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Guy Removes Swarming Bees on Vehicle with his Hands!!

DrNoodles says...

Three weeks ago I was riding my motorcycle when I felt an immediate and painful sting in the fleshy underside of the knuckle of my ring finger. Stung REAL bad.

I whipped my hand up off the clutch to see what the pain was to find a fucking bee had flew ass first at 80km/h(50mph) into me. Everything below the bee's knees was hanging out of my hand!!

I quickly came to a stop and yanked the ass off my hand but the stinger was firmly lodged in. Trying to grab the very end of it with no nails at all on my stubby fingers, I simply worked the stinger under my flesh completely I then ended up with this painful 5mm diameter blacky/red blotch under my skin, taunting and laughing my inability to do anything about it. Still healing now.

So thank you nature, for reminding me of the importance of riding with gloves. Fucker.

Guy Removes Swarming Bees on Vehicle with his Hands!!

TheFreak says...

When I used to keep bees, I had a buddy with about a hundred hives that I would go out with sometimes to help out. He worked all day long without gloves and rarely got stung...I got stung all the time even with gloves on. It's about how you move and I never mastered it.

After a while stings don't bother you much though. Except on the face or head, that always sucks.

Guy Removes Swarming Bees on Vehicle with his Hands!!

luxury_pie says...

>> ^robbersdog49:

A swarm of bees occurs when they move from an old hive to a new hive. They will settle like this while scouts go looking for a suitable hive location. When they're like this they have nothing to defend. They have no honey and no lavae to look after, so they have no reason to attack anything unnecessarily. So, if you're slow and calm and don't give them a reason to hurt you, they won't. This guy is providing them with what they want - a new hive - and just encouraging them. Once he gets the queen in there the rest will follow. The sugar water just makes them a bit happier and therefore less likely to attack.
When bees sting, they leave the sting behind and this kills them. It's a real last resort. I do a lot of insect photography and it doesn't bother me at all to pick up a bee. Wasps need a little more respect as it doesn't injure them to sting, so they can be a little more trigger happy.

I read that the sting when applied to the enemy acts as marker for other bees, thus it is very likely that he wasn't stung once while moving this hive. This is absolutely amazing. Nice comment robbersdog!

Guy Removes Swarming Bees on Vehicle with his Hands!!

robbersdog49 says...

A swarm of bees occurs when they move from an old hive to a new hive. They will settle like this while scouts go looking for a suitable hive location. When they're like this they have nothing to defend. They have no honey and no lavae to look after, so they have no reason to attack anything unnecessarily. So, if you're slow and calm and don't give them a reason to hurt you, they won't. This guy is providing them with what they want - a new hive - and just encouraging them. Once he gets the queen in there the rest will follow. The sugar water just makes them a bit happier and therefore less likely to attack.

When bees sting, they leave the sting behind and this kills them. It's a real last resort. I do a lot of insect photography and it doesn't bother me at all to pick up a bee. Wasps need a little more respect as it doesn't injure them to sting, so they can be a little more trigger happy.

No Needles - (Advanced) Jet-Injected Drugs

ReverendTed says...

Let's talk about pain for a moment. It's alluded to, but the video and the Wikipedia article don't really specify.
It's stated that this eliminates the needle, but it's only suggested that this is less painful than a needle injection. ("You don't feel the mosquito proboscis.") I'd expect that even without the needle, the rapid delivery of the medication would still produce a sting.
My brief Google research supports that assumption, with sites like this one and this one saying that the current generation of jet injectors can produce a painful sensation depending on a number of individual factors.

This still allows for a greater degree of control (in situations when that type of precision is necessary), and may be of help to individuals with needle phobias, but I'm skeptical about the real utility over the status quo.

Joe Rogan Slams Dr. Drew's Views On Pot

MilkmanDan says...

I've never had pot, or any other illegal drug for that matter. I have never smoked or chewed tobacco, and I actually didn't drink alcohol until I turned 21, and only very rarely since then.

I don't really have any interest in it. I *hate* cigarette smoke, so the primary method of consumption (smoking) is repellant to me. With regards to alcohol, a light buzz is a somewhat good sensation for me but I strongly dislike the feeling of being drunk. I don't mean being hung over, I mean that when I am drunk I can tell that my brain isn't operating at peak efficiency and it just bothers me. That minor positive feeling I get with having 1-2 drinks honestly doesn't justify the cost of alcohol vs other beverages, and that is before the risk of drinking too much and the discomfort of being drunk.

I don't mean to push any of that on anyone -- I know and am friends with a lot of people who like getting drunk, quite a few that like to smoke, and some that smoke pot. I just mention it to present my perspective.

The thing that bothers me about most discussion about pot is that you only hear from the two opposite extremes. You've got your narc ATF-types that tell you that pot is highly addictive, it takes otherwise productive people and makes they lazy and apathetic, it is a surefire gateway to stronger drugs, it ruins lives, etc. etc. Then you've got the High Times-types that tell you that it cures every affliction known to mankind, it has no negative effects whatsoever, and that we might as well grind it up and put it in the water supply or something.

Having had no direct personal experience with it, my best guess is that pot impairs your judgement and mental faculties to a degree roughly equivalent to alcohol, possibly less so. Smoking it probably has negative health consequences roughly similar to smoking tobacco, but probably a little bit less bad -- for one thing, there are probably many more people who smoke a pack or two of cigarettes per day than people who smoke an equivalent number of joints. Less inhaled smoke probably means less detriment to health. In terms of addictiveness, it appears to me that pot is far less addictive than either alcohol OR tobacco.

Combine all that stuff together, and I don't understand why alcohol and tobacco are legal while pot isn't. Prohibition was a disaster, and the war on drugs (particularly pot) seems to be a failure to learn from that. That being said, if a high school student brings alcohol or tobacco to school and gets caught with them, they will probably be confiscated and given some punishment. Contrary to what Rogan says, I have heard of undercover/sting operations to bust underage drinking, particularly in order to punish adults to distribute alcohol to minors. All that is fine with me, probably a good thing.

In this clip, I didn't think that Dr. Drew's statements were all that extreme towards the ATF extreme side -- at least, not really any more than Rogan's were towards the High Times side. Still, upvote for presenting his viewpoint honestly and directly. I think that we need more discussion about this, with the likely result being that we get some real information that lands somewhere in the middle.

Operation Sudden Fall: DEA drug bust at San Diego State U.

swedishfriend says...

Unless you are trying to kill yourself the main reason why people overdose is because of substances being unregulated because of the drug war. So because of one overdose they do a drug war sting resulting in 100 more people's lives being messed up. Oh the irony.

Dark Shadows Trailer

dystopianfuturetoday says...

This doesn't look like it even honors the original. I'm just down on Burton. He used to make great movies. It bums me out to see him follow the career path of Sting and George Lucas. >> ^Boise_Lib:

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
This looks awful.

My view is probably distorted by my love of the original soap-opera.
We used to never miss an episode (or the herbal enhancements we chose) after school.

How to See Underwater Without Goggles

Sagemind says...

Even as a kid going to the pool, we would swim with our eyes open - Ya the clorine would make eye's sting a bit after a while but you get used to it when you go to the pool 2-3 times a week for several hours at ta time.

Moving A Bee Colony By Hand

UsesProzac (Member Profile)

ant says...

In reply to this comment by UsesProzac:
I have thrown cats before, yes. Some cats I've had were unusually aggressive when it came to the food on my plate. I'm allergic to fire ants, in that I hate them and I fear them!
In reply to this comment by ant:
>> ^UsesProzac:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since March 2nd, 2006" class="profilelink"><strong style="color:#ff0000">ant I've always had cats, does that make me an official cat lady? The most we've had as a family is 7 and we've always had at least 1. Right now we have five cats and two dogs.

Seven! Yes. Do you throw cats too? [grin]

Are you allergic to ants like me?

Some people are allergic to ants because of their formic acid in their stings. Fire ants have them for sure. I won't sting you. I promise. O:) Just don't throw cats at me!

Could Use Of Flying Death Robots Be Hurting US Reputation?

Could Use Of Flying Death Robots Be Hurting US Reputation?

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Was Brian Cox wrong? - Sixty Symbols

westy says...

>> ^shole:

Things do need to be simplified when doing a show of a limited time.
They can't do a show where it's like browsing wikipedia, jumping from one subject into some minute detail of it, and digging deeper until you forget what you were studying in the first place.
Not that i would mind if someone were to make a show like that.

exactly but the compromise is not saying verbs and words that have no real meaning. The compromise is saying , " this is what it is called " " these scientists have done x " "the ramifications are y"
and then include links at the end of a show or a short sting that tells people where to go if they are interested in perusing it or what books to read / maths to study.

The general public is ignorant as to what the basic principles of the scientific method are so trying to then explain the more abstract aspects of quantum mechanics is utterly futile.

Still the lecture was a realy good effort and most of it was fantastic , IT is depressing to me that your average joe on the street probably doesn't know of the slit experiment and that a good proportion of the adults in that room with him didn't .

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