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Zawash (Member Profile)

Iraq Explained -- ISIS, Syria and War

scheherazade says...

Before the U.S. invasion, Iraq had an integrated society, with different religions inter-marrying, and different religions working in government.
After the U.S. took over, people were chosen for state work according to religious quota (something new to iraq), and religion became a 'big deal' in regards to putting food on the table.
General dislikes turned into conflicts.

The "Shia v Sunni" thing is more hyperbole for western audiences, than it is a matter of recent history.
Saddam mostly oppressed areas rife with insurgent groups. Conflict festers and spreads. People die, their families/friends become militant, then they die, and their families/friends become militant, etc, etc, etc. Families/friends live near each other, so it spreads geographically. Eventually you find cities or regions that have managed to upturn.
Like any city/region, similar people tend to live together. So you in effect have groups/cultures vs government.
Hence why the internal conflict was by city/region (just like it is/was in Syria), and why it had a cultural flavor.
Granted, there is always some backlash that spills into a community at large, when a portion of it is identified as a 'problem'. Point is, there was not some eugenic ethnic/religious conflict going on.

The real 'oppression by religion' is happening today.
Neighborhoods have become mono-religious. Minorities have left their neighborhoods and fled to regions that are mostly 'of their own kind' - because nobody wants to stick around to see if they become the next target.

Best thing that can happen now is what happened to Syria after WW2 : Some other power steps in, chops up the country into smaller pieces, and populates each piece with a particular culture (eg. Syria was taken by Britain and France, split up, and became Syria + Lebanon + Jordan - granted the post ww2 split of Syria had more to do with the the last gasps of colonialism, and less to do with stabilization. 'Fun' note : It's the Syrian expulsion the French colonial rulers in the 1970's, and the subsequent French 'black eye', that set the tone for why France is so happy to support whoever wants to overthrow the Syrian government.).


The Ingenious Way South Korea Unclogs Toilets

newtboy says...

OK, I see your points but....
1)with the plunger right there in it's holder, I never let it get close to spilling over, what a mess that would be (and there is a heat vent right there, UGH!)

2)I try to be careful plunging and not splash at all, but you do have a good point here, it would be cleaner, especially for those that get crazy plunging.

3)I leave the plunger in the toilet and flush again (at least once), to rinse it off some before removing it at all, then place it in it's holder. Granted, that's a bit nasty, but it never smells, and I give it a spray of bleach too. Every so often, while it's dry, I take it outside and wash it in the yard where the sun will sterilize everything.

The plastic seems to require you to clean before AND after, by hand at first BEFORE you can plunge (edit: with your face right next to the clog!)...and that's impossible if it's overflowing! Then what?!? A plunger can be cleaned up after at your leisure (better be before the wife needs the toilet though) and with scrubbing bubbles and/or bleach if that's your preference.

It may be strong enough to survive 'plunging' with your hands, but I certainly don't want to be the one to test that, or to find out it wasn't! It looks like if you don't get a perfect seal (so a perfect dry and clean rim first) it could easily detach. UGH!

Disposing the plastic requires you to take it to the garbage bag (or the bag to it) and then to take out that bag, which may or may not mean dripping it through your home, depending on your bathroom garbage. (mine has no bag)

All that said it's an interesting idea, but I think I prefer the plastic plunger. To each his own though.

Sagemind said:

Yes, it is way better.
1). First, that toilet isn't going to spill over. Ever had that happen? And with a heat register near by? Disgusting.
2). Two, do you realize how much Feces is splashed around the bathroom when you plunge? Not just on your floor, but walls, and on you, your clothes and possibly your face. It's not just the big drops, but the little ones, the ones that practically become airborne.
3). Three, Clean up afterwards, once you're done with a plunger, you need to clean it off, and if there is stuff sticking to it, as you can guess, that's not fun either. Not to mention, where are you going to clean it? in the bathtub? After you sanitize the plunger, now you have to sanitize the tub, or sink, or what ever as well.

-You're going to need to wipe down that toilet whether you plunge or use this sheet.
-This plastic sheet, looks strong enough that it's not going to break.
-And disposing it. Well, lifting it into a garbage bag, that just seems way easier.

The Ingenious Way South Korea Unclogs Toilets

Sagemind says...

Yes, it is way better.
1). First, that toilet isn't going to spill over. Ever had that happen? And with a heat register near by? Disgusting.
2). Two, do you realize how much Feces is splashed around the bathroom when you plunge? Not just on your floor, but walls, and on you, your clothes and possibly your face. It's not just the big drops, but the little ones, the ones that practically become airborne.
3). Three, Clean up afterwards, once you're done with a plunger, you need to clean it off, and if there is stuff sticking to it, as you can guess, that's not fun either. Not to mention, where are you going to clean it? in the bathtub? After you sanitize the plunger, now you have to sanitize the tub, or sink, or what ever as well.

-You're going to need to wipe down that toilet whether you plunge or use this sheet.
-This plastic sheet, looks strong enough that it's not going to break.
-And disposing it. Well, lifting it into a garbage bag, that just seems way easier.

Truck Spills Load on Russian Highway

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Emily's Abortion Video

BoneRemake says...

yea beacause condoms are a 100 percent.

fuck off ya jack weiner.

the only 100 percent way not to get a vagina seeded is to not fuck a vagina.


jan said:

her next video can be how to put on a condom, seriously

Truck with raised platform rams bridge

Porksandwich says...

Says Sweden when you follow the link.

And just as a FYI. Hydraulic beds can get weird failures where they will raise on their own. I was told stories about one that would raise on it's own due to some problem with the controls, and the guy wasn't paying attention and drove down the road smacking all the traffic signals. AFAIK newer trucks have lock outs to disable the lift of the bed, but shit happens.

Honk at em if you see some going down the road with their bed raising (aside from salt trucks), cuz you never know what they might have in their bed that'll come spilling over on you. (seen a truck like this one hauling human waste they would put on crops but had too much of so it went to the landfill...looked like pudding and landfills smell really bad...and you could smell from a half mile when that truck was coming to be weighed on it's way in.....I still don't know how he legally hauled that around in what is essentially a non-sealed container.

LA Newsroom's earthquake reaction

One Woman Band Plays Nirvana's "Heart Shaped Box"

chingalera says...

S'ok for a gal havin' fun with some equipment-Always hated this fuckin' tune, s'all I heard people fawning-over in the 90s while grunge-pop was leaving that void of dark matter in rock and roll universe... Decent untrained voice, cheesy props....Kept wishing she'd spill that pretentious glass of whatever red wine she put up there to let everyone know she's hip. Meh meh meh.

Comes form having been critiqued over and over again, sorry folks. It's called honesty tinctured with asshole.

Battery Powered Track All Terrain Vehicle

bremnet says...

Sure. There are some in here:

... and about 7/8's of the way down this page:

We had similar units in Canada in the 60's (with , not quite as speedy as the electric jobby shown here) with I believe (not 100%) some of the early Kohler or perhaps OMC single cylinder gas engines. One could stand on a small foot board that was skidded along behind, steering with two large handles (like a roto tiller), and then behind that there was a sled with high enough walls that you could haul firewood, straw bales, sacks of whatever without them spilling out. They were geared rather high, so not a lot of speed but that's what was required to keep the torque up on these 2 strokes.

Hope this helps a bit.

spawnflagger said:

Can you provide some URLs?
(Google is not great at looking for old stuff)

I always like seeing pics & diagrams of old-but-innovative tech.

Mitt Romney Weighs In on President Obama's Second Term

chingalera says...

So are you 'glad' about the current president, whose rap sheet of abject failures trumps more than that of 2 dozen administrations in history? Not saying any other would have done more for the elite who put all presidents in place but seriously....What the FUCK has the not-black president done worth a fiddler's fuck bareboards? Your comment sounds like the same2 rhetoric taught the masses from years of programming and fantastic confabulation.

Gitmo? Name-Calling and cry-racism at any opportunity? Appointing complete cunts to czar posts? Expanding surveillance and promulgating police-state? Debt to $4.939 Trillion since taking office (not that we'd pay back any debt anyhow, another confabulate issue, completely meaningless)?
Nobel peace prize (meaningless)?
Cult of personality antics that would make any dictator green and covetous?
Media-whore first-lady?
Blah, blah, blah green energy after the BP spill?

A real piece of work, but so's frikkin' Mitt Mormonite

Jesus man, get a grip on that shit!?

bareboards2 said:

His lip smacking smugness makes my skin crawl.

I'm so very glad he isn't our president.

alien_concept (Member Profile)

Real Actors Read Christian Forums : Monkey People

enoch says...

fair enough my man.
personally i find the ignore button an un-necessary serves no purpose other than to keep my own personal echo chamber free from dissenting voices.

no fun in that at all.

and as you still see his comments when someone quotes why bother?

while i am reluctant to speak for @chingalera ,allow me to back up my argument in regards to how ya'all are making his case.

i shall channel choggie and attempt to translate his verbal perusings in order to make my case:

QUOTE:"I revel in the destruction of formulaic redundancy, especially when the phenomena occurs from time to time on the sift when a small contingent of back-patters load the place with atheism=great, Christians, etc. (insert faith-based philosophies) =shit, and most political offerings in the form of republicans/conservatives=shit, democrats/liberals=my-shit-doesn't-stink-like-theirs videos. "

TRANSLATION: i detest know-it-all's and will go on the offensive to show them the errors of their ways.

QUOTE:"Also a frequent and predictable phenomena, that a single down-vote, tinctured with an alternative perspective in comments, has the gang come spilling from the douche-works like cockroaches to offer their smarmy, childish two-cents, in order to make themselves feeeeel good. Hate this shit. It shows a lack of a certain social evolution from which I instinctively recoil."

TRANSLATION:it only takes that ONE downvote for other like-minded know-it-alls to come out of the woodwork to add their own smug opinion to belittle a person with a different perspective.i find this a form of bullying and it appalls me.

QUOTE:"As to some ' deliberate affectation designed to make me appear intellectual'
You might want to check your own understanding of intellectual versus one's perception of self, I tend not to place much credence in the concept, overrated and ultimately soulless when used to assert one's own importance or place the herd over some one else.
Intelligence in the grand schemata, does not necessarily connote wisdom."

TRANSLATION: i dont know everything and neither do you.

QUOTE:"Quite simply, when I see atheists deride another belief system with childish and derogatory banter like a gang of hyena stealing meat I treat them like a pack of feral creatures and similarly, I tend to shit on people's assumptions of how the world would be a better place if everyone thought the way "I" do regarding politics.

TRANSLATION: i hate bullies and will call them out every time.

QUOTE:"It's fucking tired and boring and makes the place to myself, look like a very untalented graffiti artist used sub-par aerosols to deface a shrine or temple.

TRANSLATION:i am alone but am fully un-impressed with your boring and unoriginal group-think.

so i guess it all comes down to perception and intent.
how you perceive ching and discern his intent.
though he is incredibly verbose and practices the art of flowery language he has been quite clear on his intentions.

let us examine the responses on this thread shall we?
a number here actually discussed openly chings intentions as if he was not part of this thread.

by discerning his intent and then engaging in a group discussion on that assumption has made chings guys are behaving exactly as ching accuses you all of being guilty of.

i do not have a problem with @chingalera
but nor do i have a problem with you or @VoodooV or @ChaosEngine.(or anybody else for that matter)

but this has become spectacle rather than substance.
now maybe ching bears some responsibility but that burden is not his alone.
you all bear some responsibility as well....
as do i now..


Real Actors Read Christian Forums : Monkey People

chingalera says...

I revel in the destruction of formulaic redundancy, especially when the phenomena occurs from time to time on the sift when a small contingent of back-patters load the place with atheism=great, Christians, etc. (insert faith-based philosophies) =shit, and most political offerings in the form of republicans/conservatives=shit, democrats/liberals=my-shit-doesn't-stink-like-theirs videos.

Also a frequent and predictable phenomena, that a single down-vote, tinctured with an alternative perspective in comments, has the gang come spilling from the douche-works like cockroaches to offer their smarmy, childish two-cents, in order to make themselves feeeeel good. Hate this shit. It shows a lack of a certain social evolution from which I instinctively recoil.

Your retort here, predictable as well:
Opening with sarcasm, a self-aggrandizing confession followed-up with an insult with reference to my character. Thank you though, for the black hole comparison, gravity and light do not have a chance of escaping me.

As to some ' deliberate affectation designed to make me appear intellectual'
You might want to check your own understanding of intellectual versus one's perception of self, I tend not to place much credence in the concept, overrated and ultimately soulless when used to assert one's own importance or place the herd over some one else.
Intelligence in the grand schemata, does not necessarily connote wisdom.

Quite simply, when I see atheists deride another belief system with childish and derogatory banter like a gang of hyena stealing meat I treat them like a pack of feral creatures and similarly, I tend to shit on people's assumptions of how the world would be a better place if everyone thought the way "I" do regarding politics.

It's fucking tired and boring and makes the place to myself, look like a very untalented graffiti artist used sub-par aerosols to deface a shrine or temple.

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