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TV's Best Fake Websites

TV's Best Fake Websites

Jeremy Clarkson and Gordon Ramsay cooking lobster

Retroboy says...

As an Atlantic Canadian, I can say I actually winced when he threw that lobster into what-could-have-been unsalted water.

For good lobster you need kosher salt.

For best lobster, you cook it in sea water. Over an open driftwood fire. On a cobblestone beach. With clams steaming open on hot rocks next to the fire.

*cue Homer hungry sound effect.

Fred_Chopin said:

He's missing the key ingredient! SALT, and lots of it.

Eaten Alive by a Mantis

Red Hot Nickel Ball in Honey

mindbrain says...

First thought: Ghostbusters II toaster dance.

Second thought: That's a lot of trouble to create science lab sound effect ambience.

Third thought: What the what?!

This guy is accidentally going to create the catastrophe that starts the zombie plague or worse. Molten nickel ball will be to blame.

Red Hot Nickel Ball in Honey

Largest Non-nuclear Blasts In History - Learning Channel

NicoleBee says...

It's always so damn weird when they shift the sound effect of a far away explosion to the moment it happens. It's even weirder when they leave the time delayed copy of the sound in as well!! *promote

Red Hot Nickel Ball On Ice

TYT Discuss the "Gross" GoDaddy Super Bowl Ad

Giant Dry Ice Bubble Experiment!

Two Cats, One Bowl

Retroboy says...

--touch-- Gimme that bowl

--drag-- Hey that's my bowl

--tug-- No, my bowl.

--snatch-- Look, other cat, I was here first.

--boop-- Don't make me get physical here.

--bat-- Take that, you. My food. Mine.

--whap-- Get OUT.

--slash-- How'd you like THAT?

...and this goes on for a while until they start reaching for weapons and I get to use the sound effect...

cat chow.

Yes, all this was for a horrid pun.


The Most Amazing Footage Of The Moon In Decades

Quick science sift #15: The "Leidenball" demo

mintbbb (Member Profile)

mintbbb (Member Profile)

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