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Man Enough (Harris/Walz Ad)

newtboy says...

You aren’t a man. You are barely a child. You are closer to a frightened infant than anything.

Your fascist rapey boy shit himself twice while badmouthing Detroit in Detroit forgot where he was again). This is a sign the campaign, his health, and his mental state are all in freefall. You want to talk about a girly man, your guy has never had a callus, can’t walk down a ramp without a man holding his arm, is afraid of stairs, and has thinner more sensitive skin than the princess with the pea.

You morons forgot what men are, and idolize a shit dripping child raping narcissistic baby with no spine or will that rolls over at the slightest breeze from foreign strongmen who he idolizes. That’s not what a man does.

bobknight33 said:

As a man, I think I walked away from this ad with a yeast infection.

That guy eats way more than carburetors for breakfast.

Real men don’t put tampons in the boys restroom.

From the party that can't tell you what a woman is.

This is a sign that this campaign is in trouble.

Is there an easier way? ...

newtboy says...

When I was his age, it was definitely an option. It’s only a half flight of stairs, it shouldn’t even be a challenge…but it looks like he didn’t make it half way.

Wait…does that explain my no paycheck?


noims said:

If there are people out there dumb enough to think that might actually be an option, that would certainly explain their low paycheck.

BSR (Member Profile)

BSR (Member Profile)

eric3579 (Member Profile)

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eric3579 (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Your video, Stairs are hard, has made it into the Top 15 New Videos listing. Congratulations on your achievement. For your contribution you have been awarded 1 Power Point.

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Child dragged by school bus in Kentucky

newtboy jokingly says...

$5 MIL!!! I’m going back to school! I got nothing for being kicked down the bus stairs, or intentionally dumped at the wrong stop, or after driving through a flood to the flooded school after a hurricane with water all the way up the bus steps, or that time the driver was drunk and got fired. Things sure are different than in the 70’s.

Seatbelts? We don’t have no seatbelts. We don’t need no seatbelts! WE DON’T HAVE TO SHOW YOU ANY STINKING SEATBELTS!

BSR said:

If the bus driver had to slam on the brakes the guy standing in the aisle would probably go through windshield. To hell with seatbelts!

Also, Family of girl dragged by JCPS school bus gets nearly $5M in settlement. Bazinga!

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith on Donald Trump indictments

newtboy says...

😂 silly boy.

So, another random Twitter account named DC Draino (no bias there) tells you something stupid and already proven false and you just believe it over all the evidence. Typical. You’re such an easy sucker for nonsense.

Not clicking your link. You post links to fake sites hosting viruses, and they wouldn’t have any actual information anyway, just fact free spitballs shot by ignorant children.

There were undercover agents there, but not instigating violence or destruction, they documented it. There’s not one second of video showing an agent instigating violence, but hundreds, thousands of hours of MAGgots instigating and perpetrating violence, hundreds of court cases where it was proven. Trump himself instigated violence and destruction, advocated for it publicly…for months. He’s been indicted for it. “Jan 6 is going to be wild”. It sure was. “Stand back and stand by (until Jan 6 then come armed)”. “Fight hard or you won’t have a country”. “You can’t let them certify this election or you won’t have a country”. “Stop them from stealing the election using trial by combat”. “Go to the Capitol and fight hard, stop the steal…I’ll be there with you”. “Take your country back.” They tried. He tried to pardon them, and has promised to pardon them all if re-elected.

You’ll get all the tapes after Trumps trial, but Tucker has all 44000 hours of them, talk to him. The fact that he released only <5 minutes of highly edited video shows you exactly how weak your position is, if it were true you would already have proof of undercover agents committing violence and destruction, but you have nothing, nada, zip, zilch, Nunca. Just >5 minutes of spliced together video snippets of people walking the halls looking for victims, that’s all he could find with no violence shown. Sucker.

Jan 6 was PURE MAGA sedition and violence, the definition of a failed coup. A display of MAGA hatred of democracy and fairness. There was no one outside the cult instigating anything. Proven by the Jan 6 investigation you ignored. It will be proven again next spring in Trump’s public trial, one of how many now?…and you still won’t believe it.

There is none so blind as he who will not see, and you’ve been squeezing your eyes shut since Trump rode that escalator into your brain (because he’s afraid of stairs and ramps). 😂

You complete and total sucker. They still have you hook line and sinker.

Meanwhile, Daniel Rodriguez (defended by MAGA leadership) was just sentenced to 12.5 years and $100000 for repeatedly tasering a capitol police officer in the neck during his violent attack on congress at Trump’s request and direction, causing a heart attack and permanent brain damage ending his career. He bragged online about it, and after sentencing shouted “Trump won!”. Must be an fbi plant. 😂

Another violent cultist who admits his violence against police for Trump as part of a plot to perform a violent coup….THEY’RE ADMITTING IT…in court under oath. Dummy. 😂

bobknight33 said:

They’re ADMITTING it

How many cops & federal agents were undercover that day? How many instigated violence & property destruction?

Release the J6 tapes!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

He’s always had the best words…

Next you’re going to attempt to say Biden isn’t faithful to his wife….or is a failed business con man who intentionally built massive debts only to escape them with planned bankruptcy at least 6 times (think “student debt relief”, but instead of ten thousand it’s tens of millions in debt he shirked, 6 times, and didn’t even get an education or otherwise improve himself for all the money he took from society, unlike students)….or runs a fraudulent school….or is a charity thief totally banned from involvement in any charities……when will you understand that any insult you lob is an admission, every charge lobbed a “mea culpa”, every complaint a self loathing attack on yourself. Any insult that sticks only degrades Trump as the loser to Biden…any fault he has is a nothing burger compared to the same traits in Trump. So silly, so delusional, so infantile…like pointing to Biden falling off his bike and not getting hurt as some indication he’s frail, but Trump could never ride a bike in a million years with training wheels and 4 large men holding him up….morbidly obese 8% muscle mass Trump can’t go DOWN a ramp without assistance, and he’s afraid of stairs. 😂

Keep ‘em coming….I’ve got ten examples for every one you dig up.

BTW- what are your thoughts on the missing $150 million from GOP donors for campaign commercials? They raised over $178 million, by June they had $28 million left and were cutting funding for tons of campaigns that are also struggling to compete with Trump’s constant requests for more donations, donations he’s only spent on hiring his own family so far….at a rate of $30000 per minute!


newtboy says...

No. He was easily twice my size and 3 times as mean. I endured, and just repeated “some day you will feel bad for how you treated me, and I’ll remember everything and won’t let you forget it.” I’ve kept my word, and was correct in my prediction. He feels bad about it now.

Now that he’s a father, he feels pretty bad about abusing me, and he doesn’t remember 1/4 of what he did to me.

He does remember finding out I was claustrophobic and wrapping me in a blanket tightly then sitting on me until I passed out… repeatedly, along with other times he used it to torture me….but that was tame compared to throwing me down hard stairs by the neck, putting me in the dryer on high and holding the door closed, putting lit bottle rockets down my tucked in shirt, etc.

I would have been justified murdering him in his sleep. Lucky for him we lived with different parents by the time I was 10 and started growing. The last time he tried to beat me I picked him up and smashed his head on the rafters by running down the hallway, gave him a concussion…his 11th. He never tried to fight me again. He’s realized I grew up much tougher than he did thanks to the treatment he gave me and the coddling he got.

BSR said:

Did you send him to sleep with the fishes

Video Of Republicans Giving Tours To Insurrectionists

newtboy says...

You are so stupid you think the accusation is that violence took place during the planning stage on Jan 5th as they cased the joint in preparation for the planned assault against America and democracy the next day?

Wow, I never gave you any credit for intelligence, but that’s just brain dead sluggery. If you were capable of shame, you would be feeling it now.

What was Benghazi if not dumping on Clinton to try to keep her from running in 2016? Don’t start whining now, snowflake.

The difference is there’s an actual investigation, a bipartisan one at that, going on here, not just baseless accusation, and actually evidence of a plot to subvert democracy and stage a violent coup, where the charge against Clinton was indecipherable and without fact or evidence, and multiple investigations and hearings that SHE didn’t hide from proved it.
Trump tried to stage a coup, but is a loser so he failed. He wants another try, and you want to give it to him despite 2/3 of the country despising him and refusing to go along.

Edit: I wonder, if these tours were so innocuous, innocent, and just normal families….why did Loudermilk spend so much time vehemently denying they ever happened….then more time denying there were no more than 4 people including 2 children, eventually admitting he gave tours to up to 22 red hat Maggots that took photos of back hallways, stairs, security posts, representative escape routes, routes to Democratic representatives offices, etc? False denials are indicators of guilt, and he gave denial after denial that he eventually admitted were lies.
Asking for pardons is also an admission of guilt….who asked for them again?

bobknight33 said:

People walking around peacefully.

Such violence.

All this dump on Trump just to try to keep him from running 2024.

New Rule: First Lady Barack Obama | Real Time (HBO)

newtboy says...

You are one of that (lowball) 5%.
Trump is one of those 5%ers.

Almost all republicans think Biden’s performance is head and shoulders above what they claimed they expected.
You said the economy would crash.
You said unemployment would explode.
You said China and Russia would overpower us and take over.
You said he would fold for Putin and Xi.
Not one of those things have happened….not in the real world, maybe in Republican delusions.

I ask you, do you think your predictions are better or worse than reality? (We know the truth, don’t bother lying).

Biden has undoubtedly done better than any Republican predicted, way better. That you all still answer that he’s doing worse only shows there are no honest Republicans. You set a low bar….so low he could crawl like a reptile and be above it, but he’s walking upright and capable of jumping, unlike the previous president who needs help on stairs, ramps, inclines, etc and burrowed deep under that same bar.

I think he’s doing about as well as can be expected considering the fractured, divided, crumbling, sick, eroding country the last president left him, better in some areas, worse in some. Since his only expectation by most was “beat Trump”, it’s utterly ridiculous to pretend he’s not already 100% successful. 😉

bobknight33 said:

@newtboy Are you 1 of those 5%ters who think Biden performance is better than expected? Talk about setting a low bar.

Original slinky commercial

Digitalfiend jokingly says...

I could never get my f-ing Slinky to work like that down the stairs. I'm not bitter...

I also really miss that machine oil smell it left all over my hands whenever I'd play with it.

First kids reaction to falling cracked me up

Chicago Cop Abandons Woman Being Threatened With A Gun

Mordhaus says...

Answer honestly, what would you do?

Shoot they black guy? Good luck with the rest of your life in today's climate.

Stand there and try to de-escalate an armed man for 61,800 a year? Remember, be honest, your life is on the line for not a lot of money.

GTFO and know you will probably lose your job in Chicago, but you won't be followed by claims you are a racist murdering pig for the rest of your life.

I personally would have had the woman go down the stairs while I backed down, gun drawn. I would have tried to de-escalate, but I would also be ready to shoot.

At least that is what I hope I would do. The decision isn't that easy though, no matter what the smug narrator wants to say. Look at the shit the cop who shot the girl about to stab another girl had to go through.

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