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Bees Thrash an Original Instrumental "Bee-Thoven"

BSR says...

Looks like more and more people are losing their jobs to these sons of bees. There's a buzz going around it's really going to sting. In the long run they will probably bumble our way of life. Just be carefull with Every Breath You Take.

ant (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Mine are infinitely better. As a kid, an ant bite (or any sting) would make my entire arm swell until it looked like it might pop. Now I keep bees and barely notice stings. I just quit reacting at some point.
I took shots daily for years (early 80s) to get over food and pollen allergies only to move where there’s different pollen, but it’s still better.

Yep, being old sucks…but I’ve found that for the most part it’s a choice, one easily made by ignoring your best options. I have a bad back, and had a paralyzed dog for 7 years. Together they gave me plenty of excuses to stay on the couch far too much. I honestly feel like I’ve reversed 25 years of aging with just some exercise (consistent long dog walking) and eating just slightly better for 18 months. Since I’m bald, I don’t even have gray hair!

ant said:

Also, my allergies are worse. Ugh. Yeah, being old sucks!!!!!!!!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

What I wrote is 100% true and factually correct, every word. No 1/2 truths or fake reports at all. Prove your contention with evidence and citation, be specific. That makes you run for the hills in silence every time because all you spout is nonsense and fabrication…impossible to provide evidence for a lie, and embarrassing to admit who you believed.

Trump himself said his favorite thing he and his daughter SHARE was sex, and publicly waxed about how great it would be to have sex with her, great ass, great boobs.
Trump himself willingly said on air that he bought a teen beauty pageant intending to use his ownership to go into 14 year old girl’s dressing rooms to leer at them nude and then did so…said it more than once, and said on air that he was obligated to sleep with every contestant. Again, age 14.
Trump and Epstein were self proclaimed “partners in crime” the entire 90’s and most of the 2000’s continuing that relationship for years after Epstein was arrested for child rape. Trump went to child rape island 7 times in 4 years on the flight record (despite having his own plane), I don’t believe there are records of those you accuse…provide them and I’ll admit I’m mistaken.

As for your newest fake Biden story, Statements from a diary published on a dubious website — which themselves have been taken out of context — allegedly came from a misplaced diary written by Ashley Biden and later sold to the repeatedly caught lying and creating false evidence and totally discredited right-wing sting operation Project Veritas, whose hyperbolic and lying founder even said their authenticity couldn't be confirmed.

Sounds like another “Hunter’s laptop”….a bunch of unverifiable unbelievable untrue nonsense coming from people with a massive axe to grind and with absolutely zero indication it’s not a pure fraud but plenty to indicate it is.

Nice try, sucker. They got you again with another fake Biden story with more faked evidence that even the people reporting it to you say is unverified and may be fake. You buy every one like the massive ignorant sucker you are. You will now pretend you never mentioned it because you are such a baby you can never admit being w-w-w-wrong….not ever. It’s a sign of insecurity and an incredibly fragile ego that you think so little of yourself that you believe ever admitting making a mistake might be the last straw for everyone….the opposite is true. The ability to admit a mistake is a sign of strength.

Remember how Trump isn’t mentioned in the Epstein document release…except for all those times he was. Your attempts to impugn Clinton are hilarious…do you think he’s running for office? It’s hilarious you love to try to go after these non politicians with this idiotic nonsense thinking just maybe this time someone will not look into your just plain dumb lies and you might get away with one, finally, and not notice the target is just a private citizen who is not running for office.….but it ain’t gonna happen, sucker. It makes my day to debunk your stupidity, and it’s always so easy it’s fun. You buy the most easily debunked stupidity like it was made just for you…because it is, no one else is gullible enough to keep getting duped by the same liars. 😂

More hard truths…Tacapino just quit all Trump’s cases…he was the last functioning lawyer, the only one with criminal case law experience, now Trump is left with idiotic legal bimbos more interested in their hair than their legal arguments right when he is more legally exposed than he’s ever been. I hope the blowjobs are worth losing all those cases. 😂

bobknight33 said:

More fake or 1/2 truth stories -- Tall tells -- Just what your dumb ass feeds on.

AT least Joe Biden daughter wrote in her diary that Dad regularly showered with her. That more direct evidence than you dribble you peddle.

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith on Donald Trump indictments

newtboy says...

Lol….who cares what disgraced, sanctioned, up for disbarment, Epstein friend and child fucker (Giuffre) Dershowitz says?
He’s proven himself a complete fraud willing to make any claim or accusations in the last 4 years…that or he has complete full blown dementia. He’s a loser…one in the parade of losers…not worth 30 seconds, forget 30 minutes. Get real.

Whatever he said, I’ll bet $ to $ he’s misdirecting at best, more likely totally lying. The case isn’t about Trump’s right to free speech any more than arresting a mobster that set up a hit would be…he only spoke, others did the crimes. Derp…doesn’t work that way sucker.

101 Republican Township Supervisor Robert Holland pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 92-year-old nursing home resident in 2006. He was given a two-to-four-year sentence.

102 Antigay pastor Leonard Ray Owens told a woman who had miscarriage she was possessed by a sex spirit and lesbian demon so he raped her.
103 GOP State Rep & House Minority Leader Galen Fox convicted of molesting a woman who was a flight with him from Honolulu to Los Angeles

104 Albert Andre Zimmerman, a GOP-appointed spokesperson for the State of Florida Department of Children and Families, producing child porn. See also The Wrong Voice

105 The Republican Mayor of Collins Missouri, and Pastor of the Temple Lot Church in Collins, Allen D. Kauffman caught in internet sting by an adult pretending to be 13

106 Dana Rorabacher's aide Jeffrey Nielson, sex with underage boys

107 SD State GOP Rep Ted Klaudt: rape, sexual exploitation of a minor, witness tampering, stalking. Five victims, three foster children who lived with Klaudt.

108 Elyria Ohio city councilman, Republican Joseph Monteleone Jr. was found guilty of fondling underage girls

109 GOP County Commissioner Patrick Lee McGuire child molestation

110 Republican Mayor Jeffrey Kyle Randall was sentenced nine months in jail and six years on probation on charges that he molested two boys

111 Republican Judge Donald Thompson from Oklahoma, was found guilty on four counts of indecent exposure after using a penis pump while presiding over court cases.

112 Ohio GOP Caucus lawyer Stephen Linne - "Naked Photographer" a moniker suggesting his snapping pics of women in the nude was harmless. It was not

113 OP Sheriff candidate Eddie Frankum indicted for sexual harassment and illegally detaining women while police chief.

114 GOP campaign volunteer and national convention delegate Ted Bundy - kidnapping, rape, murder

115 Gun activist Cody Wilson - child sexual assault

116 Christian Television Network entertainer Ronald William Brown convicted for child porn, the rest is just too disturbing to go into

117 GOP state Senate aide Alan Berlin - internet child sex. I don't care about him being a furry. I know a few furries who are lovely people, including one of my nephews. They are not pedophiles and the headline is offensive.

118 Trump White House aide Rob Porter - domestic violence

119 Roger Ailes, Republican propagandist, sexual harassment

120 Jason Miller, Trump campaign staffer and Trump advocate on CNN - poisoned ex with abortion pill It's not the sex, it's not the desire for abortion, it's the doing it against her will

121 GOP megadonor Steve Wynn - sexual harassment

122 Former Republican Michael Cohen used threats and money to silence women and reporters who could expose sexual predator

123 GOP Sen Patrick Meehan - sexual harassment

124 GOP Congressman Blake Farenthold - sexual harassment

125 Former Republican WY Sec of State Ed Murray - sexual assault

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ponder this….how long will it take to post them all???

25 more high powered Republican sex offenders…just gotta love #30!

26 Republican legislative aide *Howard L. Brooks** was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography.
27 Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old babysitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media.

28 Republican preacher *Stephen White**, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.

29 Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl.

30 Republican anti-gay activist Earl "Butch" Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her.

31 Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.

32 Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl.

33 Republican politician *Andrew Buhr** was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy.

34 Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16. He committed suicide

35 Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was charged with sexual misconduct involving a 15-year old girl.

36 Republican County Councilman *Keola Childs** pleaded guilty to molesting a male child.

37 Republican activist, McCain office manager Jeffrey Claude Bartleson, was arrested for molesting the child of a campaign volunteer.

38 NYC councilman, Republican-Queens, Dennis Gallagher - rape

39 Republican Mayoral Candidate and pastor - Rambler was accused of having sex with an underage boy and was convicted of soliciting explicit photos from a swingers' group & using the pics to extort money

40 Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15-year-old girl and served 6-months in prison.

41 Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000.

42 GOP Sen aide Ryan Loskarn committed suicide after child porn arrest

43 Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his possession.

44 Faith and Family Alliance director, Republican strategist, and lobbyist Robin Vanderwall was convicted in of five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet. It's at the end or article, after all his illegal lobbying schemes

45 Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter

46 Republican director of the "Young Republican Federation" Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison

47 Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr. rape. Dasen has allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of young women

48 Republican Judge and campaign official Tim Nolan for President Donald Trump indicted for human trafficking and forcing a minors (9) to engage in sexual activity

49 Republican County Board Candidate Brent Schepp was charged with molesting a 14-year old girl.

50: Randall Casseday, HR Director for right-wing Washington Times - caught in an underage sex sting - "The Washington Times is the only newspaper where the moral issues of family and faith are proudly reported on the front page on a regular basis"

Rescuing Bees from the Bottom of a Trash Bin

cloudballoon says...

The video's giving me all the heebees -jeebees. And wow, capturing their Queen, flinging the bees into the new enclosure... those are ballsy moves. How can those not inviting a thousand stings!?

Antlions - amazing insect predators

ant (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

A GOP political operative Jessie Benton (Rand Paul’s niece’s husband) was just convicted in federal court in Washington DC for unlawfully funneling foreign campaign donations from a Russian “businessmen” to political groups that supported Trump in 2016. Benton now faces up to 20 years in prison.

Trump pardoned him for helping funnel $100000 through Paul’s campaign into state legislature campaigns.
Also caught in a sting where the Telegraph asked him for help hiding and funneling Chinese money ($1-2 million) into American campaigns and he did.
Also laundered money from Russians through personal accounts directly to Trump, Russians who met and hung out with Trump because of their contributions, so Trump knew.

One more MAGA criminal convicted of collusion with Russia for Trump in 2016. There’s one hell of a lot of convictions for something you people think never happened. There’s one hell of a lot of people in prison over what you call the “rusher hoax”.

Trump Announcement So Boring, Staff BLOCKED Crowd from Leavi

newtboy says...

Wow…holding the crowd against their will during the announcement!? A more desperate campaign move doesn’t come to mind.
Looks like the room seats around 300…they couldn’t find 300 people who wanted to be there. Ouch.
Must really sting that even Ivanka won’t endorse his candidacy.

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ouch. From $1222 to $702 and projected below $600. Gotta sting for anyone who took @bobknight33 ‘s advice, especially anyone “all in”.

The idea that it might bounce back like it once rose is naïve too…with serious production and labor issues and no longer being the only game in town, not even the best anymore by multiple different measurements, Tesla is looking like it’s bubble might be bursting.


JiggaJonson said:

And i saw their price target went from $1,200 to $1,000 now it's down to $600 as a target.

Good luck with where the price is at.

I didn't mean to end a sentence with a preposition. I will correct.

Good luck with where the price is at, asshole.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

Removal of Asian giant hornet 'murder hornet' nest

StukaFox says...

Right after Jackass came out, a couple of friends-of-a-friend decided to stage their own version of the movie -- with a hornet's nest. They found the thing hanging from a tree at the edge of a field and it was not remotely on the small size. Also, this was in late August and the queen had already flown away, leaving the drones to slowly starve to death. Thus, the enormous number of stripey-stripey sting-stings were already good 'n' pissed-off.

They were about to get moreso.

So chowderhead A and chowderhead B have a brilliant plan: they're going to shoot this enormous ball full of astoundingly-irate murderous insects with a shotgun while they're filming it. If you're hearing banjos playing and luke-warm cheap beers being cracked open, you're about in the right frame of mind.

Places, everybody!

The stage is set: on one end, at what's decided to be "minimum safe distance", are our erstwhile David Attenborough/Jonny Knoxville knock-offs. At a decidedly NOT minimum safe distance away is the arthropod version of the T'sar Bomba. All we're missing now is a Mossberg, enough idiocy to think this can end any way but badly, and a camera. With far too much alacrity for what's about to happen, all three are provided.

Aaaaaand, ACTION!

* BOOOM! *

At first, surprisingly, nothing happens. This period of stasis lasts roughly a picosecond. Then, unsurprisingly, things start to happen and they happen far more quickly than the Chuckle Brothers planned on. This plays out in three acts:

Act 1: "Hey, uh, why is the nest still there?"
Act 2: "Uh-oh..."

Hubris takes many forms, and schadenfreude takes twice as many, but both combined were statistically zero compared to the number of hornets involved in this fiasco. Had the two Mensa escapees who irked said hornets thought this thing through -- stop laughing -- perhaps they would have arrived at the conclusion that 1. a shotgun slug is not the preferred load-out when dealing with a ball made out of wasp puke and 2. being the only two things visible within a 20 mile radius of the ball made out of wasp puke pretty much negates the mystery of who the hornets are going to sting the ever-loving fuck out of.

With their plans in ruins and the nest not, our heroes decide to quit the field. This is the first smart thing they've done since looking at that big ball of wasps and deciding it was redolent with untapped hilarity. The hornets are having none of this white flag nonsense, however, and they decide to quit screwing around and really inflict some pain. It's a quarter mile back to the car and the hornets are going to make them pay for every inch of it.

The final score:
Hornet losses: meh, they were all going to die in a few weeks anyway.
The chucklenuts: 23 stings, a dropped shotgun, and three minutes of footage that they took in the pre-YouTube era and thus is lost to time.

Hornets are not toys.

Bees Opening Soda Bottle

StukaFox says...

My suspicion is that this was a fortuitous accident more than any conscious attempt at problem solving. And if I'm wrong, ANT WAS THE ONE WHO SAID THIS, STING HIM AND NOT ME!

electric bill has soared after the winter storm in texas

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