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Dear Dag and Lucky, (Wtf Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

Man people get passionate about content on this site!

I wish to chime in (for what it's worth) for the idea of someone being able to 'close' their account, and all videos being given to sifty. That person has declared they're done with the content, but the content has discussions and references that other members may still wish to reference. As such, give it to the steward of the site, with perhaps a special no vote state, but still able to be promoted and other such invocations?

Dissapearing Bees (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

Doc_M says...

>> ^Farhad2000:
>> ^Doc_M:
People like to blame humanity for a lot of nature's ails, but there are a million ways for nature to kick its own ass.
Viruses are a biggy. Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Forest Fires from lightnight, comets, etc. I think humanity has an inflated opinion of how important we are in all of nature.

That kind of attitude is the same reason most of the world is still sitting on it's hands while huge swathes of biospheres are disappearing.
Am fairly convinced that I have seen things in the wild I know my grand children will not.

Recognition of relative insubstantiality is no excuse for abuse. We are still the stewards of the Earth. No argument there. I just see people panic and overestimate their effect and their ability to control an eco- and geological system as complicated and enormous as this planet. Smells a bit too much like fear-politics to me.

As for the possibility of overpopulation? America fortunately has a pretty low concentration of people in general. Canada even more so. And we're not really growing that fast, numbers-wise. China's laws will likely decrease its crowding eventually. Japan is relatively stagnant, as is western Europe. My population concerns would have to focus on India, Africa, and perhaps Arab and Persian nations. Not sure about those last two... or Russia. Would have to research it. Perhaps rising energy costs will encourage urbanization and less sprawl. Building projects in a good number of global cities is booming at the moment. See Dubai, Chicago, NYC... and quite a number of Arab/Persian cities or so I'm told. It's harder to get information for those in English.

BTW, the suspect honeybee virus is called Israel Acute Paralysis Virus. "IAPV was first described in 2004 in Israel (21), where infected bees presented with shivering wings, progressed to paralysis, and then died outside the hive." There are several pockets of it in America, Canada, France, and Israel.

Soooo, you can feel ok about your Cell phone for now. Save that fear at least for cancer. lol.

To Believe, or Not To Believe, that is the Question... (Religion Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

All the evidence presented to me indicates that there exists no supernatural being (a god), thus my conclusion is that there is no god. If any evidence has been introduced to other people, I would like to be shown this so that my conclusion can be strengthened or invalidated.

I can sympathize with Schmawy's "lovie dovie" approach; we don't want to tell grandma that the Lord she has worshiped all her life isn't real, but I don't think about religion from a personal perspective, I think about it on a global perspective. On the global scale "feelings" are not very important, but the truth is; truth is derived from analyzing the evidence, not faith.

If we as a society want to survive, we need to shed our infantile "skin" which is religion. Human technological evolution has worked in spite of religion, which in my mind serves to dumb us down and control our actions, not for the betterment of mankind, but for the betterment of itself and its stewards.

(edit: note that this time, I'm not drunk... )

Oil companies' influence over government

quantumushroom says...

Believe it or not, QM, but us Democrats drive cars, just like you.

That's what makes the Democrat position all the more insane. "You" don't like wars "over oil" yet you thwart any attempts at energy independence.

We don't make it impossible to explore, we just have limits on how much we think we should destroy the environment (I know, you don't believe in that, either), to go after minimal amounts of oil.

Capitalists make the best stewards of the environment. The soviet union had massive natural riches yet had to import wheat. Their consumers had no voice (or freedom). They were one huge environmental disaster.

Don't take my word on that, take the Bush DOE report from 2007 saying it wouldn't have any impact until 2030, and even then, it wouldn't have much impact since price is based on a global oil market (and OCS oil wouldn't substantially change the global suppply).

Yeah, I'm aware some things take time. Otherwise why plant today when it'll take 30 years for a large shade tree to grow?

But we're bastards who want $300/barrel oil because, well, we like to see the third world starve while oil companies make record profits. That does sound very hippy-ish, and not at all Republican.

Well, one of "your" boys in Congress recently let slip he'd like to "nationalize" the country's oil. The same idiots who can't run the Post Office are somehow going to run the nation's oil supply? Laughable, contemptible and illegal.

If we'd have had our way, you'd be driving an electric car by now, and the debate would be over how much of our energy budget goes to solar & wind electricity versus coal and nuclear, and you could bitch at us for trying to make the air clean, instead of burning coal like the gods of Capitalism intended.

The electric car? You mean the one with the batteries that cause all kinds of pollution just to manufacture? The one that has to be plugged in so coal-fired plants can work overtime? Solar, wind, hydrogen are all long-term shifts. There's still billions of barrels of oil in the ground.

I'm not bitter over oil companies making a profit. They earn those profits providing a commodity people need. They reinvest those profits and find MORE oil which keeps prices low. Those profits do more good in their pockets than the vests of squandering socialists.

"Bastards" was probably a bit unfair. Keebler elves like Kook-cynic make me want to throw out all the E.L. Fudge in the hizzle.

Chomsky on the Convenient Myths of Modern Industrial Society

quantumushroom says...

Chomsky is a "liberal socialist" who favors the abolition of private property. Pictures of pollution may play in the sticks, but the reality is capitalists make better stewards of the environment than socialists, and there's profit to be made in creating cleaner, more efficient technologies.

There's no defending what Is against a socialist utopia, because the latter doesn't exist.

NetRunner (Member Profile)

winkler1 says...

good song/vid about that kind of stuff -

In reply to this comment by NetRunner:
Ok, am I not watching the same vid as the rest of you guys?

Evangelicals coming to the realization that Christianity's influence on politics shouldn't be entirely about abortion and gays is good news to LiberalSifters.

I'm not particularly religious, but I've always been puzzled by the mere existence of a "right-wing Christian". What I've always understood Christianity to be about is realizing that God loves everyone, and that we should engage in charitable behavior to help those in need.

How that coincides with a political party that screams in horror of a "welfare state" boggles my mind.

Democrats espouse a generally Christian mindset, of helping the poor, the sick, and the needy, by holding firm that everyone is created equal, and that we should be good stewards of the Earth.

I don't think Democrats should pander to their agenda, but disunity within the Evangelicals would certainly make it hard for Republicans to win a Presidential election.

TRN: Greening the Evangelicals

NetRunner says...

Ok, am I not watching the same vid as the rest of you guys?

Evangelicals coming to the realization that Christianity's influence on politics shouldn't be entirely about abortion and gays is good news to LiberalSifters.

I'm not particularly religious, but I've always been puzzled by the mere existence of a "right-wing Christian". What I've always understood Christianity to be about is realizing that God loves everyone, and that we should engage in charitable behavior to help those in need.

How that coincides with a political party that screams in horror of a "welfare state" boggles my mind.

Democrats espouse a generally Christian mindset, of helping the poor, the sick, and the needy, by holding firm that everyone is created equal, and that we should be good stewards of the Earth.

I don't think Democrats should pander to their agenda, but disunity within the Evangelicals would certainly make it hard for Republicans to win a Presidential election.

Huckabee jokes about someone aiming a gun at Obama

NetRunner says...

I actually kinda like Huckabee. He's said some wacky things, but he's also said some good things.

He says that part of his religious beliefs teach him that we should be good stewards of the environment, and that government should take care of the least of us.

I think he's a good guy at heart, and just fell in with some bad people (the Republican party). Unlike most of the other Republican candidates, I think Huckabee still has his soul.

He's a tad ignorant though, and I think he honestly didn't realize what was wrong with what he said.

He's apologized for the comments (at least in the customary Republican way: "I'm sorry you were offended..."), and I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

So let me put on my best Chris Crocker impression, and say "LEAVE MIKE HUCKABEE ALONE!"

Roger Williamson Fatal Crash

sepatown says...

Purley is the only one with a race suit and gloves to protect him from the heat remember. i mean, i watch it and wished they'd tried harder, for longer, but it's a few hundred kilo's of burning metal and rubber they're trying to push...without any safety gear.

the fire truck couldn't get there because the race was still going and the race was still going because the stewards made a monumental error in thinking it was only Purley who had crashed (and it was only his car on fire). Williamson and Purley were in the same team and were running together on the track. they failed to notice the other car (Purley's) on the left hand side.

without the fire steward and his truck the only real hope for Williamson was another driver stopping. but none of them knew what was going on. obviously a lot of them have spoken of a deep regret for not doing so.

unfortunately F1 safety in the past worked a little like airline safety in that it takes some horrible event to get things changed/ improved.

one of the other drivers:

Denny Hulme: One of the problems may have been that the drivers were unaware of the seriousness of the accident; I certainly never knew that anyone was still in the burning car until after I had retired in the pits. When I came past the first time I saw the car on fire and David Purley brushing flames off himself and my initial reaction was that he had crashed and had managed to get out of the car OK, but when he was still there struggling two laps later I started to wonder. It never occurred to me that it was his car stopped on the other side of the road. I just presumed that there had been a two-car accident and that David had climbed out of the burning car, Initially the fire was small and the flame was low, blowing sideways as though a petrol line had severed and with the pump still on it was feeding flame out sideways like an acetylene torch. If Purley had had assistance as soon as he arrived, Roger could probably have been rescued. As it turned out, it was a complete disaster. The first truck took some eight minutes to arrive after driving round most of the track while the other truck stood 150 yards away and did nothing. I simply fail to understand it.

Looking for some feedback on channel ideas, y'all. (Sift Talk Post)

Bush's Administration's Environmental Rollbacks (2 min)

Vanilla Ice Sheds Last Remaining Traces of Dignity.

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'vanilla ice, vanilla, ice, attacks, jon steward, jeanene garafalo, mtv' to 'vanilla ice, vanilla, ice, attacks, jon stewart, jeanene garafalo, mtv' - edited by Issykitty

H.S.T. (Cinema Talk Post)

schmawy says...

Most follks don't understand HST, especially those who wear the thin, white, badged uniforms, of our opressive stewards.

A few minuites before being launched into the stratosphe alllows me a two more ounces of Beam. On the other end of this I will be all apologies for the country Hunter so loved and could no longer bare.

George Carlin - Saving the Planet

calvados says...

Carlin's alright and I like some of his stuff, but not this, not really. He accuses the "greens" of arrogance with their save-the-planet mantra but is supercilious himself by suggesting that we can do whatever we want to the environment and it won't matter.

I think that a lot of people who like this shtick like it because it gives them an excuse not to be responsible ("it doesn't matter because the planet can take care of itself / because we're already fucked anyway"). I once had a rather young roommate who was very smart but extraordinarily lazy and spoiled who tried trotting out the exact same stuff Carlin said about it not mattering -- and tried to make that his excuse to waste water and to not bother recycling. It's bullshit. I choose to believe that we aren't already fucked but that we will be if we don't become better stewards of our world right fucking now, and to say that it doesn't matter the way we live our lives is destructive and the opposite of what we need.

Best pre-flight safety announcement EVAR!

MINK says...


this would not make me feel safe at all. none of those announcements are done properly... i guess at least this was funny but still, can you remember anything he said or just the jokes? i challenge you to now put on a life vest in a nosediving passenger jet.

well anyway the safety advice is useless, you're either passed out, doomed, praying or hysterical if you're on one of them things when they crash. can anyone post a clip of a jumbo safely landing on water? i saw a great documentary which said statistically in a fire, you're best off being a strong young man, so you can crush old women under your feet as you leap for the exit with your elbows in the air. you don't have to be nearest the exit, you just need determination.

still safer than cars though. cars really suck.

i could go for "most downvotes of the month" by inserting a joke about steretypical sexuality of air stewards here...

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