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Russell Brand debates Nigel Farage on immigration

billpayer says...

@enoch .At no point did I say stupid. I said 'you'd have to be ignorant to not understand the facts about immigration'. Which is true.
Facts are facts. I'm not demonizing, that is something THE SUN and MIRROR do to immigrants on a daily basis.

It was @A10anis who used the words "you are joking', half wit, childish, shut up, STUPIDEST"

btw. I agree with your point "the argument is always power vs powerlessness." and I also enjoy your videos.

enoch said:


i dont really understand your attack tactics.
what does it serve?
@A10anis may be many things,but stupid and ignorant are not one of them.

Russell Brand debates Nigel Farage on immigration

A10anis says...

"Russell Brand destroys Nigel Farage on immigration"???
I can only assume you are joking. Brand was WAY out of his depth. In fact, much as I dislike the pseudo revolutionary, vainglorious half wit, I actually felt sorry for him. He was put firmly in his place by one astute person; "If you think you can, why don't you stand (for election)?" His response; " Mate, I'm frightened I'd become one of them." So, he doesn't even have confidence in his own childish rhetoric. He calls for anarchy just as long as he is not at the helm. He should put up, or shut up. Oh, and his call for people not to vote is one of the stupidest, most irresponsible things I have heard in a while.

World's Biggest Idiot Invents The Boiling Water Challenge

May well be the stupidest thing ever said in a church

DuoJet says...

Sure, it's stupid,but it's far from the stupidest thing ever said in church. I'd wager that it's not in the top 5 stupidest things said that session.

May well be the stupidest thing ever said in a church

SquidCap says...

That is a tought category but my price for stupidest thing said was:

"This is the Book we should all live by but you can't read it, only i can"

Hard Not To Like WWE Wrestling After This

Yogi says...

They brought back Batista to ruin the awesome storyline of Daniel Bryan meeting CM Punk at Wrestlemania with Bryan winning the Rumble. They brought back Brock to take the Streak from the Undertaker in the stupidest way imaginable.

They have fucked up so much in the past few months that they've lost me as a viewer. Only the WWE could get me to cheer for Cancer!

Tupac makes lawyer look like a fool

korsair_13 says...

The Lawyer isn't the one getting fooled, he be getting paid for doing the stupidest, easiest to lose case ever. He may not be very moral, but he is still sucking money out of the idiots who thought that suing a musician for their music's alleged influence on the behavior of society was a right/good/viable thing to do.

If this is American teacher education, we're all doomed...

budzos says...

This is really pretty horrifying, and gave me flashbacks to early school where the teacher would try to make you repeat things like this, as if saying it two words at a time makes it stick. Hey here's an idea how about giving me credit for being able to remember more than two words at a time? No, we have to design the teaching method towards the stupidest people in the room, who are not going to benefit from education anyways, rendering the entire system largely pointless? OK.

Only Canadian Hockey Fights End This Way

artician says...

Grace, skill, teamwork... Hockey would be my favorite sport if it weren't for this.

Professional Hockey Players are, and let me make sure my little 'ol opinion here is clear, THE biggest fucking pussies of any sportsmen in the history of humanity.

There is some magical combination of rules, history and fan-service here that have allowed for this literal intellectual retardation of behavior in sports that is unique to hockey.

Hockey: One of Earths greatest sports.
Hockey: Earths stupidest athletes.

noam chomsky-confronted by right wing zombie

Yogi says...

I remember watching this a long time ago, after watching tons of talks where Chomsky was introduced with that New York Times quote and corrected and expanded on it. I've heard him do the same thing in a dozen interviews, so if this guy had listened to just about ANY Chomsky he would've heard him correct it before. He was glad Chomsky missed the correction this time and was using it to go for what he thought was his jugular.

I've read over 50 Chomsky books, dozens of his essays and listened to over a hundred interviews. I don't agree with him on several things and I would LOVE IT if anyone who wanted to argue with Chomsky would fucking bring any of those up.

Whenever Chomsky gives a talk there's either:

1. Worshipers who praise him for days without bringing up anything interesting.

2. Whiny Fucking College Kids who complain that it's really hard and my feet hurt after protesting a couple times. This dude has seen people stand up for things knowing they'd probably be killed for doing so, don't bore him with your stories of woe you little whiny hipster pussies.

Finally 3. People who hate him and frame their arguments in the stupidest way possible making it plainly clear that they have never read his arguments in anyway shape or form. You don't want to read or listen to him Fucking Fine, he isn't god he's just a dude. But mother fucker if you want to argue someone you have to at least hear what they're fucking saying first. Ya know who is most guilty of this by the way, fucking Communists. They come up and yack and yack about shit that Chomsky has never said or endorsed and then blame him for all of Americans actions around the world. It's fucking incredibly to hear and I'm sorry but I just want them to bite the curb because they don't fucking listen.

True Love Tester Bra

Big Budget Hollywood Movie About Noah's Ark with Russel Crow

EMPIRE says...

On one hand, it's Aronofsky, who I really like as a director, and have seen every movie except The Black Swan. The Fountain is actually one of my favorite movies.

On the other hand, it's one of the stupidest biblical stories for which I have absolutely no respect at any level.

Sportsmanship And A Big F**k You To The Ref

Yogi says...

As a referee the ref does make us look bad. He's just not used to this sort of situation, he's used to players screaming and crying for everything in the world even the smallest stupidest of perceived slights. He probably has whiplash from jerking his head around to listen to whiny players.

At this level though especially you should be able to feel the temperature of the game and the expectations of players. He could've let this go and been pragmatic but he didn't and that's a shame. No doubt this was a long conversation after with him and his coach and ARs so he's likely to never make this mistake again. Also it shows a great example to referees like me to be mindful of these sort of situations.

The Stupidest Thing I Have Ever Seen Any Human Being Do

The Beerglass That May Save Humanity

artician says...

This is one of the stupidest things I've seen on the internet.

1) condensation
2) if you're out, and on your phone, you'll probably not be out long
3) I've seen people do this at social situations they don't want to be at. Most who are at a bar, want to be there.
4) if not number 3, then number 2.
5) forget it... this video is not even worth the effort.

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