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Lucy TRAILER 1 (2014) - Luc Besson, Scarlett Johansson Movie

ChaosEngine says...

So we have two possible explanations:

1. A party girl who isn't shown to be particularly intelligent ends up OD'ing on the drugs she was forced to mule. She slips into an elaborate fantasy about having superpowers as a coping mechanism and makes up some bullshit "10% of your brain" as aher uneducated way of rationalising it


2. Meth gives you superpowers (kinda want that on a tshirt now )

And you think 2 is less ridiculous?!

I'm not really serious though. The "it was all a dream" thing was a hack cliche before most of us were 10, so yeah, it's a shitty cop out.

That said, I fully expect to enjoy this movie as a fun popcorn flick. The 5th element had a ridiculous premise too (an evil rock must be stopped by love!) but that still turned out awesome. I don't think this will be that good, but I'm willing to give it a chance.

newtboy said:

I agree, film needs visual cues, but making her vision work like a touch screen is a HORRIBLE device for least to me.
Wait...OTHERWISE it's just ridiculous?!? HA! Either way it's ridiculous!
I just hate movies that give the impression that they thought up some inventive method to make their insanity make sense, then crap out at the end and say "it was a dream, no explanation needed". That's simply poor writing and lack of imagination to me. (I must say it does one positive thing for me, it leaves the end a tragedy after building to a 'win' for the hero....but in an incredibly cheap and unsatisfying way).
Far better for me is how they did it in "Wages of Fear" (my favorite movie, from the 50's) where the hard fought survival and triumph can be ruined by a moment of inattentive joy.

Lucy TRAILER 1 (2014) - Luc Besson, Scarlett Johansson Movie

ChaosEngine says...

Meh, film is a visual medium... you do need some kind of indication to the audience.

And I actually kinda hope that's the plot, otherwise it's just ridiculous.

On the plus side, Heisenberg will be pleased.... meth gives you superpowers!!!

newtboy said:

I hate that she has amazing mental powers, but still needs to wave her hand at things to use those mental powers, like the drug had turned the world into a touch screen. Looks fun, but DUH.

EDIT: Oh NOOOO! Did I just figure out that most of this movie (all the good parts) is going to turn out to be her hallucination due to overdose of the drug she's carrying, then she'll die at the end of the overdose (like Suckerpunch)?
PLEASE NOOOO! If so, please just shit can this movie now.

Abby Martin denounces Russian actions in Ukraine

chingalera says...

"Above all my heart goes out to the Ukrainian people, who are now wedged as pawns in the middle of a global power chess game. They're the real losers here.

'All we can do now is hope for a peaceful outcome for a terrible situation and prevent another full-blown Cold War between multiple superpowers.

'Until then, I'll keep telling the truth as I see it.'-from rant transcript

lucky760 said:

"In an appalling rant, Abby Martin unapologetically proclaims that the people of Ukraine are losers."

Dupe of Morgan Freeman iPad Portrait Vid? (Sift Talk Post)

Incredible Sex = Horrible Death

Obamacre Navigators Exposed Coaching Applicants to Lie

enoch says...

@lantern53 @bobknight33

just saying. @RFlagg is correct.
obamacare is a republican policy,or was initially.

and @lantern53
what is this drivel?:"hey RFlagg, you don't understand insurance, or business, or economics...all you know is what makes a utopia, and like all progressives, you don't know how to go about it, so you just make up rules, and devise policies, none of which work, but you have awesome intentions and the world would be a perfect place if only you were in charge.".

you peered into @RFlagg 's soul and discerned his innermost philosophies and all you could come up with is some one dimensional,vapid blather about "utopia"?

what special tool did you use to discern his most intimate visions and philosophies?
crystal ball?
are you a mystic?
did you fall into a vat of nuclear waste and survived only to find out you had superpowers to peer into a mans soul?

come on man.
what you posted in not only intellectually dishonest,it lacks imagination.
if you had shown some flair at least i could appreciate your comment for its creativity.
but its just the usual boring clever monkey flinging poop.

same animal.
i thought most people had come to terms that we were all being manipulated by those who wish to dominate and oppress in order to retain their silver crown.

you have more in common with Rflagg than you do with the very people fucking you and your family in the ass.
doesnt matter which team they play for.

disagree with him all you want but stop buying into this "republican versus democrat" bullshit line.
they are in a small club.
you aint in will never be in it.
they dont like you..they will never like you.
the political class serves their own interests.
you? you can go fuck yourself.

or continue bickering with people you have more in common with while the elite class (that are holding all the cards) ass-rapes your kids future.

they like serves their interests.
a tool.
for the slave masters.

Antboy Trailer

Atheist in the Bible Belt outs herself because she is MORAL

Retroboy says...

Both true, but that's not always the root purpose.

Viewpoints and particularly very strong opinions and beliefs spread through communication. Some people are saying something that others find objectionable and they don't want it to go unchallenged.

I'm more concerned here about a famous reporter from a first world superpower asking such a question in the first place. What kind of crazy twisted media engine would allow pushing this point the way he did?

SDGundamX said:

Here's what I took away from reading through this insanely long thread:

1) You're extremely unlikely to change a total stranger's opinion about something deeply personal such as religion with an Internet comment.
2) That doesn't seem to discourage some people from trying.

That is all.

Police perform illegal house-to-house raids in Boston

Fletch says...

Are you fucking high? I can't believe some of the stupidity coming from some of you people. This is even dumber than the ridiculous tack of @eric3579's comments (although I haven't read further than this comment yet, so maybe he pulled his head out later. EDIT: Nope!).

Bombing suspects weren't enough of a threat?!?! You mean the bombing suspects who detonated two bombs during the marathon, executed an MIT policeman while he sat in his car, committed a carjacking and didn't kill the driver only because he wasn't an American, then engaged Boston police in a car chase and gun battle during which they threw several explosives, and one of the "suspects" ran over his own fucking brother so he could get away? Those bombing suspects? "Just isn't any way" they were enough of a threat?

Look, I've been very vocal about my hatred of police, and it pisses me off to see the citizens of Boston engage in the pathetically effusive hero-worship of police who were just doing what taxpayers pay them to do, but this whole argument that the warrantless searching of homes in an area police believed the remaining suspect to be hiding is just daft and has NO MERIT, not unlike the suspicion that this was some sort of compliance test on the populace that @newtboy "heard some say", which is firmly in Alex Jones/Glenn Beck thousand-yarder territory. Maybe the government just really wanted to get into a few homes and look around without warrants, and the best idea they could come up with was to blow some people up, eh? What sorts of secrets do you think were surreptitiously gleaned from those searched homes that would justify such a huge and deadly ruse? Maybe they just wanted to find out if residents in a search area for an extremely and demonstrably violent suspect would be stupid enough to resist efforts to actually locate and apprehend him. Compliance test... give me a fucking break.

You believe the police should have whittled the the search area down to a single home, got a warrant, and then knocked on the door with their guns holstered? Do you also believe that the police can read minds, or have powers of perception that the rest of us don't? Maybe you think the movies are accurate, and anything that happens anywhere can be played back in HD by the police because some super-secret satellite gets it on video. They're dicks, but they don't have superpowers and can't know everything with certainty, and I think they did a good job in a relatively short period of time of homing in and getting those assholes. What I find amazing is the criticism being leveled at them for doing exactly what they were supposed to do. If I'm being held against my will by someone who just blew up a marathon, killed a cop, and ran over his own brother to get away, the cops sure as shit better be actively searching my neighborhood, and not holding back for lack of warrants or knowledge of exactly which house he's in.

Other people here have tried to explain what exigant circumstances are, and why they most definitely applied in this case, but some of you just prefer to see bogeymen everywhere. Maybe you need to, for some reason.

grinter said:

There just isn't any way that the bombing suspects represented enough of a threat to warrant door to door searches at gunpoint. This is even clearer than the post 9/11 'torture' debate... and that was pretty clear.
If the police really had probable cause to enter those homes, then they would have walked out of each of them with a man in handcuffs.

Atomic bomb blast wave

Kaley Cuoco Finds her Super Hero Within

If You Elect Romney You're Electing Every...

Murgy says...

>> ^TangledThorns:

Maher really should stop smoking so much weed at the Playboy mansion and get some fresh air instead of pushing false equivalencies. A vote Obama is a vote for the same policies that are tearing down Europe like Greece and Spain. See what I did there?

Made an unsubstantiated claim? Equated the economic situation of a world superpower to countries with a fraction of the GDP? Blamed downturns in the global economy on an opposing political ideology, as opposed to an economic one? Pretended that America's economic degradation was something that began with, and would end with, your current administration?
Indeed, I saw these things quite clearly.

America: Land of Socialism - Thomas Peterffy

thejsmithba says...

Peterffy is right on everything except that voting Republican will help solve the problem. Both democrats and republicans strongly support social welfare/safety nets, bailouts, big military/national security spending, and many other forms of government expansion. The LIBERTARIANS are presently the only major party that is a realistic alternative to the socialist/Keynesian agenda. Too much socialism will eventually destroy the economic power of the USA. Many people, unfortunately do not understand this concept because 1) the major socialist/communist superpowers of years ago have collapsed and are long gone (and the horrors of those regimes are largely forgotten), and 2) People have become increasingly dependent on social programs, subsidies, & government employment to survive.

As Upton Sinclair once said, "It's difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it." How do you explain to a government worker that people in the private sector make 35% less in pay & benefits? You don't, they'll still ask for more by striking & threatening to shut down 'indispensable' government services--and they'll get what they want every time because their employer is already in the business of giving handouts. When they win it will be reported as a 'victory for labor' or the 'middle class', but it's really only a victory for the ballooning protected government/elite class. How do you explain to a long-time welfare recipient that the check won't be in the mail this month? You don't. You buy votes with social programs or the promise of a cushy government job. This is how the slippery slope of socialism works and eventually there will be more people in the wagon than are actually pulling it. The economy will gradually become less innovative, creative, dynamic, & productive as a result. The overall standard of living will decline and there will be continued threats to freedom & prosperity.

Socialist policies may have great intentions, but the actual results are often very different from such great intentions. As the old saying goes..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions". Socialism is a great example of such a road. Unfortunately many people have to see it to believe it.

TED: Are robots stealing our jobs?

CreamK says...

Nice idea but if only measure is money, then it's gonna be dystopia. Economic superpowers aren't looking for happiness, end of poverty etc. They are looking for profit. Less people to share that profit means.. yes, more profit. They don't care about poverty, poverty means more profit. If persons value and importance is measured by materia, everyone is then forced to gather more and more stuff just to appear to be in the same level as your peers.

That's why you want that new iPhone.. You don't actually need it. Once you bought it you find things that are handy but you managed to those exact things perfectly fine before. So now every brokeass mom with two jobs and barely enough money to feed their young have the latest smartphones..

Just stupid, technology should be used to better mankind not to invent more needs we didn't have before. We have enough of them already.. Once we have provided food and shelter for everyone on this planet then start inventing that secondary stuff.

So yes, i'm positive too, we COULD get an utopia but money can't be the sole value in that society.

UK Threatening to Raid Ecuador Embassy to Get Julian Assange

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Talk about wreckless, how about state-sanctioned murder by helicopter of journalists? Isn't Wikileaks doing a service to humanity by getting this information out? Doesn't this trump "putting our operatives in danger"? >> ^Hybrid:

From the article: "But despite similar warnings ahead of the previous two massive releases of classified U.S. intelligence reports by the website, U.S. officials concede that they have no evidence to date that the documents led to anyone's death."
Oh, so someone has to die first before it's branded reckless. I get it now.
>> ^dag:
You might want to read this. No state wants its secrets revealed - especially when they are violating international law, but sunshine is the best disinfectant. >> ^Hybrid:
Well I think the charges are likely to be espionage related, and I think they can easily be applied. Some documents leaked named key people in hot spots around the world, and put them and their families in immediate danger. This is the reckless part of Assange that I hugely dislike. He doesn't care what's the documents, he just feeds off the controversy. He's not an activist or journalist, he's a walking, talking egotistical, god complex.
>> ^dag:
What would the charges be? - or does that even matter. Seriously - would you charge him with copyright infringement? >> ^Hybrid:
If only it were that simple. Did Assange wake up to all these leaked documents and go "You know what, I'm going to release all these documents belonging to the world's biggest superpower and it will be fine because I'm not a US citizen and therefore they'll just forget about it"?
People get extradited all the time, and not always to their birth countries. The US is currently trying to extradite a UK hacker from the UK. That's right, the UK is debating extraditing one of their own. It happens when you break laws that have international ramifications.
But even if you put all the law/jurisdiction mess aside. It doesn't help that I hugely dislike Assange. He's an egotistical, reckless bastard out to promote his own name. Secondly, I hate The Young Turks. Cenk says Assange is being extradited for "actually doing journalism". Oh fuck off Cenk, releasing a bunch of documents in their raw format, is NOT journalism. Anybody could do that.
>> ^dag:
Just because the documents were classified by the US government - why is it binding on someone who is not a citizen of the US?
If Iran marks their nuclear enrichment plans as top secret - and they wind up on Wikileaks - do you also think Assange should be extradited to Iran to stand trial?
>> ^Hybrid:
I have no issue with seeing Mr. Assange being extradited to the US via Sweden. He made a conscious choice to leak knowingly classified information, now it's time to face the music.

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