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South Park Clip S19E8: It’s Not a News Story!?
Well, that's what happens when you have weak internet skills.
Adblock, RSS feeds, realizing that Facebook is not a news site and self-control really go a long way towards avoiding this downward spiral.
Sister Wants To Sell Her Brother To The Pet Store
Thus his downward spiral into a life of being sold and repurchased at pet stores and pawn shops. That is, until he was sold at Zed's pawn shop.
You conniving little bitch! That's going to haunt him until his deathbed! You've just created another broken man!
Spring Valley High "Cop" violently assaults black teen girl
The cop was justified... Did it go too far- yep but the student caused this to happen.
Looks justified when intellectually competent persons analyze this.
Ignorant people ( well lest face it we are talking about the left) will see something different and the Black lives matter with Al Sharpton will be showing up soon. This will spur on the Anti cop / Cop killing is good propaganda causing a more downward spiral of society.
Justified !
Just like the cop that justifiably killed Michael Brown of Ferguson this cop will also loose job as a sacrificial lamb for the Left.
Prediction of the "official" response to this incident: "We have reviewed the incident and found that the officer in question followed all departmental policies and procedures."
Trying to be cool
*promote will probably work. Fuckin' stupid how we can't quality our own videos. Who is the sift to say what I think is quality ? this is just suppression via the higher ups. This is a dent in their kicking can. Downward spiral via moth sciences.
Army Ant Death Spiral
I'm always surprised someone hasn't scooped up "Army Ant Death Spiral" as a heavy metal band name.
Vexus (Member Profile)
Your video, Army Ant Death Spiral, has made it into the Top 15 New Videos listing. Congratulations on your achievement. For your contribution you have been awarded 1 Power Point.
Mysterious video of ants circling an iPhone
Army Ant Death Spiral has been added as a related post - related requested by Vexus on that post.
White water rescue very nearly gone wrong...
Wonder if the woman is shocky or just doesn't understand how close she came to dying. A dog doesn't need to have laces to be thrown in a nice spiral to the bank.
Understanding the Financial Crisis in Greece
Pure quality by John, as usual.
There are a few points I'd like to add, in order of appearance.
5:10 – Greek default or Grexit could be manageable by the rest of the EZ, economically. Italy looks a bit shaky and Spain still looks like shit, so things could spiral out of control, but chances would be better now than they were in, say, 2010.
However, Grexit would be a political nightmare. EZ membership is supposed to be irreversible, so Grexit would reduce the Euro from a common currency to a peg when viewed from the outside. That's open season on the rest of the PIIGS. If Greek then rebounds, other people might very well decide to give Germany the finger and leave as well. If Greece fails, you have a NATO member turn into a failed state, which not only gives NATO the shivers, but also buries any notion of solidarity within the EU. This union survives because of the promises it makes, which include increasing standards of living and solidarity among different peoples. Without it, we're left with... what exactly?
And nevermind the humanitarian catastrophe taking part in Greece. We've conditioned ourselves to block out the pain and suffering of people in Africa. We even manage to shrug at the cesspool of corruption that is Kosovo. But if we do that to Greece as well, what little moral authority Europe might still have left would be gone then.
5:32 – The last payment Greece received was in August, long before Syriza took over. The previous government was in disagreement with the Troika and therefore transfers were frozen.
5:57 – Troika payments are required to service previous debt obligations. They are separate from what the Greek banks require to maintain their liquidity. That would be Emergency Liquidiy Assistance (ELA) from the ECB, which is a different thing entirely, even though it comes from a member of the Troika.
The ECB is bound by law to maintain and ensure the stability of the banking system(s) within the EZ. If a bank runs into liquidity problems, support is provided by the national bank of the respective country, which funnels funds from the ECB to the troubled bank. That's ELA, and a limit on ELA is a limit on the amount of funds that banks can draw from through this process. If an illiquid bank is cut off from ELA, it goes belly up. Bad idea.
Some argue that the ECB should not provide ELA to those Greek banks anymore, since they are insolvent, and ECB rules forbid ELA to insolvent banks. But as Varoufakis said, even the ECB's own Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) department, which is the new banking oversight, declares the four large Greek banks to be solvent. So there is no reason for the ECB to cut ELA to Greek banks. It's all political, and the ECB is designed to be outside of politics. That's also a reason why its membership in the Troika is so controversial.
The political argument for cutting off ELA is that Germany et al. are on the hook for the total amount should Greece itself go belly up. Somewhere along the line, someone made the glorious decision to install the ECB as a currency issuer without providing it with the attributes of a regular currency issuer. If the Bank of Japan or the Bank of England racks up losses, noone cares. They issue their own currency, they cannot go bankrupt, whatever debt they have in their books is irrelevant, for this discussion anyways. But the ECB has to balance its books, it has to receive funds from its members to balance losses, and in proportion to their economic size.
They made sure that politicians can scare the demos by pointing out how they have to foot the bill for this shit, even though it's the one entity where debt truly doesn't matter at all.
By the way, the funds that Greece is hoping to acquire are meant, primarily, for two purposes: making debt payments and to provide financial room to convert ECB(?) debt into EFSF debt (4% interest down to 1%). That's all. No spending.
6:54 – "Printing" money is generating demand out of thin air. There is a shortage of demand throughout the entire continent. So yeah, if the folks at the ECB could type in a few numbers, that would be swell.
Even Germany has a shortage of demand. We are merely hiding it behind the €200b+ of demand that we steal from other countries, i.e. our current account surplus. But the infrastructure and investment spending over here is at all time lows. We'd need an additional €200b+ just to get the infrastructure back to the state it was in a decade ago.
There is no productivity growth in Europe. The UK actually lost a lot of productivity by its introduction of zero hour jobs and other forms of slavery. Without sufficient demand, there is no need to improve production capacities – they can't even sell what they could produce right now.
automated orange and kiwi peeling machine
Yeah, but it's harder than that sounds, especially when you're talking about doing that over 1000 times.
I do have a knifey/spooney that helps with the job (a Kiwi invention I think) automation would still be worth investigating...especially if it works on apples too, I have 30 trees!
Baby's reaction to avocados
I wouldn't say abusive. Kids react strangely to different things, and often you'll get this reaction one day but they'll like it a week later.
Remember, as a parent it's not your job to keep the kid smiling all the time, it's your job to bring them up properly. Getting them to eat a good variety of healthy foods is one of those responsibilities.
But yes, you're right, there are limits to this. My kid at the moment will eat fusilli pasta but not penne. It's annoying as fuck, it's just a different shape but he'll flatly refuse anything that isn't spiralled! But that's just his way at the moment. I'm not going to force the issue. When he's older I'll explain it to him and hopefully he'll understand.
When kids are this tiny there's no explaining, but there's also no rush. But you shouldn't give up on a food straight away otherwise they'll end up eating nothing. It's all about balance.
Maybe it's a good thing I don't have kids, because that looked slightly abusive to me.
It reminded me of my mother repeatedly lying to me as a kid and telling me I LOVE spaghetti squash, I just don't remember, and forcing me to have some. I HATE spaghetti squash, and now I also don't trust my mother so much.
Australians Try Outback Steakhouse For The First Time
you always know what to expect from a corporate themed eatery,a whole big helping of "meh",but at least you know what you are getting.
so enjoy your downward spiral into mediocrity america!
Sundays -- another dark sci-fi film to get a movie deal
I'm guessing "Dark City II: Dark World"
Only it has faceted shapes instead of spirals.
Redneck News reports on gay marriage destroying Alabama
I'm going to be devil's advocate here and take the side of fearful American white trash:
Dear gays,
You're ruining the last good thing we had going on here in this country. We took care of the natives, forcing them into small communities where they slowly became psychologically oppressed and fraught with addiction.
But then we lost our control over niggers, who had their places down on our plantations. No matter, we can still push asians around because they're our bitches. But then we started to take them seriously. I don't even understand that.
I can't tell the difference between India people (Indians? Like our natives?) and allah-la-las -- and, really, I suspect because they're all in a similar area of the globe, they're the same. I might even believe Asia and India/Middle East are separate continents or somehow not entangled socially, economically and politically.
I think that's all the colored people, so lastly, addressing devil worshipers and homosexuals, who are really very similar in their connection to Satan. I can't tell you how disgusted I am about a penis going into an anus. It's just so gross. Hot lesbians are alright, but even that goes a little far, as I'm uncomfortable talking about that with people and church says no. Yes, that's bad too... and my wife definitely doesn't need to know anything about what I just said about lesbos. Now, a dyke, on the other hand, I think men are technically allowed to punch dykes.
I've already said too much. I feel gross.
In conclusion, it's been a downward spiral into immorality. Starting with the freedom of black people, who slowly made us lose sight on what is right and decent in the nation which God granted us. From negroes, came homosexuality.
necessary illusions-thought control in democratic societies
That statement is really a reflection of your own cognitive dissonance.
Chomsky doesn't pontificate about right/wrong or problems.
He's describing the applied game theory present in society.
If you think that's 'bad', then that's your own personal judgment of the matter.
Like 'the prince', his message is a conveyance of the relationship between intelligent actors manipulating perceptions, and intelligent actors acting on perceptions.
Imagine a fish seller, with too many fish. The fish will go bad soon if he does not sell them quickly.
Should he :
A) Ask people to buy more fish, before they go bad, please.
B) Go speak with the distributor that's buying fish from the fisherman and get him to spread the rumor that there is an incoming fish shortage.
(A) may be honest, but (B) will sell faster and for higher prices.
The idea is not to get what you want the most direct way - the idea is to get what you want the most efficient way.
You can be direct about getting what you want, or you can give people information that makes them come to a conclusion for themselves that makes them do what you want.
More abstractly : If it takes less energy to 'persuade' than to 'do for yourself', then use information to 'get people to do for you'. Let others spend their time and resources for you, and save your own.
Politically, this means ruling not by telling citizens what you want, but ruling by nurturing an environment where the media provides information that makes citizens ask for what you want of their own volition.
Then you aren't telling citizens what to do, you're merely obliging their wishes. You not only avoid appearing overbearing (which is not sustainable on account of eventual public disdain) - you actually appear obliging (which is perpetually sustainable).
If you want examples in an a-political environment (if in fact the political backdrop is foiling your ability to take the message in an impartial manner), you should look at Boyd's OODA loop and the Conceptual Spiral.
Analysis, synthesis, etc, etc, etc.
Related matters :
Game theory (life/politics/economics is a game)
Persuasion (use tools [real or perceived] to apply influence)
*keep in mind that "from the responder's perspective" there is no difference between you doing X, or the responder thinking you did X - because in both cases the responder is acting on his personal perception of what happened (be it real or not).
I never quite "get" what Chomsky's real problem is. [...]