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“Don’t Look Up” in Real Life

newtboy says...

19 of the 20 hottest years ever recorded have occurred in the last 21 years.
8 of the hottest 8 years ever recorded were the last 8 years.

Black is not white. Up is not down. Hot is not cold….no matter how many times you say it, Bob. Being too dumb to even understand the science or its implications have you just denying it….like if you don’t understand it must not be true. 🤦‍♂️
It is well known that the right’s MO is to just lie about what their opponent claims, then debunk their own lie, ignoring the actual claims. It’s the best you can do, and the right’s constituents are so intellectually absent, incurious, and not just willing but wanting to be spoon fed propaganda that you buy it without ever investigating a thing. I know this to be true, because everyone who actually looks at the data (and doesn’t just misrepresent it completely) comes to the same conclusion (unless they’re selling something).

2030 did not come from Greta. It came from multiple climate reports, except for those who said we had less time.
It’s a purposeful intent to mislead the public to say the reports say ultimate disaster happens in 2030, they don’t, and the right knows they don’t say that and knows that’s not what climate activists say either…it says at current rates (when the report was written) by 2030 1.5C rise would be locked in, unavoidable. CO2 can last 300-1000 years actively in the atmosphere. Stopping adding CO2 and methane when we are at the line of 1.5C rise is planning for disaster with no backup and no margin for error when the stakes are literally survival of the species and civilization. In fact, rates have increased since the data was collected, so 2030 is too late….2000 may have been too late to stop runaway climate change, but we can still minimize or slow the impacts.

1.5C is when we lose control and feedback loops (likely) take over our ability to have any control. It’s too bad so many idiots are too dumb to comprehend that yet still have the resources to effect the outcome. “Mea culpa” isn’t going to restore the planet when they finally admit the undeniable, neither is their heads on pikes nor their children being used as food, but that’s where we’re going. Too bad we aren’t there yet, it would save a hell of a lot of problems if we just eradicated the irresponsible money worshiping morons in favor of people who put a livable planet above record quarterly profits.

bobknight33 said:

Climate change denial

The New MAGA Commercial For Greg Abbot- Whose Choice

newtboy says...

Do 20% of cakes just catch fire in the oven with a good chance of ruining the oven if not the entire house and cook?
Do 3%+ catch fire, endangering the oven and cook, then “survive” (even if the cook doesn’t) as terrified burnt blobs of bread suffering in agony while the cooks waste their lives taking care of those inedible unwanted suffering cakes?
How many cakes are forced on cooks against their will?
Pretty weak analogy, Bill….and Bob.

At least HE admits he just thinks it’s a baby, but he doesn’t know. If only fascist team anti-choice anti-freedom anti-autonomy could.

I do agree with the too many fucking people part, and anything that helps with that without causing suffering is a good thing. Abortion is firmly in that category. Edit: so is birth control, another thing the right opposes.

Why GM Says Its Ultium Batteries Will Lead To EV Dominance

newtboy says...

You really are a silly little toddler, aren’t you? Reading comprehension is clearly not a strong suit.
I read 6 articles YESTERDAY, not ever. I know, that sounds impossible at your reading level. You read what, press releases from Elon (but only the positive ones), internet videos from other Tesla fan boys whose channels are dedicated to supporting Tesla, and that’s it?

If you followed it, why do you get literally EVERYTHING wrong when you give statistics or even stated plans for the business? Why do you think a 32% drop is only 20%? Why do you think a 10% cut in employees and hiring freeze is a massive expansion? Why do you think an under 2% market share makes Tesla a competitor with trillion dollar well established companies? Why do you think right before a 1/3 drop in value is “the best time ever to buy, go all in”. Why do you think a stock above 100PE is a good buy? Why do you think the 1/3 drop is 100% due to Biden’s politics over the last 18 months (despite the massive gains it saw under Biden from the 800s to 1200s)? Why do you still say it’s a great time to buy despite Biden having 2 1/2 years left in his FIRST term, so what you claim is bringing Tesla down isn’t going to change? If you really follow Tesla, or if you really believe what you write, it only makes you look more delusional for the conclusions you reach based on the same information I’m reading.

No heart, no heartbeat. Yep. Just like that, where you claim a heart that doesn’t exist beats. You are a service tech at best, a barely literate pinball repairman with an ignorant opinion, not a doctor.

You just can’t stop with the delusions, can you. Bob, did you hit your head? You keep misremembering things over and over and over and over, but you are just certain you remember everything correctly.

It’s true…I did read some (probably near 50 by now) scientific articles (not religious propaganda), talked to dozens of doctors I knew personally (not random unlicensed techs with zero medical training, none required), took advanced biology and anatomy and organic chemistry classes where I got A’s in science consistently (you did not).
What did you read to decide there’s a heartbeat 6-10 weeks before a heart forms? Oh…nothing, you listened to some anti choice liar who said it and maybe a few device techs (without medical training) and you like the idea because it helps strip rights from women, who like everyone that’s not a white male Trumpist, you hate.

Really?! You try to ridicule me for talking to doctors, going to school, and reading, and think you know all about prenatal biology because you talked to some ultrasound device techs without any medical training or licensing who misinterpret a twitch as a “heartbeat” despite there being no heart….not that a heart makes an embryo a functioning human anyway, which IMO should be the deciding factor….if it can survive outside the womb, it’s a viable human, if not, it isn’t…no matter what, it has no right to force another human to be an incubator any more than an ANTIFA diabetic has the right to force you to hand over your kidney.

A heart that doesn’t exist can’t beat.

bobknight33 said:

You read 6 articles and know it all.

I've follow this daily since Jan 2020. But your right. You are "always " right.

Like the fetus heartbeat starts around week 7 or 8. I say this because I've been servicing medical ultrasound since 2021. I've seen more and listen to more techs than you ever could.

But you say, since your mom work at at the hospitable rand you read some articles you conclude just a electrical twitch.

Maybe you are the C) answer from above.

New York Nuclear PSA what to do in case of an attack

BSR says...
StukaFox said:

A car would be a perfect place to shelter:

1. The windscreen blocks UV light.
2. A car isn't going to collapse on you.
3. The car has actual shock absorbers to absorb the ground shock.
4. The car isn't innately flammable and even has a thermal barrier in the paint, metal and insulation.
5. The car has a radio.
6. The car is mobile and can (to whatever degree roads are passable) get you out of danger.
7. The car has a trunk to hold containers of water safely (double-safely if they're inside an ice chest inside the trunk)
8. You can sleep in a car.
9. In any circumstance in which a car was destroyed by the blast/heat, you were fucked anyway.

C-note (Member Profile)

Biden and the June job reports

mram says...

What an amazingly inaccurate statement.

Contextually, during Trump, I ended up with less money in my pocket. If you're going to be absolutist, you're completely wrong. The question you now have to ask is ... just how wrong are you?

Out of context, there are so many ways Captain Orange made us worse. What you're saying with this one statement is so worshipping that you really need therapy, unless you're a white nationalist bigot woman hating insolent xenophobe, which he pushed into the mainstream and made the US a laughing stock in the world.

Note I'm not saying you are, truly, but captain orange is a really really bad person and should not ever be the national leader of anything - except a poster child of how not to behave and model your children from. The only reason he survives at all is R solidarity and horse-blinder politics.

bobknight33 said:

Trump, for all his BS turned America around and mad all of us better.

Whatever Happened to the Bee Apocalypse?

newtboy says...

Um, I notice their data ends in 2012 - 2015, while CCD was just becoming a serious issue. My last 3 hives had CCD.
Can bees be repopulated, yes, by splitting remaining hives and ramping up distribution channels, but that’s not sustainable and lowers the hive production to dangerously low levels. Hives can produce honey or new bees, but not both in large quantities.
Also, it’s an expensive proposition, rehiving. A nuc costs $200, a new clean hive another $250+- with a near 50% chance it won’t survive each year, it’s an expensive hobby and a real loss when they go down. Eventually people will give up trying in large quantities, then what?
And, as mentioned, wild bees pollinate most plants, and no one is working hard and making money producing large quantities of wild bee hives.

Over the last decade, the numbers have changed. There has been a severe decline in domestic bee population while demand has risen. Also, the commercial hives left often have been split many times, meaning 20000 is a far more normal population of a hive than 80000, and clearly does less pollinating, less honey production, and less new bee production.

It doesn’t have to be an either or choice, I’ve had beehives and fostered wild bee habitat at the same time. I have 30 fruit trees, I need all the bees I can get to visit.

I think the real answer to why you don’t hear about it as much lately is 1) War in Europe and 2) Coup in America, both of which dominate any news reports.

Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

newtboy says...


I know these are bullshit statistics Bob, because there have been 212 already this year with over 250 deaths in 5 months. Nice try, another easily debunked lie.

Edit: There we’re another 9 killed (and 63 more injured) in 14 mass shootings just this weekend, including 6 kids under 15 in just one.

the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics’ National Crime Victimization Survey puts the number of citizens who prevent crimes by using guns much lower than 2.5 million the NRA often claims -- about 67,740 times a year….and in the vast majority of those they never shoot those guns.
Edit: The CDC report you cited said maybe 108,000 times per year guns were used in defense, not 750000- 1.5 million….but noted the statistics they used were incomplete and unreliable….and also noted that accidents and suicides alone vastly outweigh any positive statistic.

the Violence Policy Center statistics showed that in 2012, there were 259 justifiable self-defense homicides in which victims turned the tables, not 2 million.
They also show the theft of about 232,000 guns each year -- about 172,000 of them during burglaries. That’s a ratio of one justifiable homicide for every 896 guns put into the hands of criminals. Is that what you call “successful policy”?

By the end of 2019, there were 417 mass shootings in the U.S., according to data from the nonprofit Gun Violence Archive (GVA), which tracks every mass shooting in the country. Thirty-one of those shootings were mass murders. What is your definition of “mass shooting” because it’s clearly not any time 3 or more are shot by one person.

Abortions account for 0% of deaths each year….but it was targeted with outrageously regressive misogynistic laws that make women incubators without any rights including no rights to contraception. A bit more draconian than having to get a background check to buy guns, don’t you think?

On average, more than 360 people in the USA are shot every day and survive – at least long enough to get to a hospital.
In 2017, some 39,773 died from gunshot injuries, an average of nearly 109 people each day. Per capita, this is significantly higher than in other industrialized countries. The rates of gun homicide are much higher in states with higher gun ownership. More guns equate to higher crime and murder rates, not lower. That is consistent over time.

No, bob….that’s according to the NRA, not the CDC….unless you count any crime stopped or caught by police because they all have guns, but that’s not what you claimed.

900 mass shooting fatalities in what timeframe bob?

Where do you get these insane statistics bob? Your behind?

Bob, no country slaughters more of its citizens than the US thanks to guns.

It’s almost 3 times as likely someone in your home will be shot if you have a gun.

In 2020, 54% of gun homicides are suicides. (Pew)

Again, cite your sources. I know you can’t because it would be too embarrassing for you to admit they came from THE NRA, Glen Beck, or some other nut job liar….or straight from your own ass.

bobknight33 said:

*fake statistics*

Arabian Dance AcroDuoBallet

The $5BN Mega Resort in the Desert

newtboy says...

I hope this monument to opulence fails miserably and the developers lose their shirts.
There’s no way they won’t damage or destroy that reef.
The first big storm is going to destroy much of the sand island.
But, 10% are special protection zones! Won’t matter, they can’t survive if huge amounts of the non protected reef are destroyed.

Not to mention sea level rise will put it underwater quickly, it’s barely above current sea level in the plans.

Look at Mexico, dozens of comparatively tiny resorts not even on the reefs, but on land, and that reef is not 10% what it was in the mid 80’s. Building ON the reef is guaranteed to destroy it, as is tourism.

I hate when companies are allowed to build on natural wonders to exploit the beauty, they invariably destroy that beauty within decades. That entire reef/coastline should be off limits to construction so the two desert properties have an attraction. When the reefs die from sun tan lotion poisoning, bleaching, sand displacement, accidents with supply ships, the first major fuel spill, etc, that place will be a $5 billion waste, abandoned to the desert.

Remember the “islands of the world” project in Dubai? This sounds even less thought out than they were, more ecologically disastrous, needing more infrastructure to be built, requiring ships to bring fuel as there’s no nearby port to run pipelines from (guaranteeing oil spills). All for what? So billionaires can get off their yachts for a while in luxury?

Wiki-Significant changes in the maritime environment [of Dubai]. As a result of the dredging and redepositing of sand for the construction of the islands, the typically crystalline waters of the Persian Gulf at Dubai have become severely clouded with silt. Construction activity is damaging the marine habitat, burying coral reefs, oyster beds and subterranean fields of sea grass, threatening local marine species as well as other species dependent on them for food. Oyster beds have been covered in as much as two inches of sediment, while above the water, beaches are eroding with the disruption of natural currents.

That was a $12 billion project to exploit the pristine coast and beautiful waters that no longer exist, the islands themselves are sinking and eroding, most were evacuated or never used at all, the water is now mud colored, the reefs are gone. An unmitigated disaster. This sounds extremely similar.

Oppose this and similar projects.

We WILL Fix Climate Change!

newtboy says...

Can you explain? I seriously doubt it.

When did China ever eradicate more people than they created over the same period of time? China adds 50000 people PER DAY. It took 8 years for them to incarcerate 1million Uyghers….most survived.

If you birth more than you eradicate, you culled nothing. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

China did some thinning of the global herd.

Ukrainian cocktails made with a splash of Napalm

newtboy says...

They are being indiscriminately bombed and shelled. This started before civilians took up arms en masse. I fail to see how fighting back makes their position worse…it seems to have done the opposite.
I believe NOT fighting back reduces the chances for survival for anyone who has supported democracy in Ukraine in the last decade. Putin will label them all terrorists and execute the lot of them if he’s not removed.

noims said:

I do agree. However, I would have thought arming untrained civilians with napalm and (as I understand it) assault rifles reduces the chances of survival for them and their neighbours.

Ukrainian cocktails made with a splash of Napalm

noims says...

I do agree. However, I would have thought arming untrained civilians with napalm and (as I understand it) assault rifles reduces the chances of survival for them and their neighbours.

vil said:

If you fight a war you have to use everything you have. The only limiting factor is own survival and post war public opinion,[...]

Ukrainian cocktails made with a splash of Napalm

vil says...

If you fight a war you have to use everything you have. The only limiting factor is own survival and post war public opinion, decided largely by who wins. There is nothing moral or legal about wars, every bet is all-in.

You only want to wage wars with clear objectives that at least your own population understands and that you know you will win, and be able to justify after the war is over.

Putin got something wrong. Or everything.

Critical Race Theory: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

C-note says...

"... children of color learn about race from a very young age..."

Children of color have to learn and become experts about race, racism and racists because their survival in america depends on it.

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