" of 75000 "unregistered mail in votes" was).

If they have such election reversing proof, why are they hiding it....just like everyone who's ever claimed to have "proof"....including all Trump's lawyers, republican senators, talk radio con men, and moronic blowhards who believe them with no evidence whatsoever, they're certainly not releasing any of the "proof" they keep claiming to have....I'll point you to Mike Lindell and his idiotic cyber symposium that offered not a single bit of evidence about the election, much less proof of any fraud. What are they hiding it for?

At this point, if it was true there was massive election fraud, aren't Republicans the ones hiding the proof the election was defrauded? They haven't presented a scintilla of real evidence to back up their claims, just accusations layered upon accusations glazed with supposition and sprinkled with insane conspiracy.

Democrats have been demanding their final report for months, moron. Why is Cyber Ninjas hiding? Why are they so afraid to turn over their results? If they have proof, why are they hiding it?

There is none so blind as he who will not see. You will not see, no matter how clear and in your face the proof is that the election was not "rigged" or "stolen", no matter how clear the evidence is that Trump and his lackeys tried to steal the election by hook and by crook, tried to simply discard the election because they legitimately lost, and when that failed tried to steal the country by force through a deadly coup....yet somehow you "see" evidence and proof of voter fraud that's never been presented except against Republicans...and you don't see those frauds.

So just slink away in shame again, hiding from your dishonest positions once they're proven to be wrong and ignorant....Again. It's a pattern.

bobknight33 said:

True FAKE news. Smear lies and 1/2 truths.

Keep sucking on their meat..

CNN trying to smear the forensic audit in Maricopa county.

Why are Democrat so afraid to a forensic audit?
IF you are innocent why are they hiding?

Destroying an anthill...with gas

StukaFox says...

I have a friend who is a Beavis-and-Butthead level pyro. He loves blowing things up, and he feels that little things like forewarning may spoil the surprise. He has many claims to fame, but this is among the most notorious:

In the mid-90s, at the place we've been camping for 30+ years, he poured an entire can of Red Dot Smokeless gunpowder down an anthill, then lit it. This was cool for all of about three seconds when it hissed and sputtered like a little volcano. It was far less cool when the gunpowder-packed anthill suddenly went off like Mt. St. Helens. Dirt and REALLY fucking pissed off biting ants blasted high in the air before raining down on the heads of the unwitting spectators, and promptly taking their revenge.

There's nothing quite like being showered with burned, angry biting ants to round out a weekend. Jeff thought this was funny as Hell, because he'd scampered out of range when he realized things were going to go very wrong -- things ALWAYS went very wrong -- and had taken shelter upwind. Later, as in 4:00am the next morning, he set off a stick of dynamite in a creek for an encore, also without warning. And after the booming echoes settled down, the only sound for miles around was this maniacal, hysterical laughter echoing in the impenetrable dark.

To this day, if he starts laughing, I RUN.

My condolences on your loss(es), Ant.

Removal of Asian giant hornet 'murder hornet' nest

StukaFox says...

Right after Jackass came out, a couple of friends-of-a-friend decided to stage their own version of the movie -- with a hornet's nest. They found the thing hanging from a tree at the edge of a field and it was not remotely on the small size. Also, this was in late August and the queen had already flown away, leaving the drones to slowly starve to death. Thus, the enormous number of stripey-stripey sting-stings were already good 'n' pissed-off.

They were about to get moreso.

So chowderhead A and chowderhead B have a brilliant plan: they're going to shoot this enormous ball full of astoundingly-irate murderous insects with a shotgun while they're filming it. If you're hearing banjos playing and luke-warm cheap beers being cracked open, you're about in the right frame of mind.

Places, everybody!

The stage is set: on one end, at what's decided to be "minimum safe distance", are our erstwhile David Attenborough/Jonny Knoxville knock-offs. At a decidedly NOT minimum safe distance away is the arthropod version of the T'sar Bomba. All we're missing now is a Mossberg, enough idiocy to think this can end any way but badly, and a camera. With far too much alacrity for what's about to happen, all three are provided.

Aaaaaand, ACTION!

* BOOOM! *

At first, surprisingly, nothing happens. This period of stasis lasts roughly a picosecond. Then, unsurprisingly, things start to happen and they happen far more quickly than the Chuckle Brothers planned on. This plays out in three acts:

Act 1: "Hey, uh, why is the nest still there?"
Act 2: "Uh-oh..."

Hubris takes many forms, and schadenfreude takes twice as many, but both combined were statistically zero compared to the number of hornets involved in this fiasco. Had the two Mensa escapees who irked said hornets thought this thing through -- stop laughing -- perhaps they would have arrived at the conclusion that 1. a shotgun slug is not the preferred load-out when dealing with a ball made out of wasp puke and 2. being the only two things visible within a 20 mile radius of the ball made out of wasp puke pretty much negates the mystery of who the hornets are going to sting the ever-loving fuck out of.

With their plans in ruins and the nest not, our heroes decide to quit the field. This is the first smart thing they've done since looking at that big ball of wasps and deciding it was redolent with untapped hilarity. The hornets are having none of this white flag nonsense, however, and they decide to quit screwing around and really inflict some pain. It's a quarter mile back to the car and the hornets are going to make them pay for every inch of it.

The final score:
Hornet losses: meh, they were all going to die in a few weeks anyway.
The chucklenuts: 23 stings, a dropped shotgun, and three minutes of footage that they took in the pre-YouTube era and thus is lost to time.

Hornets are not toys.

Colorado Police Break Elderly Dementia Patient's Arm

TX law & tattoos

Anom212325 says...

Lol again with the fake news. Are you pretending to be Trump or whats going on here ?

The Holocaust – between 4 and 17 million deaths (racial motivation)
Holodomor and Soviet famine – between 2.5 and 8 million deaths (political motivation)
European colonisation of the Americas – between 2 and 100 million deaths
Nigerian Civil War – 1 to 3 million deaths (ethnic motivation)
Cambodian Genocide – 1 to 3 million deaths (Communist ideological motivation)
Rwandan genocide of 1994 – 500k to 1 million deaths (ethnic motivation)
Expulsion of Germans after WW2 – 500k to 3 million deaths (ethnic motivation)
Zunghar Genocide – 480 to 600 thousand deaths (ethnic motivation)
Circassian Genocide – 400k to 1.5 million deaths (political and ethnic motivation)
Armenian Genocide – 1.5 million deaths (ethnic and religious (against the Christian minority) motivation)
Decossackisation – 300 to 500 thousand deaths (political and ethnic motivation)
Assyrian genocide – 275 to 750 thousand deaths (ethnic and religious (against the Christian minority) motivation)
Utashe Genocide (aka The Holocaust in Croatia) – 270 to 655 thousand deaths (racial motivation)
Greek Genocide – 200k to 1 million deaths (ethnic and religious (against the Christian minority) motivation)
Darfur Conflict – 178 to 400 thousand deaths (ethnic motivation).

These are the top 15 genocides according to death toll and of these. Christian minorities were actually on the receiving end of three of these genocides.

Another list.

And another one:

But hey. Facts don't matter for your kind of hate driven keyboard warriors.

newtboy said:

No, they absolutely are not.
Christians have murdered more people in the name of their religion than any other groups for any other reasons.

New Zealand PSA - Trade School

StukaFox says...

I wish we had this in the US:

1. At 18, you go into two years of national service, PERIOD. Unless you're in a coma, you're going. And you're going to go someplace you're not from and be on a team with people you're not used to so that your millimeter-wide view of America gets forced open to a mile.

You will be evaluated for mental and physical wellness. If you're suffering from mental illness, you will get help. If you're struggling with weight or other physical issues, you will get help.

You will be helping out in communities that you are not used to seeing: rural, inner-city, black, white, Latino. You will meet gay people, hard-core religious people, prisoners, entrepreneurs, carpenters and mechanics. You will get to know their world and help them understand yours.

2. After your two years, you have some choices:

- You can go into the military and strengthen those skills you've shown an aptitude for.

- If you want, you can attend a trade school, fully covered.

- If you want to go to college, your first two years will be covered if you get a AA/AS. Should you go for a four-year degree, your first three years will be covered.

Imagine what kind of nation we'd be living in right now has this been done in 1990.

The King's Man - Official Red Band Trailer (2021)

NYC's Anti-Vax Rally in 49 Seconds

luxintenebris says...

yes, that is all too true. can be very successful yet be oblivious to the realities around them.

- remember an interview w/Ted Turner, while he was on top in the cable world (CNN was king). when speaking about business matters; very insightful. But when the questions about current affairs came around; he gave his opinion then changed it or said IDK anytime the interview offered a counterpoint.

- in an interview w/Colin Powell, as Sec of State, when the interviewer tried to corner him on how, looking at his GPA in HS and college, he ever made it to a 4-star general? all Colin would do was smile and say (something like) "It's good to be American. It offers many great opportunities to many people." That line of questioning ending in both parties smiling and chuckling.

- had to show our valedictorian how to put air into a tire. watching them struggle was hilarious but made one empathic.

also the belief anyone can become the president of the U.S.A. is both inspiring and terrifying. (as we all know now)


seeing this video, and the truth of the above sentence is a reason why education should become one of the top three, if not top, priorities, and quests of this nation. paired w/a universal form of national service* should provide all citizens will the skills to perceive wtf is actually going on.

*a former military serviceman, back from Iraq, noticed that Congress has far fewer former service members in their ranks since the early '80s. he noted in the military there are many ilks of service personnel, but they all work toward one goal. they have to - or they fail. reading this, have to believe - like Bush, Sr and Clinton both agreed on - that all Americans should put in some form of national service . since it'd foster a better understanding of other Americans: how they lived, how they were raised, their beliefs, the challenges they must face...i.e. see more than what's outside your 'bubble'.

this idea and a couple of other GREAT bipartisan ideas have waned since 9/11 but it'd be a hell of a fix.

* * * * realizing have wandered off the trail * * * *

or more concisely; to your point...

a body might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but any tool can become useful.

SFOGuy said:

I know a fair number of smart people who have bad skills in epistemology, who have very odd anti-tax beliefs.

But whose IQ in their area of expertise is high. Some, not too oddly, are frankly on the spectrum.

Others have been quite successful and intelligent in a narrow area and then--sort of ail outside it. A bit, I suppose, like a lot of us. Only on this matter, it matters.

NYC's Anti-Vax Rally in 49 Seconds

newtboy says...

Texas held a similar rally in late July....the organizer, 30 year old Caleb Wallace, showed signs of covid by July 30 but refused testing or treatment, opting for vitamins and ivermectin, a horse dewormer conspiracy theorists have decided is some kind of covid medicine (it's not), and was hospitalized shortly thereafter and has been in icu since Aug 8 near death. His family, pregnant wife and three young kids, is begging online for funds to pay home and medical bills. The hospital has asked his family to sign a do not resuscitate order because they have no treatment options and are running out of oxygen thanks to so many anti vaxers filling the hospitals.
So far they have refused to sign, forcing the hospital to continue to treat him, meaning someone else with a chance to survive can't get a hospital bed and they will die too.

This guy spouted some of the most dangerous, anti science, anti medicine conspiracy theories and lies for a year, and worked hard to stop any actual medical advice from being followed.

No one deserves this outcome more. If only he had to live with it...death seems like he's getting off easy, leaving his family and the rest of us to live with the consequences of his choices.

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