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Robot drywall installer

Drachen_Jager says...

But it's not going to be 1% of the cost for a very, very long time. It probably takes a team of technicians to keep it going right now. 5-10 years from now you can probably get one of those for a hundred grand or so, but maintenance would run you around the same as a full-time drywaller. You're throwing a lot of numbers out there as if they mean something, but they don't. Also, the thing needs downtime to recharge, even once the technology becomes practical and affordable, so 24/7 is not an option. Either you need a worker to replace batteries every few hours, or it needs to plug in to a base station and go offline for significant periods.

ChaosEngine said:

It doesn't matter if it takes 10 times as long if it's 1% of the cost. This thing can work 24/7 without needing any breaks at all.

I'm in the process of designing and building a house right now (as in, I'm paying an architect and builder, not doing it myself).

If my builder came to me and said "hey, we can drop the labour cost of building by 50%, but your house will take an extra month", I'd sign that so fast his head would spin.

Prospect (2018) - Official Trailer

ChaosEngine says...

It looks beautiful, but where's the amazing high concept stuff Dust have been doing?

If you're gonna make a sci-fi movie on another planet, and you're outside the bounds of the studio system, give me an interesting story. Ask some questions about our place in the stars or how technology will shape humanity. Don't give me a story that could have been set in the old west.

How Brexit could create a crisis at the Irish border

Jinx says...

Don't worry, "Technology" will defintely solve the problem.

I can't see it happening in the new future, but the England/Scotland border might be a problem eventually.

The stupidity of it all. "The British people have voted, for, err, something. Honesty we hadn't planned this far ahead. It's a yes to leave, now we need to decide what leave means. Is it soft. Is it hard. We don't know. Nobody knows. Maybe we should have another referendum. You voted for me to lead you but I honestly don't know how now so I'm gonna resign. Over to you Tess. Good luck and sorry."

President of American College of Cardiology: No Meat Is Safe

transmorpher says...

Well you won't die early :-)

They can't do anything about death yet, but people seem confident it's just a matter of time before they solve that too. Who knows, if you make it to 120 like so many Okinawan's do then perhaps it'll get you there. Some people say that if you are able to live until 2060, then they'll have technology that allows you to extend your life for another 80 years - long enough until the next big breakthrough, and so on. It's of course sci-fi right now, but I like the idea of it :-)

Mordhaus said:

So this means if I don't eat meat, I won't die? Ponce de León was looking in the wrong place!


Meet The Trump Fans Of Q-Anon

ChaosEngine says...

This is the paradox of modern politics.

These people are fucking morons of the highest order. They're poorly educated idiots spouting complete nonsense that has zero basis in reality.

In a sane world, we'd ignore them as lunatic outliers. They're not new; they've been here forever, they just change the nonsense.

The problem is that we now live in a world where the most powerful man in the world actively encourages these people, if not explicitly, then at least implicitly with his own brand of deranged paranoia.

The fundamental issue is that internet is great at connecting people, and it doesn't discriminate between connecting Bronies, small-town homosexuals, fans of William Shatner's music, political dissidents in oppressed countries or people who indulge in insane conspiracy theories.

There's no putting that technological genie back in the bottle (and even if we could, the cost would be too great IMO).

So what to do about that?

If we ignore them, they thrive underground and if we give them "airtime" their ranks are bolstered.

I really don't have an answer for this.

Lebanese Trailblazers: Recycling mindsets

C-note says...

Incineration maybe bad, but at least it looks better then a forest full of trash. Maybe incineration combined with emissions capture techniques, but that technology is not cheap yet.

Black Panther — Creating an Empathetic Villain

LiquidDrift says...

Don't get why this movie was so popular, it had so many problems! The main one being they have a futuristic afro society (awesome!), but it's a monarchy (oh), and one that is determined by single combat (what?). It's not even fair single combat, the panther tribe gets to take performance enhancing drugs. Then the king loses and there is a coup because they don't like the new guy. Are they not smart enough to have a modern democracy? Did they learn their lesson after the coup? Nope!

Let's put aside that vibranium makes no sense and just say they have super technology - flying cars, lasers, etc. Yet they are running around with swords, spears and war rhinos! They put a lot of lip service towards helping people world-wide yet their own people are still living in huts! Why do they have a segregated military, when is that ever good?

Killmonger was a decent villain though, I'll give them that, mostly because most superhero villains are one dimensional mindlessly evil fools.

Aston Martin V8 Cygnet

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Luscombe Annual Inspection 2018

KrazyKat42 says...

Looks like the plane will last forever. That old technology is better than the new stuff in many ways. The controls are all hard-wired with mechanical linkages. The magneto means the engine keeps running even if the the alternator or battery fails.

Even with no electric power, a pilot can keep flying.

How to Debunk Transgender Madness in 2 Minutes

Mordhaus says...

Researchers found that disabling the fucose mutarotase (FucM) gene in laboratory mice – which influences the levels of estrogen to which the brain is exposed – caused the female mice to behave as if they were male as they grew up.

"The mutant female mouse underwent a slightly altered developmental programme in the brain to resemble the male brain in terms of sexual preference" said Professor Chankyu Park of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in Daejon, South Korea, who led the research.



Study shows Transgender brains more closely resemble brains of the sex they align with, rather than what they were born with.

Julie Bakker, who led the research, utilized 160 MRI scans of transgender people diagnosed with gender dysphoria when they were either kids or in their teens. These scans also measured the brain’s microstructures with a technique called diffusion tensor imaging.

After all of these scans were made, they were then compared with people of the same age who had not been diagnosed with gender dysphoria. The study found that transgender boys’ and transgender girls’ brain activity corresponded to both cisgender boys and girls. The MRI tests examined brain activity after an exposure to a steroid and measured gray matter as well.

Bakker believes that this research could be used to help children at an earlier day who’re diagnosed with gender dysmorphia. Bakker stated:

"Although more research is needed, we now have evidence that sexual differentiation of the brain differs in young people with GD, as they show functional brain characteristics that are typical of their desired gender.”


[This study is also in line with multiple previous studies done since 2011, with MRI results showing differences. The major change with this study is that it involved children who had not been exposed to hormone treatment and that were pre-pubescent. - Mordhaus]


As long as they aren't hurting anyone and any sexual interactions are between consenting adults, who cares if it is genetic or behavioral? Personally, I don't even give a fuck if people use different bathrooms. If a cis gender woman wanted to use the Men's restroom, I would say "Go for it, just don't flip out if you see a dick or two." Same goes for vice versa.

This lady is welcome to her opinion, but science is starting to weigh against her in increasing degrees. At a certain point, this is going to be equivalent to the Flat Earth people, if it isn't already.

Well I never in all my life

b4rringt0n says...

Makes me realize how much we take technology and instant access to information for granted.

Imagine having to search index cards and then go and physically get the book and see if the information you want is in there. If not go back and start again!

Public libraries have only been around since around mid 1800's, so before then knowledge was only available to the very few educated/privileged people.

Roller Coaster Training for Toddlers

Roller Coaster Training for Toddlers

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